7 research outputs found

    Tekanan, kebimbangan, kemurungan dan kualiti hidup mangsa banjir

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    Flood disaster is a phenomenon that causes stress, anxiety and depression to flood victims. This study was conducted to examine the differences in the level of stress, anxiety, depression and quality of life among flood victims based on demographic factors; and, to analyze the relationship between stress, anxiety, depression and quality of life. In addition, the most dominant factors predicting the quality of life among flood victims were also studied. A survey method was utilized for this study. Data was gathered by distributing questionnaires to flood victims in the district of Kubang Pasu, Kedah. A total of 294 respondents participated in this study. Stress, anxiety and depression were measured using the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS), while quality of life was measured using a combination of instruments; namely the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) and the Impact of Event Scale - Revised (IES-R). Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed to analyze the data. Results indicated that there were differences in stress, anxiety and depression according to race, age, occupation and income. For the quality of life, it varied according to race, age, and occupation. Results of the study also found no significant relationship between stress, anxiety and depression with the quality of life enjoyed by the flood victims. Results showed that the main predictors of the quality of life were anxiety and depression. The study implicates that improvements can be made by the flood management agencies to enhance existing management policies, particularly those involving recovery phases such as health services, medical, welfare and support. This may help to reduce the psychological impact and enhance the quality of life among flood victims

    Relating stress, anxiety and depression among flood victims’ quality of life in Malaysia: A theoretical perspective

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    Flood disaster is one of the events that have an impact on the lives of the individuals involved in Malaysia. Destruction and loss make a person feels depressed besides being worried.Even worse when the victims become depressed as a result of the incident. Flood events can be seen as a threat to the well-being of individuals both physically and emotionally.This article will discuss how stress, anxiety and depression are related to the quality of life and well-being of flood victims.The discussion is based on the Stressful Life Events Theory, Freud’s Anxiety Theory, Beck's Cognitive Theory of Depression and the Quality of Life Conceptual Model

    A legal comparative study between Malaysia and Australia on the hygiene level of food production / Johana Baidura Putri Johari…[et al.]

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    There are few types of laws that govern hygiene level of food production. In Malaysia there is the Malaysian Food Act 1983 which is the Parent Act and under it there is Malaysian Food Regulations 1993 and Malaysian Food Hygiene Regulations 2009. There are also similar laws that exist in Australia which is Food Standards Australia New Zealand 1991 and Australian Food Safety Standard 3.2.3. which is under Australia New Zealand Food Standards. However, although it is similar, there are many differences that can be seen in the Malaysian food law. This study is done to compare between the laws in Malaysia and Australia in order to improve hygiene level in Malaysia so that it is at the same par as hygiene levels in Australia. In addition, it is to give proper awareness to consumers on the importance of food hygiene

    Persepsi terhadap pengajaran dan pembelajaran atas talian semasa pandemik dalam kalangan pelajar Politeknik Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah

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    Malaysia bertindak melaksanakan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan apabila Pertubuhan Kesihatan dunia mengisytiharkan pandemik COVID-19 pada Mac 2020. Lantaran, pembelajaran kaedah tradisional iaitu secara bersemuka tidak dapat dilakukan, maka, pembelajaran atas talian atau e-pembelajaran menjadi satu kemestian di semua institusi pendidikan termasuk peringkat rendah, menengah dan tertiari. Oleh itu, satu kajian telah dilakukan dalam kalangan pelajar Politeknik Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah. Objektif kajian adalah untuk mengenalpasti kesediaan pelajar mengikuti sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara atas talian semasa PKP, mengkaji tahap persepsi dan motivasi pelajar serta mengkaji pencapaian akademik pelajar yang mengikuti sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara atas talian semasa PKP. Seramai 423 orang responden telah menjawab soal selidik secara atas talian. Data telah dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) versi 28. Hasil kajian mendapati majoriti responden melaporkan bahawa mereka mempunyai kesediaan untuk mengikuti sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara atas talian. Responden juga mempunyai persepsi yang positif terhadap sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran secar atas talian. Majoriti responden melaporkan bahawa mereka bermotivasi tinggi untuk mengikuti kelas secara atas talian. Kebanyakan responden mencapai prestasi akademik yang diukur melalui PMK adalah memuaskan. Dapatan kajian ini diharapkan dapat membantu pihak yang terlibat terutamanya pendidik dan institusi pengajian dalam merangka modul dan polisi pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara atas talian

    Habitat preferences dictate amphibian assemblage and diversity in Langkawi Island, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia

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    Various habitats found on Langkawi Island such as agricultural fields, peat swamps, lowland forests, upland forests, and riverine forests are occupied by many species of anuran fauna. These variations provide a platform to explore species diversity, distribution, and other ecological parameters to understand the distribution patterns and to facilitate the management of important species within particular areas. The objective of this study was to compare species richness of anuran species in different types of habitat on Langkawi Island, Malaysia. We surveyed seven types of habitat, namely agriculture (AG), coastal (CL), forest (FT), pond (PD), fisherman village near estuarine mangrove (FVM), riparian forest (RF), and river (RV). A total of 775 individuals were recorded, representing 23 species from 14 genera and six families known to occur on Langkawi Island. Forest (FT) and riparian forest (RF) (both forest habitats) indicated relatively high values of Shannon Index (H’), 2.60 and 2.38 respectively, compared to the other non-forest habitats, CL (1.82), RV (1.71), FVM (1.56), PD (1.54), and AG (1.53). Rank abundance curves showed that the majority of disturbed habitats displayed geometric series models and broken stick models, whereas forest habitat types (FT and RF) represented log normal models. The performance of species richness estimators varied but Chao 1 estimator performed well for many sampled habitat types and showed the tendency to coalesce with Sobs (Mao Tau) curves except for CL and FVM. As expected, the forested habitat (FT and RF) was more diverse in species diversity compared to those of non-forest groups. Nevertheless, non-forested species were found in abundance, highlighting the relevance of these habitats in supporting the amphibian fauna. This study highlights the importance of habitat types in structuring species diversity and community structures and suggest that the information may be useful to improve conservation practices of inland amphibian habitats

    IoT and LoRaWAN

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    The advancement in the field of digital communication and modern technology has introduced us the concept of IoT or simply Internet of Things. IoT has changed the way we do our daily works. Problems such as resource management, effects of globalization, environmental pollution are being handled pretty well with the IoT technology. All over the world billions of internets connected devices are used now a-days. As we advance with the IoT technology high power consumption and the short range of network servers are few issues that we have to face