51 research outputs found

    In ovo validation model to assess the efficacy of commercial prebiotics on broiler performance and oxidative stability of meat

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    Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of in ovo injection of 2 different prebiotics, DiNovo (DN; Laminaria spp., extract containing laminarin and fucoidan) and Bi2 tos (BI; non-digestive trans-galactooligosaccharides from milk lactose digested with Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB 41171), on growth, slaughter traits, intramuscular fat percentage (IF) and muscle fiber diameter, and lipid oxidation of meat in chickens reared under commercial conditions, following an in ovo trial protocol. On d 12 of embryonic incubation, 350,560 Ross 308 eggs were randomly divided into 3 experimental groups and automatically injected in ovo with: physiological saline (control group), BI at dose of 3.5 mg/embryo and DN at dose of 0.88 mg/embryo. Hatched chicks (males and females) were allocated dependent on treatment group into 3 poultry houses on each farm (3 farms in total) with a stocking density of 21.2 to 21.5 chicks/m2. At 42 d of age, 14 randomly chosen birds (7 males and 7 females), per each treatment from each farm, were individually weighed and slaughtered. The results showed no significant differences of final number of chickens/chicken house, mortality, BW per treatment, stocking density (kg/m2), feed intake, feed conversion rate (FCR), and European Broiler Index among 3 experimental groups. Treatments with BI and DN were associated with slight increases (P > 0.05) in average BW and a minor improvement (P > 0.05) of FCR in BI group. Slaughtered chickens from DN and BI treated groups had significantly increase of BW, carcass weight, carcass yield, and breast muscle weight compared with the control group. IF and muscle fiber diameter were similar among groups. Males had significantly higher slaughter traits compared to females, except for breast muscle yield. The prebiotic treatments led to a higher lipid oxidation in meat, even if the detected TBA reactive substances were below the critical value recognized for meat acceptability. In conclusion, in ovo administration of prebiotics was associated with improvements in a number of parameters of relevance to commercial poultry production

    Artykaina plus morfina versus sama artykaina w leczeniu bólu podczas zabiegu endodontycznego z powodu nieodwracalnego zapalenia miazgi : badanie randomizowane, kontrolowane

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    Standardowe znieczulenie miejscowe nie gwarantuje całkowitego ustąpienia bólu podczas zabiegu endodontycznego usuwania miazgi w stanie nieodwracalnego zapalenia. Celem pracy było sprawdzenie, czy miejscowe znieczulenie za pomocą morfiny w dawce 1 mg dodanej do standardowego znieczulenia za pomocą artykainy w porównaniu z samą artykainą zmniejszy odczuwanie bólu w czasie 48 godz. po zabiegu endodontycznym. W podwójnie ślepej próbie klinicznej uczestniczyły 32 osoby, które miały nieodwracalne zapalenie miazgi pierwszego zęba trzonowego szczęki. Uczestnicy badania byli zrandomizowani do dwóch grup: grupy badawczej, która otrzymywała artykainę i morfinę (n = 9), oraz grupy kontrolnej, która otrzymywała tylko artykainę (n = 23). Nasilenie bólu badano za pomocą numerycznej skali oceny bólu oraz skali wzrokowo- -analogowej przed zabiegiem oraz 1, 2, 6, 12, 24 i 48 godz. po zabiegu. Nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic nasilenia bólu między dwoma grupami w obu skalach oceny bólu we wszystkich kolejnych punktach oceny aż do 48 godz. po zabiegu. Stwierdzono jedynie nieistotne statystycznie mniejsze odczuwanie bólu po 12 godz. u chorych leczonych morfiną i artykainą (p = 0,08). Badanie było finansowane z grantu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (UJ) i miało zgodę Komisji Bioetycznej UJ nr: 2008/K/ZDS/000518. Dodanie morfiny do artykainy w celu mniejszego odczuwania bólu podczas endodontycznego usuwania miazgi w stanie nieodwracalnego zapalenia nie ma wpływu na odczuwanie bólu, choć większą skuteczność tego znieczulenia obserwowano wcześniej podczas zabiegów chirurgicznych w jamie ustnej. Wskazane są dalsze badania oceniające skuteczność opioidów w miejscowym znieczuleniu podczas zabiegów endodontycznych.Standard local anaesthetics do not guarantee complete absence of pain during endodontic debridement of the inflamed pulp. We investigated whether the addition of l mg of morphine to local articaine anaesthesia as compared to articaine alone could reduce pain sensations during endodontic debridement and within 48 h after the procedure. Thirty-two patients with pain attributed to irreversible pulpitis of the first upper molar participated in this randomized, double-blind trial. Patients were randomly assigned either to the study group (patients receiving periapical injection of modified local anaesthetic solution with morphine, n = 9) or to the control group (patients receiving standard anaesthetic solution without morphine, n = 23). The pain intensity was assessed using the visual analogue scale and verbal score before and directly after endodontic debridement, as well as at 1, 2, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h after the procedure. Neither the visual analogue scale nor verbal score differed between both groups before or during the endodontic debridement, as well as during 48-hour follow-up. However, there was an insignificant tendency for greater pain relief in patients treated with articaine and morphine at 12 h after endodontic debridement (p = 0.08). The study was funded by a Jagiellonian University in Poland (JU) grant, and was registered with the JU Ethical Committee No. 2008/K/ZDS/000518. The addition of morphine to local articaine anaesthesia does not influence pain intensity in patients undergoing endodontic debridement in contrast to the previously described pain-relief effect in patients after oral surgery. However, future studies are needed to evaluate the role of opioids in local anaesthesia in endodontic procedures

    Strong and Long-Lasting Antinociceptive and Anti-inflammatory Conjugate of Naturally Occurring Oleanolic Acid and Aspirin

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    The conjugate 8 was obtained as a result of condensation of 3-hydroxyiminooleanolic acid morfolide (7) and aspirin in dioxane. Analgesic effect of OAO-ASA (8) for the range of doses 0.3 – 300.0 mg/kg (p.o.) was performed in mice using a hot plate test. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed on carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats for the same range of doses. The conjugate OAO-ASA (8) did not significantly change locomotor activity of mice, therefore sedative properties of the compound should be excluded. The compound 8 proved a simple, proportional, dose-dependent analgesic action and expressed strong anti-inflammatory activity showing a reversed U-shaped, dose-dependent relation with its maximum at 30.0 mg/kg. After its combined administration with morphine (MF, 5.0 mg/kg, s.c.) the lowering of antinociceptive activity was found; however, the interaction with naloxone (NL, 3.0 mg/kg, s.c.) did not affect the antinociceptive effect of OAO-ASA (8), therefore its opioid mechanism of action should be rather excluded. After combined administration with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, 300.0 mg/kg, p.o.) in hot-plate test, the examined compound 8 enhanced the antinociceptive activity in significant way. It also shows that rather the whole molecule is responsible for the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect of the tested compound 8, however it cannot be excluded that the summarizing effect is produced by ASA released from the compound 8 and the rest of triterpene derivative. The occurrence of tolerance for triterpenic derivative 8 was not observed, since the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects after chronic administration of the conjugate OAO-ASA (8) was on the same level as after its single treatment. It seemed that the anti-inflammatory mechanism of action of OAO-ASA (8) is not simple, even its chronic administration lowered both blood concentration of IL-6 and mRNA IL-6 expression. However, the effects of the conjugate OAO-ASA (8) on TNF-α level and mRNA expression were opposite. Moreover, compound 8 did not change unequivocally mRNA TLR1, and TLR3 expression. Concluding, the obtained results regarding the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity of new conjugate of oleanolic acid oxime and acetylsalicylic acid (OAO-ASA 8) are very interesting, but for explanation of its mechanism of action, more detailed studies are necessary

    Reduction in the level of antibodies against heat shock proteins 60 during different hormonal protocols in postmenopausal women

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    Introduction: In current literature, the immune-inflammatory theory of atherosclerosis is widely discussed. The role of how heat shock proteins 60 (HSP60) lead to the development of the atheromatous plaque is especially underlined. The aim of the study is to estimate the influence of three hormonal protocols on behavior of antibodies against HSP60. It determines the state of endothelium in postmenopausal women. Material and methods: The study was carried out on 90 women between 2007 and 2012. All the women were in their menopausal age (51 ± 3 years), from the south region of Poland, with a follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level above 25 mIU/ml, and with menopausal symptoms disturbing their normal daily activity. The study was done for a period of 6 months. Three groups of 30 randomized patients were formed. In the first group we used transdermal estrogen therapy in a 37.5 µg/24 h dose combined with a 10 mg dose of dydrogesterone. In the second group we applied transdermal estrogen therapy in a 50 µg/24 h dose with 2.5 mg of oral medroxyprogesterone. In both these groups, gestagens were administered continuously. In the third group, we prescribed continuous, oral, low-dose combined estrogen-gestagen therapy with 1 mg of ethinyl estradiol and 0.5 mg of norethisterone acetate. The control group consisted of 30 volunteers who were also from the south region of Poland, in good health, with menopausal symptoms, no menstrual period for the last 12 months, selected considering their age and weight, with an FSH level above 25 mIU/ml and with normal levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin. All patients treated and in the control group were seronegative to Chlamydia pneumonia for the entire duration of the study. In the analysis conducted, nonparametric tests were used (Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon test, Kruskal-Wallis test - ANOVA). Results: After 6 months of hormonal therapy, we found that all schemes of treatment promote a significant reduction in antibodies against HSP60 in all treated groups vs. the control group. Conclusions: All of the investigated estrogen protocols have a favorable impact on the blood level of HSP60 antibodies in early postmenopausal women who have no cardiovascular risk factors. It triggers a better condition of endothelium

    Flow cytometric DNA analysis of parathyroid benign lesions

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    Introduction: It is difficult to differentiate benign and malignant lesions just by histopathological evaluation due to lack of clear criteria of diagnosis. Moreover, the group of benign pathologies of parathyroids is not homogenous, and recurrence of symptoms of hyperparathyroidism after surgical management was also noted in this group. This complication is not always due to inappropriate surgical technique. The goal of this work was to find the relationship between cellular ploidy and proliferative activity of adenomas and hyperplasia of parathyroids and preoperative levels of calcium and parathormone in the serum of patients surgically treated for primary hyperparathyroidism. Material and methods: A total of 98 parathyroid glands were tested, of which 81 (82.7%) were from female patients and 17 (17.3%) from male; the age of the patients was from 22 to 82 years, with an average of 58 years. Results: In resected glands pathological evaluation showed the following results: in 53 (54.1%) adenoma was present, and in 45 (45.9%) there was hyperplasia. Sixty-seven of the samples (68.4%) were characterised as diploid and 31 (31.6%) as aneuploid. There is important positive correlation (r = 0.34595; p = 0.011) between the percentage of S-phase cells (% SPF) and calcium levels measured prior to surgical resection of adenoma. The further analysis of patients with adenoma characterised by aneuploidy proved a statistically valid, positive correlation between %SPF and ionised calcium levels in blood serum of patients both before (r = 0.7189; p = 0.003) and after the surgical treatment (r = 0.6313; p = 0.012). Conclusions: 1. Benign lesions of parathyroid with ploidy indicates their heterogeneity. 2. In aneuploid benign adenomas of parathyroid glands an increased percentage of cells in S phase (% SPF) correlates with a high level of calcium in serum pre- and post-parathyroidectomy

    Metody analizy i oceny bezpieczeństwa oraz jakości informacji

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperTematyka monografii koncentruje się na metodach zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa informacji, procedurach wspomagających podnoszenie jakości danych oraz narzędziach zwiększających możliwości pozyskiwania z dostępnych informacji wartościowych i rzetelnych wniosków analitycznych. Publikacja podzielona jest na trzy części. Pierwsza część zawiera 3 rozdziały, w których podjęto kwestie zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa informacji. Druga część monografii, ujęta w kolejnych trzech rozdziałach, prezentuje wybrane narzędzia i modele organizacji zasobów cyfrowych mających na celu zapewnienie wysokiej jakości, użyteczności oraz wiarygodności zbiorów danych zawartych w repozytoriach. Ostatnia część pracy przedstawia problematykę związaną z prawem Benforda, pozwalającym ocenić stopień rzetelności danych na podstawie analizy rozkładów cyfr w liczbach weryfikowanego zbioru danych

    Metody i narzędzia zapisu i udostępniania danych

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperPrzekazujemy czytelnikowi kolejną monografię wydaną w ramach serii „Informatyka”, zawierającą publikacje pracowników związanych z Wydziałem Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego z obszaru problemów optymalizacji, systemów informacyjnych oraz kształcenia zdalnego. Wśród autorów niniejszej publikacji znajdują się głównie pracownicy Studium Informatyki Krakowskiej Akademii i Katedry Informatyki Stosowanej. Opublikowane artykuły są wynikiem współpracy w zespołach z pracownikami innych krakowskich uczelni. Tematyka monografii koncentruje się na metodach optymalizacji, zastosowaniach systemów informatycznych, oraz kształcenia zdalnego. Całość tematyki podzielona jest na trzy wzajemnie powiązane części. Pierwsza część zawiera trzy podrozdziały, w których podjęto kwestie kształcenia zdalnego. Druga część monografii, ujęta w kolejnych trzech podrozdziałach, prezentuje wybrane narzędzia i modele optymalizacji. Ostatnia, trzecia – przedstawia problematykę związaną z zastosowaniem systemów informatycznych w firmie

    Contemporary determinants of international relatioos

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Nauka o stosunkach międzynarodowych nie może się obejść bez systematyzowania i porządkowania omawianej przez siebie niezwykle szerokiej materii. Poszukując odpowiedzi na pytania związane z relacjami pomiędzy uczestnikami interakcji międzynarodowych, nie sposób nie dostrzegać czynników, jakie na nie wpływają, czy to w sposób pośredni czy też bezpośredni, zależny lub niezależny od nich. Wielość tych czynników i zmienność wagi przykładanej do poszczególnych, zależnie od epoki, stwarza konieczność gruntownego badania i wskazywania na najważniejsze z nich, decydujące w danym okresie."(...