687 research outputs found

    On an integrated DSM package associated to a solar thermal obligation. The ProSTO EU project and the Portuguese experience

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    Based on the work that it is running within the ProSTO EU project (http://www.solarordinances.eu/), this paper presents a tentative approach to an integrated demand side measures (DSM) package that must be associated to a solar thermal obligation (STO) in a community. All the complete set of measures that must be taken to succeed will be presented. The experience shows that it is necessary to get an integrated “policy package” in the way of “zero building emissions”, around the kernel key point of clear requirements, aiming energy savings, namely for energy demand limitation, and energy efficiency of thermal installations. A parent kernel key point of this “policy package” is quality: certification of thermal solar system and components; planner, designer and installer certification; technical mandatory requirements in the regulations; mandatory guarantee (maintenance contract). All relevant documents of these quality items must be integrated in the Building Use Manual for easy management. Another kernel key point, this one with focus on overcoming barriers, is public awareness, throughout on-line information (lists of certified equipments, installers, technical description of the equipments, manual of good practices, scholar materials (class notes, computer codes, homework assignments, etc.), etc.), and the implementation of training courses for al

    On the Best Practice Implementation of Solar Thermal Obligations. The ProSTO EU Project and the Portuguese experience

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    Based on the work that it is running within the ProSTO EU project (http://www.solarordinances.eu/), this paper presents a tentative approach to the best way for a successful implementation of a solar thermal obligation (STO) in a community. The EU framework, and base line assessment – including success factors and performance indicators were presented by the ProSTO coordinator elsewhere [1]. The Portuguese case was presented elsewhere too [2]. Here, all the complete set of measures that must be taken to succeed, will be presented. The experience shows that it is necessary to get an integrated “policy package” in the way of “zero building emissions”, around the kernel key point of clear requirements, aiming energy savings, namely for energy demand limitation, and energy efficiency of thermal installations. A parent kernel key point of this “policy package” is quality: certification of thermal solar system and components – solar collectors, factory made systems, and custom built systems; planner, designer and installer certification; technical impositions in the regulations (supported by a very consistent manual of actual good practices for solar thermal applications, with a flexible method to follow new developments); guarantee impositions (maintenance contract). All relevant documents of these quality items must be integrated in the Building Use Manual for easy management. Another kernel key point, this with focus on overcoming barriers, is that of public awareness, aiming to create an understanding that the implementation of a STO is not another awful bureaucratic burden, throughout on-line information (lists of certified equipments, installers, technical description of the equipments, manual of good practices, scholar materials (class notes, computer codes, homework assignments, etc.), etc.), and the implementation of training courses for all stakeholders

    As Representações Sociais do Envelhecimento Ativo de idosos e profissionais

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    As Representações Sociais do Envelhecimento Ativo de idosos e profissionais Resumo O conceito de envelhecimento ativo procura transmitir uma mensagem mais inclusiva e reconhecer os fatores que, para lá dos cuidados de saúde, afetam a forma como os indivíduos e as populações envelhecem (OMS, 2002:13). Objetivo: Identificar a estrutura das RS de envelhecimento ativo dos idosos e dos profissionais de saúde Descrição dos Procedimentos: Optou-se por um estudo de caso e os dados foram recolhidos através do inquérito por questionário, aplicado a um grupo de profissionais, e de idosos. Os dados foram processados recorrendo aos softwares Microsoft Office WordÒ, SPSSÒ e EvocÒ. Resultados: Os idosos, evocaram 139 palavras para o estímulo envelhecer. As representações sociais de envelhecer apresentam no núcleo central os elementos ³tristeza²,³vida², ³idade², ³saúde², ³morte², ³fim de vida² e ³passado². Os profissionais de saúde, para o estímulo envelhecer, evocaram 243 palavras e apresentam um núcleo central constituído por ³descanso², ³sabedoria², ³idade², ³alimentação², ³solidão², ³incapacidade² e ³morte². As representações sociais de envelhecer bem são convergentes nos dois grupos e o núcleo central é dominado pelos elementos ³família² e ³saúde², a que os profissionais de saúde juntam ainda o elemento ³qualidade de vida². Conclusões: As representações sociais de envelhecer e envelhecer bem apresentam uma estrutura diferente. Os idosos valorizam a idade e centram-se numa dialética entre a vida passada e a morte que se aproxima, quando se pronunciam sobre o envelhecer. Os profissionais de saúde oscilam entre os aspetos positivos (sabedoria) e ingratos do envelhecimento (incapacidade, solidão, morte). As representações dos dois grupos sobre envelhecer bem, conferem a centralidade à saúde (independência, qualidade de vida e atividade) e à família (manutenção de laços afetivos e sociais), considerados garantes do envelhecimento ativo

    A certificação de qualidade em sistemas solares para aquecimento de água

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    Tendo em atenção a política nacional para o desenvolvimento do mercado da Energia Solar Térmica, motivada pela necessidade de uma maior utilização das Energias Endógenas (Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº154/2001 de 27 de Setembro), descreve-se a situação actual na área dos Equipamentos Solares para Aquecimento de Água, no que diz respeito à Certificação de Produtos e à Certificação de Pessoas, como medidas necessárias para a Garantia de Qualidade nesta área

    On the sustainable development of solar thermal obligations in buildings in the framework of the Portuguese case

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    This paper starts remembering the steps given in Portugal to prepare the introduction of a solar thermal obligation. Next, it presents a description of the present legislation related to the Solar Thermal Obligation (STO) and to other incentive measures for growth of the solar thermal market in Portugal. The main problems with implementation of the new regulation are analysed and systematized. Based on the acquired knowledge, further actions are presented to guarantee the success of Solar Thermal Obligation, namely proposals for updating the obligation in conformity with best practice for solar thermal installations and taking into account the new realities upcoming from the actual solar therma

    Pre-heating boiler feedwater for expanded cork agglomerate production using a parabolic trough system

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    ABSTRACT: The production of expanded cork agglomerate involves significant heat demand, requiring superheated steam at temperatures ranging from 300°C to 370°C. The energy required to this process can be suitably provided by concentrating solar thermal collectors. This work considers the thermal energy needs of a real plant, presenting the technical and economical analysis performed for a solar heat for industrial process system using parabolic trough collectors to preheat the feedwater used by the boiler providing steam to the expanded cork agglomerate production process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Portugal 2020 e a Integração de Energias Renováveis nos Edifícios

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    O elevado consumo de energia nos edifícios tem vindo a ser responsável pela publicação de legislação europeia que visa limitar esse consumo, por via da melhoria dos processos construtivos e da adopção de estratégias de redução do consumo em paralelo com a definição de esquemas de certificação energética que permitam ao mercado escolher e por essa via promover a disseminação das melhores práticas. Em Portugal é o RCCTE, actualmente em processo de revisão, que para além dos requisitos mínimos construtivos obriga a colocação de colectores solares térmicos, mas também valoriza a introdução de outras renováveis nos edifícios. Neste texto iremos percorrer de forma sucinta, as várias tecnologias e aspectos de desenho que já se apresentam no terreno ou se perfilam no horizonte próximo e que em conjunto permitem aproximar de zero, o balanço energético dos edifícios

    Super-regenerative receiver at 433MHz

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    This paper presents a receiver for operation in the 433 MHz ISM band. The selected architecture explores the super regeneration phenomena to achieve a high sensitivity for applying in wireless implantable microsystems. This radio frequency (RF) chip can be supplied with a voltage of only 3 V for demodulating signals with powers in the range [ 100, 40] dB. The codulation (modulation and coding) scheme of the binary data is a variation of the Manchester code combined with OOK (on/off keying) modulation. The AMIS 0.7 µm CMOS process was selected for targeting the requirement to fabricate a low cost receiver, whose prototype was integrated in a die with an area of 55 mm2. Also, this receiver is fully compatibility with commercially transmitters for the same frequency

    Novel solar absorber surfaces with organic pigments

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    This paper presents results of application of natural and synthetic organic pigments in selective solar absorber coatings. Some of these photo excite pigments were tested like solar radiation absorber pigments in paint coatings and others as a form to increase the absorption of solar radiation in titanium oxide monolayer selective coatings produced by reactive magnetron sputtering. Morphologic aspects and optical properties are discussed as a function of deposition parameters and of formulation parameters. The main goal is to prepare solar absorber surfaces as a tandem of TiOx thin films, organic pigment using a conductive substrate or of paint with organic and/or inorganic pigments and conductive substrate, all reaching great photo thermal conversion efficiency, high durability and low costs to the ending product and stability at medium range temperatures (120-150ºC). The best optical properties for titanium oxide sputtered films were 88% for solar absorption, with 7% of emissivity for deposition parameters of: pulsed frequency 200kHz, reverse time of 0.4μs, discharge current of 0.7A, argon flow rate of 50ml/min and oxygen flow rate changing from 0 to 2.5ml/min. The results obtained with paints were not satisfactory. The best couple values for solar absorption and emissivity were respectively 94%, and 74