10 research outputs found

    Former and contemporary threats to historic gardens

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    In this paper, the comparison of former and contemporary threats to the value of historic gardens has been carried out. The analysis was based upon the publication of Majdecki, dating back to the 80s and 90s of the 20th c., being treated as a reference to the currently observed negative practices. In this article, verification of the earlier classification of phenomena, constituting a threat to the historic gardens, was suggested. Observations by the authors and scientific publications from the recent ten years have been adopted as the basis for conclusions and syntheses

    Role of biomarkers in making the diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy

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    Although tuberculosis is one of the most common causes of pleural effusion, diagnosis of tuberculous pleuritis still remains a challenge. This is due to paucity of M. tuberculosis organisms in pleural effusion which results in a relatively low sensitivity of the routinely used diagnostic methods. Thus, different biomarkers in pleural effusion have been extensively studied in order to improve the diagnostic accuracy. Pleural fluid deaminase adenosine activity (ADA) and interferon gamma (IFN-g) concentration have been shown to be the most reliable and cost-effective markers of tuberculous pleurisy. Hence, these markers have been included in different diagnostic algorithms for patients suspected of tuberculous pleurisy. A high variability of the diagnostic performance and/or more advanced technical demands significantly limit the use of other relatively new diagnostic methods, such as nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) and IFN-g releasing assays (IGRAs). The article presents a current data on the potential use of different biomarkers in the diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 4: 288–297Chociaż gruźlicze wysiękowe zapalenie opłucnej stanowi jedną z najczęstszych przyczyn pojawienia się płynu w opłucnej, to jednak potwierdzenie gruźliczej etiologii wysięku nie należy do łatwych. Wynika to ze stosunkowo niewielkiej liczby drobnoustrojów M. tuberculosis w płynie, co stanowi główną przyczynę niskiej czułości rutynowo stosowanych metod diagnostycznych. Dlatego też przeprowadzono liczne badania nad różnymi, potencjalnymi biomarkerami gruźliczego zapalenia opłucnej, których oznaczanie w płynie z opłucnej mogłoby przyczynić się do poprawy skuteczności diagnostycznej. Wyniki dotychczasowych badań wskazują, że największą czułością i swoistością, a także najkorzystniejszym współczynnikiem „koszt/efektywność” cechuje się oznaczanie aktywności deaminazy adenozyny (ADA) i stężenia interferonu gamma (IFN-g). Dlatego też badanie ADA i IFN-g stanowi jeden z ważnych elementów algorytmów diagnostycznych ukierunkowanych na rozpoznanie gruźliczego zapalenia opłucnej. Chociaż wyniki uzyskane dla innych testów diagnostycznych są obiecujące (np. metody identyfikacji swoistych sekwencji kwasów nukleinowych lub też pomiar wydzielania IFN-g pod wpływem stymulacji antygenami M. tuberculosis), to jednak ich praktyczne zastosowanie ogranicza znaczne zróżnicowanie wyników, a także większe koszty i stopień ich technicznego skomplikowania. W niniejszym artykule omówiono wyniki dotychczasowych badań nad zastosowaniem wielu różnorodnych biomarkerów w diagnostyce gruźliczego wysięku w opłucnej. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 4: 288–29

    Smart historical gardens

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    Historical parks and garden sites provide a range of social, environmental, ecosystem, recreational, and scientific services. They are witnesses of history, resources of biotic (botanical and dendrological collections) and abiotic (historical buildings or complexes) attributes, sources of knowhow about park maintenance and management accumulated over the centuries as transfer between past and future generations. A series of hazards and processes for finding the best strategies to adapt to climate change are now generally researched. They should also apply to historical greenery – it is particularly sensitive to such alterations. This study aimed to identify the most important pro-climate and pro-ecological trends as well as specific material and organisational solutions noticed by the jury of selected European professional competitions: “European Garden Award”, “Garden of the Year Award” (UK), “Monument of the Year” (Germany) and “Well-kept Monument” (Poland). The available competition regulations, published laudations, and general characteristics of individual parks were analysed. Not only did the research show a diversified level of development and approach to individual sites at the national level, but also variation in sites’ activation: from basic conservation and restoration works to implementation and promotion of pro-ecological and pro-climate solutions, as well as discrepancy in the priorities for assessing objects set by individual competition committees. An unjust tendency among the majority of researched competitions to marginalise the problem of climate change has been noticed (only recently has this problem started to draw some attention). It can contribute to the loss of a significant part of the garden heritage because any activity in such a sensitive substance requires a relatively longer time and often divides the work process into many stages. Their standardisation and equal development would strengthen the European heritage and resilience to climate change. The exchange of knowledge and experience in the form of good practices and appropriate funding can support these actions

    Intelligent Urban Planning and Ecological Urbanscape-Solutions for Sustainable Urban Development. Case Study of Wolfsburg

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    Intelligent urban planning and ecological urbanism can be recognized as two of the key solutions to act against urban sprawl. This process is associated with suburbanization, blurring boundaries between the city and suburbs, and the undefined role of open and green spaces within new structures. It has been identified as the biggest and the most common problem worldwide. This non-central planning has a huge impact not only on economic aspects, but—most of all—on the ecological and landscaping balance within the urban area. This study covers not only the recognition of the outlined situation, but also a conceptual proposal to challenge the problems of urban sprawl. The city of Wolfsburg serves as a case study to which the tools of Ecological Urbanism and Intelligent Urbanism were applied. A corrective plan for the study area has been worked out, based on the main approaches in urban planning of the 21st century. The green transformation processes to achieve resiliency within urban areas are inevitable and will have to be conducted due to the rising number of the dwellers, steadily changing climate, and socio-economic conditions all over the world. The main solutions include mainly the system of green corridors, interconnectedness of open spaces, walkability with smart mobile options and social community as a nucleus of a local neighborhood

    A historical study of utility gardens within the Klemensów palace and park complex

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    The main purpose of the research was the historical study of utility gardens, which are separate functional and spatial sections of the palace and park complex in Klemensów. These include a walled-off garden constituting a unique man-made landscape acting as a fruit and vegetable garden, as well as a tree nursery. The utility gardens in Klemensów were a place of acclimation and reproduction of seeds and saplings imported to Poland. Thanks to the expanding possibilities of obtaining and exchanging them from foreign and domestic garden nurseries, over time, the garden in Klemensów became a unique collector’s garden

    The Effects of Frequent Nurse Visits on Patient’s Compliance with Long-Term Oxygen Therapy (LTOT). A 14-Month Follow-Up

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    Introduction: Long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) is the only treatment that improves prognosis in patients with chronic respiratory failure in the course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This effect depends on the duration of oxygen use during the day and night. The aim of this study was to evaluate the daily use of oxygen concentrator and to analyze factors that promote patient compliance. Material and methods: The study enrolled patients seen at the Long-Term Oxygen Therapy Center of the Department of Internal Medicine, Pneumology and Allergology, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland. Qualification for LTOT was in accordance with the guidelines of the Polish Respiratory Society and the European Respiratory Society (ERS). All patients were instructed to use oxygen therapy for at least 15 hours a day using a stationary oxygen concentrator. The duration of oxygen concentrator use was evaluated on the basis of the concentrator counter reading performed by visiting nurses. The visits were run on the monthly basis. Results: The study group involved 30 subjects (77% of COPD patients). The mean age was 67 ± 9 years, mean FEV1 was 46 ± 18% predicted, RV/TLC was 64 ± 16% and PaO2 was 50 ± 6 mm Hg. The mean duration of the daily oxygen therapy for the entire study group was 12.5 ± 4.6 hours. Eleven (37%) patients complied with the treatment during the follow-up period with the mean duration of daily oxygen therapy 17.4 ± 2.6 hours. The mean oxygen therapy use in the non-compliant group of patients averaged 9.6 ± 2.7 hours. We found that highest percentage of patients (48%) used oxygen for an appropriate period of time in the # first month of the treatment. The second month the number decreased to about 30% and remained at this level until the end of the follow-up period. The analysis of the COPD patients showed that in case of the compliant subjects the values of total lung capacity (TLC) (100 ± 19% predicted v. 152 ± 36% predicted, p = 0.001) and PaCO2 (38 ± 6 mm Hg v. 47 ± 8 mm Hg, p < 0.05) were significantly lower in comparison to the group of patients who used the oxygen therapy for less than 15 hours a day. Fourteen (47%) patients reported a considerable increase in electricity consumption and seven (23%) patients complained about the noise of the oxygen concentrator. The daily oxygen use of this group was significantly lower in comparison to the patients who were not annoyed with the sound of the concentrator (9.0 ± 3.7 h/24 h v. 13.5 ± 4.4 h/24 h, p = 0.02). Conclusions: Our study show that the patients’ compliance was the highest during the first month of the treatment only, and that the monthly home visit did not influence the patients’ self-discipline to use LTOT properly. The use of an alternative source of oxygen, such as liquid oxygen, which would not generate any noise or electricity consumption, may positively influence the patient’s compliance

    Effects of nurse home visits on compliance to long-term oxygen therapy. 14 months follow-up

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    Introduction: Long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) is the only treatment that improves prognosis in patients with chronic respiratory failure in the course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This effect depends on the duration of oxygen use during the day and night. The aim of this study was to evaluate the daily use of oxygen concentrator and to analyze factors that promote patient compliance. Material and methods: The study enrolled patients seen at the Long-Term Oxygen Therapy Center of the Department of Internal Medicine, Pneumology and Allergology, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland. Qualification for LTOT was in accordance with the guidelines of the Polish Respiratory Society and the European Respiratory Society (ERS). All patients were instructed to use oxygen therapy for at least 15 hours a day using a stationary oxygen concentrator. The duration of oxygen concentrator use was evaluated on the basis of the concentrator counter reading performed by visiting nurses. The visits were run on the monthly basis. Results: The study group involved 30 subjects (77% of COPD patients). The mean age was 67 &#177; 9 years, mean FEV1 was 46 &#177; 18% predicted, RV/TLC was 64 &#177; 16% and PaO2 was 50 &#177; 6 mm Hg. The mean duration of the daily oxygen therapy for the entire study group was 12.5 &#177; 4.6 hours. Eleven (37%) patients complied with the treatment during the follow-up period with the mean duration of daily oxygen therapy 17.4 &#177; 2.6 hours. The mean oxygen therapy use in the non-compliant group of patients averaged 9.6 &#177; 2.7 hours. We found that highest percentage of patients (48%) used oxygen for an appropriate period of time in the # first month of the treatment. The second month the number decreased to about 30% and remained at this level until the end of the follow-up period. The analysis of the COPD patients showed that in case of the compliant subjects the values of total lung capacity (TLC) (100 &#177; 19% predicted v. 152 &#177; 36% predicted, p = 0.001) and PaCO2 (38 &#177; 6 mm Hg v. 47 &#177; 8 mm Hg, p < 0.05) were significantly lower in comparison to the group of patients who used the oxygen therapy for less than 15 hours a day. Fourteen (47%) patients reported a considerable increase in electricity consumption and seven (23%) patients complained about the noise of the oxygen concentrator. The daily oxygen use of this group was significantly lower in comparison to the patients who were not annoyed with the sound of the concentrator (9.0 &#177; 3.7 h/24 h v. 13.5 &#177; 4.4 h/24 h, p = 0.02). Conclusions: Our study show that the patients&#8217; compliance was the highest during the first month of the treatment only, and that the monthly home visit did not influence the patients&#8217; self-discipline to use LTOT properly. The use of an alternative source of oxygen, such as liquid oxygen, which would not generate any noise or electricity consumption, may positively influence the patient&#8217;s compliance.Wstęp: Tlenoterapia w warunkach domowych jest jedynym sposobem leczenia, który poprawia rokowanie pacjentów z przewlekłą niewydolnością oddechową w przebiegu przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc (POChP). Efekt ten jest zależny od czasu stosowania tlenoterapii w ciągu doby. Celem badania była ocena dobowego korzystania z koncentratora tlenu oraz analiza czynników sprzyjających stosowaniu się pacjentów do zaleceń lekarskich. Materiał i metody: Do badania zakwalifikowano pacjentów pozostających pod opieką ośrodka domowego leczenia tlenem (DLT) przy Katedrze i Klinice Chorób Wewnętrznych, Pneumonologii i Alergologii Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego. Chorych do DLT kwalifikowano zgodnie z wytycznymi Polskiego Towarzystwa Chorób Płuc (PTChP) i Europejskiego Towarzystwa Oddechowego (ERS). Wszystkim pacjentom zalecano co najmniej 15-godzinną tlenoterapię w ciągu doby przy użyciu stacjonarnego koncentratora tlenu. Ocena czasu korzystania z koncentratora była dokonywana na podstawie odczytów licznika koncentratora przez wizytujące pielęgniarki. Wizyty odbywały się raz na miesiąc. Wyniki: Badana grupa liczyła 30 pacjentów (77% chorych na POChP) w średnim wieku 67 &#177; 9 lat, ze średnią FEV1 46 &#177; 18% normy, RV% TLC 64 &#177; 16%, PaO2 50 &#177; 6 mm Hg. Średni czas dobowej tlenoterapii dla całej grupy wyniósł 12,5 &#177; 4,6 godziny. Jedenastu pacjentów (37%) stosowało się do zaleceń podczas okresu obserwacji. Średni czas tlenoterapii w tej grupie to 17,4 &#177; 2,6 godziny. Średnie korzystanie z tlenoterapii w grupie chorych nieprzestrzegających zaleceń wynosiło 9,6 &#177; 2,7 godziny. Stwierdzono, że największy odsetek pacjentów (48%) korzystał z tlenu odpowiednią ilość czasu w ciągu pierwszego miesiąca leczenia. W drugim miesiącu odsetek ten zmniejszył się do około 30% i na tym poziomie utrzymywał się do końca czasu obserwacji. Analizując grupę chorych na POChP, stwierdzono, że pacjenci stosujący się do zaleceń mają istotnie niższą całkowitą pojemność płuc (TLC) (100 &#177; 19% normy v. 152 &#177; 36% normy, p = 0,001) i niższe PaCO2 (38 &#177; 6 mm Hg v. 47 &#177; 8 mm Hg, p < 0,05) w porównaniu z grupą pacjentów korzystających z tlenu mniej niż 15 godzin na dobę. Czternastu pacjentów (47%) skarżyło się na zauważalny wzrost zużycia energii elektrycznej. Natomiast 7 pacjentom (23%) przeszkadzał hałas wytwarzany przez koncentrator tlenu. Dobowe korzystanie z tlenu w tej grupie było istotnie krótsze (9 &#177; 3,7 godz./dobę) w porównaniu z chorymi, którym nie przeszkadzał dźwięk pracy koncentratora (13,5 &#177; 4,4 godz./dobę; p = 0,02). Wnioski: Wyniki badania wskazują, że pacjenci najlepiej współpracują w pierwszym miesiącu leczenia. Comiesięczne wizyty domowe nie wpłynęły na poprawę stosowania się pacjentów do zaleceń DLT. Być może wykorzystanie alternatywnego źródła tlenu, jakim jest tlen ciekły, którego stosowanie nie wiąże się z wytwarzaniem hałasu i zużyciem energii elektrycznej, poprawiłoby stosowanie się do zaleceń

    Quality of graphical markers for the needs of eyewear devices

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    International audienceIn this paper we propose to cast the problem of identification of people, objects or places into an application for smart glasses that decodes information from graphical markers. We focus on analyzing different factors that can have influence on the processes of the automatic recognition of information from a code. The research we present aims at reviewing recognition performances in function of: size of a marker, distance from/to a marker, position of a marker and hardware used to decode information. Additionally, we describe a colorful graphical marker which was created for comparative analysis with existing monochrome codes. We also analyze accuracy of the detection of markers colors under different illumination conditions and different scanning distances. Moreover, considering possible usages of graphical markers, we present a prototype application, which can potentially provide faster access to patients' information. We believe that it may be very useful, because health care have to deal with a lot of various assets that could be identify or classify by using eyewear devices. Our first conclusions are the facts that following factors may have influence on monochrome code recognition (i) distance from the camera, (ii) rotation and slope of code, (iii) quality and size of the code. Distance from the camera should be adapted to the device that is used to scan the code. Under preliminary studies with colorful codes, tested light conditions and distances did not affect the classification of colors