348 research outputs found

    Zooming into daily life : Within-person associations between physical activity and affect in young adults

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    Funding The first author was funded by the LEAD Graduate School & Research Network [GSC1028], a project of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments. Acknowledgements We thank Laura Grube, Leona Hellwig, Parvin Nemati, and Sarah Schmid for their study assistance and all the individuals who participated and made this research feasible.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Überidentifikation von Lernstörungen bei Kindern mit Deutsch als Zweitsprache. Implikationen für die Normierung von standardisierten Schulleistungstests

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    This German prevalence study examined disproportionate representation of language- minority students among children identified with learning disorder (LD) according to ICD-10 (WHO, 1992). Most German school achievement tests used in LD diagnostics do not provide separate norms for language-minority students, and thus do not take these children’s second language status into account when evaluating their academic performance. Although this is likely to result in an LD over identification of language-minority students, little is known about the magnitude of this effect. Therefore, we compared the estimation of LD prevalence between native German speaking students (n = 566) and language-minority students (n = 478) when pooled versus group-specific achievement norms were used for LD classification. Three important findings emerged from our study: Firstly, and as expected, significant disproportionality effects occurred under pooled norms. Specifically, the likelihood of being diagnosed with LD amounted to 14–18 % among native German speakers and nearly doubled to 25–30 % among language-minority students. Secondly, disproportionality varied as a function of LD subtype: Whereas no disproportionate representation was revealed for arithmetic LD (F81.2), overidentification of language-minority students was found for verbal LD subtypes (namely, reading disorder [F81.0], spelling disorder [F81.1], and mixed disorder of scholastic skills [F81.3]). Thirdly, disproportionality effects were absent when group-specific norms were used for LD classification that controlled for second-language issues. Challenges that have to be met when testing language-minority students for LD are discussed. (DIPF/Orig.)Die Prävalenzstudie untersucht bei Kindern, die Deutsch als Muttersprache (DaM) bzw. als Zweitsprache (DaZ) sprechen, die Häufigkeit von Lernstörungen nach ICD-10 (WHO, 1992). Die meisten deutschen Schulleistungstests, die zur Lernstörungsdiagnose herangezogen werden, stellen keine gesonderten Normen für Kinder mit DaZ bereit. Es ist anzunehmen, dass dies zu einer Überidentifikation von Lernstörungen bei Kindern mit DaZ führt, da die besondere Spracherwerbssituation dieser Kinder nicht berücksichtigt wird. Dennoch ist bislang wenig über das Ausmaß dieses Effektes bekannt. Die vorliegende Studie vergleicht daher die Lernstörungsprävalenz zwischen Drittklässlern mit DaM (n = 566) bzw. mit DaZ (n = 478) wenn gemeinsame versus getrennte Schulleistungsnormen zur Leistungsbeurteilung herangezogen werden. Die Studie erbrachte drei wesentliche Ergebnisse: (1) Wie erwartet kam es bei Verwendung gemeinsamer Schulleistungsnormen zu einer deutlichen Erhöhung der Lernstörungsprävalenz bei Kindern mit DaZ. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Lernstörungsdiagnose belief sich für diese Teilstichprobe auf 25–30 % und war damit annähernd doppelt so groß wie bei Kindern mit DaM, für die sich eine Gesamtprävalenz von 14–18 % ergab. (2) Die Gruppenunterschiede variierten dabei in Abhängigkeit des Lernstörungstypus: Während keine signifikant unterschiedlichen Prävalenzraten für die isolierte Rechenstörung (F81.2) nachweisbar waren, zeigten sich für die verbalen Lernstörungstypen (d. h. Lese-Rechtschreibstörung [F81.0], isolierte Rechtschreibstörung [F81.1] und kombinierte Störung schulischer Fertigkeiten [F81.3]) signifikant erhöhte Prävalenzraten für Kinder mit DaZ. (3) Werden hingegen getrennte Schulleistungsnormen zur Lernstörungsdiagnose herangezogen um für die besondere Spracherwerbssituation von Kindern mit DaZ zu kontrollieren, nähern sich die Prävalenzraten beider Gruppen wie erwartet auf ein vergleichbares Niveau an. Es wird diskutiert, welche Herausforderungen sich bei der Lernstörungsdiagnostik von Kindern mit DaZ ergeben. (DIPF/Orig.

    Musiktherapie in Indien

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    Diese Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit der gegenwärtigen Musiktherapiepraxis in Indien. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die Methodik beschrieben, die verschiedenen Ausbildungsinstitutionen (The Chennai School of Music Therapy, Nada Centre for Music Therapy, The Music Therapy Trust India) werden vorgestellt und die Literaturlage wird quellenkritisch beleuchtet. Das Ziel der Arbeit war, durch eine 2-monatige Feldforschung in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi und Goa mit Hilfe von qualitativen Forschungsmethoden (dem ExpertInneninterview und einem Fragebogen zur musiktherapeutischen Praxis) Schlüsse über die Ausübung von Musiktherapie, die musiktherapeutische Identität und musiktheoretische und –philosophische Hintergründe zu ziehen. Weiters werden philosophische Konzepte zu Krankheit und Heilung aus Ᾱyurveda und dem Yoga und ihren Zusammenhang zu traditionellen Heilmethoden erklärt. Der Einsatz von Musik zur Heilung von physischen und psychischen Krankheiten wurde schon im vedischen Zeitalter beschrieben und steht eng im Zusammenhang mit Religion. Als Beispiele für überlieferte musiktherapeutische Konzepte werden das Nāda Yoga und das Rāga Chikitsa erläutert. Weiters wird auf die Ausübung der aus dem Westen stammenden klinischen Musiktherapie und die Verknüpfung von westlichen und indischen Konzepten eingegangen. Den Abschluss der Arbeit stellt eine Diskussion über die Rolle der Improvisation in der indischen bzw. westlichen Musik und ihre Verwendung als Arbeitsmittel in der (indischen) Musiktherapie dar

    Within-Person Link between Depressed Affect and Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity in Adolescence : An Intensive Longitudinal Approach

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Danijela Bacic, Hannah J€ockel, Lea K€ohler, Katrin Molsen, Marie Landenberger, and Annika Plambeck for their assistance with participant recruitment and data collection, Dale Esliger and Lauren Sherar for processing the accelerometry data, and Matthew Riccio for his helpful comments on the manuscript.Peer reviewedPostprin

    ADHD symptoms in adolescents\u27 everyday life. Fluctuations and symptom structure within and between individuals

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    This study investigated whether self-reported ADHD symptoms fluctuate substantially within adolescents from day to day, and examined the underlying symptom factor structure on a within- and between-person level. Method: Adolescents (N = 166) rated their ADHD symptoms over the phone on eight consecutive evenings (total ratings: n = 1,264). Results: ADHD symptoms showed substantial fluctuations within adolescents from day to day, as indicated by within-person standard deviations and intraclass correlation coefficients. Both a two-level factor model with three correlated factors (inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity) and a two-level bifactor model with a general ADHD symptom factor and a specific inattention factor provided acceptable to good accounts of the structure underlying daily ADHD symptom ratings on the between- and the within-person level. Conclusion: The study demonstrates that adolescents\u27 ADHD symptoms fluctuate from day to day and highlights the need for intensive diagnostic processes with repeated symptom assessments and interventions that address symptom fluctuations. (DIPF/Orig.

    Erioflorin stabilizes the tumor suppressor Pdcd4 by inhibiting its interaction with the E3-ligase β-TrCP1

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    Loss of the tumor suppressor Pdcd4 was reported for various tumor entities and proposed as a prognostic marker in tumorigenesis. We previously characterized decreased Pdcd4 protein stability in response to mitogenic stimuli, which resulted from p70S6K1-dependent protein phosphorylation, β-TrCP1-mediated ubiquitination, and proteasomal destruction. Following high-throughput screening of natural product extract libraries using a luciferase-based reporter assay to monitor phosphorylation-dependent proteasomal degradation of the tumor suppressor Pdcd4, we succeeded in showing that a crude extract from Eriophyllum lanatum stabilized Pdcd4 from TPA-induced degradation. Erioflorin was identified as the active component and inhibited not only degradation of the Pdcd4-luciferase-based reporter but also of endogenous Pdcd4 at low micromolar concentrations. Mechanistically, erioflorin interfered with the interaction between the E3-ubiquitin ligase β-TrCP1 and Pdcd4 in cell culture and in in vitro binding assays, consequently decreasing ubiquitination and degradation of Pdcd4. Interestingly, while erioflorin stabilized additional β-TrCP-targets (such as IκBα and β-catenin), it did not prevent the degradation of targets of other E3-ubiquitin ligases such as p21 (a Skp2-target) and HIF-1α (a pVHL-target), implying selectivity for β-TrCP. Moreover, erioflorin inhibited the tumor-associated activity of known Pdcd4- and IκBα-regulated αtranscription factors, that is, AP-1 and NF-κB, altered cell cycle progression and suppressed proliferation of various cancer cell lines. Our studies succeeded in identifying erioflorin as a novel Pdcd4 stabilizer that inhibits the interaction of Pdcd4 with the E3-ubiquitin ligase β-TrCP1. Inhibition of E3-ligase/target-protein interactions may offer the possibility to target degradation of specific proteins only as compared to general proteasome inhibition

    Alterations of peripheral blood T cell subsets following donor lymphocyte infusion in patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation

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    Donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT) is an established method to enhance the Graft-versus-Leukemia (GvL) effect. However, alterations of cellular subsets in the peripheral blood of DLI recipients have not been studied. We investigated the changes in lymphocyte subpopulations in 16 patients receiving DLI after successful alloSCT. Up to three DLIs were applied in escalating doses, prophylactically for relapse prevention in high-risk disease (n = 5), preemptively for mixed chimerism and/or a molecular relapse/persistence (n = 8), or as part of treatment for hematological relapse (n = 3). We used immunophenotyping to measure the absolute numbers of CD4+, CD8+, NK, and CD56+ T cells and their respective subsets in patients’ peripheral blood one day before DLI (d-1) and compared the results at day + 1 and + 7 post DLI to the values before DLI. After the administration of 1 × 106 CD3+ cells/kg body weight, we observed an overall increase in the CD8+ and CD56+ T cell counts. We determined significant changes between day − 1 compared to day + 1 and day + 7 in memory and activated CD8+ subsets and CD56+ T cells. Applying a higher dose of DLI (5 × 106 CD3+ cells/kg) led to a significant increase in the overall counts and subsets of CD8+, CD4+, and NK cells. In conclusion, serial immune phenotyping in the peripheral blood of DLI recipients revealed significant changes in immune effector cells, in particular for various CD8+ T cell subtypes, indicating proliferation and differentiation

    Establishing a three-dimensional scaffold model of hepatoblastoma

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    Introduction: Emerging technologies such as three-dimensional (3D) cell culture and the generation of biological matrices offer exciting new possibilities in disease modelling and tumour therapy. The paucity of laboratory models for hepatoblastoma (HB), the most prevalent malignant liver tumour in children, has hampered the identification of new treatment options for HB patients. We aimed to establish a reliable 3D testing platform using liver-derived scaffolds and HB cell lines that reflect the heterogeneous biology of the disease so as to allow reproducible preclinical research and drug testing.Methods: In a sequence of physical, chemical and enzymatic decellularisation techniques mouse livers were stripped off all cellular components to obtain a 3D scaffold. HB cell lines were then seeded onto these scaffolds and cultivated for several weeks.Results: Our newly generated biological scaffolds consist of liver-specific extracellular matrix components including collagen IV and fibronectin. A cultivation of HB cell lines on these scaffolds led to the formation of 3D tumour structures by infiltration into the matrix. Analyses of drug response to standard-of-care medication for HB showed reliable reproducibility of our stocked models.Discussion: Our HB models are easy-to-handle, producible at large scale, and can be cryopreserved for ready-to-use on-demand application. Our newly generated 3D HB platform may therefore represent a faithful preclinical model for testing treatment response in precision cancer medicine