400 research outputs found

    Reforming the implementation of European structural funds: A next development step

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    The authors assess the performance of the Structural Funds’ implementation system in six Member States of the European Union. Considering the strengths and weaknesses, they develop a reform model for the implementation of European structural policy after 1999. The strengths of the existing implementation system lie mainly in innovation effects triggered by the Structural Funds' model of policy implementation. Its main weaknesses, inter alia, are an interwoven structure of the decision-making processes, an insufficient time management and a lack of in-built improvement loops in the implementation process. To overcome these shortcomings, the authors propose a strategic management and decentralisation model. It demands a de-coupling of strategic programming on the one hand, and detailed programming and implementation on the other. Under this model, the Commission and the Member State would negotiate on the strategic issues. In the framework of the agreement, the Member State together with the monitoring committees would be responsible for the implementation of the programmes. Strengthened feedback loops would help to assure the attainment of the strategic objectives. -- Die Autoren untersuchen die Leistungsfähigkeit des Implementationssystems der Strukturfondsförderung in sechs Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union. Vor dem Hintergrund der Stärken und Schwächen entwickeln sie ein Reformmodell zur Implementation der Strukturfonds in der nächsten Förderperiode nach der Reform 1999. Die Stärken des bestehenden Implementationssystems liegen vor allem in den prozeduralen Innovationen, die z.T. auf das Politikmodell der Strukturfonds und seine Kopplung an mitgliedstaatliche Verwaltungsprozesse zurückgeführt werden können. Die wichtigsten Schwächen sind u.a. die verflochtene Struktur der Entscheidungsprozesse, ein ungenügendes Zeitmanagement und fehlende inhärente Verbesserungsmechanismen des Implementationsprozesses. Um diese Schwächen zu überwinden, schlagen die Autoren ein strategisches Management- und Dezentralisierungsmodell vor. Sein Kern besteht in der Trennung von strategischer Programmierung einerseits und Detailprogrammierung und Implementation andererseits. Die Europäische Kommission und der jeweilige Mitgliedstaat handeln demnach die strategischen Teile der Programme aus. Im Rahmen dieser strategischen Vereinbarung ist dann der Mitgliedstaat für die Detailprogrammierung und Umsetzung der Programme verantwortlich, wobei er vom Begleitausschuß unterstützt wird. Verstärkte Feedbackinstrumente tragen dazu bei, die Einhaltung der strategischen Vorgaben zu sichern.

    Finite Element Based Tracking of Deforming Surfaces

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    We present an approach to robustly track the geometry of an object that deforms over time from a set of input point clouds captured from a single viewpoint. The deformations we consider are caused by applying forces to known locations on the object's surface. Our method combines the use of prior information on the geometry of the object modeled by a smooth template and the use of a linear finite element method to predict the deformation. This allows the accurate reconstruction of both the observed and the unobserved sides of the object. We present tracking results for noisy low-quality point clouds acquired by either a stereo camera or a depth camera, and simulations with point clouds corrupted by different error terms. We show that our method is also applicable to large non-linear deformations.Comment: additional experiment

    Estimation of Human Body Shape and Posture Under Clothing

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    Estimating the body shape and posture of a dressed human subject in motion represented as a sequence of (possibly incomplete) 3D meshes is important for virtual change rooms and security. To solve this problem, statistical shape spaces encoding human body shape and posture variations are commonly used to constrain the search space for the shape estimate. In this work, we propose a novel method that uses a posture-invariant shape space to model body shape variation combined with a skeleton-based deformation to model posture variation. Our method can estimate the body shape and posture of both static scans and motion sequences of dressed human body scans. In case of motion sequences, our method takes advantage of motion cues to solve for a single body shape estimate along with a sequence of posture estimates. We apply our approach to both static scans and motion sequences and demonstrate that using our method, higher fitting accuracy is achieved than when using a variant of the popular SCAPE model as statistical model.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Development of brainstem-evoked responses in congenital auditory deprivation

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    To compare the development of the auditory system in hearing and completely acoustically deprived animals, naive congenitally deaf white cats (CDCs) and hearing controls (HCs) were investigated at different developmental stages from birth till adulthood. The CDCs had no hearing experience before the acute experiment. In both groups of animals, responses to cochlear implant stimulation were acutely assessed. Electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses (E-ABRs) were recorded with monopolar stimulation at different current levels. CDCs demonstrated extensive development of E-ABRs, from first signs of responses at postnatal (p.n.) day 3 through appearance of all waves of brainstem response at day 8 p.n. to mature responses around day 90 p.n.. Wave I of E-ABRs could not be distinguished from the artifact in majority of CDCs, whereas in HCs, it was clearly separated from the stimulus artifact. Waves II, III, and IV demonstrated higher thresholds in CDCs, whereas this difference was not found for wave V. Amplitudes of wave III were significantly higher in HCs, whereas wave V amplitudes were significantly higher in CDCs. No differences in latencies were observed between the animal groups. These data demonstrate significant postnatal subcortical development in absence of hearing, and also divergent effects of deafness on early waves II–IV and wave V of the E-ABR

    Profitiert der Feldhase vom ökologischen Landbau?

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    European brown hare numbers have dramatically declined in arable land throughout Europe. Loss of food abundance and cover due to mechanisation and intensification of agriculture are suggested to be the main reasons for this decline. Organic farming should sustain higher hare densities because of better habitat quality and higher food abundance. In our study hare densities estimated during spotlight counts increased from eight hares per km² (1998) up to 55 hares (2008) per km² after conversion of the study site from conventional to organic farming. Reasons for this increase in hare density may be higher abundance of year-round forage and cover as shown by preliminary results of radio-tracking data. Organic farming sustains good habitat quality for European hares and enhances their densities. Conservation strategies should therefore promote organic farming as a management tool

    A Novel Center-based Deep Contrastive Metric Learning Method for the Detection of Polymicrogyria in Pediatric Brain MRI

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    Polymicrogyria (PMG) is a disorder of cortical organization mainly seen in children, which can be associated with seizures, developmental delay and motor weakness. PMG is typically diagnosed on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) but some cases can be challenging to detect even for experienced radiologists. In this study, we create an open pediatric MRI dataset (PPMR) with PMG and controls from the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), Ottawa, Canada. The differences between PMG MRIs and control MRIs are subtle and the true distribution of the features of the disease is unknown. This makes automatic detection of cases of potential PMG in MRI difficult. We propose an anomaly detection method based on a novel center-based deep contrastive metric learning loss function (cDCM) which enables the automatic detection of cases of potential PMG. Additionally, based on our proposed loss function, we customize a deep learning model structure that integrates dilated convolution, squeeze-and-excitation blocks and feature fusion for our PPMR dataset. Despite working with a small and imbalanced dataset our method achieves 92.01% recall at 55.04% precision. This will facilitate a computer aided tool for radiologists to select potential PMG MRIs. To the best of our knowledge, this research is the first to apply machine learning techniques to identify PMG from MRI only.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    IgG4-related disease: current challenges and future prospects

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    Ginkgo Extract EGb761 Confers Neuroprotection by Reduction of Glutamate Release in Ischemic Brain

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    Purpose - Ginkgo extract EGb761 has shown anti-edema and anti-ischemic effects in various experimental models. In the present study, we demonstrate neuroprotective effects of EGb761 in experimental stroke while monitoring brain metabolism by microdialysis. Methods - We have used oxygen-glucose deprivation in brain slices in vitro and middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in vivo to induce ischemia in mouse brain. We used microdialysis in mouse striatum to monitor extracellular concentrations of glucose and glutamate. Results - In vitro, EGb761 reduced ischemia-induced cell swelling in hippocampal slices by 60%. In vivo, administration of EGb761 (300 mg/kg) reduced cell degeneration and edema formation after MCAO by 35-50%. Immediately following MCAO, striatal glucose levels dropped to 25% of controls, and this reduction was not significantly affected by EGb761. Striatal glutamate levels, in contrast, increased 15-fold after MCAO; after pretreatment with EGb761, glutamate levels only increased by 4-5fold. Conclusions - We show that pretreatment with EGb761 strongly reduces cellular edema formation and neurodegeneration under conditions of ischemia. The mechanism of action seems to be related to a reduction of excitotoxicity, because ischemia-induced release of glutamate was strongly suppressed. Ginkgo extracts such as EGb761 may be valuable to prevent ischemia-induced damage in stroke-prone patients. This article is open to POST-PUBLICATION REVIEW. Registered readers (see “For Readers”) may comment by clicking on ABSTRACT on the issue’s contents page