35 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of DEA models to measurement errors

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    One of the weak points of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) models indicated in literature[1,2] is their sensitivity to variable measurement errors. The occurrence of data interference, whichis the basis of the productivity analysis, may distort the classification of the units and may causemisjudgement of their effectiveness.In the article the results of simulation concerning the DEA models sensitivity to occurrence andfeatures of random element in the monitored variables describing the model are presented.The set of thirty DMU (Decision Making Units) described by the means of three inputvariables, two output variables and one environmental variable was analysed. On the basis of thedetermined initial value of all the kinds of variables for each DMU, their relative effectiveness andtheir ranking were determined. Then, the value of each variable was interfered randomly with thenoise with normal distribution N(m,σ) and once again relative effectiveness and ranking of DMUwere determined. The calculation was done repeatedly, taking into account different levels ofvariance. The simulation carried out in the described manner was the basis for the assessment ofthe stability of the classification with the occurrence of measurement errors.On the basis of the research, the limits of DEA models resistance to the occurrence of errors inthe data that are used for productivity analysis were determined.In the authors’ opinion, the proposals in the article may be recognised as a vital input for thedevelopment of the methodology of comparative productivity analysis by the means of DEAmodels

    Environmental DEA method for assessing productivity of European countries

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    The article presents the concept of environmental efficiency analysis based on the method of Data Envelopment Analysis in the case of the existence of desirable and undesirable results. Theoretical considerations are illustrated by a case study of European countries and evaluation of productivity taking into account not only economic growth but also effects which are undesirable and impossible to eliminate entirely, such as the impact on the environment. The differences in the results are explained by the relationship between policies aiming at supporting research and development with the use of the Tobit regression model. The added value of this work is to propose an integration of environmental DEA method with the concept of technological competitors. The possibility of applying the concept of DEA to technological competition was presented in the form of classification and benchmarking of the European countries. It is concluded that European countries are highly diversified in regard to the efficiency of environmental performance

    Model of trust-based cooperative relationships in a supply chain

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    The study aimed to find factors affecting the development of trust-based cooperative relationships and test the links between them. For this study, the research framework was based on the notion that a cooperative relationship in a supply chain required commitment, cooperation and trust among the supply chain partners, with trust as a critical element. The other assumption was that the selection of partners with specific qualities was conducive to building cooperative relationships. The research was conducted on a sample of 226 companies using the CATI technique. In the study structural equation modelling was used. The obtained results confirmed the positive impact of partner qualities on trust and adaptation, of adaptation on commitment, of trust on cooperation and commitment, and of commitment on cooperation. New measurement scales were used that expanded the range of factors that affect the successful building of trust-based cooperative relationships in a supply chain

    The DEA method in public sector institutions efficiency analysis on the basis of higher education institutions

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    Public sector is being currently under intensified pressure to increase efficiency and improve quality of its activity. The pressure of government, local society, stake holders and media stimulates public sector development and motivates to experiment with new management methods. In the article basic premises of comparative analysis of public sector institutions efficiency are presented. In the global studies on comparative analysis of efficiency the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is the leading method applied. In the article the general concept and key features of the DEA method are described. The examples of DEA implementation in different areas of public sector worldwide are presented. The conclusion is formulated that undertaking similar studies in Polish environment is justified. Considerations are illustrated with the calculation of Polish public technical universities efficiency. In the DEA model proposed the didactic subsidy comprises the input and the number of students and scientific grants is treated as the output. It is indicated that the majority of the universities under scrutiny possesses reserves of technical and allocative efficiency. The authors are convinced that the comparative analysis of efficiency can be one of the important stimulators of public service quality, public spending and public institutions management improvement.DEA method, efficiency, public sector, higher education institution

    The critical analysis of scenario construction in the Polish foresight initiatives

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    The aim of the article is to present the diagnosis of scenario method application in the Polish foresight initiatives. The concept of scenario method, its evolution, the state of the art of the Polish foresight studies and the critical analysis of the application of this method have been presented. From the questionnaire results the authors have identified (i) the approach used in scenario construction, (ii) the most important phases of scenario construction, (iii) the interconnection of scenario method with other methods of scenario construction, (iv) the profile of experts involved in foresight projects, (v) the profile of experts involved in scenario construction, (vi) the application of the triangulation principle in scenario construction, (vii) the application of wild cards in scenario construction and techniques to identify them, (viii) the average time of scenario construction process, (ix) the linkage of scenarios to other documents, (x) the number of scenarios elaborated upon, and (xi) the main difficulties in the process of scenario construction. To achieve article aims there have been used the following research methods: a literature review, the method of critical analysis and logical construction, survey research, the status of Polish foresight projects, interim and final report analysis. The research has been funded by the National Science Centre in Poland within a research project entitled Scenarios in future shaping and anticipation for foresight studies, project number: 4194/B/H03/2011/40

    Application of DEA method in efficiency evaluation of public higher education institutions

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    Public higher education sector is under a growing pressure worldwide to increase efficiency and improve the quality of its activities. Limited financial resources as well as detailed regulations and supervision of their spending are the important features of the public higher education sector. Another important and debated issue is the division of public money among higher education institutions (HEI). It is therefore crucial to create stimuli for the rational management of public funds by HEI and for the quality improvement of HEI services. One of the proposed ways to achieve the desired result is the comparative efficiency assessment of HEI activities. Setting clear reference points for HEI, such assessment may be treated as a substitute for market competition. This paper describes a comparative efficiency study of 19 Polish universities of technology. Detailed analysis of potential input, output and environmental variables describing the HEI efficiency model was carried out. The study used the CCR-CRS output-oriented DEA model. It was assumed that HEI had more influence on achieved results than on the amount of their resources. The economies of scale were also studied in relation to the efficiency achieved. Sensitivity of the model to data errors was tested. First published online: 28 Jan 201

    Benchmarking szansą poprawy pozycji konkurencyjnej polskich uczelni

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    The position of Polish schools of higher education in international rankings, the number of significant publications or patents show that Polish schools are not capable of withstanding global competition. The authors believe that benchmarking, if used properly, would offer an opportunity to improve the schools’ competitive position. The paper describes the key ideas of benchmarking and aspects associated with its application in HE institutions. Examples indicate that systematic comparisons with other entities as well as creative adaptation of best practices is an effective way to improve HE institutions as it makes them aware of weaknesses, of challenges faced and development directions. The authors recommend that comparative benchmarking should be used in collaboration between Polish schools.Pozycja polskich szkół wyższych w międzynarodowych rankingach, liczba ważkich publikacji czy liczba patentów świadczą o tym, że uczelnie te nie są w stanie sprostać globalnej rywalizacji. Zdaniem autorów prawidłowe zastosowanie benchmarkingu stanowi szansę poprawy ich pozycji konkurencyjnej. W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe założenia benchmarkingu oraz aspekty jego zastosowania w szkołach wyższych. Przytoczone przykłady wskazują, że systematyczne porównywanie się do innych oraz twórcza adaptacja dobrych praktyk stanowi skuteczny sposób doskonalenia szkół wyższych poprzez uświadomienie sobie słabości uczelni, stojących przed nimi wyzwań oraz kierunków rozwoju. Autorzy rekomendują zastosowanie w polskich szkołach wyższych benchmarkingu porównawczego, przeprowadzanego we współpracy między uczelniami

    Labour efficiency in construction industry in Europe based on frontier methods: data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis

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    The primary problems pertaining to productivity or – more precisely – efficiency are: how to define it and how to measure it. This article studies technical efficiency in Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) – the input-oriented frontier model – in the construction industry and compares it with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) results. The models ex­plored in this paper were constructed on the basis of two outputs and personnel cost as an input. The research sample consisted of European countries. The aim was to determine whether there are substantial differences in estimation of ef­ficiency derived from those two alternative frontier approaches. The comparison of results according to the models may translate into higher reliability of the undertaken labour efficiency analysis in construction and its conclusions. Although the results are not characterized by high compatibility, the conducted analysis indicated the most attractive countries taking into account labour cost to profit and turnover ratios of enterprises. One of the determinants which should not be ignored when analysing the labour efficiency is the level of development of a country; however, it is not the sole factor affecting the efficiency of the sector

    Hybrid rough set and data envelopment analysis approach to technology prioritisation

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    The complexity and speed of change in technological systems pose new challenges to technology management. Particular attention should be given to the issue of modelling the uncertainty of assessments and creating rules for determining the weights of the technology assessment criteria. The article aims to present a comprehensive hybrid technology prioritisation model based on the Data Envelopment Analysis and the concept of Rough Sets. The technology prioritisation process that uses the proposed model includes three consecutive stages: (i) the formulation of technology assessment matrix, (ii) the removal of the criteria redundancy based on indiscernibility relation defined in the Rough Set Theory, (iii) the development of rough variables and prioritisation using the DEA super-efficiency model. The combination of DEA and RS is a unique proposal to classify and rank objects based on the tabular representation of their conditional attributes under circumstances of uncertainty. Application of the developed hybrid model to the real data of the technology foresight project “NT FOR Podlaskie 2020” positively verified the assumed effects of its use. The obtained results allow a more objective and rational justification of the chosen technology, simplification of interpretation and better authentication of results from the perspective of decision-makers. First published online 8 May 202

    Kierunki rozwoju nanotechnologii w województwie podlaskim. Mapy. Marszruty. Trendy

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    W monografii zaprezentowano możliwe kierunki rozwoju nanotechnologii w województwie podlaskim opracowane w ramach projektu badawczego „Foresight technologiczny «NT FOR Podlaskie 2020». Regionalna strategia rozwoju nanotechnologii”.Joanicjusz Nazark