57 research outputs found

    Emotional intelligence in soft skills: first-class human domain generating

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    The focus in this short study is to clarify the soft skills development by the emotional intelligence standpoint purposing for generate the first-class human domain (emotional, mentality and behaviour) as a human capital. Discussion on issues of human development scenario, the importance of emotional intelligence and the importance of soft skills will discuss in detail. The year 2020 is targeted by Malaysia to becoming a developed country with our own way. The exact aspiration is to develop the ideal human capital in balance with the emotional intelligence and acceptable mindset fitting the way of life from one generation to one generation. The stable country’s development in politic, economic and social field are significant to human value as mentioned in Maslow’s theories. Many of world civilizations always noted by the best achievement in the fact of physically facilities, infrastructures, level of literacy, stable economic status and political that able to influence the world order. Unfortunately, some of world society lives in absent of holistic value, inconsiderate, depression and lack of religion grasp. Historically Malaysia has been colonized by European around 446 years. Some of social, economy and political patterns influenced the Malaysians way of living. Some actions should be considered to preserve our valuable traditions, norms, culture inherited by our relatives from different demographical background. Those values supposed as the truly image of first-class human capital incorporated with the developing and generating the art of emotional intelligence in soft skills among Malaysian students

    Family Variables and Self Concept Variables (Part 12)

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    Dilaporkan bahawa kebanyakan anak sebenarnya amat mengharapkan penglibatan ibu bapa boleh menunjukkan rasa berminat dengan aktiviti mereka sama ada di sekolah atau di rumah

    Personaliti Ekstraversi Sebagai Moderator dalam Hubungan antara Kecerdasan Emosi dengan Estim Kendiri Pekerja

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    Dimensi personaliti telah mendapat tempat dalam asas penyelidikan psikologi. Ia dikesan boleh memberikan pengaruh ke atas tingkah laku pekerja di tempat kerja. Penyelesaian teori semata-mata tidak dapat membuka kunci isu-isu psikologi kerana ia berkait rapat dengan afektif, tingkah laku dan kognitif. Dalam kajian ini, isu-isu di tempat kerja adalah merujuk kepada personaliti, kecerdasan emosi dan estim kendiri pekerja. Tujuan khusus kajian ini adalah untuk menguji kesan personaliti trait ekstraversi sebagai moderator terhadap hubungan antara dua dimensi kecerdasan emosi dengan estim kendiri pekerja. Seramai 196 orang penjawat awam di Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) telah dipilih sebagai responden. Alat pengukuran yang digunakan ialah soal selidik Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised Short Form (EPQR-S), Emotional Intelligence Self-Description Inventory (EISDI), dan Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi hierarki. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kedua-dua hipotesis diterima. Daripada analisis ini juga, terdapat kesan sederhana personaliti ekstraversi kepada hubungan antara kecerdasan emosi (kompetensi persepsi dan penilaian emosi, serta kompetensi pemahaman emosi) dengan estim kendiri pekerja. Penemuan paling penting menunjukkan bahawa trait personaliti ekstraversi berfungsi sebagai moderator apabila hubungan di antara kecerdasan emosi dengan estim kendiri pekerja dapat ditingkatkan bilamana ekstraversi berada di tahap yang tinggi. Ini berbanding dengan tahap rendah ekstraversi yang menyebabkan hubungan kecerdasan emosi dengan estim kendiri menjadi lemah

    Psikologi seni pengurusan - momentum dinamika organisasi

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    egala pujian dan syukur ke hadrat Ilahi yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang atas rahmatNya sehingga buku yang bertajuk PSIKOLOGI SENI PENGURUSAN: Momentum Dinamika Organisasi, akhirnya sampai ke tatapan para pembaca. Dengan harapan agar ilmu dapat terus dikongsi bersama dan berupaya untuk meletakkan ketinggian ilmu di tempatnya sebagai panduan hidup. Buku ini ditulis dengan tujuan agar pembaca memperoleh sedikit sebanyak ilmu berkisar tentang psikologi dalam organisasi dan pengurusan. Dengan itu, pembaca dapat melihat suatu dimensi manusia yang mempunyai tiga domain utama iaitu minda, jiwa dan fizikal. Kekuatan dimensi itu diyakini berupaya membantu menjadikan manusia sebagai modal insan yang unggul dari sisi agama, bangsa dan negara. Buku ini menelusuri topik-topik utama yang merangkumi seni kepimpinan, seni organisasi, seni pengikut, seni pengendalian emosi dan cabaran dalam organisasi. Perbincangan bersifat ilmiah ini adalah sebagai suatu gambaran pada kesatuan epistemologi ilmu yang menjadi antara elemen utama dalam pembangunan organisasi yang terdiri daripada golongan manusia. Keupayaan dalam kerangka membangunkan sumber manusia sebagai modal insan yang berkualiti dalam dimensi minda, emosi dan tingkah laku kelas pertama adalah suatu tuntutan yang memerlukan usaha serta perhatian bersama semua pihak secara lebih kolektif dan proaktif. Perkongsian dalam buku ini juga dihasilkan secara sederhana sebagai suatu pemahaman asas dan seterusnya secara terperinci dan spesifik pada topik yang dibincangkan. Semoga input yang disediakan dapat memberikan manfaat kepada para pembaca dalam meneroka kepentingan menguatkan modal insan dalam organisasi. Semoga buku ini mampu menjadi panduan secara ilmiah dan dapat memberikan pengalaman yang berguna kepada para pembaca

    Domain Dimension of Family Relationships in the South of Johor through the Family Well-Being Index 2017

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    Institusi keluarga adalah suatu unit asas sosial yang teramat penting terhadap proses perkembangan, pembinaan dan pembangunan insan melalui kapasiti pembentukan modal insan. Pembangunan secara fizikal sahaja tidak bermakna jika tidak diselarikan dengan pembangunan insan berasaskan sifat fitrah. Adalah tidak mustahil jika berlakunya konflik dalaman sehingga mencabar institusi keluarga masa kini adalah antaranya kerana keluarga tidak dapat menangani proses pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi yang progresif dengan penuh kesederhanaan dan keseimbangan dalam keluarga, contohnya apabila berlakunya keruntuhan dalam interaksi keluarga sehingga wujudnya kerenggangan hubungan dan ketidakpatuhan ahli keluarga terhadap sistem nilai. Oleh itu usaha mengimbangi tuntutan pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi perlulah seiring dengan kemantapan hubungan dalam institusi keluarga, seperti yang ditekankan dalam Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga melalui dimensi Hubungan Kekeluargaan. Usaha itu adalah selaras dengan hasrat mewujudkan kesejahteraan dalam institusi keluarga yang melibatkan pembangunan individu dan keluarga secara seimbang dan menyeluruh dari segi fizikal, rohani, ekonomi, sosial dan mental. Selari dengan hasrat itu, satu kajian yang khusus untuk menguji Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga telah dilakukan ke atas seramai 319 orang responden yang mewakili keluarga masing-masing di daerah Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, pada tahun 2017. Untuk perbincangan dalam kajian ini adalah tertumpu kepada dimensi Hubungan Kekeluargaan dari aspek Sokongan Motivasi, Masa Bersama, dan Ambil Tahu. Dapatan kajian secara keseluruhan menunjukkan Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga bagi dimensi Hubungan Kekeluargaan adalah di tahap cemerlang, sekali gus memberikan interpretasi yang relevan dengan persepsi dan pengamalan positif dalam kalangan responden kajian, melalui pengujian domain Hubungan Kekeluargaan yang merentas tiga item utama.Family institutions are fundamental units of social importance in the process of human development, construction, and development, through the capacity of human capital formation. Physical development alone is meaningless if it is not accompanied by human development based on its natural nature. It is impossible to deal with internal conflicts and to challenge current family institutions because families cannot handle progressive social and economic development processes with simplicity and balance in the family. For example, when there is a disruption in family interaction, there is a loss of family relationships and non-compliance with the value system. Therefore, efforts to balance the demands of social and economic development must be consistent with strengthening relationships within family institutions, as emphasized in the Family Well-Being Index through the Family Relationships dimension. This effort is in line with the desire to create prosperity in family institutions which involves developing individuals and families in a balanced and holistic manner physically, spiritually, economically, socially and mentally. In line with that, a study aimed at testing the Family Well-Being Index was conducted on 319 respondents representing their families in the Pasir Gudang district, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, in 2017. For discussions in this study, the focus would be on the family relationships dimension in terms of Motivational Support, Togetherness, and Curiosity. Overall study findings indicate that the Family Well-Being Index for the Family Relationships dimension is at an excellent level, thus providing relevant interpretations of positive perceptions and practices among study respondents, through testing the Family Relationships domain in three main dimensions


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    Emotional intelligence is currently getting growing attention and earning a spot in psychological studies. Emotional intelligence can affect employees’ commitment within an organization. Theoretical solution per se is not capable of dismantling issues in organizational psychology as it is closely associated with affective, cognitive and human behaviour in the workplace. In this study, the issues in the workplace is referring to emotional intelligence, self esteem and commitment to the organization. The specific objective of this study was to examine the impact of emotional intelligence among employees which may or may not influence the commitment to the organization through employees’ self esteem. A total of 162 civil servants in local authorities were selected as respondents. The measurement tools used in data collection were Emotional Intelligence Self-Description Inventory (EISDI), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and TCM Employee Commitment Survey Revised Version (ECS). Collected data were then analysed using hierarchical regression analysis. The findings showed that emotional intelligence has a direct impact on employees’ commitment. In fact, emotional intelligence also provide an indirect effect on employees’ commitment when self esteem as a mediator is controlled. Employees’ self esteem is later found to function as a partial mediator that affects the relationship between emotional intelligence and employees’ commitment. The most crucial finding discovered that emotional intelligence among employees may strive to become more relevant with the increasing commitment of employees when there is an element of self esteem as a mediating factor


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    Emotional intelligence is currently getting growing attention and earning a spot in psychological studies. Emotional intelligence can affect employees’ commitment within an organization. Theoretical solution per se is not capable of dismantling issues in organizational psychology as it is closely associated with affective, cognitive and human behaviour in the workplace. In this study, the issues in the workplace is referring to emotional intelligence, self esteem and commitment to the organization. The specific objective of this study was to examine the impact of emotional intelligence among employees which may or may not influence the commitment to the organization through employees’ self esteem. A total of 162 civil servants in local authorities were selected as respondents. The measurement tools used in data collection were Emotional Intelligence Self-Description Inventory (EISDI), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and TCM Employee Commitment Survey Revised Version (ECS). Collected data were then analysed using hierarchical regression analysis. The findings showed that emotional intelligence has a direct impact on employees’ commitment. In fact, emotional intelligence also provide an indirect effect on employees’ commitment when self esteem as a mediator is controlled. Employees’ self esteem is later found to function as a partial mediator that affects the relationship between emotional intelligence and employees’ commitment. The most crucial finding discovered that emotional intelligence among employees may strive to become more relevant with the increasing commitment of employees when there is an element of self esteem as a mediating factor

    Integrity of employees: dimensions of human governance through the personality of leaders in the workplace

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    This paper is an analytical discussion on the integrity of employees from the dimension of human governance through the personality of the leaders in the workplace. Discussions are encircling the concepts of integrity, human governance and personality, impact, outlooks and challenges. In this new millennium, the world is increasingly emphasizing the development of human capital as a human resource in society, religion, race and nation. In fact, we do not deny that the development of human capital should be in line in the physical and material development of the country. Certainly we want the world to have first class facilities, but the soul of human capital and a first class mentality are most important. In the same fashion, all employees in a workplace or organization are human resources. There should be an ideal capacity of human capital in terms of human governance in order to produce quality work and have a strong value of integrity. Therefore, leaders in the workplace must have a high level of emotional and spiritual intelligence to be able to form a positive culture among employees and develop consistency of practice on an on-going basis, so that they become habits that give comfort to all parties in the working environment. The end of this paper will clearly show the need for all leaders to have good personalities that are based on the strength of their affect and mentality from the dimension of human governance to help enhance employee integrity and to enable workers to develop their human capital. Therefore, integrity among employees can achieve its optimum level and thus can help achieve the percentage of success in realizing the vision and mission of an organization

    Kepentingan penguasaan kecerdasan emosi (EQ) pelajar luar bandar : harapan dan cabaran dalam pembentukan modal insan berjiwa kelas pertama

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    Kertas kerja ini lebih tertumpu pada perbincangan kepentingan penguasaan kecerdasan emosi (EQ) dalam kalangan pelajar luar bandar bagi suatu dimensi pendidikan yang lebih bersepadu dalam pembentukan modal insan berjiwa kelas pertama. Perbincangan adalah dari segi takrifan kecerdasan emosi, impak, kerangka konseptual, harapan dan cabaran. Pemisahan jarak antara luar bandar dengan bandar telah mewujudkan suatu konotasi yang nyata berbeza yang diukur dari pandangan kasar sekaligus membawa nilai budaya yang turut berbeza dari beberapa sudut. Kejauhan seolah membuatkan pelajar luar bandar kurang mendapat pendedahan dan kurang pengalaman sehingga membawa impak secara psikologikal dari segi pembangunan emosi kendiri dan komunikasi yang pragmatis. Hal ini turut seolah menampakkan mereka kelihatan agak rendah diri dan malu menghadapi persaingan yang berkompetitif sehingga menenggelamkan potensi yang telah ada dalam diri masing-masing dalam menghadapi arus globalisasi yang semakin mencengkam. Maka kesannya kecerdasan emosi tidak seimbang dengan kecerdasan intelek yang memungkinkan pelajar luar bandar terus dalam dunia masing-masing dan kurang menyerlah untuk menghasilkan kesinambungan ilmiah dan rohaniah. Oleh itu, keperluan memiliki kecerdasan emosi adalah sama penting dengan penguasaan kecerdasan intelek bagi mencapai suatu keseimbangan yang sebenar dalam kehidupan. Kekuatan kecerdasan emosi mampu membawa kekuatan dalaman yang menampilkan personaliti lebih unggul serta berkeupayaan memperlihatkan pelajar luar bandar boleh berdiri sebagai seorang warganegara yang tinggi jati diri dan berani menghadapi kompetitif dunia luar sekaligus bijak menangani cabaran. Pemilikan utuh kecerdasan emosi dalam diri pelajar luar bandar juga akan mampu merealisasikan harapan negara untuk mewujudkan modal insan yang berjiwa serta berminda kelas pertama. Nilai positif yang terbina melahirkan masyarakat yang bercirikan nilai murni sebagai asas kukuh kehidupan yang bersifat sejagat di samping penguasaan ilmu yang membawa kesinambungan kegemilangan tamadun negara bangsa

    Maternity leave

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    A numerous off-days which a woman is legally approved to be absent from work in the weeks prenatal and postnatal recovery phase after giving birth defines maternity leave. It is stated that at least 60 consecutive days of paid maternity leave were entitled to all female workers in Malaysia if they have worked at least 90 days with their current employers in four months leading up to their confinement period, except for exempted categories (Employment Act 1955) During the maternity leave, female workers are entitled to be provided with all relevant contractual benefits and paid with full salary as if they are in an active employment excluding the benefits that are tied to active work. The right to resume working upon their return from maternity leave is also protected
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