585 research outputs found
VĂ€gen mot Vitality â tillsammans men olika
Uppsatsens titel: VĂ€gen mot Vitality â tillsammans men olika Seminariedatum: 9 juni 2006 Ămne/kurs: Magisteruppsats i Organisation och ledarskap, 10 akademiska poĂ€ng (15 ECTS-poĂ€ng), Ekonomihögskolan, Lunds Universitet Författare: Johannes Fust Joel Singer Handledare: Robert WenglĂ©n Fem nyckelord: Ackulturation, sammanslagning, kultur, socialisation, organisationsförĂ€ndring. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte Ă€r att öka förstĂ„elsen kring företagsinterna sammanslagningar mellan olika lĂ€nder. Mer specifikt handlar det om att öka förstĂ„elsen för ackulturationsprocessen i dessa förhĂ„llanden. Denna rapport skall Ă€ven undersöka de anvĂ€nda teoriernas relevans. Metod: Undersökningen baseras pĂ„ semistrukturerade intervjuer med Ă„tta personer i Unilevers högsta nordiska enhet vilka alla Ă€r delaktiga i den förĂ€ndring/sammanslagning som i skrivandes stund sker. Undersökningen Ă€r av en kvalitativ art och har en hermeneutisk ansats. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs frĂ€mst av teorier kring sammanslagningar och ackulturation vilka ligger till grund för empiri och analyskapitlet. Empiri & analys: Unilever har en god förstĂ„else för förĂ€ndringens praktiska process. De har dock utvecklat meningsskiljaktigheter och oenighet i vissa sakfrĂ„gor och Ă€ven för projektets överlevnad, vilka kan fĂ„ ödelĂ€ggande konsekvenser för implementeringsprocessen dĂ„ inkonsekventa budskap kan komma att prĂ€gla den nya organisationen. Slutsatser: VĂ„r teoretiska upptĂ€ckt ligger i att teorierna Ă€r applicerbara i vĂ„rt fall och att de inte skiljer sig frĂ„n de kontexter de Ă€r tagna frĂ„n och vĂ„r studie. Mötet mellan individer legitimerar ackulturationsteorierna. Detta innebĂ€r att vĂ„r studerade förĂ€ndring, ur ett ackulturationsperspektiv, kan liknas vid en vanlig sammanslagning mellan tvĂ„ organisationer frĂ„n samma land
Changes in Congressional Oversight
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68007/2/10.1177_000276427902200504.pd
Local rigidity of Einstein 4-manifolds satisfying a chiral curvature condition
Let (M, g) be a compact oriented Einstein 4-manifold. Write R+ for the part of the curvature operator of g which acts on self-dual 2-forms. We prove that if R+ is negative definite then g is locally rigid: any other Einstein metric near to g is isometric to it. This is a chiral generalisation of Koisoâs Theorem, which proves local rigidity of Einstein metrics with negative sectional curvature. Our hypotheses are roughly one half of Koisoâs. Our proof uses a new variational description of Einstein 4-manifolds, as critical points of the so-called pure connection action S. The key step in the proof is that when R
Hydrologic indicators of hot spots and hot moments of mercury methylation potential along river corridors
The authors acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation: EAR-1226741 (to M.B.S.) and EAR-1225630 (to J.D.B.), and from the REG Trust (to M.B.S.).The biogeochemical cycling of metals and other contaminants in river-floodplain corridors is controlled by microbial activity responding to dynamic redox conditions. Riverine flooding thus has the potential to affect speciation of redox-sensitive metals such as mercury (Hg). Therefore, inundation history over a period of decades potentially holds information on past production of bioavailable Hg. We investigate this within a Northern California river system with a legacy of landscape-scale 19th century hydraulic gold mining. We combine hydraulic modeling, Hg measurements in sediment and biota, and first-order calculations of mercury transformation to assess the potential role of river floodplains in producing monomethylmercury (MMHg), a neurotoxin which accumulates in local and migratory food webs. We identify frequently inundated floodplain areas, as well as floodplain areas inundated for long periods. We quantify the probability of MMHg production potential (MPP) associated with hydrology in each sector of the river system as a function of the spatial patterns of overbank inundation and drainage, which affect long-term redox history of contaminated sediments. Our findings identify river floodplains as periodic, temporary, yet potentially important, loci of biogeochemical transformation in which contaminants may undergo change during limited periods of the hydrologic record. We suggest that inundation is an important driver of MPP in river corridors and that the entire flow history must be analyzed retrospectively in terms of inundation magnitude and frequency in order to accurately assess biogeochemical risks, rather than merely highlighting the largest floods or low-flow periods. MMHg bioaccumulation within the aquatic food web in this system may pose a major risk to humans and waterfowl that eat migratory salmonids, which are being encouraged to come up these rivers to spawn. There is a long-term pattern of MPP under the current flow regime that is likely to be accentuated by increasingly common large floods with extended duration.PostprintPeer reviewe
A randomized controlled trial of pharmacist-led therapeutic carbohydrate and energy restriction in type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes can be treated, and sometimes reversed, with dietary interventions; however, strategies to implement these interventions while addressing medication changes are lacking. We conducted a 12-week pragmatic, community-based parallel-group randomized controlled trial (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03181165) evaluating the effect of a low-carbohydrate (<50âg), energy-restricted diet (~850-1100âkcal/day; Pharm-TCR; nâ=â98) compared to treatment-as-usual (TAU; nâ=â90), delivered by community pharmacists, on glucose-lowering medication use, cardiometabolic health, and health-related quality of life. The Pharm-TCR intervention was effective in reducing the need for glucose-lowering medications through complete discontinuation of medications (35.7%; nâ=â35 vs. 0%; nâ=â0 in TAU; pâ<â0.0001) and reduced medication effect score compared to TAU. These reductions occurred concurrently with clinically meaningful improvements in hemoglobin A1C, anthropometrics, blood pressure, and triglycerides (all pâ<â0.0001). These data indicate community pharmacists are a viable and innovative option for implementing short-term nutritional interventions for people with type 2 diabetes, particularly when medication management is a safety concern
Objective: To evaluate and compare the construct validity of 5 participation instruments developed using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Methods: A total of 545 subjects diagnosed and treated for a spinal condition at an acute hospital were followed-up and consented to complete a questionnaire. Subjects completed 5 participation instruments (Impact on Participation and Autonomy (IPA), Keele Assessment of Participation (KAP), Participation Measure-Post Acute Care (PM-PAC), Participation Objective Participation Subjective (POPS), World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHODAS II)). In addition, each subject completed a health status instrument and a quality of life instrument. The dimensionality, convergent/discriminant validity and known-group validity of the participation instruments were assessed.
Results: A confirmatory factor analysis of the facture structure for the IPA and PM-PAC demonstrated adequate model fit. For convergent/discriminant validity, correlations were generally higher among similar domains of the WHODAS II, IPA, KAP and PM-PAC, and as expected the lowest correlations were observed with the objective domains of the POPS. Most instruments demonstrated known-group validity. Conclusion: Differences in the construct validity evidence of the POPS compared with the other 4 instruments were noted. To date, there is no gold standard for measuring participation, and clinicians and researchers should consider the type of information required prior to selecting an instrument
Photometry of Kuiper belt object (486958) Arrokoth from New Horizons LORRI
On January 1st 2019, the New Horizons spacecraft flew by the classical Kuiper belt object (486958) Arrokoth (provisionally designated 2014 MU69), possibly the most primitive object ever explored by a spacecraft. The I/F of Arrokoth is analyzed and fit with a photometric function that is a linear combination of the Lommel-Seeliger (lunar) and Lambert photometric functions. Arrokoth has a geometric albedo of p_vâŻ=âŻ0.21_(â0.04)^(+0.05) at a wavelength of 550 nm and â0.24 at 610 nm. Arrokoth's geometric albedo is greater than the median but consistent with a distribution of cold classical Kuiper belt objects whose geometric albedos were determined by fitting a thermal model to radiometric observations. Thus, Arrokoth's geometric albedo adds to the orbital and spectral evidence that it is a cold classical Kuiper belt object. Maps of the normal reflectance and hemispherical albedo of Arrokoth are presented. The normal reflectance of Arrokoth's surface varies with location, ranging from â0.10â0.40 at 610 nm with an approximately Gaussian distribution. Both Arrokoth's extrema dark and extrema bright surfaces are correlated to topographic depressions. Arrokoth has a bilobate shape and the two lobes have similar normal reflectance distributions: both are approximately Gaussian, peak at â0.25 at 610 nm, and range from â0.10â0.40, which is consistent with co-formation and co-evolution of the two lobes. The hemispherical albedo of Arrokoth varies substantially with both incidence angle and location, the average hemispherical albedo at 610 nm is 0.063 ± 0.015. The Bond albedo of Arrokoth at 610 nm is 0.062 ± 0.015
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