655 research outputs found

    Dynamic simulation of task constrained of a rigid-flexible manipulator

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    A rigid-flexible manipulator may be assigned tasks in a moving environment where the winds or vibrations affect the position and/or orientation of surface of operation. Consequently, losses of the contact and perhaps degradation of the performance may occur as references are changed. When the environment is moving, knowledge of the angle α between the contact surface and the horizontal is required at every instant. In this paper, different profiles for the time varying angle α are proposed to investigate the effect of this change into the contact force and the joint torques of a rigid-flexible manipulator. The coefficients of the equation of the proposed rotating surface are changing with time to determine the new X and Y coordinates of the moving surface as the surface rotates

    Wall Compensation for Ultra Wideband Applications

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    Due to their low frequency contents, ultra wideband (UWB) signals have the ability to penetrate walls and obstacles. As the signal propagates through these obstacles, it gets attenuated, slows down, and gets dispersed. This paper demonstrates wall compensation for through-wall imaging, localization and communication receiver design purposes by first characterizing wave propagation through various building materials in the UWB frequency range. Knowledge of the walls obtained from the wall characterization is used to estimate and correct the position accuracy of a target object located behind the walls using three proposed methods namely; constant amplitude and delay (CDL), frequency dependent data (FFD), and data fitting methods (FIT). The obtained results indicated relatively acceptable measure of wall compensation for the three methods. Results from such work provide insight on how to develop algorithms for effective target position estimation in imaging and localization applications. They are also useful for channel modelling and link budget analysis

    An alternative proof of Godel's first incompleteness theorem

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    This proof of Godel's first incompleteness theorem doesn't require omega-consistency, nor does it refer to codes of negated sentences as in Rosser's. It begins from where Godel's usual proof ends, and stalks it till it ends proving it.Comment: 4 page

    The Role of Family Networks and Gender on Borrowing Behavior in Indonesia

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    In this paper, we use the nationally representative Indonesian Family Life Survey dataset (IFLS-3), to examine if access to loans from informal networks such as family and friends influences borrowing behavior in formal credit markets. Our empirical results show that there is a gender dimension to borrowing behavior, with females being more likely to receive loans from family members. However, access to loans from family does not lower their propensity to seek out formal credit. For males, access to family loans does not affect borrowing propensity but it increases the size of borrowing from the formal sector. From a policy perspective, our results indicate that education plays an important role in improving an individual's access to financial credit markets and reducing their dependence on internal networks

    Trajectory Planning of a Constrained Flexible Manipulator

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    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Dan Kompetensi Profesional Terhadap Kinerja Dosen Di Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the ability and the performance of the lecturers in the working motivation and their competence, to determine the competence of the professional lecturer performance and to determine the influenceof the employee motivation and their professional competence of the lecturer performance in Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (Bandung School of Tourism). The research method used in this study is a descriptive quantitative approach premises. The data used are primary data by distributing questionnaires to the respondents, with a total sample of 61 lecturers at the Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (Bandung School of Tourism) taken with Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique. The data was collected using a closed questionnaire with 5 rating scale (Likert). The results showed that working motivation in Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (the Bandung School of Tourism)is in sufficient category, the lecturers professional competence ability is in the good category, the influence of the employee motivation and the professional competence of the lecturers concur the performance of lecturers are in the sufficient category as well

    Metafuntional Meaning of the Ministary of Education and Research Policy on Education during the Pandemic: Functional Systematic Linguistic Study

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    The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), is trying to overcome the spread of the Covid-19 virus so that it does not spread further. In connection with this, the Ministry of Education and Culture has issued a circular letter from the Minister of Education and Culture regarding the implementation of education policies during the Covid-19 emergency period and a circular letter from the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture regarding guidelines for organizing learning during the emergency period. This research aims to reveal ideational meaning which includes expressive meaning and logical meaning. This research is a type of qualitative research. The data for this research are clauses that contain ideational meaning. The data source is quoted from a letter published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology regarding learning during the 2020-2021 pandemic. Data collection techniques are carried out through documentation techniques, reading techniques and note-taking techniques. The data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, inference and verification. The findings of this research are ideational meaning which includes (1) experiential meaning, and (2) logical meaning. The experiential meaning is, (a) the meaning of the material process in the phrase wash your hands, get used to a clean lifestyle . This phrase means living clean, preventing viruses,(b) the mental process in the phrase knowing learning methods contains the meaning of understanding, and in the phrase getting used to a clean lifestyle contains the meaning of habituation, (c) verbal process of the phrase implementing health protocols and hopefully we can share with each other. The first verbal phrase contains the meaning of prevention, and helping each other in dealing with Covid 19, (d) the relational process in the phrase being an ambassador for change and implementing cough etiquette, both phrases contain the meaning of preventing virus transmission, (e) the behavioral process in the phrase avoiding physical contact and the phrase limiting guests. This phrase contains the meaning of keeping your distance. (2) Logical meaning, namely the use of conjunctions and, after, as long as, because, as, as, and before. Keywords: metafunctional meaning, ideational meaning of policy, education, pandemic times

    Social Media and the Spiral of Silence: The Case of Kuwaiti Female Students Political Discourse on Twitter

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    The theory of the Spiral of Silence (Noelle-Neumann, 1984), explained why the view of a minority is not presented when the majority view dominates the public sphere. For years the theory of the spiral of silence was used to describe the isolation of minority opinions when seeking help from traditional media, which play a significant role in increasing the isolation. The fear of isolation makes many people afraid of exchanging their views face-to-face with others. The main fear comes from identifying the people who hold a minority opinion. However, with the proliferation of social networks people have moved online to exchange their views, whether they hold a minority or a majority opinion, as long as their identities are concealed. Although women are the majority population in many Arab societies, their voices are still considered a minority view. In addition to the effects described in the spiral of silence, there are other obstacles to self-expression. Religion, culture, tradition, and education may have a negative effect, preventing women’s voice being made public. Social networks have helped to promote women’s voices while removing offline obstacles. This paper uses the theory of the spiral of silence in relation to women’s online political participation in Twitter, even though they may not be willing to share their opinions offline (face-to-face), to learn whether the theory is still useful as an account of online relationships. The results show that the spiral of silence does not explain the behavior of women, either face-to-face or online
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