809 research outputs found

    Gender and geography in the United Kingdom, 1980-2006

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    This paper discusses the progress of feminist geography in the UK over the past 25 years. The first part of the paper refers to the earlier books and articles to establish key «moments» in the development of feminist geography in the UK; the second part goes on to document more recent developments in feminist geography such as the adoption of the concept of gender identity; the third section attempts to illustrate the main developments in feminist geography in the UK through reference to my own area of research, rural geography. Finally the paper briefly examines, by way of conclusion, the development of feminist geography in the UK in the context of teaching.Aquest article presenta l'evoluciĂł de la geografia feminista al Regne Unit en els darrers vint-i-cinc anys. La primera part de l'article es refereix als primers llibres i articles per tal d'establir els «moments» clau en el desenvolupament de la geografia feminista al Regne Unit; la segona part documenta la recerca mĂ©s recent en geografia feminista, com ara l'adopciĂł del concepte d'identitat de gĂšnere; la tercera secciĂł pretĂ©n il·lustrar els principals treballs realitzats en relaciĂł amb la meva Ă rea de recerca, la geografia rural. I, finalment, a manera de conclusiĂł, l'article examina el desenvolupament de la geografia feminista en el camp de l'ensenyament.Este artĂ­culo presenta la evoluciĂłn de la geografĂ­a feminista en el Reino Unido en los Ășltimos veinticinco años. La primera parte del artĂ­culo se refiere a los primeros libros y artĂ­culos, a fin de establecer los «momentos» clave en el desarrollo de la geografĂ­a feminista en el Reino Unido; la segunda parte documenta la investigaciĂłn mĂĄs reciente en geografĂ­a feminista, como la adopciĂłn del concepto de identidad de gĂ©nero; la tercera secciĂłn pretende ilustrar los principales trabajos realizados en relaciĂłn con mi ĂĄrea de investigaciĂłn, la geografĂ­a rural. Y, finalmente, a modo de conclusiĂłn, el artĂ­culo examina el desarrollo de la geografĂ­a feminista en el Reino Unido en el campo de la enseñanza.Cet article presente l'Ă©volution de la gĂ©ographie feministe au Royaume Uni pendant les derniers 25 ans. La premiĂšre partie de l'article fait rĂ©fĂ©rence aux premiers livres et articles afin d'Ă©tablir les «moments» clĂ© du dĂ©veloppement de la gĂ©ographie feministe au Royaume Uni; la deuxiĂšme partie documente la recherche la plus rĂ©cente, telle que l'adoption du concept d'identitĂ© de genre; la troisiĂšme section a pour but d'illustrer les principaux travails concernant mon domaine de recherche, la gĂ©ographie rurale. Finalement, en guise de conclusion, l'article examine le dĂ©veloppement de la gĂ©ographie feministe dans le domaine de l'enseignement


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    Gender and geography : developments in the United Kingdom 1980-2006

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    This paper outlines the progress of feminist geography in the UK over the past 25 years, drawing on just some of the rich texts that have been produced. It charts the development of the sub-discipline through the key theoretical shifts. Within this discussion it pays particular attention to recent developments in feminist geography in the UK. It examines the ways in which geographers have adopted the concept of gender identity enabling them to explore more effectively the differing experiences between and within genders. The paper also shows how work on sexuality and the body has had a growing influence on the study of gender and on the construction and experience of identity. Using the example of rural geography, the paper goes on to explore how feminist approaches have influenced a particular sub-area of geography over the past 30 years. The paper ends by asserting that while there is much to celebrate in the development of feminist geography in the UK, there is still a need for a continued emphasis on gender equality.Cet article trace le dĂ©veloppement de la gĂ©ographie fĂ©ministe en Grande-Bretagne ces 25 derniĂšres annĂ©es, en s’appuyant sur un nombre de textes significatifs. Il montre l’évolution de la sous-discipline Ă  travers des avancĂ©es thĂ©oriques majeures et met en Ă©vidence la façon dont les gĂ©ographes anglais ont adoptĂ© le concept d’identitĂ© de genre. Cela leur a permis d’explorer plus efficacement les diffĂ©rentes expĂ©riences entre et parmi les genres. L’article dĂ©montre comment des recherches sur la sexualitĂ© et les corps ont influencĂ© l’étude de genre ainsi que la construction et l’expĂ©rience d’identitĂ©. L’exemple de la gĂ©ographie rurale sert Ă  montrer comment des approches fĂ©ministes ont fait Ă©voluer la gĂ©ographie humaine ces 30 derniĂšres annĂ©es. L’article se termine avec un mot de caution. Bien que la croissance de la gĂ©ographie fĂ©ministe en Grande-Bretagne soit Ă  cĂ©lĂ©brer, le besoin d’insister sur l’égalitĂ© de genres est toujours prĂ©sent


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    ‘I am pleased to shop somewhere that is fighting the supermarkets a little bit’. A cultural political economy of alternative food networks

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    This paper conducts a cultural political economy (CPE) analysis of consumers’ semiotic and material construals of alternative food networks (AFN). It starts by outlining, in the context of debate over AFN, why CPE is a useful analytical tool. The collection of talk data from 40 respondents, and food consumption data from 20 respondents, is outlined and explained. Talk data reveal that interviewees construe conventional and alternative food networks differently based on values relating to food quality judgements, provenance and trust, and alternativeness. Consumption data demonstrate respondents’ material engagement with conventional and, to a lesser extent, alternative food networks. The paper concludes that CPE is a productive framework for analysing AFN qua a subaltern economic imaginary, and that it can help to set them on ‘firmer’ ground, both ontologically and normatively

    Predicting the peak growth velocity in the individual child: validation of a new growth model

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    Predicting the peak growth velocity in an individual patient with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is essential or determining the prognosis of the disorder and timing of the (surgical) treatment. Until the present time, no accurate method has been found to predict the timing and magnitude of the pubertal growth spurt in the individual child. A mathematical model was developed in which the partial individual growth velocity curve was linked to the generic growth velocity curve. The generic curve was shifted and stretched or shrunk, both along the age axis and the height velocity axis. The individual age and magnitude of the PGV were obtained from the new predicted complete growth velocity curve. Predictions were made using 2, 1.5, 1 and 0.5 years of the available longitudinal data of the individual child, starting at different ages. The predicted values of 210 boys and 162 girls were compared to the child’s own original values of the PGV. The individual differences were compared to differences obtained when using the generic growth velocity curve as a standard. Using 2 years of data as input for the model, all predictions of the age of the PGV in boys and girls were significantly better in comparison to using the generic values. Using only 0.5 years of data as input, the predictions with a starting age from 13 to 15.5 years in boys and from 9.5 to 14.5 years in girls were significantly better. Similar results were found for the predictions of the magnitude of the PGV. This model showed highly accurate results in predicting the individual age and magnitude of the PGV, which can be used in the treatment of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

    2006-2007 Drake Memorial Library Annual Report

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    2006-2007 annual report of Drake Memorial Library of The College at Brockport

    Treatment compliance and effectiveness of a cognitive behavioural intervention for low back pain : a complier average causal effect approach to the BeST data set

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    Background: Group cognitive behavioural intervention (CBI) is effective in reducing low-back pain and disability in comparison to advice in primary care. The aim of this analysis was to investigate the impact of compliance on estimates of treatment effect and to identify factors associated with compliance. Methods: In this multicentre trial, 701 adults with troublesome sub-acute or chronic low-back pain were recruited from 56 general practices. Participants were randomised to advice (control n = 233) or advice plus CBI (n = 468). Compliance was specified a priori as attending a minimum of three group sessions and the individual assessment. We estimated the complier average causal effect (CACE) of treatment. Results: Comparison of the CACE estimate of the mean treatment difference to the intention-to-treat (ITT) estimate at 12 months showed a greater benefit of CBI amongst participants compliant with treatment on the Roland Morris Questionnaire (CACE: 1.6 points, 95% CI 0.51 to 2.74; ITT: 1.3 points, 95% CI 0.55 to 2.07), the Modified Von Korff disability score (CACE: 12.1 points, 95% CI 6.07 to 18.17; ITT: 8.6 points, 95% CI 4.58 to 12.64) and the Modified von Korff pain score (CACE: 10.4 points, 95% CI 4.64 to 16.10; ITT: 7.0 points, 95% CI 3.26 to 10.74). People who were non-compliant were younger and had higher pain scores at randomisation. Conclusions: Treatment compliance is important in the effectiveness of group CBI. Younger people and those with more pain are at greater risk of non-compliance
