518 research outputs found

    Hyvän toimintatavan periaatteet

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    Luken työskentelyä ja toimintaa ohjaavat strategian lisäksi toimintatapaohje (Code of Conduct) ja Luken arvot. Toimintatapaohjeemme linjaa ne eettiset toimintaperiaatteet, joiden mukaan kaikki lukelaiset työskentelevät. Toimintatapaohje on siis peruskivi kaikelle Luken toiminnalle, ja se kertoo miten työskentelemme, kohtelemme henkilöstöämme, kumppaneitamme ja asiakkaita. Tutkimuslaitoksena meille on äärimmäisen tärkeää, että työmme on korkealaatuista, kunnianhimoista ja luotettavaa. Tutkimuseettiset normit, tutkimuksen neutraliteetti ja vastuullisuus ovat tekemisemme kulmakiviä

    Code of Conduct

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    In addition to the strategy, Luke’s work and activities are governed by our Code of Conduct and our values. The Code of Conduct outlines the ethical principles according to which everyone at Luke works. The Code of Conduct thus forms a foundation for all Luke’s operations and describes how we work and treat our personnel, partners and customers. As a research institute, it is extremely important to us that our work is of high quality, ambitious and reliable. Ethical standards of research, the neutrality of research and responsibility are the cornerstones of everything we do

    Luken vastuullisuusraportti 2020

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    Tähän Luken ensimmäiseen vastuullisuusraporttiin olemme koonneet esimerkkejä Luken toiminnasta ja tuloksista erityisesti vuonna 2020. Tutkimustoiminnan luonteen vuoksi saavutusten eteen on tehty töitä usein vuosikausia ja tyypillisesti yhteistyössä muiden tutkimuslaitosten ja elinkeinoelämän kanssa

    From food waste to innovative bio-based products

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    This Workshop on the use of food waste in the Bioeconomy outlined the potential of food waste streams from food and beverages industry sectors to produce added value bio-based products: food supplements, feed, sustainable nutrients for agriculture, bio-based chemicals, bio-polymers, bio-based food packaging, etc. The outcome of this workshop showed the best use of food waste in boosting a zero-waste circular economy at local level, by reducing resources depletion, and in fostering long-term economic growth. Workshop report</a

    Secreted fungal sulfhydryl oxidases: sequence analysis and characterisation of a representative flavin-dependent enzyme from Aspergillus oryzae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sulfhydryl oxidases are flavin-dependent enzymes that catalyse the formation of de novo disulfide bonds from free thiol groups, with the reduction of molecular oxygen to hydrogen peroxide. Sulfhydryl oxidases have been investigated in the food industry to remove the burnt flavour of ultraheat-treated milk and are currently studied as potential crosslinking enzymes, aiming at strengthening wheat dough and improving the overall bread quality.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the present study, potential sulfhydryl oxidases were identified in the publicly available fungal genome sequences and their sequence characteristics were studied. A representative sulfhydryl oxidase from <it>Aspergillus oryzae</it>, AoSOX1, was expressed in the fungus <it>Trichoderma reesei</it>. AoSOX1 was produced in relatively good yields and was purified and biochemically characterised. The enzyme catalysed the oxidation of thiol-containing compounds like glutathione, D/L-cysteine, beta-mercaptoethanol and DTT. The enzyme had a melting temperature of 57°C, a pH optimum of 7.5 and its enzymatic activity was completely inhibited in the presence of 1 mM ZnSO4.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Eighteen potentially secreted sulfhydryl oxidases were detected in the publicly available fungal genomes analysed and a novel proline-tryptophan dipeptide in the characteristic motif CXXC, where X is any amino acid, was found. A representative protein, AoSOX1 from <it>A. oryzae</it>, was produced in <it>T. reesei </it>in an active form and had the characteristics of sulfhydryl oxidases. Further testing of the activity on thiol groups within larger peptides and on protein level will be needed to assess the application potential of this enzyme.</p

    Effect of enzyme-aided juice production on the extractability and profile of berry anthocyanins

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    These experiments showed that the anthocyanin yield increased significantly in certain enzyme-aided treatments as compared to control

    Benchmark f¨ur ein personalisiertes Empfehlungssystem mit zeitlicher Segmentierung basierend auf Assoziationsregeln

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    In der heutigen Zeit ist es ¨ublich geworden, im Online-Marketing Empfehlungssysteme einzusetzen. Im Folgenden wird ein Empfehlungsalgorithmus vorgestellt, der auf Basis von Kaufinformationen mit Hilfe von Assoziationsregeln und unter Ber¨ucksichtigung des Zeitpunkts des Kaufs personalisierte Produktempfehlungen generiert. Des Weiteren wird ein Benchmark mit dem vorgestellten, einem auf Assoziationsregeln basierenden und einem ItemKNN-Algorithmus unter Verwendung realer Kaufdaten erstellt. Die beiden zuletzt genannten Algorithmen wurden der Open-Source Bibliothek LibRec entnommen