58 research outputs found

    Analisa Pondasi Pile Raft Pada Tanah Lunak Dengan Plaxis 2d

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    Permasalahan penurunan menjadi salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi para perencana pondasi bangunan dikarenakan oleh kondisi tanah yang lunak. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada, banyak perencana menggunakan pondasi raft atau pondasi rakit, karena dianggap mampu memberikan faktor keamanan yang memadai dalam menghadapi kegagalan daya dukung ultimate. Namun diperkirakan pondasi raft ini akan mengalami penurunan yang besar. Permasalahan tersebut mungkin dapat berkurang jika adanya penambahan pile pada pondasi raft sehingga menjadi pondasi pile raft. Dengan penambahan pile pada pondasi raft diharapkan perencanaannya mempertimbangkan segi ekonomis. Dengan menggunakan beban merata 6 t/m2, dilakukan penelitian pada pondasi pile raft dengan memvariasikan tebal raft yakni 80 cm, 100 cm, 120 cm dan 140 cm. Untuk panjang pile divariasikan dari panjang 5 m, 7 m, 9 m, 13 m dan 15 m. Analisis penurunan dilakukan dengan menggunakan software Plaxis 2D dan Metode Poulos. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Penambahan jumlah pile pada pondasi raft menghasilkan profil penurunan yang berkurang namun pada suatu keadaan tertentu penambahan pile tidak memberikan kontribusi yang lebih signifikan. Begitupun dengan perhitungan Poulos, pada konfigurasi pile tertentu tidak memberi kontribusi lagi. Sehingga desain yang ekonomis pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan tebal raft 80 cm dengan panjang pile 13 m dan konfigurasi pile 7x7

    MOESM4 of Rapid in situ 13C tracing of sucrose utilization in Arabidopsis sink and source leaves

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    Additional file 4: Figure S2. Simultaneous labeling of vascular tissue by co-feeding of 6-Carboxyfluorescein diacetate (green fluorescence) and Calcofluor White (blue fluorescence) dissolved in tap water. The fluorescent dyes were fed through the petiole of a transition leaf. A. thaliana plants were grown on soil under 8 h short day conditions and analysed at developmental stage 1.10–1.15. (A) Bright-field image of an approximately longitudinal optical section obtained by a confocal laser scanning microscope. The arrow indicates the position of a xylem vessel. (B) Phloem tissue indicated by 6-Carboxyfluorescein flourescence using excitation wave length λ = 488 nm and emission filter λ = 560 nm (green). (C) Xylem and apoplastic continuum indicated by Calcofluor White fluorescence using excitation wave length λ = 355 nm and an emission filter λ = 425 nm (blue). (D) Merged images (A–C)

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Symbiosis dependent accumulation of primary metabolites in arbuscule-containing cells

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    Example of a colonized area used for the sample collection via LCM. Longitudinal cryosections (35 μm) of roots 21 day post infection with Rhizophagus irregularis or control non-mycorrhizal roots were used for cell sampling. As an example, arbuscule-containing cells (arb) collected for this study are highlighted with yellow dashed lines. (PPT 849 kb

    Additional file 4: Figure S3. of Symbiosis dependent accumulation of primary metabolites in arbuscule-containing cells

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    GC-EI/TOF-MS-Chromatograms of a primary metabolite fraction that was extracted from cell populations of ~ 13,000 arbuscule containing root cells (red) after laser capture dissection compared to an extract from an approximately equal number non-colonized cortical cells of Medicago truncatula (black). (A) Selected ion monitoring using specific and selected mass fragments allows the highly selective relative quantification of metabolites in highly complex preparations that may contain unavoidable chemical contaminations. The chosen mass fragment, m/z = 361, allows the specific analysis of sucrose and α,α-trehalose at retention times that were determined by pure authenticated reference compounds. The insert shows the α,α-trehalose peak compared to a non-sample control (grey). The arrow indicates one of the impurities that need to be eliminated from further analysis by background subtraction. (B) Total ion chromatogram (TIC) of the same samples exemplifies the complex chemical impurities, which result from the embedding material that is required for the laser capture dissection process. Note, one mycorrhization-responsive compound, i.e., asparagine (red arrow), was already directly detectable by differential display analysis of the TICs. (PPT 1315 kb

    Additional file 2: Table S1. of Symbiosis dependent accumulation of primary metabolites in arbuscule-containing cells

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    Summary of polar primary metabolites identified in root cortical cells of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots of M. truncatula. Polar metabolites were analysed by GC-EI/TOF-MS based on metabolic profiling of methoxyaminated and trimethylsilylated metabolites. Data are expressed as means of two technical replicates. (XLS 57 kb

    Additional file 7: of Rapid transcriptional and metabolic regulation of the deacclimation process in cold acclimated Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Distribution of metabolites with significantly changed pool sizes among the clusters shown in Fig. 4. Major clusters in Fig. 4 are indicated by letters, while small cluster with only one or a few metabolites are indicated by numbers. (XLSX 11 kb

    Additional file 4: of Rapid transcriptional and metabolic regulation of the deacclimation process in cold acclimated Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Distribution of 476 significantly regulated genes encoding transcription factors among the clusters shown in Fig. 2. Major clusters in Fig. 2 are indicated by letters, while small cluster with only one or a few TF genes are indicated by numbers. (XLSX 33 kb

    The effect of 2- threonine on shoot length.

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    <p>Shoot lengths of seedlings grown in the presence or absence of 2∼ 30 seeds in each trial are shown WT- Wild type, <i>glx2-1</i> – mutant plant, GLX2-1OE – Plants constitutively over-expressing the <i>GLX2-1</i> gene; C- Control, S-Stress; Ws-Wassilewskija ecotype and Col-Colombia ecotype. *indicates P < 0.05, students't-test.</p

    Arabidopsis <i>glx2-1</i> plants are sensitive to anoxia.

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    <p>Eight-day-old seedlings were exposed to low oxygen conditions for 24 hours in the dark. Images were taken after a 24 hr. recovery period in the growth chamber (A). Wild type and GLX 2-1OE plants after 72 hours of recovery, following 24 hours anoxia (B). Representative image from multiple independent trials is shown.</p

    Independent component analyses of polar metabolite fingerprints from <i>A.thaliana glx2-1,</i> GLX2-1-OE, and wild type plants.

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    <p>Comparison between <i>glx2-1+/−</i> Threonine (a), GLX2-1-OE +/− Threonine (b), Wild type +/− Threonine (c) and GLX2-1OE and Wild type +/− threonine (d) are shown. Independent component analyses scores (IC 01 on X-axis and IC 03 on Y-axis) demonstrates common differences in seedlings in response to <i>GLX2-1</i> levels and/or exogenous Threonine stress.</p
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