6 research outputs found

    A Computer Simulation Model of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Agri-Food Enterprises

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     System dynamics is an appropriate tool to build management models due to its ease of application in solving unstructured problems. In the twenty-first century the sustainability of organizations is influenced by the way it manages its knowledge. In this sense, knowledge management (KM) represents a strategy that contributes to improving the production supply chain (SC) of the agri-food industry (AFI). The objective of this research is to develop a computer model to simulate the effect of KM on the production of AFI. The methodology applied was that of the system dynamics by using the Vensim PLE ® v. 5.10 software, whose determining indicators were selected through an empirical study of KM in the SC of precooked corn flour industry in Venezuela. The study concluded that the balanced implementation of KM practices in the strategic dimension and in the functional dimension achieved an increase in production through the stabilization of the system. Further evaluation of the methodology developed in other agro-industrial environments is recommended

    Improved energy efficiency in wineries using data from audits

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    The wine production process has a high energy demand of about 1,750 million kWh per year in the EU. Saving energy, responsible consumption and efficient use of energy sources are key aspects to consider for the competitiveness and viability of the sector. Therefore, the TESLA project (Transfering Energy Save Laid on Agroindustry), funded by the European Commission, has conducted 39 energy audits in wineries from four countries (Spain, France, Portugal and Italy). The information collected has allowed them to carry out a comparative analysis of energy efficiency measures through a technical-economic study, calculating the period of return on investment and performing a sensitivity analysis to determine the break-even point for each of the investments analysed. The results show that the replacement of chillers by more efficient ones, the installation of variable speed drives on pumps, the introduction of management and control measures such as the implementation of a Building Management System (BMS) and the installation of energy analysers for identification of consumption by use are the measures that have the greatest quantitative impact

    Identifying Strategies for Energy Consumption Reduction and Energy Efficiency Improvement in Fruit and Vegetable Producing Cooperatives: A Case Study in the Frame of TESLA Project☆

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    Abstract TESLA (Transfering Energy Save Laid on Agroindustry) is a EU project pointing to the reduction of energy consumption and the improvement of energy efficiency in key agro-food sectors' cooperatives, as those processing fruit and vegetables. After a general analysis of energy consumptions during the first phase of the project, the processes responsible for the higher energy consumptions in these fruit and vegetable industries, as cold storage, have been identified. In the second phase of the project, a few case studies aimed at proposing customized solutions for reducing energy wastage and for improving energy efficiency in specific selected cooperatives have been performed. In this manuscript we report preliminary results of a case study carried out in an Italian horticulture cooperative having several production lines for fresh (1 st range) and minimally processed (4 th range) fruit and vegetable products. In this cooperative, an in-depth energy audit has been performed, and additionally a process simulation software has been applied to model, evaluate and improve the operations in this processing centre and in the supply chain from the primary production sites. Such case study may be used as an example for similar cooperatives of the fruit and vegetables sector, thus contributing in making this sector more economically and energetically sustainable

    Indicadores clave de rendimiento (KPIs) sobre eficiencia energética en la industria agroalimentaria

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    La eficiencia energética es un tema de interés creciente en la industria agroalimentaria. Un problema habitual en este tipo de industrias es la escasez de información sobre los indicadores clave de rendimiento (Key Performance Indicators –KPIs- en inglés) en el aspecto energético, información que sería útil para que una industria individual evaluara si sus índices de eficiencia energética están dentro de los rangos habituales en su sector. El estudio se ha realizado en el marco de los proyectos europeos SCOoPE (https://scoope.eu/) y TESLA (https://ec.europa.eu/energy/intelligent/projects/en/projects/tesla). Se ha realizado en los sectores de la industria cárnica, láctea, secaderos de cereales y forraje, y la industria de transformación de productos hortofrutícolas. La Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, dentro del proyecto SCOoPE, identificó 50 parejas de indicadores eléctricos (valor medio/ valor óptimo): 18 de tipo general, 7 del sector cárnico, 8 del sector lácteo, 7 del sector de secado, y 10 del sector hortofrutícola. Para cada indicador o KPI eléctrico se identificó el valor medio en el sector, y el valor óptimo o valor de la mejor industria del sector en ese indicador. En paralelo, dentro del mismo proyecto SCOOPE, el organismo de investigación italiano ENEA identificó 50 parejas de indicadores térmicos. La metodología utilizada incluyó una amplia revisión bibliográfica, y la validación de parte de los indicadores obtenidos en la revisión bibliográfica, con datos reales de 67 cooperativas. En cada caso se identificaron los factores implicados más relevantes. Se espera que la relación de indicadores obtenida será útil a los cuatro sectores estudiados para la evaluación de su eficiencia, y para la identificación de objetivos realistas en sus procesos de mejora energética


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    ABSTRACT The object of the present article is to discuss Knowledge Management (KM) in the Agrifood Supply Chain (ASC). In the 21st century, the ASC is under strong tensions. This is evident in the drastic changes in the global scene. For example, in the year 2008, food prices were high and unstable. In the last years, the importance of knowledge as a source of competitive advantage for organizations has increased considerably, so it is necessary its management in the ASC in order to surpass the challenges of the 21st century. KM is a direction tool that focuses in determining, organizing, directing, providing and supervising the practices and activities related with the knowledge (intangible active) required to achieve the strategies and objectives of the business or industry, generating a value for the organization at the moment to reach capabilities and competences. In inter-organizational environments, KM is centered on horizontal alliances between two or more partners. However, there are few authors who have analyzed the vertical alliances between suppliers and customers (the supply chain). The existing KM models are applicable for the ASC, as long as a series of conditions are present in the same one. Among these conditions there is one which prevails: The different enterprises that integrate the ASC must coordinate themselves in order to constitute a dynamic network, in which learning barriers are eliminated, so knowledge can flow freely through them. In conclusion, the development of KM models in the ASC, in the framework of untimely, temporary and structural changes in the globalised world, represents a necessary tool to offer safety and quality food to the world-wide population in the 21st century. In this way, food markets will tend to become stabilized in the long term and adequate answers can be provided to the more vulnerable communities and regions

    Valoración del uso recreativo de un humedal español: tests y comparación de diferentes métodos de valoración

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    En este trabajo se ha procedido a la valoración del use recreativo del humedal español Tablas de Daimiel, que posee el estatus de Zona Especial de Protection de Aves en la Unión Europea. El método básico de valoración ha sido el de valoración contingente con elección dicotómica. El procedimiento ha sido sometido a diversos tests: de fiabilidad (valoración en dos epocas), de contenido (efecto encuestadores y de los "yea-saying"), de validez teórica (influencia en la valoración de distintas variables socioeconómicas) y de convergencia (comparando con valoraciones obtenidas mediante el método del coste de viaje y mediante la valoración contingente con pregunta abierta). Estos tests, con excepción del de convergencia, no invalidan la valoración obtenida mediante valoración contingente con elección dicotómica. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo, por otra parte, no permiten concluir que exista convergencia entre las estimaciones de la medida de bienestar obtenidas utilizando distintos procedimientos. Esto es coherente con las conclusión revisados por los autores