32 research outputs found

    Montréal, ville créative : le cas de l’industrie cinématographique

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    Dans le cadre de cette réflexion sur Montréal, ville créative, cet article tente de présenter la situation de l’industrie cinématographique dans ce contexte. Premièrement, l’auteur explique le mode de fonctionnement de l’industrie cinématographique et son contexte international. Par la suite, le fonctionnement de l’industrie cinématographique montréalaise y est expliqué ainsi que les forces et faiblesses comprenant les forces de la demande locale, la présence et synergie avec les industries connexes, la disponibilité des ressources et les stratégies de dépassement ou d’internationalisation. On y retrouve la présence d’un processus créatif qui a su aider l’industrie cinématographique à se démarquer et tout en faisant bénéficier les autres industries culturelles et aussi en s’alimentant de celles-ci.Within the context of reflecting on Montreal, creative city, this article introduces the presence of the film industry within this context. First, the author explains the overall international film industry, then the strengths and weaknesses of the Montreal film industry, its importance, the synergies with other cultural industries, the availability of resources and its internationalization strategies are explained. There is the presence of a creative process that has helped the film industry to differentiate itself and has also benefited the other cultural industries as well as benefiting from them.En el marco de esta reflexión de Montreal, cuidad creativa, este artículo intenta presentar la situación de la industria cinematográfica en este contexto. En primer lugar, el autor explica la manera de funcionamiento de la industria cinematográfica y su contexto internacional. En consecuencia, el funcionamiento de la industria cinematográfica de Montreal se explica así como las fuerzas y debilidades que incluyen las fuerzas de la demanda local, la presencia y sinergia con las industrias conexas, la disponibilidad de los recursos y las estrategias de superación o internacionalización.. Nos encontramos frente a un proceso creativo, el cual ha sabido ayudar la industria cinematográfica a destacarse entregando al mismo tiempo un beneficio hacia las otras industrias culturales sabiendo también alimentarse de estas últimas

    Strong Interspecific Differences in Foraging Activity Observed Between Honey Bees and Bumble Bees Using Miniaturized Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

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    Central place foragers depart from and return to a central location with enough resources for themselves, and in many cases, for the group. Honey bees and bumble bees are eusocial central place foragers. Honey bees have large perennial colonies while bumble bee colonies are annual and considerably smaller. Foraging range, body size, and division of labor also vary between these two bee species. Honey bees use their unique dance language to recruit foragers to the most profitable patches. Bumble bees exploit patches individually and develop trapline foraging patterns. We expect such differences among bee species to engender differences in foraging activity. Moreover, variation in resource availability and in colony needs over the flowering season, can affect bee foraging activity. Finally, spatial variation in resource availability may impact bumble bees to a greater extent than honey bees due to their smaller foraging range. Using miniaturized radio frequency identification (RFID), we tracked the foraging activity of individual bees to and from hives at three sites and over five time periods. Pollen pellets were also collected from bees returning to the hive. We compared the European honey bee, Apis mellifera, and the common eastern bumble bee, Bombus impatiens. Linear mixed effect models determined the impact of bee species, time of season (period) and site, and their interactions, on multiple foraging metrics calculated from the RFID data and on pollen dry weight. Relative to honey bees, individual bumble bees made more foraging trips each day, resulting in a greater time spent foraging. A greater proportion of RFID tagged bumble bees foraged each day and bumble bees brought heavier pollen sacs to the hive compared to honey bees. Foraging bout duration did not vary between bee species and none of the foraging metrics varied among time periods or among sites. Both bee species brought heavier pollen sacs back to the hive at the beginning and the end of the flowering season. These results are discussed in terms of species differences in foraging strategies, size of individuals and colonies, and temporal variation in colony needs and resource availability

    Impact of Bee Species and Plant Density on Alfalfa Pollination and Potential for Gene Flow

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    In outcrossing crops like alfalfa, various bee species can contribute to pollination and gene flow in seed production fields. With the increasing use of transgenic crops, it becomes important to determine the role of these distinct pollinators on alfalfa pollination and gene flow. The current study examines the relative contribution of honeybees, three bumble bee species, and three solitary bee species to pollination and gene flow in alfalfa. Two wild solitary bee species and one wild bumble bee species were best at tripping flowers, while the two managed pollinators commonly used in alfalfa seed production, honeybees and leaf cutting bees, had the lowest tripping rate. Honeybees had the greatest potential for gene flow and risk of transgene escape relative to the other pollinators. For honeybees, gene flow and risk of transgene escape were not affected by plant density although for the three bumble bee species gene flow and risk of transgene escape were the greatest in high-density fields


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    This file indicates the total number of flowers (residence) visited by bumble bees and honey bees during a full foraging bout in patches of Medicago sativa. Residence indicates all flowers visited by a bee between the time it entered and left the patch


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    These data summarize the tripping rate of bumble bees, honey bees and leafcutting bees when visiting patches of Medicago sativa over two years. It includes the number of flowers visited in a raceme by a bee and the number of flowers tripped by a bee. A bee does not typically trip all flowers visited


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    This file describes the net distance traveled by bumble bees, honey bees and leafcutting bees during a foraging bout on Medicato sativa. The net distance is the distance between where a bee started foraging in a patch and where it ended its foraging bout

    Sex ratios in terrestrial isopods

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    Internationalization of the production process in the US film industry: the case of the United Kingdom

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    There is a complex relationship between US "runaway" productions and the British film economy. The attraction of the United Kingdom for runaways lies not only in the generous government incentives but also in the high quality studios and the production and post-production services offered by British subsidiaries. Although history and statistics indicate that an indigenous film industry depends heavily on the Hollywood studios, interviews conducted by the authors reveal that US studios and US independent film companies are themselves rooted in the industrial, institutional and personal networks in London where they distribute and produce film