1,691 research outputs found

    Development and optimization of a nonlinear multiparameter model for the human operator

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    A systematic method is proposed for the development, optimization, and comparison of controller-models for the human operator. This is suitable for any designed model, even multiparameter systems. A random search technique is chosen for the parameter optimization. As valuation criteria for the quality of the model development the criterion function - the comparison between the input and output functions of the human operator and those of the model - and the most important characteristic values and functions of the statistical signal theory are used. A nonlinear multiparameter model for the human operator is being designed which considers the complex input information rate per time in a single display. The nonlinear features of the model are effected by a modified threshold element and a decision algorithm. Different display-configurations as well as various transfer functions of the controlled element are explained by different optimized parameter-combinations

    Analysis of a VTOL hover task with predictor displays using an optimal control model of the human operator

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    The influence of different types of predictor displays in a longitudinal VTOL hover task is analyzed in a theoretical study. It was assumed that pitch angle and position are presented to the pilot in separate displays namely the artificial horizon and position display. The predictive information is calculated by means of a Taylor series. From earlier experimental studies it is well known that predictor displays improve human and system performance and result in reducing human workload. In this study, an optimal control model is used to prove this effect theoretically. Several cases with differing amounts of predictive and rate information are compared

    Prospects of a mathematical theory of human behavior in complex man-machine systems tasks

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    A hierarchy of human activities is derived by analyzing automobile driving in general terms. A structural description leads to a block diagram and a time-sharing computer analogy. The range of applicability of existing mathematical models is considered with respect to the hierarchy of human activities in actual complex tasks. Other mathematical tools so far not often applied to man machine systems are also discussed. The mathematical descriptions at least briefly considered here include utility, estimation, control, queueing, and fuzzy set theory as well as artificial intelligence techniques. Some thoughts are given as to how these methods might be integrated and how further work might be pursued

    Systems and methods for determining radio frequency interference

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    The presence, frequency and amplitude of radio frequency interference superimposed on communication links originating from a terrestrial region and including a relay in a geostationary spacecraft are determined by pointing a narrow beam antenna on the satellite at the terrestrial region. The level of noise radiated from the region to the antenna is measured at a terrestrial station that is usually remote from the region. Calibrating radio signals having a plurality of predetermined EIRP's (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) and frequencies in the spectrum are transmitted from the region through the spacecraft narrow beam antenna back to the station. At the station, the levels of the received calibrating signals are separately measured for each of the frequency bands and EIRP's

    Studies of planning behavior of aircraft pilots in normal, abnormal and emergency situations

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    A methodology for the study of planning is presented and the results of applying the methodology within two experimental investigations of planning behavior of aircraft pilots in normal, abnormal, and emergency situations are discussed. Beyond showing that the methodology yields consistent results, these experiments also lead to concepts in terms of a dichotomy between event driven and time driven planning, subtle effects of automation on planning, and the relationship of planning to workload and flight performance

    Monitoring and decision making by people in man machine systems

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    The analysis of human monitoring and decision making behavior as well as its modeling are described. Classic and optimal control theoretical, monitoring models are surveyed. The relationship between attention allocation and eye movements is discussed. As an example of applications, the evaluation of predictor displays by means of the optimal control model is explained. Fault detection involving continuous signals and decision making behavior of a human operator engaged in fault diagnosis during different operation and maintenance situations are illustrated. Computer aided decision making is considered as a queueing problem. It is shown to what extent computer aids can be based on the state of human activity as measured by psychophysiological quantities. Finally, management information systems for different application areas are mentioned. The possibilities of mathematical modeling of human behavior in complex man machine systems are also critically assessed

    Non-Linear Effects in Non-Kerr spacetimes

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    There is a chance that the spacetime around massive compact objects which are expected to be black holes is not described by the Kerr metric, but by a metric which can be considered as a perturbation of the Kerr metric. These non-Kerr spacetimes are also known as bumpy black hole spacetimes. We expect that, if some kind of a bumpy black hole exists, the spacetime around it should possess some features which will make the divergence from a Kerr spacetime detectable. One of the differences is that these non-Kerr spacetimes do not posses all the symmetries needed to make them integrable. We discuss how we can take advantage of this fact by examining EMRIs into the Manko-Novikov spacetime.Comment: 8 pages, 3 Figures; to appear in the proceedings of the conference "Relativity and Gravitation: 100 Years after Einstein in Prague" (2012

    Subpopulations of Chicken Somatotropes with Differing Intracellular Calcium Concentrations Responses to Secretagogues

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    Multiple secretagogues stimulate the release of growth hormone (GH). The present studies examined the ability of chicken somatotropes to respond to GH secretagogues with increased intracellular calcium concentrations ([Ca 2+ ]i ). It was hypothesized that there are subsets of the somatotrope population with different responsiveness to the various secretagogues. Avian somatotropes were identified and distinguished from other anterior pituitary cells, by their unique ability to respond to GH-releasing hormone with increased [Ca 2+ ]i with immunocytochemistry used as a post-hoc confirmatory test. Large increases in [Ca 2+ ]i (222 ± 16 nm) were evoked by thyrotropin-releasing hormone in only 73% of the somatotropes. Similarly, [Ca 2+ ]i was increased by perifusion with pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide in 85% and by leptin but only in 51% of somatotropes. Ghrelin acutely increased [Ca 2+ ]i in only 21% of somatotropes. Perfusion with gonadotropinreleasing hormone elevated [Ca 2+ ]i , but in only 40% of somatotropes. The kinetics of calcium transients and the magnitude of the response differed from those observed in the presumptive gonadotropes. It is concluded that there are subsets of the somatotrope population in the anterior pituitary gland with differences in their ability to respond to various secretagogue