23 research outputs found

    A global meta-analysis of soil exchangeable cations, pH, carbon, and nitrogen with afforestation

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    Afforestation, the conversion of non-forested lands to forest plantations, can sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide, but the rapid growth and harvesting of biomass may deplete nutrients and degrade soils if managed improperly. The goal of this study is to evaluate how afforestation affects mineral soil quality, including pH, sodium, exchangeable cations, organic carbon, and nitrogen, and to examine the magnitude of these changes regionally where afforestation rates are high. We also examine potential mechanisms to reduce the impacts of afforestation on soils and to maintain long-term productivity. Across diverse plantation types (153 sites) to a depth of 30 cm of mineral soil, we observed significant decreases in nutrient cations (Ca, K, Mg), increases in sodium (Na), or both with afforestation. Across the data set, afforestation reduced soil concentrations of the macronutrient Ca by 29% on average (P \u3c 0.05). Afforestation by Pinus alone decreased soil K by 23% (P \u3c 0.05). Overall, plantations of all genera also led to a mean 71% increase of soil Na (P \u3c 0.05). Mean pH decreased 0.3 units (P \u3c 0.05) with afforestation. Afforestation caused a 6.7% and 15% (P \u3c 0.05) decrease in soil C and N content respectively, though the effect was driven principally by Pinus plantations (15% and 20% decrease, P \u3c 0.05). Carbon to nitrogen ratios in soils under plantations were 5.7–11.6% higher (P \u3c 0.05). In several regions with high rates of afforestation, cumulative losses of N, Ca, and Mg are likely in the range of tens of millions of metric tons. The decreases indicate that trees take up considerable amounts of nutrients from soils; harvesting this biomass repeatedly could impair long-term soil fertility and productivity in some locations. Based on this study and a review of other literature, we suggest that proper site preparation and sustainable harvest practices, such as avoiding the removal or burning of harvest residue, could minimize the impact of afforestation on soils. These sustainable practices would in turn slow soil compaction, erosion, and organic matter loss, maintaining soil fertility to the greatest extent possible

    Soil C and N Changes with Afforestation of Grasslands Across Gradients of Precipitation and Plantation Age

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    Afforestation, the conversion of unforested lands to forests, is a tool for sequestering anthropogenic carbon dioxide into plant biomass. However, in addition to altering biomass, afforestation can have substantial effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) pools, some of which have much longer turnover times than plant biomass. An increasing body of evidence suggests that the effect of afforestation on SOC may depend on mean annual precipitation (MAP). The goal of this study was to test how labile and bulk pools of SOC and total soil nitrogen (TN) change with afforestation across a rainfall gradient of 600–1500 mm in the Rio de la Plata grasslands of Argentina and Uruguay. The sites were all former grasslands planted with Eucalyptus spp. Overall, we found that afforestation increased (up to 1012 kg C·ha−1·yr−1) or decreased (as much as 1294 kg C·ha−1·yr−1) SOC pools in this region and that these changes were significantly related to MAP. Drier sites gained, and wetter sites lost, SOC and TN (r2 = 0.59, P = 0.003; and r2 = 0.57, P = 0.004, respectively). Labile C and N in microbial biomass and extractable soil pools followed similar patterns to bulk SOC and TN. Interestingly, drier sites gained more SOC and TN as plantations aged, while losses reversed as plantations aged in wet sites, suggesting that plantation age in addition to precipitation is a critical driver of changes in soil organic matter with afforestation. This new evidence implies that longer intervals between harvests for plantations could improve SOC storage, ameliorating the negative trends found in humid sites. Our results suggest that the value of afforestation as a carbon sequestration tool should be considered in the context of precipitation and age of the forest stand

    Agroecology in large scale farming:A research agenda

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    Agroecology promises a third way between common global agriculture tradeoffs such as food production and nature conservation, environmental sustainability and ecosystem services. However, most successful examples of mainstreaming agroecology come from smallholder, family agriculture, that represents only about 30% of the world agricultural area. Mainstreaming agroecology among large scale farmers is urgently needed, but it requires addressing specific questions in research, technology and policy development to support sustainable transitions. Here we take stock of the existing knowledge on some key aspects necessary to support agroecological transitions in large scale farming, considering two contrasting starting points: highly subsidized and heavily taxed agricultural contexts, represented here by the examples of Western Europe and temperate South America. We summarize existing knowledge and gaps around service crops, arthropod-mediated functions, landscape and watershed regulation, graze-based livestock, nature-inclusive landscapes, and policy mechanisms to support transitions. We propose a research agenda for agroecology in large scale farming organized in five domains: (i) Breeding for diversity, (ii) Scalable complexity, (iii) Managing cycles beyond fields and farms, (iv) Sharing the cultivated landscape, and (v) Co-innovation with farmers, value chains and policy makers. Agroecology may result in a renewed impetus in large scale farming, to attract the youth, foster clean technological innovation, and to promote a new generation of large-scale farmers that take pride in contributing to feeding the world while serving the planet and its people

    Protecting climate with forests

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    Policies for climate mitigation on land rarely acknowledge biophysical factors, such as reflectivity, evaporation, and surface roughness. Yet such factors can alter temperatures much more than carbon sequestration does, and often in a conflicting way. We outline a framework for examining biophysical factors in mitigation policies and provide some best-practice recommendations based on that framework. Tropical projects-avoided deforestation, forest restoration, and afforestation-provide the greatest climate value, because carbon storage and biophysics align to cool the Earth. In contrast, the climate benefits of carbon storage are often counteracted in boreal and other snow-covered regions, where darker trees trap more heat than snow does. Managers can increase the climate benefit of some forest projects by using more reflective and deciduous species and through urban forestry projects that reduce energy use. Ignoring biophysical interactions could result in millions of dollars being invested in some mitigation projects that provide little climate benefit or, worse, are counter-productive

    Ten facts about land systems for sustainability

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    Land use is central to addressing sustainability issues, including biodiversity conservation, climate change, food security, poverty alleviation, and sustainable energy. In this paper, we synthesize knowledge accumulated in land system science, the integrated study of terrestrial social-ecological systems, into 10 hard truths that have strong, general, empirical support. These facts help to explain the challenges of achieving sustainability in land use and thus also point toward solutions. The 10 facts are as follows: 1) Meanings and values of land are socially constructed and contested; 2) land systems exhibit complex behaviors with abrupt, hard-to-predict changes; 3) irreversible changes and path dependence are common features of land systems; 4) some land uses have a small footprint but very large impacts; 5) drivers and impacts of land-use change are globally interconnected and spill over to distant locations; 6) humanity lives on a used planet where all land provides benefits to societies; 7) land-use change usually entails trade-offs between different benefits—"win–wins" are thus rare; 8) land tenure and land-use claims are often unclear, overlapping, and contested; 9) the benefits and burdens from land are unequally distributed; and 10) land users have multiple, sometimes conflicting, ideas of what social and environmental justice entails. The facts have implications for governance, but do not provide fixed answers. Instead they constitute a set of core principles which can guide scientists, policy makers, and practitioners toward meeting sustainability challenges in land use.The European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program; the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Innovative Training Network actions under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme; the “María de Maeztu” Programme for Units of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; the NASA Land-Cover Land-Use Change Program; the Swiss Academy of Sciences; the National Research Foundation’s Rated Researcher’s Award; the UK Natural Environment Research Council Landscape Decisions Fellowship; and the “Nature4SDGs” project funded by NERC-Formas-DBT [UK Natural Environment Research Council-Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development-Indian Department of Biotechnology (from the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India)].https://www.pnas.orghj2022BiochemistryForestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)GeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Water and nitrate exchange between cultivated ecosystems and groundwater in the Rolling Pampas

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    Understanding nitrogen (N) exchange between cultivated ecosystems and groundwater becomes crucial in the Rolling Pampas where high and variable water table levels are accompanied by increasing N-fertilization rates. Field monitoring of crops, soils and groundwater was combined with modeling to evaluate bidirectional flows (from terrestrial ecosystems to aquifers and vice versa) of water and N throughout a 10-year period (1998–2007) of highly variable precipitation (760–1506 mm year−1) and water table depths (6.5 to 45 mg l−1) during periods of high water table levels (<3 m deep). Groundwater chloride concentrations increased with depth in piezometers at UP and MS, but showed the opposite trend at TS during periods of high water table levels, suggesting evaporative discharge at this position. The lateral hydraulic gradient (moving energy) between MS and TS ranged from −0.1 to 0.4% and was negatively correlated with water table depth at TS (R2 = 0.23, p < 0.001, n = 79) indicating that groundwater flow towards TS increased as the water table level rose. A capillary transport model (UPFLOW) suggested that at TS groundwater supplied an important amount of water and solutes to crops with corn obtaining approximately half of its water needs (228–413 mm) and one fourth of its N requirement (38–76 kg ha−1) from groundwater. Water and N supply from groundwater may have explained the higher biomass and grain yield in the lower positions of each plot with regard to the rest of the area. Our results suggest that the Rolling Pampas landscapes can switch from a typical recharge behavior to a recharge–discharge one following extended rainy periods that rise water table levels and hydraulic gradients, favoring water and solute transport towards the lower positions of the landscape and local concentration of solutes by groundwater consumption, simultaneously affecting groundwater quality.EEA PergaminoFil: Portela, Silvina Isabel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Laboratorio de Suelos; ArgentinaFil: Andriulo, Adrián. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Departamento de Laboratorio de Suelo; ArgentinaFil: Jobbágy, Esteban G. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada San Luis. Grupo de Estudios Ambientales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET); ArgentinaFil: Sasal, María Carolina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Paraná; Argentin

    Fertilizer vs. organic matter contributions to nitrogen leaching in cropping systems of the Pampas: 15N application in field lysimeters

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    Nitrogen (N) export from soils to streams and groundwater under the intensifying cropping schemes of the Pampas is modest compared to intensively cultivated basins of Europe and North America; however, a slow N enrichment of water resources has been suggested. We (1) analyzed the fate of fertilizer N and (2) evaluated the contribution of fertilizer and soil organic matter (SOM) to N leaching under the typical cropping conditions of the Pampas. Fertilizer N was applied as 15N-labeled ammonium sulfate to corn (in a corn/soybean rotation) sown under zero tillage in filled-in lysimeters containing two soils of different texture representative of the Pampean region (52 and 78 kg N ha-1, added to the silt loam and sandy loam soil, respectively). Total fertilizer recovery at corn harvest averaged 84 and 64% for the silt loam and sandy loam lysimeters, respectively. Most fertilizer N was removed with plant biomass (39%) or remained immobilized in the soil (29 and 15%, for the silt loam and sandy loam soil, respectively) whereas its loss through drainage was negligible (<0.01%).We presume that the unaccounted fertilizer N losses were related to volatilization and denitrification. Throughout the corn growing season, subsequent fallow and soybean crop, which took place during an exceptionally dry period, the fertilizer N immobilized in the organic pool remained stable, and N leaching was scarce (7.5 kg N ha-1), similar at both soils, and had a low contribution of fertilizer N (0–3.5%), implying that >96% of the leached N was derived fromSOMmineralization. The inherent highSOM of Pampean soils and the favorable climatic conditions are likely to propitiate year-round production of nitrate, favoring its participation in crop nutrition and leaching. The presence of 15N in drainage water, however, suggests that fertilizer N leaching could become significant in situations with higher fertilization rates or more rainy seasons

    Late Holocene environmental and hydro-climatic variability inferred from a shallow lake record, blowout dunes, Argentinian western Pampas, South America

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    The Pampas plains of southern South America were predominantly dry, eolian-shaped landscapes, besides some interposed humid phases, during most of the late Pleistocene-Middle Holocene, evolving to humid-subhumid grasslands hosting an increasingly large number of shallow lakes in the late Holocene. These lakes proved to preserve in their sediments worthy evidence to interpret past environmental-ecological conditions, offering tools to analyze climatic variability and human impacts during the last millennia. This is the case of the shallow lake Primera Laguna, located in the western and driest edge of the Pampas. Here, we present a multiproxy study from this shallow lake with the aims of contributing to reconstruct its past stages, infer the climatic scenarios that drove its evolution, evaluate the potential anthropogenic role in these changes, and correlate/analyze this record with available data from other Pampean lakes. We analyzed a high-resolution palynological record, accompanied by macroscopic charcoal accumulation rates, C/N, C and N stable isotopes, magnetic susceptibility, and sediment geochemistry, of a 41-cm long sediment core, extracted from the deepest sector of the lake. An age-depth model based on AMS chronology indicates a preserved lake history for the past similar to 1400 cal yr BP. Ecological and sedimentological interpretations allowed us to propose four main periods during this time lapse. For the first period (1375-1069 cal yr BP, 575-881 CE), the integrative interpretation indicates a very low shallow lake -mostly oligotrophic, alkaline, and clear water-, dominated by the accumulation of epiclastic silty fine sand from the surrounded eolian landscape and covered by xerophytic vegetation. In the second period, between 1069 and 738 cal yr BP (881-1212 CE), we inferred a trend to rising lake levels and mesotrophic conditions, and more pollen taxa than the previous period, and with lake margins dominated by cattails and sedges. The third period (738-193 cal yr BP, 1212-1757 CE) was characterized by more variable and lower lake levels compared to previous periods and more frequent desiccation processes at the lake margins. Then, during the fourth period (last 195 cal yr, 1757-2015 CE), there was a gradual transition towards a larger and more stable shallow lake with a deeper water column, and under a turbid state probably related to eutrophication. From the comparison between Primera Laguna record and the previously studied Nassau shallow lake, located in the same eolian landscape, we found a synchronic evolution, implying common drivers of change in terms of climatic variability and human impact. Correlation with shallow lakes from the more humid belt of the Pampas suggests widespread increases of water availability in the region since-1500 cal yr BP, variable/lower lake levels during-600-200 cal yr BP, and a shift to positive hydrological balances up to the present highstands