5 research outputs found

    Automatyzacja procesu badania neuronowego systemu wnioskuj膮cego opartego na programie Statistica w praktycznym zastosowaniu

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s. 1375.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: W pracy przedstawiono wykorzystanie automatycznego systemu dobieraj膮cego parametry uk艂adu sieci neuronowych w celu klasyfikacji pacjent贸w na dwie grupy. Do praktycznej weryfikacji dzia艂ania stworzonego oprogramowania wybrano kategoryzacj臋 bada艅 spirometrycznych. Wyniki systemu por贸wnano z wcze艣niej opublikowan膮 pr贸b膮 empirycznego dobrania parametr贸w uk艂adu sieci. S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: sieci neuronowe, neuronowy system wnioskuj膮cy, automatyczny projektant sieci neuronowych. ABSTRACT: The paper presents the use of an automated system choosing neural system network parameters in order to classify patients into two groups. Categorisation of spirometric tests was chosen for practical testing of the created software. The results of the system were compared to the earlier published attempt of an empirical choice of network system parameters. KEYWORDS: neural network, neuro-expert classification system, automatic neural networks designer

    Weryfikacja dzia艂ania sieci Kohonena przetwarzaj膮cych dane ankietowe zebrane w艣r贸d student贸w krakowskiej AWF

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s. 511.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: W pracy pokazano na przyk艂adzie danych ankietowych przydatno艣膰 sieci Kohonena do analizy danych wielowymiarowych. Dzi臋ki redukcji do trzech wymiar贸w z jednej strony i analizie danych przez eksperta z drugiej strony zweryfikowano u偶yteczno艣膰 sieci bez nauczyciela do rozdzielania zbioru danych na oddzielne grupy. Ostateczn膮 weryfikacj臋 twierdzenia o braku zale偶no艣ci mi臋dzy opiniami student贸w a ich wyborami preferowanych cech u wyk艂adowc贸w dokonano za pomoc膮 sieci LVQ. S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: sieci neuronowe kohonena, sieci neuronowe lvq, klasteryzacja danych, typy osobowo艣ciowe, kompetencje temporalne. ABSTRACT: On the basis of opinion survey data the paper shows the usefulness of Kohonen's networks for multidimensional data analysis. Due to a reduction to three dimensions on the one hand and the analysis of the data by an expert on the other, the usefulness of unsupervised learning networks for dividing a set of data into separate groups was verified. The final verification of the thesis that there is no correlation between students' opinions and their choices of preferred lecturers' features was carried out using an LVQ network. KEYWORDS: kohonen neural networks, lvq neural networks, data clustering, types of personality, temporal competencies

    Pr贸ba neuronowego modelowania zawarto艣ci radioaktywnego kobaltu w zale偶no艣ci od sk艂adu chemicznego wody w reaktorze j膮drowym

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s. 924.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: W pracy przedstawiono wykorzystanie sieci neuronowych do tworzenia modelu zale偶no艣ci zawarto艣ci pierwiastka promieniotw贸rczego Co od zawarto艣ci pi臋ciu metali w wodzie reaktora j膮drowego. Otrzymano bardzo obiecuj膮ce modele procesu, rokuj膮ce nadzieje na badanie czu艂o艣ci modelu na zmian臋 parametr贸w wej艣ciowych. R贸wnocze艣nie wykazano ogromn膮 rol臋 historii pomiar贸w przy tworzeniu modelu. S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: sieci neuronowe, elektrownia j膮drowa. ABSTRACT: The paper presents the use of neural networks to create a dependence model of the content of a radioactive mineral Co on the content of five metals in the water of a nuclear reactor. Very promising models of the process were received which gives hope to research the sensitivity of the model towards changes of the input parameters. At the same time a great importance of the history of measurements at creating the model was proved. KEYWORDS: neural network, nuclear power station

    Assessment of Selected Parameters of the Automatic Scarification Device as an Example of a Device for Sustainable Forest Management

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    Due to technological progress in forestry, seedlings with covered root systems鈥攅specially those grown in container nurseries鈥攈ave become increasingly important in forest nursery production. One the trees that is most commonly grown this way is the common oak (Quercus robur L.). For an acorn to be sown in a container, it is necessary to remove its upper part during mechanical scarification, and evaluate its sowing suitability. At present, this is mainly done manually and by visual assessment. The low effectiveness of this method of acorn preparation has encouraged a search for unconventional solutions. One of them is the use of an automated device that consists of a computer vision-based module. For economic reasons related to the cost of growing seedlings in container nurseries, it is beneficial to minimize the contribution of unhealthy seeds. The maximum accuracy, which is understood as the number of correct seed diagnoses relative to the total number of seeds being assessed, was adopted as a criterion for choosing a separation threshold. According to the method proposed, the intensity and red components of the images of scarified acorns facilitated the best results in terms of the materials examined during the experiment. On average, a 10% inaccuracy of separation was observed. A secondary outcome of the presented research is an evaluation of the ergonomic parameters of the user interface that is attached to the unit controlling the device when it is running in its autonomous operation mode