51 research outputs found

    Development and biodiversity conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A spatial analysis

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    A better understanding of the relationship between economic development and biodiversity loss is of great relevance, given the current rapid extinction of species along with challenges born from the context of economic development in poor countries. The purpose of the current study is to provide a sound analysis, within the framework of an Environmental Kuznets Curve, of the relationship between economic development and pressure on biodiversity. Drawing on the most up-to-date data on threatened species from 48 sub-Saharan African countries, we used Maximum-likelihood and generalized spatial two-stage least-squares estimators to account for spatial-autoregressiveness in the dependent variable, as well as in the explanatory variables and in the disturbances of the models. We find evidence that supports an inverted U-shaped relationship between development and biodiversity imperilment, measured as the percent of threatened bird species. The results also reveal some species-level differences in the biodiversity-development relationship, since the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis doesn't hold for mammals. This analysis contributes to the literature by partially challenging the paradigm of a strictly negative relationship between biodiversity and development in a developing countries context

    Access to water as a determinant of rental values: A hedonic analysis in Rwanda

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    Etudes & documentsIn this paper, we study the determinants of rental values in urban housing markets in Kigali, Rwanda. In particular, we study the value of access to piped water; due to the high costs associated with installing new piped connections, renting a property with an existing connection is often the only way for low income households to access piped water. Our results indicate that extending the piped network to a new house will in many cases raise the rental value of the house enough to pay for the cost of installing the new connection in less than two years

    The environmental Kuznets curve for deforestation: a threatened theory? A meta-analysis

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    Although widely studied, deforestation remains a topical and typical issue. The relationship between economic development and deforestation is still at stake. This paper presents a meta-analysis of Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) studies for deforestation. Using 71 studies, offering 631 estimations, we shed light on why EKC results differ. We investigate the incidence of choices made by authors (econometric strategy, deforestation measure, temporal coverage, geographical area, measure of economic development...) on the probability of finding an EKC. After a phase of work corroborating the EKC, we find a turning point after the year 2001. Building on our results, we conclude that the EKC story will not fade until theoretical alternatives will be provided

    Addressing Contextual and Location Biases in the Assessment of Protected Areas Effectiveness on Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazônia

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    Using a remotely sensed pixel data set, we develop a multilevel model and propensity score weighting with multilevel data to assess the impact of protected areas on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. These techniques allow taking into account location bias, contextual bias and the dependence of spatial units. The results suggest that protected areas have slowed down deforestation between 2005 and 2009, whatever the type of governance. The results also evidence that protected and unprotected areas do not share the same location characteristics. In addition, the effectiveness of protected areas differs according to socioeconomic and environmental variables measured at municipal level

    A spatial econometric approach to spillover effects between protected areas and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Etudes & documentsProtected areas are increasingly used as a tool to fight against deforestation. This paper presents new evidence on the spillover effects that occur in the decision to deforest and the creation of protected areas in local administrative entities in Brazilian Legal Amazon over the 2001-2011 period. We also highlight the interdependence between these two decisions. We proceed in two steps. First, we assumed that protected areas are created to stop the negative effects of deforestation on biodiversity. In order to control for the non-random location of protected areas, biodiversity indicators are used as excluded instruments. This model is estimated using a spatial model with instrumental variables. Second, a simultaneous system of spatially interrelated cross sectional equations is used to take into account the interdependence between the decision to deforest and the creation of protected areas. Our results show (i) that deforestation activities of neighboring municipalities are complements and that (ii) there is evidence of leakage in the sense that protected areas may shift deforestation to neighboring municipalities. The net effect of protected areas on deforestation remains however negative; it is moreover stable across two sub-periods. Our results confirm the important role of protected areas to curb deforestation and thereby biodiversity erosion. Moreover, they show that strategic interactions deserve attention in the effectiveness of conservation policies

    Determinants of agricultural land values in Argentina

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    Etudes & documentsIn the context of the rapid development of the cultivation of genetically modified soybeans in Argentina, we conduct a hedonic analysis of agricultural land values. The main objective is to evaluate the impact of land tenure systems and agricultural practices on these values. Data on 338 parcels, located in the Pampas region, are analyzed. The tenure appears to be a particularly important variable. We find that plots rented either by physical persons or by companies are negatively valued in relation to plots owned. Results also highlight the importance, though not to a large degree, of a diversified cropping pattern compared to soybean monoculture. Soil quality, location of the plots, distance to markets, as well as to the nearest city, were also found to affect land values

    An empirical investigation of public choices for green spaces

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    International audienceWhile the social demand for green spaces is growing, the understanding of local public policies remains scant. The provision of green spaces is subject to market failures, hence they are publicly provided. Yet, the optimal level may not be reached due to government failures. This article highlights potential government failures incurred by the public provision of green spaces. We investigate the median voter hypothesis in a sample of 161 French municipalities. We shall assess various specifications for the provision of green spaces by differentiating operating expenditures and their surfaces. Finally, in order to compare alternative specifications of income and tax price used in the median voter model, we implement tests for non-nested models. The median voter model is weak to explain expenditure levels but is appropriate to explain the ratio of green spaces in the municipalities of the sample.</p

    Analyse économique d'un bien public local : les espaces verts

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    The densification of urban areas and their periurban extension tend to greatly modify landscapes and lifestyles in these areas. Urban green spaces are becoming essential elements of modern urbanism. These contribute to the sustainability of cities and are acclaimed by the citizens. Despite the existence of opinion polls on green spaces and government reports on the underlying issues, few economic studies have been devoted to them. Given this situation, a better knowledge and understanding of green space policies are needed. Their non-market characteristic leads us to the issue of the management of public goods. We identify the sources of market failures in order to highlight economic problems inherent in the allocation of green spaces. It stems a need to identify individual preferences and understand public choices through both a positive and empirical analysis. The application of the hedonic pricing method in the city of Angers can highlight that resident households give value to green spaces. Through the use of indicators derived from landscape ecology, we show that not only access to green spaces, but also their distribution affects the choice of residential location. The identification of a demand leads us to consider the local supply of green spaces. To do this, we construct three samples from a survey and geographic information systems. We test the model of the median voter for municipalities in the region of Pays de la Loire, and then we test the model of horizontal externalities in samples of municipalities in the department of Loire-Atlantique and the urban area of Angers. Our results show the existence of mimetic behaviour between municipalities.La densification des zones urbaines et leur extension périphérique tendent à modifier fortement les paysages et les modes de vie dans ces zones. Les espaces verts urbains deviennent des éléments incontournables de l'urbanisme moderne. Ceux-ci contribuent à l'apparence « durable » des politiques de la ville et sont plébiscités par les citoyens. Malgré la diffusion des enquêtes d'opinion sur les espaces verts et des rapports des pouvoirs publics sur les enjeux sous-jacents, peu d'analyses économiques leurs sont consacrées. Face à ce constat, une meilleure connaissance et compréhension des espaces verts s'avèrent nécessaires. Leur caractère non marchand nous renvoie à la problématique de la gestion des biens collectifs. Nous identifions les sources de défaillances du marché afin de mettre en exergue le fond des problèmes économiques inhérents à l'allocation des espaces verts. Il ressort de cette analyse le besoin d'identifier les préférences individuelles et d'appréhender les choix publics par le biais d'une démarche positive et empirique. L'application de la méthode des prix hédonistes dans la ville d'Angers permet de mettre en évidence que les ménages résidents accordent de la valeur aux espaces verts. Grâce à l'utilisation d'indicateurs issus de l'écologie du paysage, nous montrons que l'accessibilité à des espaces verts, mais aussi leur répartition, influencent les choix de localisation résidentielle. L'identification d'une demande nous conduit à considérer l'offre locale des espaces verts. Pour ce faire, nous construisons trois échantillons à partir d'une enquête et d'un système d'information géographique. Nous testons le modèle de l'électeur médian pour les communes de la région des Pays de la Loire, puis nous testons le modèle d'interactions horizontales dans des échantillons de communes du département de la Loire-Atlantique et de l'aire urbaine d'Angers. Nos résultats permettent d'identifier l'existence de comportements mimétiques entre les communes

    Evidence for Action: Approaches to Advance Gender

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