573 research outputs found
Medium versus difficult visual search: How a quantitative change in the functional visual field leads to a qualitative difference in performance
The dominant theories of visual search assume that search is a process involving comparisons of individual items against a target description that is based on the properties of the target in isolation. Here, we present four experiments that demonstrate that this holds true only in difficult search. In medium search it seems that the relation between the target and neighbouring items is also part of the target description.We used two sets of oriented lines to construct the search items. The cardinal set contained horizontal and vertical lines, the diagonal set contained left diagonal and right diagonal lines. In all experiments, participants knew the identity of the target and the line set used to construct it. In difficult search this knowledge allowed performance to improve in displays where only half of the search items came from the same line set as the target (50% eligibility), relative to displays where all items did (100% eligibility). However, in medium search, performance was actually poorer for 50% eligibility, especially on target-absent trials.This opposite effect of ineligible items in medium search and difficult search is hard to reconcile with theories based on individual items. It is more in line with theories that conceive search as a sequence of fixations where the number of items processed during a fixation depends on the difficulty of the search task: When search is medium, multiple items are processed per fixation. But when search is difficult only a single item is processed
Aquaculture effluents as fertilizer in hydroponic cultivation
This paper evaluates the prospects for utilizing aquaculture effluents as a nutrient source in organic hydroponic, as is the case in aquaponics. The development of organic hydroponics is dependent on replacing synthetic fertilizers with organically derived nutrients, such as those found in aquaculture effluents. Also, in hydroponic cultivation the establishment of a plant pathogen suppressive micro flora is part of the plant protection strategy. Therefore, both nutritional and microbial qualities of aquaculture water and organic hydroponic nutri-ent solution were analyzed and compared. Results showed both aquaculture water and or-ganic hydroponic solution to be deficient in a number of essential elements, although or-ganic hydroponic solution was closer to recommendations. The organic nutrient solution had the highest densities of aerobic bacteria as well as fluorescent pseudomonades. Levels of fluorescent pseudomonades in aquaculture water were significantly lower after passing through the biofilter. Qualitative analysis of microorganisms in an actual aquaponic farm would help to better understand the composition of the micro flora in this unique environ-ment and its implications for nutrient cycling as well as plant health.Detta arbete utvÀrderar möjligheterna att anvÀnda vattnet frÄn fiskodlingar som nÀringskÀl-la i ekologisk hydroponisk odling, sÄ som Àr fallet i akvaponiska odlingssystem. Att ersÀtta syntetiska gödselmedel med organiska Àr avgörande för utvecklingen av ekologisk hydro-ponisk odling. Dessutom ingÄr etablering av en sjukdomsundertryckande mikroflora som en del av vÀxtskyddsstrategin i moderna hydroponiska odlingar. DÀrför analyserades och jÀmfördes bÄde nÀringsmÀssiga och mikrobiella egenskaper hos fiskodlingsvatten med de frÄn en ekologisk hydroponisk nÀringslösning. Resultaten visade att bÄde den hydroponis-ka nÀringslösningen och fiskodlingsvattnet hade brist pÄ flertalet essentiella vÀstnÀrings-Àmnen, dock var den ekologiska nÀringslösningen mest optimal. Den ekologiska nÀrings-lösningen hade högst densitet av aeroba bakterier, sÄ vÀl som av fluorescerande pseudo-monader. NivÄn av svampar var likvÀrdig. Halten av fluorescerande pseudomonader var mÀrkbart mindre efter att fiskodlingsvattnet passerat anlÀggningens biofilter.
En kvalitativ analys av mikrofloran i en akvaponisk odling skulle kunna öka förstÄelsen av mikroorganismers upptrÀdande i denna unika miljö samt potentiell inverkan pÄ vÀxt-skydd och vÀxtnÀringscykeln
LÀtta och lika tv-nyheter? : En studie i mÄngfald och tabloidisering inom och mellan public service och det kommersiella
MĂ„ngfald i nyhetsmedier Ă€r ett brett omrĂ„de som flitigt debatteras och forskas. Ămnet Ă€r högaktuellt i tider dĂ„ mediefĂ€ltet och samhĂ€llet i snabb takt förĂ€ndras och nyhetsmedier i allt hĂ„rdare grad tĂ€vlar om lĂ€sare, lyssnare och tittare samtidigt som lönsamheten sjunker och uppsĂ€gningar och nedskĂ€rningar Ă€r vardag pĂ„ redaktionerna.
MÄngfald kan mÀtas pÄ flera olika sÀtt med hjÀlp av variabler som till exempel ÀmnesmÄngfald och geografisk mÄngfald. Det finns mÄnga förutfattade meningar som florerar i den allmÀnna debatten om nyhetsmÄngfalden, eller nÀrmare bestÀmt brister i den, och vad de bristerna kan leda till. MÄlet med denna avhandling Àr att vetenskapligt, bÄde kvantitativt och kvalitativt undersöka flera mÄngfaldsindikatorer i tv-nyheterna bÄde inom och mellan public service och det kommersiella pÄ ett allt hÄrdare konkurrensutsatt finlÀndskt mediefÀlt. I denna avhandling undersöks tv-nyheternas mÄngfald bland annat med hjÀlp av begrepp som ÀmnesmÄngfald, geografisk mÄngfald och genom mÀtning och jÀmföring av ett mÄngfaldsindex. FrÄgan om följderna av hÄrdare konkurens och eventuell mindre mÄngfald innefattar naturligt ocksÄ forskning och diskussion kring politicotainment och en kommersialisering eller tabloidisering av nyheter pÄ tv.
OcksÄ TV-Nytts speciella roll som Ànda svensksprÄkiga nyhetsmedium pÄ tv behandlas. Betydelsen av minoritetsmedia överlag diskuteras och TV-Nytts position och funktion granskas genom en undersökning av om mediet uppfyller sin roll och sina mÄlsÀttningar som minoritetsmedia och genom det ytterligare bidrar till mÄngfalden i nyhetsutbudet.
Resultaten av en mer omfattande kvantitativ innehÄllsanalys med stöd av en begrÀnsad kvalitativ forskningskomponent pÄvisar en förhÄllandevis hög mÄngfald i de finlÀndska tv-nyheterna. Det finns skillnader i nyhetsutbudet rent ÀmnesmÀssigt men ocksÄ andra mÄtt pÄ mÄngfald som form och presentationssÀtt tyder pÄ variation ocksÄ i graden av kommersialisering mellan TV-Nytt, TV-Uutiset och MTV3-Uutiset. Resultaten pÄvisar ocksÄ mönster som tyder pÄ att graden av kommersialisering av nyheterna Àr högre pÄ MTV3 Àn pÄ Yle. Intressant Àr TV-Nytts roll som enda svenska nyhetsmedium pÄ tv i Finland och uppfyllandet av kraven som stÀlls pÄ mediet som minoritetsmedium med tanke pÄ fosrkningresultatet. Medan Àmnesfördelningen bland de unika nyheterna huvudsakligen följer samma mönster som fördelningen ÀmnesomrÄden totalt i de enskilda medierna Àr det vÀrt att notera pÄ vilket sÀtt det svenska i Finland lyfts fram. Föga överraskande var det TV-Nytt som stod för svenskan, förutom vad gÀller rapporteringssprÄk ocksÄ innehÄllsmÀssigt. Men desto intressantare Àr att svenskan eller nyheter med anknytning till det finlandssvenska inte fick nÄgon plats alls i de övriga medierna
Clinical studies in multiple myeloma
Multiple Myeloma (MM) is an incurably disease of the bone marrow. It is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of clonal plasma cells (PCs) and leads to production of non-functional gammaglobulin. Clinical features include loss of normal bone marrow function, defect bone structure and kidney failure.
The first historical cases were described as âmollities ossiumâ in the 1840s. Atypical urine samples were described already in the 1840s but the specific pattern on electrophoresis of serum from MM patients was described in 1939.
PCs are highly specialized cells derived from B-lymphocytes. Every single PC produces a single class of antibody - one heavy chain (IGH) of IgG, IgA, IgD or IgE class and one light chain (IgL) Îș or λ.
Current evidence suggests MM evolves from a non-malignant state â MGUS, Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance.
Assessment of chromosomal abnormalities is powerful in predicting outcome and there are also data suggesting that different treatment modalities are more efficient in treating MM with certain abnormalities.
The first modern treatment attempts were performed in the 1940s with urethane. Combination therapy of melphalan and prednisone (MP) was invented in 1969 and remained standard therapy until early 2000s when Thalidomide and Bortezomib was introduced. Stem cell transplant as treatment for younger patients were evolved in the 1980s and is still standard therapy.
Paper I is based upon a retrospectively collected database of all 1837 MM patients diagnosed at 15 Swedish between the years 2000 to 2011. From this material, we selected all patients treated with melphalan and prednisone (MP) or MP with added thalidomide (MPT) in 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th lines of treatment, a total number of 888. A meta-analysis of six previous clinical studies comparing MP to MPT in previously untreated MM could show a 6 months benefit to MPT. In our study median OS from beginning of 1st line of treatment was 2.2/4.2 years after MP/MPT respectively, and in 2nd, 3rd and 4th line of treatment 1.8/2.9, 1.4/1.6 and 1.1/1.9 years (P < 0.0001, 0.003, 0.74 and 0.235). The benefit of MPT over MP was bigger in our study compared to the randomized clinical studies. Minor differences in patient characteristics could partly explain the difference, though the difference still remained after adjusting for these markers.
In paper II, we show, in a pan-Nordic collaborative study, with patients from Sweden, Norway and Denmark, the impact of chromosomal abnormality of gain 1q21. From a cohort of in total 930 patients, 347 patients, with known 1q21 status, were studied and divided into 3 groups; gain 1q21, other chromosomal abnormalities (del (13q), del (17p), t(4;14) and/or t(14;16)) (OA) and no chromosomal abnormalities (NA). We observed the most dismal outcome from the gain 1q21 group and best outcome in NA with OA in between, treating with conventional cytostatic drugs. Adding Thal, Bor or Len to treatment could overcome poor prognosis in the NA group, but not for patients with gain 1q21.
Paper III and IV were both based on a prospective clinical study on Lenalidomide (Len) naĂŻve relapsed or refractory MM patients, starting at the second line of treatment, in two parts, studying Len in combination with Dexamethasone (Dex). The first part, an observational study on LenDex in standard dosing up to 9 cycles with 133 participating patients showed a good response rate (79% â„PR)
and a median time to progression (TTP) of 19 months. At response, PR or better, and two more consolidating cycles, patients were offered to enter a randomized phase II study, randomizing between continuous LenDex treatment and Len as single drug. There was a statistically insignificant trend to better progression free survival (PFS) in the LenDex group. No difference in overall survival (OS)
could be shown.
In the fourth study we looked upon whether different single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member ABCB1 gene, encoding P-glycoprotein (P-gp) could have clinically effect on response rate and survival in the same patient cohort. P-glycoprotein is a transmembrane transport protein that is responsible for the extrusion of several drugs over the cell
membrane. It is localized, among others, in the intestinal mucosa and the kidney tubules and this protein could both affect uptake and excretion of several drugs. ABCB1 is known as a marker for resistance to different chemotherapeutic agents. In our study we could show no significant differs in response or survival data between groups with different SNPs in the ABCB1 gene in the whole
population, but in the low risk group according to cytogenetics, there was a significant difference in time to progression from difference in SNP in 1199G>A genotype, favoring patients with G/A over G/G genotype
In and out of slavery:The penal labourers of the early modern Danish-Norwegian state
I tidligt moderne Danmark-Norge blev mandlige forbrydere ofte dÞmt til hÄrdt arbejde i institutioner kendt som slaverier. Arbejdet kom bÄde hÊren og flÄden til gode. De stÞrste af denne type institutioner var Trunken (1620-1741), der var placeret pÄ KÞbenhavns flÄdevÊrft, og Stokhuset (1741-1860), der lÄ i det nordlige KÞbenhavn. Om natten var fangerne spÊrret inde i disse fÊngsler. Om dagen arbejdede de i stÞrre slÊng pÄ havnen eller rundtomkring i byen. Arbejdets primÊre funktion var opbyggelse og vedligeholdelse af statens militÊre infrastruktur, sÄsom skibe og fÊstningsvÊrker. Denne artikel bruger fÊngslernes fangeprotokoller i perioden 1690-1790 (4.300 fanger i alt) til at identificere de mange forskellige veje, som ledte mÊnd ind og ud af dette strafarbejde. Med inspiration fra Marcel van der Lindens arbejder med tvangsarbejdets globalhistorie bliver livet som straffefange undersÞgt som tre momenter: indgang, selve udnyttelsen af arbejdskraften og udgang. Hvert af disse momenter kunne tage mange forskellige former. I mange tilfÊlde kunne straffefangens liv endda forme loops, hvor udgangen af én form for tvangsarbejde blot var begyndelsen pÄ en anden. To individuelle livshistorier udforskes i artiklen for at vise den kompleksitet, dette i praksis kunne medfÞre
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