1,957 research outputs found

    Optimizing the Energy Efficiency of Short Term Ultra Reliable Communications in Vehicular Networks

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    We evaluate the use of HARQ schemes in the context of vehicle to infrastructure communications considering ultra reliable communications in the short term from a channel capacity stand point. We show that it is not possible to meet strict latency requirements with very high reliability without some diversity strategy and propose a solution to determining an optimal limit on the maximum allowed number of retransmissions using Chase combining and simple HARQ to increase energy efficiency. Results show that using the proposed optimizations leads to spending 5 times less energy when compared to only one retransmission in the context of a benchmark test case for urban scenario. In addition, we present an approximation that relates most system parameters and can predict whether or not the link can be closed, which is valuable for system design

    Identificação estrutural e síntese total dos componentes do feromônio sexual de Loxa deducta (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae)

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Paulo Henrique Gorgatti ZarbinTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química. Defesa : Curitiba, 15/05/2023Inclui referênciasResumo: A comunicação química em Pentatomidae é facilmente identificada e popularizou os percevejos dessa família como "percevejo fedorento", devido aos feromônios de alarme de odor pungente liberados como mecanismo de defesa. Como a grande maioria dos pentatomídeos são fitófagos, sugam os nutrientes acumulados pela planta provocando lesões que podem causar contaminação por diversos patógenos. Na busca por métodos de monitoramento e controle de pentatomídeos classificados como pragas, os feromônios sexuais e de agregação, também utilizados nessa família, vem despertando interesse na pesquisa. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho objetivou identificar os componentes do feromônio da espécie Neotropical Loxa deducta Walker, 1867 (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae), de importância econômica por ser classificado como praga secundária de culturas de soja e de frutas cítricas. Para isso, foi realizada coleta dos compostos voláteis liberados por indivíduos da espécie que resultou em quatro compostos machoespecíficos cuja bioatividade foi confirmada em antenas de fêmeas por eletroantenografia (CGEAD). Os compostos foram nomeados como A, B, C e D, e utilizando padrões sintéticos e resolução de diastereoisômeros por cromatografia em fase gasosa foi identificado o composto A como sendo o (2R,4R,8R)-2,4,8,13-tetrametiltetradecanol ((2R,4R,8R)-52), feromônio previamente descrito para o percevejo Pellaea stictica (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). Para os demais componentes do feromônio, a partir de microderivatizações e análise de cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massas, foram propostas a estrutura e os padrões sintetizados. A etapa chave utilizada para formação de ligações C-C na síntese de cada composto proposto foi olefinação de Wittig, seguido de hidrogenação. Para o composto B, foi proposta a síntese no qual o produto de interesse foi obtido em 0,4% de rendimento global após 11 etapas de reação e permitiu a identificação do componente B como o 2,4-sin-2,4,10,13-tetrametiltetradecanol (63). Já para o composto C foi proposta a síntese do 2,4,8,12,13-pentametiltetradecan-1-ol (112), obtido em 7% de rendimento global após 13 etapas, que não correspondia ao feromônio e após a síntese de uma segunda proposta, o composto C foi confirmado como sendo o 2,4-sin-8,10-sin-2,4,8,10,13-pentametiltetradecanol (132), obtido em 6% após 15 etapas. O composto D, após 16 etapas reacionais e obtido em 0,01%, foi confirmado como sendo o 2,4-sin-2,4,8,12-tetrametilpentadecanol (142). Assim, a partir do preparo dos padrões sintéticos foi possível identificar os componentes do feromônio e que todos os quatro apresentaram configuração 2,4- sin.Abstract: Chemical communication in Pentatomidae is easily recognized and has made the bugs of this family known as "stink bugs" because of the pungent-smelling alarm pheromones. Since most pentatomids are phytophagous, they feed on plants and the injury can cause contamination by pathogens. Therefore, sex and aggregation pheromones, which are also used in this family, have aroused interest in the search for methods to monitor and control pests. In this context, the present study aimed to identify the pheromone components of the Neotropical species Loxa deducta Walker, 1867 (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). This is an economically important species because it is classified as a secondary pest of soybean and citrus. Therefore, volatile compounds released by individuals of the species were collected, four male-specific compounds were identified, and bioactivity of the antennae of females was confirmed by electroantennography. The compounds were designated A, B, C, and D. Using synthetic standards and resolution of diastereoisomers by gas chromatography, compound A was identified as (2R,4R,8R)-2,4,8,13-tetramethyltetradecanol ((2R,4R,8R)-53), a pheromone previously described for the stink bug Pellaea stictica (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). The structure and synthesis of the remaining pheromone components were proposed based on microchemical techniques and gas chromatography analyses coupled with mass spectrometry. The key step for C-C coupling in the synthesis was Wittig olefination, followed by hydrogenation. For compound B, a synthesis was proposed in which the product of interest was obtained in 11 steps and 0.4% overall yield and allowed the identification of component B as 2,4-sin-2,4,10,13-tetramethyltetradecanol (63). As for compound C, it was proposed the synthesis of 4,8,12,13-pentamethyltetradecan-1-ol (112), obtained in 13 steps and 7% overall yield, which did not correspond to the pheromone and after the second synthesis, compound C was confirmed to be 2,4-sin-8,10-sin-2,4,8,10,13-pentamethyltetradecanol (132), obtained in 15 steps an 6% overall yield. Compound D was obtained in 16 steps and 0.01% overall yield, and it was confirmed to be 2,4-sin-2,4,8,12-tetramethylpentadecanol (142). Thus, from the preparation of the synthetic standards, it was possible to identify the pheromone components, and that all four presented 2,4-sin configurations

    First record of Darwin’s Slimehead, Gephyroberyx darwinii (Johnson, 1866) (Beryciformes: Trachichthyidae), in association with Brazilian deep reefs

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    Copyright © 2004 aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology.Três espécies da família Trachichthyidae ocorrem no sul do Brasil: Paratrachichthys atlanticus, Hoplostethus occidentalis e Gephyroberyx darwinii. Esta última é uma espécie que atinge tamanhos da ordem dos 600 mm (CT), vive na província bentopelágica até profundidades de 1210 metros. É encontrada em águas subtropicais distribuindo-se entre os paralelos 43ºN e 35ºS, sendo utilizada como fonte de alimento no leste do Atlântico central. O presente trabalho reporta a ocorrência de Gephyroberyx darwinii na costa brasileira entre as localidades de Vila Velha (ES) e Rio Grande (RS), em áreas de plataforma externa e talude superior, com profundidades variando de 70 a 520 metros. Suas ocorrências nestas áreas estiveram relacionadas a lances de pesca (onde Lophius gastrophysus é espécie alvo) sobre formações de corais vivos. Dados biométricos e merísticos de três espécimes são apresentados no trabalho.ABSTRACT: Three species of the Trachichthyidae family occur in the south of Brazil: Paratrachichthys atlanticus, Hoplostethus occidentalis and Gephyroberyx darwinii. G. darwinii may attain a length of 600 mm (TL). This benthopelagic species occurs at depths down to 1210 m and is generally found in subtropical waters between 43ºN and 35ºS. It is commercially exploited in the east central Atlantic for food and for oil. In this paper we report the occurrence of G. darwinii off the south and south-east coasts of Brazil between Vila Velha (Espírito Santo State) and Rio Grande (Rio Grande do Sul State), in outer shelf and slope areas, at depths between 70 and 520 m. In Brazil the trachichthyids were usually caught while fishing for Lophius gastrophysus over deep coral bottoms. Meristic and biometric data are presented for the three collected specimens

    Competitive adsorption of wellbores corrosion inhibitor onto steel, esmectite and sandstone

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    A commercial corrosion inhibitor used in petroleum production was characterized by means of infrared spectroscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Predicting the adsorption behavior of corrosion inhibitor onto steel, sandstone and esmectite is the key to improve working conditions. In this study, the adsorption kinetics of inhibitor formulations in HCl 15% or in Mud Acid (HCl 13,5% and ammonium bifluoride) onto steel, sandstone and esmectite was determined by means of spectrophotometry. Kinetic parameters indicated that adsorption of inhibitor in the presence of bifluoride was favored. Moreover, the adsorption constant rate was the largest when the substrate was esmectite.FAPESPCNP

    Recovery and partitioning of fibrinolytic protease from Bacillus sp. UFPEDA 485 by aqueous two-phase systems

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    Fibrinolytic proteases produced by Bacillus sp. has attracted interest in the pharmaceutical industry as a promising alternative in thrombolytic therapy due to their effectiveness in degrading fibrin, its production requiring the development of an efficient recovery process. Aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) have been recognized as an efficient and economical process for recovering enzymes. To optimize the recovery of fibrinolytic protease from the fermentation broth of Bacillus sp. UFPEDA 485, a 23 full factorial design was used to evaluate the influence of the three independent variables PEG molar mass (MPEG), PEG concentration (CPEG) and sodium sulfate concentration (CNa2SO4) on the partition coefficient (K), purification factor (PF) and yield recovery (Y) of fibrinolytic protease in PEG/Na2SO4 aqueous two-phase system. For all ATPS studied, enzymes partitioned to the top phase and the highest extraction was obtained for MPEG 6000 g.mol-1, CPEG 24 % (w/w) and CNa2SO4 11.6 % (w/w) with K = 5.03; PF = 3.30; Y = 91.40% and Fibrinolytic activity in the top phase 821 U.mL-1. Findings reported here show that ATPS composed of PEG/Na2SO4 is a valuable strategy for the extraction of fibrinolytic protease and can be considered a promising method for the extraction of enzymes in industrial scale

    A Pathway to Energy and Food Security with Biodiesel

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    The simultaneous rise in commodity prices and the global production of biofuels, between 2007 and 2008, strengthened discussions, which persist currently, about the competition of land use between biofuel production and food production. The objective of this paper is to compare and evaluate the arguments from both sides. The methodology used was an analysis of the relevant and comprehensive reports and manuscripts on the topic, comparing them to the available data from international organizations and agencies. Biodiesel received special attention in this analysis. The conclusion is that hunger and poverty problems are due to structural and historical roots and they do not have a cause-effect relationship with biodiesel production. In fact, the production of biodiesel, under specific regulatory and production conditions, can be a driver of economic development improving energy security and promoting social inclusion in poor countries, which still have land available for agriculture

    Chitosan composites in packaging industry-current trends and future challenges

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    This work has been supported by FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UID/EMS/04077/2019 and UIDP/04077/2020. This work has also been supported by the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry-LAQV which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UID/QUI/50006/2019 and UIDB/50006/2020).Chitosan-based composites play an important role in food packaging applications and can be used either as films or as edible coatings. Due to their high costs and lower performance (i.e., lower barrier against water vapor, thermal, and mechanical properties) when compared to the traditional petroleum-based plastics, the use of such biopolymers in large-scale is still limited. Several approaches of chitosan composites in the packaging industry are emerging to overcome some of the disadvantages of pristine polymers. Thus, this work intends to present the current trends and the future challenges towards production and application of chitosan composites in the food packaging industry.publishersversionpublishe