13 research outputs found

    Tradisi panangat pra nikah oleh wali perempuan dalam perspektif hukum Islam: studi kasus di Desa Sadulang Kecamatan Sapeken Kabupaten Sumenep

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    Skripsi dengan judul “Tradisi Panangat Pra Nikah Oleh Wali Perempuan Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam (Studi Kasus di Desa Sadulang Kecamatan Sapeken Kabupaten Sumenep. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan: 1. Bagaimana tradisi panangat pra nikah oleh wali perempuan dalam di Desa Sadulang Kecamatan Sapeken Kabupaten Sumenep? 2. Bagaimana analisis hukum Islam terhadap tradisi panangat pra nikah oleh wali perempuan di Desa Sadulang Kecamatan Sapeken Kabupaten Sumenep? Jenis penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan, yaitu sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan secara langsung terhadap peristiwa data-data ada di lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang penulis gunakan adalah wawancara. Setelah data terkumpul, maka penulis melakukan analisis dengan metode analisis kualitatif. Dari data-data yang telah diperoleh, pemberian panangat ini telah dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Sadulang sudah menjadi turun-temurun sejak dahulu sampai sekarang. Pemberian panangat di Desa Sadulang merupakan sebagai syarat wajibnya sebelum melaksanakan perkawinan. Adapun tujuannya adalah untuk menghormati atau menghargai wanita yang ingin dinikahi. Proses penentuan panangat tersebut dilakukan dengan cara musyawarah antara pihak laki-laki dengan pihak perempuan, sehingga setelah ada kata sepakat maka perkawinan akan dilangsungkan. Menurut analisis hukum Islam, adat tentang pemberian panangat ada dua yaitu: 1. Di bolehkan selama permintaan panangat tidak memberatkan. 2. Tidak boleh jika permintaan panangat mempersulit atau memberatkan, karena hal itu sangat bertentangan dengan syariat Islam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas hendaknya pemberian panangat di Desa Sadulang yang diminta oleh pihak perempuan tidak memberatkan pihak lika-laki, sehingga bagi pemuda yang ingin menyempurnakan separuh agamanya yaitu menikah bisa melangsungkannya, jangan sampai gara-gara permintaan panangat yang terlalu tinggi bisa menghalangi niat baik seseorang yang ingin menikah. Kepada para tokoh agama, tokoh masyarakat hendaknya memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat Desa Sadulang tentang pelaksanaan panangat yang tidak bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam, karena pada dasarnya masyarakat Desa Sadulang 100% (seratus persen) beragama Islam. Sehingga adat yang berlaku harus sesuai dengan ajaran Islam

    The exported chaperone Hsp70-x supports virulence functions for <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> blood stage parasites

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    <div><p>Malaria is caused by five different <i>Plasmodium</i> spp. in humans each of which modifies the host erythrocyte to survive and replicate. The two main causes of malaria, <i>P</i>. <i>falciparum</i> and <i>P</i>. <i>vivax</i>, differ in their ability to cause severe disease, mainly due to differences in the cytoadhesion of infected erythrocytes (IE) in the microvasculature. Cytoadhesion of <i>P</i>. <i>falciparum</i> in the brain leads to a large number of deaths each year and is a consequence of exported parasite proteins, some of which modify the erythrocyte cytoskeleton while others such as <i>Pf</i>EMP1 project onto the erythrocyte surface where they bind to endothelial cells. Here we investigate the effects of knocking out an exported Hsp70-type chaperone termed Hsp70-x that is present in <i>P</i>. <i>falciparum</i> but not <i>P</i>. <i>vivax</i>. Although the growth of Δ<i>hsp70-x</i> parasites was unaffected, the export of <i>Pf</i>EMP1 cytoadherence proteins was delayed and <i>Δhsp70-x</i> IE had reduced adhesion. The Δ<i>hsp70-x</i> IE were also more rigid than wild-type controls indicating changes in the way the parasites modified their host erythrocyte. To investigate the cause of this, transcriptional and translational changes in exported and chaperone proteins were monitored and some changes were observed. We propose that <i>Pf</i>Hsp70-x is not essential for survival <i>in vitro</i>, but may be required for the efficient export and functioning of some <i>P</i>. <i>falciparum</i> exported proteins.</p></div

    Transcriptional and translational changes in ΔHsp70-x indicate an up-regulation of some exported proteins.

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    <p>(a) Mass spectrometry based SILAC sequencing of proteins indicates several exported proteins are over- and under-expressed in ΔHsp70-x relative to CS2. ΔHsp70-x and CS2 were differentially labeled with heavy (H) and light (L) isotopic forms of isoleucine respectively. Proteins with statistically insignificant Z-score ratios (X-axis) versus—log10 (P-value) (Y-axis) and therefore in ~ 1:1 ratio represent the base of the volcano plot. Proteins at higher levels in ΔHsp70-x only and which satisfy both statistical parameters are labeled in red in the upper right. Those up-regulated proteins that only satisfy one parameter are labeled in yellow. Proteins down-regulated in ΔHsp70-x are similarly coloured and shown in the upper left. (b) Correlation plots of RNA-seq transcripts between wild type and ΔHsp70-x ring, trophozoite and schizont stages show close correlation in most transcripts (close to line x = y). Most differential genes are downregulated in ΔHsp70-x trophozoites and schizonts (points furthest from line). (c) MA plot representing RNA-seq data. The change in expression (log 2 fold change) is plotted against the average of the normalized count values (base mean), of ΔHsp70-x and CS2 transcripts at the trophozoite stage. Red dots indicate differentially expressed genes in ΔHsp70-x. (d) Summary of increased proteins and transcripts by SILAC and RNA-seq. Numbers indicate heavy/light isoleucine ratio (H/L) in SILAC ordered by the ratio, or the log2 fold change in transcripts (LogFC) in RNA-seq data, ordered by significance which takes into account number of transcripts as well. Exported proteins are denoted as PEXEL or no PEXEL (PNEP) or otherwise left blank. Known homology to protein families or potential function identified in final column, including annotated pseudogenes. Pseudogenes may produce a limited numbers of transcripts so small changes can look significant.</p