52 research outputs found

    Exponential ergodicity of some Markov dynamical system with application to a Poisson driven stochastic differential equation

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    We are concerned with the asymptotics of the Markov chain given by the post-jump locations of a certain piecewise-deterministic Markov process with a state-dependent jump intensity. We provide sufficient conditions for such a model to possess a unique invariant distribution, which is exponentially attracting in the dual bounded Lipschitz distance. Having established this, we generalise a result of J. Kazak on the jump process defined by a Poisson driven stochastic differential equation with a solution-dependent intensity of perturbations

    X‐Ray Spectroscopy on Biological Systems

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    In the field of biological studies, next to the standard methods, new tools are offered by contemporary physics. X‐ray spectroscopic techniques enable probing electronic structure of occupied and unoccupied states of studied atom and distinguish the oxidation state, local geometry, and ligand type of elements that occur in biological material. Direct analysis using X‐ray spectroscopy avoids many chemical preparation steps that might modify biological samples. The information obtained gives us insight into important biochemical processes all under physiological conditions. In this chapter we focus our attention to the application of X‐ray spectroscopy to the study of biological samples, with special emphasis on mechanisms revealing interaction between DNA and different cytotoxic agents and in the determination of changes in oxidation state of different elements in pathologically altered human cells and tissue

    First approach to studies of sulphur electron DOS in prostate cancer cell lines and tissues studied by XANES

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    Abstract Urological cancers comprise approximately one-third of all cancers diagnosed in men worldwide and out of these, prostate cancer is the most common one ( WHO World Cancer Report, 2008 ). Several risk factors such as age, hormone levels, environmental conditions and family history are suspected to play a role in the onset of this disease of otherwise obscure aetiology. It is therefore the medical need that drives multidisciplinary research in this field, carried out by means of various experimental and theoretical techniques. Out of many relevant factors, it is believed that sulphur can take an important part in cancer transformations. We have investigated the prostate cancer cell lines and tissues, along with selected organic and inorganic compounds used as references, by the X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy near the sulphur edge energy region. Particularly, the comparison of the experimental results collected during XANES measurements and theoretical calculations of electron density of states with use of the FEFF8 code and LAPW (linearised augmented plane-wave) method has been performed and in this work the first results of our studies are presented

    Long term results of pediatric heart transplantations — single center experiences

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    BACKGROUND: Heart failure (HF) is characterized by significant mortality in both adults and children. Characteristic of paediatric HF are feeding problems, poor weight gain, exercise intolerance or dyspnoea. These changes are often accompanied by endocrine disorders. The main causes of HF are congenital heart defects (CHD) cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, myocarditis or heart failure secondary to oncological treatment. Heart transplantation (HTx) is the method of choice for treatment of end-stage HF  in paediatric patients. AIMS: The aim is to summarize single center experience in heart transplantation in children. METHODS: Between 1988 and 2021 in the Silesian Center for Heart Diseases in Zabrze 122 pediatric cardiac transplantations were performed. In the group of recipients with falling Fontan circulation HTx was performed in 5 children. The study group was evaluated for postoperative course: rejection episodes depending on the medical treatment scheme, coinfections and mortality. RESULTS: 1-, 5- and 10-year survival rate between 1988 and 2001 were 53%, 53% and 50%, respectively. 1-, 5- and 10-year survival rate between 2002 and 2011 was 97%, 90% and 87%; between 2012 and 2021 1-year observation with survival rate 92%. The main cause of mortality both in early and in late period after transplantation was graft failure. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac transplantation in children remains the main method of treatment of end-stage heart failure. Our results at both early and long-term posttransplant period, are comparable to those obtained in the most experienced foreign centers

    A curriculum for heart failure nurses : an expert opinion of the Section of Nursing and Medical Technicians and the Heart Failure Working Group of the Polish Cardiac Society

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    ABSTRACT The rates of mortality and morbidity due to heart failure (HF) are expected to significantly rise over the next 10 years owing to an ageing population and will be the highest of all rates pertaining to cardiovascular diseases. To face this rapidly progressing problem, that is, the increasing prevalence of HF and need for care of patients with this disease, an attempt was made to develop a curriculum targeted at HF nurses. The HF nurse, as a member of the therapeutic team, has to play an active role in monitoring patients’ physical and mental condition, coordinating hospital care, planning intervention after discharge from the hospital, and involving the patient and / or his or her family in self‑care, effective cooperation, and communication with the therapeutic team. The curriculum was conceived to complement the knowledge of HF and improve HF nurses’ educational skills. The proposed model of education, based on the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology and led by trained educators, will enable clinicians to fully implement the principles of coordinated care and properly assess the effectiveness of educational interventions in patients with HF

    Hydrated electron generation by excitation of copper localized surface plasmon resonance

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    Hydrated electrons are important in radiation chemistry and chargetransfer reactions, with applications that include chemical damage of DNA, catalysis, and signaling. Conventionally, hydrated electrons are produced by pulsed radiolysis, sonolysis, two-ultraviolet-photon laser excitation of liquid water, or photodetachment of suitable electron donors. Here we report a method for the generation of hydrated electrons via single-visible-photon excitation of localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) of supported sub-3 nm copper nanoparticles in contact with water. Only excitations at the LSPR maximum resulted in the formation of hydrated electrons, suggesting that plasmon excitation plays a crucial role in promoting electron transfer from the nanoparticle into the solution. The reactivity of the hydrated electrons was confirmed via proton reduction and concomitant H2 evolution in the presence of a Ru/ TiO2 catalyst

    Vladimir Vysotsky - phenomenon of bard and actor

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    Abstrakt Włodzimierz Wysocki to wybitna indywidualność i wykonawca własnych tekstów. Ten rosyjski poeta, pieśniarz, aktor stał się jedną z osób, które za sprawą własnej niepowtarzalnej i oryginalnej twórczości weszły do historii sztuki: muzyki, literatury, filmu i teatru. Życie oraz twórczość Wysockiego sprawiły, ze stał się on legendą. Prawda i oryginalność utworów to jedne z największych dokonań artysty. Czołowym tematem wielu utworów barda jest obrona humanizmu, obrona człowieka, obrona tego wszystkiego, co stanowi o niepowtarzalności, pięknie i bogactwie. Artysta tworzył piosenki o zróżnicowanej tematyce: studenckiej, folklorystycznej, historycznej, miłosnej, obyczajowej, więziennej, wojennej. Stałym motywem w pracach Wysockiego jest walka. Charakter walki jest zróżnicowany, ale jedno pozostaje niezmienne: zawsze trzeba walczyć o swoje, bronić się za wszelką cenę, nawet w obliczu nieuchronnej katastrofy czy przegranej. Jest to jedyny sposób, aby zachować i ocalić to, co człowiek ma najważniejsze – godność. Bard nie unikał tematów drażliwych, niewygodnych, ale zawsze pozostawał szczery. Bohaterami jego utworów są jednostki, które w pełny sposób ujawniają swoje postawy, uczucia i emocje. Są to żołnierze, marynarze, lotnicy, górnicy, złodzieje, sportowcy, postaci z bajek, zwierzęta. Zawsze są to indywidualności. Wysocki w satyryczny sposób ukazywał takie wady społeczeństwa, jak materializm, zachłanność, antysemityzm, obłudę, ale pisał o tym w taki lekki i niewinny sposób. Dzięki spuściźnie Wysocki zawsze pozostanie w sercach i wspomnieniach szerokiej grupy wielbicieli i przyjaciół, zapamiętany jako niezwykły artysta, wspaniały aktor, który wykonywał swoją pracę z prawdziwą pasją.Abstract Vladimir Vysotsky is an outstanding artist and a performer of a number of his own texts. The Russian poet, singer and actor became one of the prominent people and through his unique and original works he entered into the history of art: music, literature, film and theathre. Vysotsky’s life and work made him a legend. The truth and uniqueness of the songs are one of the greatest achievements of the artist. The leading topic of many Vysotsky’s songs is the defense of humanism, man defense, defense of everything that constitutes of beauty and wealth. The artist created varied songs and the main themes are student, folkloristic, historical, love, moral, prison and war. Constant motive in Vysotsky’s works is fight. The way of fight is differential, but one thing stays the same: it is necessary to fight to gain what you desire, to defend at all costs, even though any disaster or defeat threaten. It is the only way to keep and save what the most important is - a dignity. The author did not avoid sensitive and inconvenient topics. He always remained open. The heroes of the Vysotsky’s songs are individuals, who clearly show their attitudes, feelings and emotions. Heroes in his texts are soldiers, sailors, airmen, miners, thieves, sportsmen, characters from fairy tales and animals. They are always individuals. In a satirical way Vysotsky showed weaknesses of the society: materialism, greed, anti-semitism, hypocrisy, but he wrote about it in a light and innocent way. Because of his wide heritage Vysotsky will always remain in hearts and memories of a large group of admirers and friends, remembered as an extraordinary artist, great actor, who worked with passion and true love and respect for others

    The picturesque in Polish nineteenth-century writing about art

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    Celem rozprawy jest przedstawienie problemu estetyki malowniczości na gruncie polskiej dziewiętnastowiecznej myśli o sztuce. Po rozdziałach wstępnych zawierających omówienie stanu badań oraz przegląd dziejów pojęcia w Anglii, Francji i Niemczech w XVIII i XIX wieku, poddano analizie piśmiennictwo polskie. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwe drogi przenikania koncepcji estetycznych: mecenat arystokracji i jej międzynarodowe powiązania towarzyskie, podróże po Europie, obecność literatury zagranicznej w bibliotekach i kształcenie polskich artystów na Zachodzie. Wyróżniono kilka aspektów refleksji teoretycznej nad malowniczością: akcentowanie walorów ojczystego krajobrazu, kult pamiątek przeszłości i chęć zachowania dziedzictwa historycznego, znajdujących zastosowanie w sztuce ogrodów, malarstwie, grafice i architekturze.The aim of the dissertation is to present the problem of the picturesque in Polish nineteenth-century writing about art. After the initial chapters containing the state of research and the overview of the history of the notion in England, France and Germany in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Polish literature has been analyzed. An attention was paid to ways of migration of aesthetic concepts: the patronage of the aristocracy and its international social connections, travels through Europe, the presence of foreign books in libraries and the education of Polish artists in the West. Text analysis identified several aspects of theoretical reflection on the picturesque: an emphasis on the values of local landscape, the cult of souvenirs of the past and the desire to preserve historical heritage, which influenced the art of gardening, painting, artistic graphics and architecture

    Wiedza studentów Państwowej Medycznej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Opolu dotycząca honorowego krwiodawstwa i leczenia krwią - analiza badań własnych

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    Background: The ultimate purpose of blood donation is to obtain blood from healthy donors for use by those who require a blood transfusion. This becomes possible due to a solid base of blood donors. Oftentimes, students are recruited as they represent a large potential pool of donors. The results of this survey indicate the areas that require focus in order to promote voluntary blood donation. Aim of the study: To determine the amount of knowledge that Opole Medical School students have concerning blood donation and its treatment. Material and methods: This research was performed using a diagnostic survey method. One hundred Opole Medical School students anonymously filled out a questionnaire concerning blood donation. Their answers were analyzed in an “R” statistic and PSPP program. The answer content was assessed with consideration for collegiate level, medical education, potential blood donation, and contact with blood donors. Results: 85% of students think that their knowledge is average. 82% of students reported understanding that blood donation is non habit- forming, while 65% were aware there is no risk of blood overproduction in the case of regular donations. Approximately 22% of respondents were aware that blood donation has minimal risk for the donor, but half of the respondents had an incorrect understanding of donor privileges. Conclusions: Students with medical education, senior level students and those who have contact with honor blood donors, do not have greater knowledge than other respondents. The greatest knowledge of blood donation and transfusion have these students who are actually honor blood donors.Wstęp: Honorowe krwiodawstwo jest akcją społeczną mającą na celu pozyskiwanie krwi od osób zdrowych na rzecz osób wymagających transfuzji. Leczenie krwią możliwe jest dzięki stałej bazie krwiodawców. Propagowanie idei honorowego krwiodawstwa wśród studentów jest bardzo ważne, ponieważ są oni potencjalnymi dawcami krwi. Wyniki badań ankietowych wskazują obszary wiedzy, na których w propagowaniu honorowego krwiodawstwa należałoby się szczególnie skupić, aby pozyskać nowych dawców. Cel pracy: Poznanie wiedzy studentów PMWSZ w Opolu na temat krwiodawstwa i krwiolecznictwa. Materiał i metody: W badaniach udział wzięło 100 studentów PMWSZ w Opolu. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety. Wyniki: 85% (85) badanych ocenia swoją wiedzę z zakresu krwiodawstwa jako średnią. 82% (82) jest świadomych, że oddawanie krwi nie uzależnia fizycznie. 65% (65) respondentów wie, że nie istnieje ryzyko nadprodukcji krwi w przypadku regularnego jej oddawania. 47% (47) ankietowanych zna zastosowanie krwi w lecznictwie. Tylko 22% (22) wie, że oddawanie krwi nie stwarza ryzyka dla dawcy. 50% (50) respondentów ma błędne informacje na temat przywilejów krwiodawców. Wnioski: Największą wiedzę w zakresie krwiodawstwa i krwiolecznictwa mają honorowi dawcy krwi. Nie potwierdziły się hipotezy zakładające, że studenci lat programowo wyższych, osoby, które mają wykształcenie medyczne i studenci, których znajomi są honorowymi dawcami, mają większą wiedzę na temat krwiodawstwa

    The knowledge of Public Medical Higher School in Opole students related to the blood donation movement – analysis of a survey

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    Wstęp: Honorowe krwiodawstwo jest akcją społeczną mającą na celu pozyskiwanie krwi od osób zdrowych na rzecz osób wymagających transfuzji. Leczenie krwią możliwe jest dzięki stałej bazie krwiodawców. Propagowanie idei honorowego krwiodawstwa wśród studentów jest bardzo ważne, ponieważ są oni potencjalnymi dawcami krwi. Wyniki badań ankietowych wskazują na obszary wiedzy, na których w propagowaniu honorowego krwiodawstwa należałoby się szczególnie skupić, aby pozyskać nowych dawców. Cel pracy: Poznanie stanu wiedzy studentów PMWSZ w Opolu na temat krwiodawstwa i krwiolecznictwa. Materiał i metody: W badaniach wzięło udział 100 studentów PMWSZ w Opolu. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety. Wyniki: 85% (85) badanych ocenia swoją wiedzę z zakresu krwiodawstwa jako średnią. 82% (82) jest świadoma, że oddawanie krwi nie uzależnia fizycznie. 65% (65) respondentów wie, że nie istnieje ryzyko nadprodukcji krwi w przypadku regularnego jej oddawania. 47% (47) ankietowanych zna zastosowanie krwi w lecznictwie. Tylko 22% (22) wie, że oddawanie krwi nie stwarza ryzyka dla dawcy. 50% (50) respondentów ma błędne informacje na temat przywilejów krwiodawców. Wnioski: Największą wiedzę w zakresie krwiodawstwa i krwiolecznictwa mają honorowi dawcy krwi. Nie potwierdziły się hipotezy zakładające, że studenci lat programowo wyższych, osoby z wykształceniem medycznym i studenci, których znajomi są honorowymi dawcami, mają większą wiedzę na temat krwiodawstwa.Background: The Blood Donor Movement is a social action which aims at obtaining blood from healthy people and giving it to people who need blood transfusion. This is only possible thanks to a solid base of blood donors. Promoting the idea of voluntary blood donation among students is very important because they are potential blood donors. The results of the survey indicate the areas of knowledge, which in promoting voluntary blood donation should be especially fulfilled to attract new donors. Aim of the study: The aim of the study is to recognize the level of knowledge of Public Higher Medical Professional School Students in Opole about The Blood Donor Movement and medical treatment with the use of blood. Material and methods: The research was carried out using a diagnostic survey method. The author’s questionnaire had been filled in anonymously and voluntarily by a hundred of students. The analysis was taken in the “R” statistic program and PSPP program with the significance level of p < 0.05. The material was analysed considering the college level, medical education, active blood donation and the contact with blood donators. Results: 85% of the students recognise their knowledge of the subject at a medium level. 82% know that blood donating is not physically addictive. 65% of the participants are aware of the fact that there is no risk of blood overproduction in case of regular donating. 47% of the respondents give a correct answer to the question related to chemotherapy. 22% of all know that blood donation does not create a risk for the donor. However, 50% of the respondents have incorrect beliefs about blood donators’ privileges. Conclusions: The honour blood donors have the greatest knowledge of blood donation and transfusion .The hypothesis stating that older and better educated students have wider knowledge about The Blood Donor Movement has not been confirmed