138 research outputs found

    Identification of Residual Stresses in a Surface Layer of Ti6AL4V and Inconel 718 after Process of Peripheral Milling

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    Titanium based alloy – Ti6Al4V and nickel based alloy – Inconel 718 belong to the group of difficult-to-cut materials. Thanks to their unique properties they can be used in constructions that need to withstand the high reliability requirements which are required inter alia in the aircraft industry. The physical properties of cutting layer, including residual stresses, play an important role during exploitation of products made out of difficult-to-cut materials. In the article, the method of residual stresses determination is described and the exemplary results of carried out studies are provided. Described method is based on the measurement of the defects in the crystal lattice. The carried out studies show that the state of residual stresses, in a subsurface layer, can be formed by the selection of machining conditions

    Zespół zmęczenia, depresja oraz jakość życia u pacjentów ze stwardnieniem rozsianym

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    Wstęp. Stwardnienie rozsiane jest przewlekłą chorobą ośrodkowego układu nerwowego o podłożu autoimmunologicznym, w której obok narastającej niesprawności fizycznej występują zaburzenia neuropsychologiczne, prowadzące do znacznego obniżenia jakości życia pacjentów.Cel. Celem badania była ocena częstości występowania zespołu zmęczenia i depresji u pacjentów ze stwardnieniem rozsianym oraz ich wpływ na funkcjonowanie w obszarze fizycznym, poznawczym i psychospołecznym oraz na jakość życia.Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 62 pacjentów (37 kobiet i 25 mężczyzn) z remitująco-rzutową postacią stwardnienia rozsianego oraz 15 pacjentów (9 kobiet i 6 mężczyzn) z rwą kulszową, którzy stanowili grupę referencyjną. Częstość występowania zespołu zmęczenia, depresji i jakość życia pacjentów oceniano za pomocą Zmodyfikowanej Skali Wpływu Zmęczenia, Skali Depresji Becka oraz Kwestionariusza Dotyczącego Zdrowia EQ-5D.Wyniki. U pacjentów z remitująco-rzutową postacią stwardnienia rozsianego zmęczenie o średnim nasileniu wykazano u 45,16% (n=28), natomiast depresję u 51,61% chorych (n=32), w tym łagodne zaburzenia depresyjne u 33,87% chorych (n=21), umiarkowane u 11,29% pacjentów (n=7), a nasilone u 6,45% (n=4). Uzyskane wyniki nie różniły się istotnie statystycznie od wyników uzyskanych w grupie referencyjnej. W grupie chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane stwierdzono istotną statystycznie zależność nasilenia depresji od wpływu zmęczenia na funkcjonowanie, głównie w wymiarze psychospołecznym.Wnioski. Zespół zmęczenia i depresja występują u znaczącej części chorych na postać remitująco-rzutową stwardnienia rozsianego, zaburzając funkcjonowanie chorych w wymiarze psychospołecznym i istotnie obniżając ich jakość życia. Nasilenie zmęczenia w wymiarze ogólnym w grupie chorych na postać remitująco-rzutową SM istotnie dodatnio koreluje z nasileniem depresji. (PNN 2017;6(2):81–87)Introduction. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of central nervous system of autoimmunological origin, in which next to an increased physical disability, neuropsychological disorders exist, that lead to significant decrease in patients’ quality of life.Aim. The aim of the study was the assessment of prevalence of fatigue syndrome and depression in patients with multiple sclerosis and their influence on functioning in physical, cognitive and psychosocial dimension as well as on the quality of life.Materials and Methods. 62 patients (37 females and 25 males) with relapsing-remitting subtype of multiple sclerosis and 15 patients with sciatica (9 females and 6 males) as the reference group were included in the study. Prevalence of fatigue syndrome and depression, as well as patients’ quality of life were assessed with use of Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and a standardized instrument for use as a measure of health outcome EQ-5D.Results. Fatigue of moderate intensity was noticed in 45.16% (n=28) of patients with relapsing-remitting subtype of MS, when depression was apparent in 51.61% of patients (n=32), including mild depressive disorders in 33.8% of patients (n=21), moderate in 11.29% of patients and severe in 6.45% (n=4). The obtained results did not reach statistical significance when compared to results obtained in the reference group. Statistically significant dependence between the intensity of depression and influence of fatigue on functioning in psychosocial dimension was mainly observed in the group of patients with multiple sclerosis.Conclusions. Fatigue syndrome and depression occur in significant part of patients with relapsing-remitting subtype of multiple sclerosis, disturbing their functioning in psychosocial dimension and considerably decreasing their quality of life. Increase in fatigue in general dimension has a significantly positive correlation with exacerbation of depression in the group of patients with relapsing-remitting subtype of multiple sclerosis. (JNNN 2017;6(2):81–87

    Serum 25(OH)D status and lipid profile in children with newly diagnosed asthma

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    Background. The problem of the influence of hyperlipidemia on asthma was addressed several years ago. Systematic review and meta-analysis performed in the pediatric population on the association between vitamin D status and lipid profile components revealed discordant results and indicated that higher serum 25(OH)D is related to a more favorable lipid profile. Objective. We aimed to elucidate whether there was an association between vitamin D status and lipid profile components and apolipoprotein B in a sample of children with newly diagnosed atopic asthma. Methods. The study included 150 children aged 2–12 years. Atopic asthma was diagnosed in 110 children; 40 children constituted a reference group. Fasting blood was collected to measure 25(OH)D total, lipid profile and apolipoprotein B concentrations. Results. Children with asthma had significantly lower 25(OH)D (p < 0.0001) but similar lipid and apolipoprotein B concentrations. The proportions of hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia and increased apoB concentrations were similar in both groups. HDL-C concentrations in asthmatic 25(OH)D-deficient children were higher compared with the children with sufficient levels (p = 0.05). ApoB concentration was lower in 25(OH)D-deficient compared with vitamin D sufficient asthmatics (p = 0.0008). Correlations between 25(OH)D concentration and lipids and apoB in asthmatics revealed gender differences. An inverse relationships between vitamin D and total cholesterol and HDL-C (R= –0.39, p < 0.05; R= –0.475, p < 0.001) were found in girls. In boys vitamin D correlated with LDL-C and apoB (R = 0.376, R = 0.498; p < 0.001). Conclusion. In children with asthma lower 25(OH)D had more favorable gender-dependent effect on the lipid profile. The association of serum 25(OH)D and lipid levels in children with asthma remains for further studies.

    Wpływ długości i jakości snu na parametry antropometryczne, metaboliczne i ogólny stan zdrowia fizycznego i psychicznego

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    Obesity is an epidemic of the 21st century. Knowledge about factors involved in the etiology of obesity, including abnormal sleep duration and quality of sleep, is key to the therapy of overweight. The factors inducing sleep disturbances are mental disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder and dementia. Many studies have shown that obesity in adults results from a lifestyle that forces sleep deficiency. Obesity in children, next to easy high-calorie meals access, rises from poor sleep hygiene as a reflection of parental behavior. In the elderly, excessive weight is a result of numerous cumulative health disorders and polypragmasy. In elderly age, low sleep quality combined with depressive symptoms contributes to poorer quality of life and obesity in patients with type 2 diabetes. It has been shown that both too short sleep and deterioration of its quality reduce insulin sensitivity and cause impaired glucose tolerance. Studies on sleep deprivation have demonstrated behavioral and physiological changes that promote a high positive energy balance. Moreover, it has been shown that poor sleep quality may be associated with increased arterial stiffness independently from other risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. Patients with poor sleep quality tend to have high serum levels of total cholesterol and alanine aminotransferase, high systolic blood pressure, and high blood glucose and hemoglobin levels. Both too short and prolonged sleep may result in a number of metabolic and depressive health disorders resulting in excessive body weight.Otyłość jest epidemią XXI wieku. Poznanie czynników biorących udział w jej etiologii, w tym nieprawidłowego czasu trwania snu i jego jakości, jest kluczowe dla terapii nadmiernej masy ciała. Do czynników wpływających na występowanie zakłóceń snu należą między innymi zaburzenia psychiczne, zaburzenia obsesyjno-kompulsyjne oraz zespół stresu pourazowego i otępienie. Wyniki wielu badań wykazały, że otyłość u osób dorosłych wynika ze stylu życia wymuszającego zbyt krótki sen. Otyłość dzieci, poza łatwym dostępem do wysokokalorycznych posiłków, wynika między innymi z nieprawidłowej higieny snu będącej odzwierciedleniem zachowań rodzicielskich. W podeszłym wieku nadmierna masa ciała jest efektem licznych kumulujących się zaburzeń zdrowotnych oraz polipragmazji. Wówczas niska jakość snu w połączeniu z objawami depresji przyczynia się do pogorszenia jakości życia i otyłości miedzy innymi u chorych na cukrzycą typu 2. Wykazano, że zarówno zbyt krótki sen, jak i pogorszenie jego jakości, obniżają wrażliwość komórek na insulinę oraz powodują obniżoną tolerancję glukozy. W badaniach nad deprywacją snu uwidoczniono zmiany behawioralne i fizjologiczne promujące wysoki dodatni bilans energetyczny. Wykazano również, że zła jakość snu może wiązać się ze zwiększoną sztywnością tętnic, niezależnie od czynników ryzyka chorób sercowo-naczyniowych. Pacjenci cechujący się złą jakością snu wykazują tendencję do wysokiego stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego i aminotransferazy alaninowej w surowicy, wysokiego skurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego oraz wysokich stężeń glukozy i hemoglobiny we krwi. Zarówno zbyt krótki, jak i nadmiernie przedłużający się sen mogą skutkować wystąpieniem wielu zaburzeń zdrowotnych o podłożu metabolicznym, a także depresyjnym, których efektem jest nadmierna masa ciała

    Subjective assessment of occupational stress and mental health of nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic period

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    IntroductionHealth status, sickness absence, and nurses’ attrition have a direct impact on the quality of care provided and patients’ health outcomes. The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated issues that existed within the Polish healthcare system prior to the pandemic, including staff shortages, low wages, and system inadequacies. The aim of this study was to investigate how nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic period rated the burdensomeness of job characteristics and their mental health status, as well as the correlations between factors directly caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and nurses’ subjective assessments of job characteristics and mental health.MethodThe cross-sectional study was conducted in January 2022, in Poland and involved 796 registered nurses working in hospitals.ResultsDespite the pandemic’s sweeping societal effects, this research finds limited alteration in nurses’ perceptions of job stress and self-assessed mental health. Factors such as contact with infected patients, quarantine, and isolation do not appear to substantially modify mental health perceptions among nurses. Intriguingly, nurses subjected to COVID-19 testing report heightened stress and compromised mental health.ConclusionThe interplay of diverse factors influencing the well-being of nurses is intricately complex. It is advisable to prudently execute interventions and strategies to address the pandemic, aiming to alleviate its potential adverse effects on the mental health of nurses

    25-hydroxyvitamin D insufficiency in children with newly diagnosed asthma

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    Background. 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] deficiency seems to be related to the development of asthma. Any evaluation of the relationship between asthma and 25(OH)D deficiency must consider the association between increased airway responsiveness, eosinophil counts and serum immunoglobulin E (IgE), and 25(OH)D as a potential player in airway remodelling. Objective. We assessed the association of 25(OH)D with markers of atopy and eosinophilic inflammation in children with newly diagnosed asthma. Methods. The study included 165 children aged 2–12 years. The diagnosis of asthma was performed by an experienced paediatric pulmonologist. Allergic asthma was diagnosed in 106 children, and non-allergic asthma in ten; in 49 children, asthma was excluded. Fasting blood was collected for cell counts, and serum was obtained to measure lipids, C-reactive protein (hsCRP), 25(OH)D and IgE. Results. Children with asthma had significantly lower 25(OH)D (p < 0.001). Both groups had similar lipid values. Elevated total IgE concentration and eosinophil counts were found in asthmatics; neutrophils were similar in asthmatic and reference groups. There was a strong tendency to higher eosinophil counts in 25(OH)D-deficient children (< 20 ng/mL) with atopic asthma (p < 0.08). Conclusion. In children with asthma, 25(OH)D insufficiency/deficiency is associated with higher eosinophil counts and IgE. 25(OH)D monitoring is important in the prevention and management of children with asthm