58 research outputs found

    The impact of brand gender on consumer-brand engagement and consumer-based brand equity on Facebook

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    In this research, we investigate how two distinct and universal dimensions of brand personality - brand masculinity and brand femininity - which constitute the two dimensions of brand gender (Grohmann 2009) influence consumer-brand engagement on Facebook. Another critical aim is to investigate the relationship between brand masculinity and brand femininity perceptions and consumer-based brand equity, on Facebook

    Branding as a reflection of culture - An analysis of brand consumption patterns in China

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    This study examines cultural factors influencing brand building strategies in the Chinese market. Our purpose is to investigate what Chinese consumers value in a brand, examining consumer behavior as well as manufacturers and their business strategies to respond to customers. Findings show a positive correlation between branding strategies considering cultural factors and business success in China, implicating that culture, lifestyle, and economic development influence customers’ attitude towards a brand. In particular, brand image, a connection with a social group, and a strong need to avoid uncertainty, reflect dominant culture values in the purchase decision of consumer goods, implicating that they are valued as a reflection of Chinese consumers’ own cultural values. The paper concludes with a discussion about implications and suggestions for future researchinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Brand mergers: How attitudes influence consumer identity preferences

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    In the context of a merger, management of corporate brand names and logos assumes a critical role. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the corporate brand redeployment decision. This study analyses how consumers’ attitudes towards the corporate brands influence their preferences regarding the different branding strategies. Results suggest that the preference for a monolithic alternative is only clearly supported when one of the partners in the merger is a weak partner. When the merger involves two familiar brands, there is a tendency among consumers to combine elements of both brands’ identity. Finally, it is concluded that the affective and behavioural dimension of attitude towards the brand have a significant influence on consumers’ preferences

    The impact of naturalness on affective response to logo design: A cross-national study

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    Literature concerned with logo strategy suggests that the aesthetic appeal of brand logos significantly influences consumer responses. Yet, despite the fact that companies invest significant amounts of time and money promoting, updating and changing their logos, empirical studies of logo design issues are rare. In particular, there is little systematic research on the effect of logo design across different cultures. The main purpose of this research is to address the communalities and asymmetries between consumer responses to logo design across cultures. In particular, we focus on the influences of different types of natural designs on consumers’ affective responses in three different countries, Portugal, Spain and The Netherlands. Findings should provide relevant contributions for multinational companies since logos are critical brand identity sings and they tend to be used in an unaltered form in new markets

    A identidade corporativa em situação de fusão: como se juntam nomes e logótipos e como as pessoas os percebem

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    JEL Classification System: M3, M31Nome e logótipo são dois elementos fundamentais de comunicação que identificam todas as outras dimensões da identidade corporativa. No caso particular de uma fusão a gestão da identidade corporativa, e em especial da mudança nos nomes e logótipos, assume uma importância crítica. O objectivo deste estudo é providenciar uma melhor compreensão das decisões relacionadas com a mudança nos sinais de identidade corporativos, tendo em consideração as reacções dos consumidores. Nesse sentido, procuramos definir uma tipologia das estruturas de identidade corporativa que podem ser adoptadas em caso de fusão de marcas, e analisar o modo como a atitude dos consumidores em relação às marcas influencia as suas preferências relativamente às diferentes opções de identidade disponíveis. Os resultados da investigação indicam que as alternativas monolíticas de mudança de identidade são as mais preferidas. No entanto, esta predominância só se verifica claramente quando um dos parceiros envolvidos na fusão é um parceiro mais fraco. Quando a fusão envolve duas marcas fortes, os inquiridos demonstram tendencialmente um comportamento “ético”, escolhendo uma solução de combinação dos sinais de identidade de ambas as marcas. Ao contrário do que seria expectável, as assimetrias de fit não levam necessariamente a um comportamento “ditatorial” de opção por uma só marca, ou então “relutante” face à fusão. Além do mais, os resultados demonstram que a componente afectiva e comportamental da atitude têm uma influência significativa nas preferências dos consumidores. Assim, é fundamental criar uma relação afectiva e genuína com os consumidores, de forma a induzir comportamentos de maior lealdade à marca e aos seus sinais em situação de fusão.Name and logo are two fundamental communication cues that identify all the other corporate identity dimensions. In the context of a merger, the management of corporate identity, and in particular of corporate brand names and logos, assumes a critical role. The aim of this research is to provide a better understanding of the corporate brand redeployment decisions, considering the reactions of one important stakeholder group - consumers. Therefore, we developed a typology of the corporate identity structures that may be assumed in the case of a merger, and analysed how consumers’ attitudes towards the corporate brands influence their preferences regarding the corporate identity redeployment alternatives available. Our results suggest that monolithic redeployment strategies are most often preferred. However, the predominance of the monolithic alternatives is only clearly supported when one of the partners in the merger is a week partner. Whenever the merger involves two strong corporate brands, there is a tendency among respondents to assume an ethical behaviour, and to combine elements of both brands’ identities (hybrid identity). Contrarily to our expectations, fit asymmetries do not lead necessarily to the choice of a monolithic or a differentiated redeployment alternative. Furthermore our results show that the affective and behavioural dimension of attitude towards the brand have a significant influence on consumers’ preferences. Thus it is critical to create a genuine affective relationship with consumers, to ensure stronger loyalty behaviours towards the corporate brand and the corporate brand’s identity signs in the context of a merger

    Design, personality traits and consumer responses to brand logos

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    Despite the relevance of logos as communication cues, empirical studies of logo design issues in marketing journals are still scarce (Peterson et al., 2015). This study seeks to address this research gap by examining consumers’ responses to logo design, and specifically to the different types of natural designs, at a behavioral and psychological level. Additionally, we explore whether socio-demographic variables and consumer personality traits are sources of differences in such reactions

    Brand mergers: Examining consumer response to name and logo design

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    It is critical to investigate reactions to the various name and logo redeployment alternatives available in the context of a brand merger. Yet research on this topic is relatively limited. This paper aims to start filling this gap in the literature, by developing a typology of the visual identity structures that may be assumed in the context of a merger, as well as an exploratory study (n = 467) analysing consumers’ preferences regarding the alternative branding strategies. It uses an innovative design, which gives respondents freedom to choose their preferred solution. Results suggest that there is a clear preference for figurative logos. Furthermore, there is evidence that the logo may play a role as important as the name in a merger, ensuring consumers that there will be a connection with the brand’s past. Data also show that the choice of the logo reflects consumers’ aesthetic responses, whereas the choice of the name reflects consumers’ evaluation of the brand’s offer or off the brand’s presence in the market. These results should guide managers in the evaluation and choice of the post-merger branding strategy.brand identity, logos, brand mergers, consumer preferences

    The effect of brand names and logos’ figurativeness on memory: an experimental approach

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    This paper explores the opposition between abstract and figurative names and logos, considered together in a single stimulus. We created three experimental scenarios of fictitious names and logos, ranging from very abstract to very figurative stimuli. Findings show that figurativeness, and organicity as its extreme form, are key determinants of cognitive responses to names and logos. However, our most relevant finding is the crucial importance of the interaction between the figurativeness of the name and the logo. Results show that semantic repetition is beneficial for creating recall and generating associations, and semantic dispersion is advantageous for ensuring recognition. Nevertheless, there are exceptions. The originality of this paper lies in the fact that it allows to say that figurativeness is not a sacrosanct solution to good name and logo performance, it largely depends on the type of interaction between these two central brand identity signs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The influence of WOM and peer interaction in the decision-making process of Generation Z within the family

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    Generation Z is the first generation who has grown up in the middle of an era of developed information technology, being one of the most critical users of social networking sites (SNS), constantly engaging in online exchanging of information and conversation between peers. The study of this generation’s consumer behaviors is an opportunity for marketers to get to know their preferences, identify the major influences on their decision-making process, and understand how to target them more effectively. In this paper, we designed a survey to study the effect of peer interaction and word-of-mouth (WOM) on the different stages of Generation Z’s decision-making process, and to understand how this generation’s preferences are formed. Data was analyzed through Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equations Modeling. Results showed that peer interaction positively influences Generation Z’s decision-making, most predominantly in the first stages of the process, while the influence of WOM was not statistically supported. Other factors should be considered in the future, to uncover the different determinants of generation Z’s decisions, so that marketers can develop more accurate strategies to best target this younger generation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analyzing consumer-based brand equity on Facebook: the impact of brand gender

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    In recent years, Facebook and other social media have become key players in branding activities. However, empirical research is still needed about the way in which consumer-based brand equity is created on social media. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between masculine and feminine brand personality and brand equity, on Facebook, and to analyze the mediating role of consumer-brand engagement and brand love on this relationship. Data were collected using an online survey with 614 valid responses. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. Results support 7 of the 11 hypotheses with significant relationship between analyzed constructs. This study confirms the advantages of a clear gender positioning and extends prior research by suggesting that brands with a strong brand gender identity will encourage brand love. Results also highlight that brand love has a mediating role on the relationship between brand gender and overall brand equity
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