3,909 research outputs found

    156 Adaptive metabolic changes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa during cystic fibrosis lung infection

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    Level Crossing Analysis of the Stock Markets

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    We investigate the average frequency of positive slope να+\nu_{\alpha}^{+}, crossing for the returns of market prices. The method is based on stochastic processes which no scaling feature is explicitly required. Using this method we define new quantity to quantify stage of development and activity of stocks exchange. We compare the Tehran and western stock markets and show that some stocks such as Tehran (TEPIX) and New Zealand (NZX) stocks exchange are emerge, and also TEPIX is a non-active market and financially motivated to absorb capital.Comment: 6 pages and 4 figure


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    Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara merencanakan pembangunan Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) Sampah Regional Mamitarang dengan sistem lahan urug yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Wori, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Berdasarkan fenomena yang ada, masyarakat yang bermukim di sekitar TPA Mamitarang menolak pembangunan TPA tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui ukuran dari masyarakat tentang kemampuan dan kemauan mereka dalam tingkat kepuasan maksimum agar dilibatkan dalam suatu perencanaan untuk dapat menentukan rencana yang diinginkan berdasarkan kemauan dan kemampuannya dalam kepuasan maksimum. Tahap analisa dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif preferensi dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan masyarakat  yang tinggal bersinggungan dengan TPA Mamitarang  tidak memiliki kemauan untuk mendukung TPA Mamitarang sebagai Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir sampah dengan presentase indikator jenis produk/jasa layanan (23%), kualitas dan kuantitas (22%), utilitas pengguna (22%) dan perilaku pengguna (22%) sehingga perlu memprioritaskan indikator dengan presentase paling tinggi karena memungkinkan atau lebih berpeluang untuk menjadi positif yang dalam hal ini terkait pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat terhadap TPA Sampah Regional Mamitarang dengan dengan kajian rekomendasi yaitu program sosialiasi, kemudian dapat menunjang indikator dengan presentase di bawahnya karena saling terkait. Selain itu analisa kemampuan masyarakat menunjukan hasil bahwa masyarakat cenderung tidak mampu sehingga  Pemerintah perlu memfasilitasi dan mendorong masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah yang dihasilkan agar dapat bernilai ekonomis. Alternatif lain adalah dengan tidak memaksakan masyarakat yang tinggal bersinggungan dengan TPA atau pembebasan iuran retribusi sampah sebagai kompensasi. Kata Kunci : Prospek; TPA Regional, Sampah, Prasarana

    Divide-and-Conquer Monte Carlo Fusion

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    Combining several (sample approximations of) distributions, which we term sub-posteriors, into a single distribution proportional to their product, is a common challenge. For instance, in distributed `big data' problems, or when working under multi-party privacy constraints. Many existing approaches resort to approximating the individual sub-posteriors for practical necessity, then representing the resulting approximate posterior. The quality of the posterior approximation for these approaches is poor when the sub-posteriors fall out-with a narrow range of distributional form. Recently, a Fusion approach has been proposed which finds a direct and exact Monte Carlo approximation of the posterior (as opposed to the sub-posteriors), circumventing the drawbacks of approximate approaches. Unfortunately, existing Fusion approaches have a number of computational limitations, particularly when unifying a large number of sub-posteriors. In this paper, we generalise the theory underpinning existing Fusion approaches, and embed the resulting methodology within a recursive divide-and-conquer sequential Monte Carlo paradigm. This ultimately leads to a competitive Fusion approach, which is robust to increasing numbers of sub-posteriors.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Calculation of minor hysteresis loops under metastable to stable transformations in vortex matter

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    We present a model in which metastable supercooled phase and stable equilibrium phase of vortex matter coexist in different regions of a sample. Minor hysteresis loops are calculated with the simple assumption of the two phases of vortex matter having field-independent critical current densities. We use our earlier published ideas that the free energy barrier separating the metastable and stable phases reduces as the magnetic induction moves farther from the first order phase transition line, and that metastable to stable transformations occur in local regions of the sample when the local energy dissipation exceeds a critical value. Previously reported anomalous features in minor hysteresis loops are reproduced, and calculated field profiles are presented.Comment: 9pages, 7 figure

    Non-simply-laced Lie algebras via F theory strings

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    In order to describe the appearance in F theory of the non--simply--laced Lie algebras, we use the representation of symmetry enhancements by means of string junctions. After an introduction to the techniques used to describe symmetry enhancement, that is algebraic geometry, BPS states analysis and string junctions, we concentrate on the latter. We give an explicit description of the folding of D_{2n} to B_n of the folding of E_6 to F_4 and that of D_4 to G_2 in terms of junctions and Jordan strings. We also discuss the case of C_n, but we are unable in this case to provide a string interpretation.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of a High Nodulating Selection of Chickpea Cultlvar ICC 4948 on 5011 Properties of a Chlckpea- Sorghum Cropping System Yield and

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    Plants of widely different nodulation capacities occurring in a chickpea variety ICC 4948 (=0 130) and lat-er developed into separate lines were compared in ch ickpcap$orghum field. a experiment. The high nodul,'ing (liN) chickpca scl.clion produced only marginally h i g her' grai n yield (3.3·6.9%, mean or the two N levels) than th.'lt of the unselected normal variety and the: low nodulating (LN) sd�ction. Out t h e liN selection fixed signiricanUy more atmospheric nitrogen at low soil N (as measured by acetylene reduction a\.:tivity). and also liupported increased microbial plots activity in the rhizosphcre. Also. at low soil mineral N I.::vel. the microbial (lush C:N ratio in the of the of the liN selection was narrower (16.0) than that in plols LN (24.4) nnd nonnodulating (20.4) selections. (ncreased microbial activity. along with a narrower flush C:N ratio in the case. of HN seh:clions compared with the LN selection, lead to nil increased availability of N for the following sorghum crop. This resulted in an extra uptake of 20 kg N ha·1 by chickpea and! sorghum together. These studies indicated the benefits of liN selections of chickpea under low soil N and inigated conditions for increased N yield and incrensed microbial activity in a chickpea�sorghum cropping syslem These results are for I year only and suggesl tile need 10 s lu dy the cumul.tive crre� . of the high BNF lines on crop productivity over lime in a cropping systems perspective