583 research outputs found

    The Neogene of the Lower Tagus Basin (Portugal)

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    Revista Española de Paleontologia 19 (2), 229-242The Tertiary Lower Tagus Basin (LTB) occupies a large area in Portugal and constitutes a symmetric basin of the oriental huge Upper Tagus Basin, centered at Madrid (Spain). The LTB was an endorreic basin during the Paleogene. Marine connection occurred at the Lower Aquitanian; at the Lisbon – Setúbal Peninsula region the sedimentation was in the ocean/continent interface, with several changes in the coast line. Apparently, the first marine transgression came from South, originating a gulf with a N-S coral reef that attained the Lisbon area. Occidental communication to the sea was established after the Burdigalian.The sedimentary and palaeontologic record of the distal sector of the LTB (Lisbon –Setúbal Peninsula) is related to sea level changes. It is possible to correlate levels with planctic foraminifera and mammals, as well as to get isotopic ages (K/Ar in glauconites; 87Sr/86Sr). Good biostratigraphic data can be obtain from continental and coastal deposits. The fossil richness – dinoflagellates, spores, pollen, plant macrorremains, foraminifera, ostracoda, molluscs, echinids, fishes, reptiles, mammals – and O and C isotopes, constitutes a large source of information for environmental and palaeogeographical reconstitutions, as well as for the establishment of correlations between marine and continental deposits. The analysis and the integration of a large amount of lithological and biostratigraphical data joined with isotopic ages (K/Ar and 87Sr/86Sr), allow the establishement of a chronostratigraphic framework for the distal part of the Miocene of the LTB and the definition of 10 depositional sequences, in part agreeing with the Haq’s 3d order eustatic cycles. Climatic evolution during the Miocene has been also characterized. At continental environments, the faunas and floras point out to an alternation of moist and dry episodes, the dryest one at the Langhian. For the inland, two sectors can be characterized. Near the region directly affected by the sea (Ribatejo and Alto Alentejo) deposits are related with the wanderingth of a Pre-Tagus in a large fluvial plain. During the Lower and Middle Miocene detrital sedimentation is well represented. Some marls with oysters denounce high eustatic sea levels; brackish waters attain regions 150 km far from the extant coast line. Some vertebrate fossils sites allow the establishment of correlations with the Lisbon region, namely during the Middle Miocene and Lower Tortonian. Sedimentary conditions changed at Lower Upper Miocene. At the right bank of the Tagus, limestones accumulate in lacustre and palustre environments; latteraly thick clay deposits strecht out to the left bank. At the proximal areas of the LTB (Beira Baixa) the chronostratigraphical controle is poor. The outcrops are largely discontinuous. It only has been possible to define alostratigraphic units, bounded by regional unconformities, resulting from tectonic events recognized at the Iberia scale. During Lower and Middle Miocene, a sandy braided depositional system was installed, draining the fluvial plain of the Pre-Tagus from NE to SW. Plant macro-remains indicate a warmer and moister climate than today. Hispanotherium matritensis (steppe rhinoceros) is known from East of Castelo Branco (Plasencia, Spain); it is characteristic of MN5 zone (Astaracian) and is also known from Lisbon’s Langhian. Younger deposits (Upper Tortonian and Messinian) correspond to alluvial fan sediments occur near tectonic slopes, at the base of rising mountains (Portuguese central chain); the thickness and granulometry quickly decrease downstream. Pliocene fluvial deposits overlay through an erosion surface the marine Tortonian (Setúbal Peninsula) and the continental limestones and clays of the Vallesian of Ribatejo (inland). During the Zanclean the continental sedimentation carried on only at the proximal part of the basin (Beira Baixa) with the deposition of endorreic alluvial fan conglomerates. Away of the mountain feeder relieves, the sedimentation show a decrease of thickness; alternating conglomerates and sandy lutites were deposited. A temperate mediterranean climate with contrasting seasons prevailled. In the Piacenzian, alluvial fans and braided fluvial systems were installed draining to the Atlantic, preceding the actual hydrographical net. Feldspatic sands were deposited in the Setúbal Peninsula; the coast line was to the west of the actual. A transgression took place over the Occidental littoral, affecting the Lower Tagus (Setúbal Peninsula) and the Mondego Basins. Whithish conglomerates with quartzite and quartz rounded clasts overlay the Piazencian sands of the Setúbal Peninsula. They yielded Pre-Acheulian artifacts allowing correlation with the Plio-Pleistocene boundary. Basin inland conglomerates with iron crusts point out to cold and dry environments.Project: POCTII32345/CTA/200

    Jurassic plant macroremains from Portugal

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    Mem. Acad. Ciências Lisboa, Classe Ciências, XXXVII: 25-47General characterization of the Triassic and Jurassic environments as well as list of localities and taxa of plant macroremains of Portugal are presented. Cycadophytes and conifers, mainly from the Cheirolepidiaceae family, predominate. No recent studies have been carried out, the latest date from the 70's. Systematic position of some taxa is uncertain. A deep review is needed. The Upper Jurassic portuguese plant macroremains suggest warm and dry climates The commonest forms (Otozamites, Cupressinocladus) show thick cuticles and strongly protected stomata. Ferns are rather scarce and the pinnules are smaller than those of homologous forms of other regions i e. in Yorkshire (U.K.)

    Contributions to the Eocene palaeontology and stratigraphy of Beira Alta, Portugal III - Eocene plant remains from Naia and Sobreda (Beira Alta, Portugal)

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    The result of research conducted in trunk fragments from the Coja Arkoses Formation at Naia and Sobreda is reported. It is also reported the palynological study of the lutaceous black level surrounding the Naia trunk. Comparisons with trunks from Nave de Haver are established. Comments on palaeoecology and palaeoclimatology are presented

    Inhaler technique performance in elderly patients with asthma and COPD

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    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Asthma affect up to 400 million people worldwide, and almost half of these patients have poor disease control. The elderly are more vulnerable to exacerbations, and that is due to the presence of comorbidities and frequent inhaler misuse. Educational programmes may reduce exacerbation risk, but its real impact on clinical outcomes is still unknown, as well as the main factors associated with individual risk. This thesis aims to evaluate the impact of inhaler technique performance on major outcomes in elderly patients and to identify their principal potential predictors. Several methods were performed: A systematic review with meta-analysis focusing on interventional studies with inhaler education and clinical outcomes was carried out; through its results, a cost-effectiveness analysis was performed, estimating potential cost-savings and available budget for educational interventions; In addition, a cross-sectional study was performed, aiming to identify major predictors of inhaler performance and clinical risk. Several variables were collected as predictors, as well as the main clinical outcomes; finally, we designed a protocol for a randomised, single-blinded clinical trial, aiming to test the impact of a teach-to-goal placebo device education programme on clinical outcomes, in a one-year follow-up, versus "usual care". The systematic review with meta-analysis collected data from eight interventional studies and a significant reduction in exacerbation risk of 29% (95% CI=14-41) was observed in the clinical trials. From the cost-effectiveness perspective, the affordable budget for educational interventions was estimated to be up to 1800 euros per patient per year, and the estimated average savings is 311.88 euros per patient per year, which may represent up to 131 million euros for the whole National Health Service. The cross-sectional study was performed with 130 elderly patients, with a mean age of 74.4 (± 6.4) years. The prevalence of errors in the inhaler technique was 71.6% (95% CI: 64-78.5) and that of critical errors was 31.1% (95% CI: 24-38.8). Major predictors of inhaler performance were: cognitive performance, adherence index, male gender, having previous education with placebo device performed by a physician, the existence of allergies or comorbidities with respiratory impact, active smoking and depression. The main predictors of symptoms control were: having previous teaching of inhaler technique delivered by a physician, smoking load, anti-influenza vaccination, depression, respiratory comorbidities, and educational level. Lung function was associated with smoking load, as well as presence of errors in drug activation and absence of end pause. Our results suggest that interventions with inhaler technique education can significantly reduce the risk of exacerbations in elderly patients with Asthma or COPD, and are cost-effective. Moreover, it is possible to identify patients who are at greater risk of misusing their devices, and also have an increased risk of poor outcomes. However, causal studies with longitudinal designs and well-designed clinical trials should be carried out to clarify the major predictors for individual risk, as well as the real impact of inhaler performance education programmes.A Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC) e a Asma afetam até 400 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, e cerca de metade dos doentes têm a doença mal controlada. Os idosos são mais vulneráveis a exacerbações, e isso deve-se à presença de comorbilidades e frequentes erros no uso dos inaladores. Os programas educacionais podem reduzir o risco de exacerbação, mas o seu real impacto nos resultados clínicos ainda é desconhecido, assim como os principais fatores associados ao risco individual dos doentes. Esta tese tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto da performance da técnica inalatória nos principais parâmetros clínicos em doentes idosos e identificar seus principais preditores. Vários métodos foram usados: Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática com meta-análise sobre estudos intervencionais com ensino da técnica inalatória nos parâmetros clínicos. Através dos seus resultados, foi realizada uma análise de custo-efetividade, estimando potenciais poupanças de custos e de orçamentação disponível para intervenções educativas. Além disso, foi realizado um estudo transversal, com o objetivo de identificar os principais preditores da performance da técnica inalatória e do risco clínico. Diversas variáveis foram recolhidas como preditores, assim como os principais parâmetros clínicos. Finalmente, desenhou-se um protocolo para um ensaio clínico aleatorizado, de ocultação simples, com o objetivo de testar o impacto de um programa de ensino por treino com dispositivos placebo nos parâmetros clínicos, ao longo de um ano, comparando com “ambiente real” (usual care). Na revisão sistemática com metanálise recolheram-se dados de oito estudos intervencionais, e nos ensaios clínicos observou-se uma redução significativa no risco de exacerbações de 29% (IC95% = 14-41). Na perspetiva da relação custo-efectividade, o orçamento disponível para intervenções educacionais foi estimado em 1800 euros por doente por ano, e a poupança média estimada é de 311,88 euros por doente por ano, o que pode representar 131 milhões de euros para todo o Serviço Nacional de Saúde. O estudo transversal foi realizado com 130 idosos, com média de 74,4 (± 6.4) anos. A prevalência de erros na técnica inalatória foi de 71,6% (IC95%: 64-78,5) e de erros críticos foi de 31,1% (IC95%: 24-38,8). Os principais preditores de desempenho do inalador foram: desempenho cognitivo, índice de adesão, sexo masculino, ensino prévio com dispositivo placebo realizada por um médico, a existência de alergias ou comorbilidades com impacto respiratório, tabagismo ativo e depressão. Os principais preditores do controle dos sintomas foram: receber ensino prévio de técnica inalatória de um médico, carga tabágica, vacinação antigripal, depressão, comorbilidades respiratórias e escolaridade. A função pulmonar foi associada à carga tabágica, assim como à presença de erros na ativação do fármaco e à ausência de apneia final. Estes resultados sugerem que as intervenções com ensino da técnica inalatória podem reduzir significativamente o risco de exacerbações em doentes idosos com Asma ou DPOC e são custo-efetivas. Além disso, é possível identificar pacientes com maior risco para o uso indevido dos dispositivos, bem como para um maior risco de desfechos clínicos adversos. No entanto, devem ser realizados mais estudos longitudinais de causalidade e ensaios clínicos bem desenhados, de modo a esclarecer os principais preditores do risco individual, bem como o real impacto de programas de ensino sobre técnica inalatória

    Design of pedestrian network friendliness maps

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    This article introduces the concept of pedestrian, or walking friendliness, and presents a methodology for obtaining maps thereof. Walking friendliness is a quality of walking indicator, defined for any given origin in a city, which combines accessibility measures, based on impedance between that origin and destinations, with performance scores for the pedestrian infrastructure linking those origins and destinations. The methodology uses geographic information systems to obtain walking friendliness values and represent them in a map. The approach is demonstrated through a case study for the city of Coimbra, Portugal, for which friendliness maps were derived. The procedure and maps that were produced can be scaled to any size of city.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gruta da figueira brava (Arrabida): Geological setting

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    Separata do Tomo XXXVIII das Memories da Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa (Classe de Ciencias)The Arrabida Mountain Range is the best example in Portugal of alpine movements. During Miocene times the Arrabida chain acquired the present structural set up: overthrusting accidents striking ENE-WSW and N-S or NNE-SSW sinistral lateral ramps. The main tectonic phases occurred about 17 Ma and somewhat less than 16 Ma. The Miocene deposits, mainly biocalcarenites, are middle Burdigalian and Langhian in age. During the Pleistocene the sea erosion cut several terrasse levels. Scattered remnants of conglomerates corresponding to the 12-15 and to 5-8 meters marine terrasses are ascribed to the last interglacial and to the beginning of the Wiirm glaciation (= 100000 years, Tyrrhenian II and III). The 5-8 meters terrasse, which is of particular interest, was deposited in a narrow marine erosion platform; the corresponding deposits tend to fill the entry of the caves excavated in the sea cliffs during the Upper Pleistocene such as Lapa de. St" Margarida and Figueira Brava Cave. These holes, protected by overhanging parts of the cliffs as a sort of ceiling, were good shelters forman. With the advance of the Wiirm glaciation the sea level was progressively going down. About 30000 years ago, the 5-8 meters platform and the caves dug in the cliffs were elevated as related to an extensive coastal plain. The sea level was ca. 60 meters below the present level (Miskovski, 1987). The human communities found in these territories an excellent hunting ground. The Santa Margarida and Figueira Brava caves were thus natural shelters. A large number of remnants of their occupation are preserved such as shells, animal bones, a few Neanderthal remnants as well as lithic and bone implements. 14C (and U series) dating indicate an age about 30000 years for level 2 where archaeologic remnants were exploited

    Design of a balanced scorecard-type management system for a back-office department in a bank

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsIn contrast to most studies of BSC in the Banking Industry, which focus on the BSC at a branch and corporate level, the present Work Project (WP) designed a BSC-type management system for a back-office department of a Bank that handled areas such as project management, quality, internal control and procurement. Objectives under the MBO system and connected to incentives in place were misaligned with the Bank’s prime goal of reducing the cost-to-income ratio, a problem which this WP sought to solve. Also, the present WP proposes a hybrid approach to BSC design

    The Neogene of Portugal

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    After a briefhistorical introduction, this paper deals with the main concerned geotectonic units: the Lower Tagus and Alvalade basins, the Western and Southern borders, and their infillings. Most of the Neogene events and record concern areas South of the Iberian Central Chain, a nearly inverse situation as that of Paleogene times. In the most important of these units, the Lower Tagus basin, there are quite thick detrital series, mostly marine in its distal part near Lisboa (albeit with several continental intercalations), and mainly continental in its inner part. Sedimentological record is almost complete since Lowermost to Upper Miocene. The richness ofdata (paleontology, isotope chronology, paleoclimate, etc.) it gives and the possibility of direct marine-continental correlations render this basin one of the more interesting ones in Western Europe. Alvalade basin is separated from the previous one by a barrier ofPaleozoic rocks. Two transgressions events (Upper Tortonian and Messinian in age) are recorded. Active sedimentation may be correlated to Late Miocene tectonics events. In Algarve, chiefly marine units from Lower to Upper Miocene are well developped. The Lower unit (Lagos-Portimao Formation) is best exposed in Western Algarve, but desappears eastwards. Middle Miocene is not as well known, whereas Upper Miocene main outcrops are in Eastern Algarve. Cacela Formation is remarquable for its beautiful fossils. Sedimentation as a whole refletcts the tectonic activity and in special the evolution of the Algarve flexures. There is scant evidence of post-Lower Miocene volcanism, the latest known in Portugal. Pliocene has not been recognized there beyond doubt. . Miocene sediments are much less important to the North of the Central Iberian Chain. Continental beds near Leiria that yielded the well-known "Hisp anotherium fauna" are lower Middle Miocene. Pliocene corresponds to dramatic changes in paleogeography. At Setiibal Peninsula there is some evidence of a minor Lower Pliocene transgression. Continental detrital sediments, often coarse, occupy rather large areas. In Western Portugal between the Seta hal Peninsula and Pombal there is good evidence of a marine Upper Pliocene transgression, followed up by dune sands overlain by marsh clays, diatomites, lignites and boghead levels that can be partly Pleistocene in age

    VPN Solution Benchmarking for Endpoints Under Fast Network Mobility

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    This dissertation was proposed by Veniam, a start-up working on vehicular networks. Offering connectivity to moving things over different technologies (DSRC, Wi-Fi, or 4G LTE) while maintaining a good quality of experience for users is a challenging endeavour. In some cases, the use of a VPN can solve many of the issues. However, many popular VPN solutions were developed with a different use case in mind - the out of office worker. These solutions cannot handle mobility well, breaking connections when access points switch, and require considerable processing power. Applying these solutions to the fast moving, low resource devices deployed in Veniam connected fleets results in a severely degraded service. Therefore, other VPNs will be researched and compared, in order to benchmark and pick a suitable VPN solution. The VPN's overhead, namely throughput degradation, latency increase, and CPU usage will be measured, and its capacity to adapt to fast switching over heterogenous networks evaluated. The benchmark results will allow the minimisation of service degradation caused by the use of VPN tunnels in this constrained mobile environment

    The Neogene of Portugal

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    After a brief historical introduction, this paper deals with the main concerned geotectonic units: the Lower Tagus and Alvalade basins, the Western and Southern borders, and their infillings. Most of the Neogene events and record concern areas South of the Iberian Central Chain, a nearly inverse situation as that of Paleogene times. In the most important of these units, the Lower Tagus basin, there are quite thick detrital series, mostly marine in its distal part near Lisboa (albeit with several continental intercalations), and mainly continental in its inner part. Sedimentological record is almost complete since Lowermost to Upper Miocene. The richness ofdata (paleontology, isotope chronology, paleoclimate, etc.) it gives and the possibility of direct marine-continental correlations render this basin one of the more interesting ones in Western Europe. Alvalade basin is separated from the previous one by a barrier of Paleozoic rocks. Two transgressions events (Upper Tortonian and Messinian in age) are recorded. Active sedimentation may be correlated to Late Miocene tectonics events. In Algarve, chiefly marine units from Lower to Upper Miocene are well developped. The Lower unit (Lagos-Portimão Formation) is best exposed in Western Algarve, but desappears eastwards. Middle Miocene is not as well known, whereas Upper Miocene main outcrops are in Eastern Algarve. Cacela Formation is remarquable for its beautiful fossils. Sedimentation as a whole refletcts the tectonic activity and in special the evolution of the Algarve flexures. There is scant evidence of post-Lower Miocene volcanism, the latest known in Portugal. Pliocene has not been recognized there beyond doubt. Miocene sediments are much less important to the North of the Central Iberian Chain. Continental beds near Leiria that yielded the well-known "Hisp anotherium fauna" are lower Middle Miocene. Pliocene corresponds to dramatic changes in paleogeography. At Setiibal Peninsula there is some evidence of a minor Lower Pliocene transgression. Continental detrital sediments, often coarse, occupy rather large areas. In Western Portugal between the Setúbal Peninsula and Pombal there is good evidence of a marine Upper Pliocene transgression, followed up by dune sands overlain by marsh clays, diatomites, lignites and boghead levels that can be partly Pleistocene in age