38,045 research outputs found

    Covering the Care: Cost Sharing Reductions in NH

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    This brief uses national data to describe the NH population who received Cost Sharing Reductions for coverage on the NH Marketplace

    Covering the Care: Medicaid, Work, and Community Engagement

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    Part of Informing the Conversation data and policy brief series. This brief reviews the major parameters of the work and community engagement requirements being implemented in the New Hampshire Medicaid program, and the overall landscape of employment in the state

    Work/Community Engagement Requirement Stakeholder Roundtable

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    Over the next twelve months, New Hampshire will transition to a new coverage model for the Medicaid expansion program (the Granite Advantage Program ), and will implement a demonstration engagement requirement, approved focus on the population covered by an emphasis on work status and New Hampshire, see Covering the Care: A Focus on the NH Marketplace)

    Covering the Care: Medicaid, Work, and Community Engagement

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    Part of Informing the Conversation data and policy brief series. This brief reviews the major parameters of the work and community engagement requirements being implemented in the New Hampshire Medicaid program, and the overall landscape of employment in the state

    Covering the Care: Health Insurance Coverage in New Hampshire, 2019 Update

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    Covering the Care: Cost Sharing Reductions in NH

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    Required Rates of Return for Corporate Investment Appraisal in the Presence of Growth Opportunities

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    Traditional methods of estimating required rates of return overstate hurdle rates in the presence of growth opportunities. We attempt to quantify this effect by developing a simple model which: (i) identifies those companies that have valuable growth opportunities; (ii) splits the value of shares into 'assets-in-place' and 'growth opportunities'; and (iii) splits the equity β into β for 'assets-in-place' and 'growth opportunities'. We find growth opportunities for UK companies over the 1990–2004 period to average 33% of equity value. Incorporating the effect of growth opportunities, the average cost of capital for investment purposes falls by 1.1 percentage points

    Structure and management issues of the emerging ornamental fish trade in Eritrea

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    Following independence from Ethiopia in 1993, Eritrea resumed exploiting Red Sea and Arabian fish species for the ornamental trade in 1995 as a means to earn foreign exchange from sparsely exploited marine resources. This paper describes the findings of research conducted in 1997, in collaboration with the Eritrean Ministry of Fisheries. The capture, transport and export of aquarium fish were reviewed and potential impacts and the status of management were investigated through liaison with stakeholders and researchers. From 1995 to 1997 two companies exported approximately 60,000 fish per year, mainly to the USA, worth US$65,000 (export value). Seventyfive species (from 22 families) were exported. Damselfishes made up two-thirds of total exports but more valuable families (angelfishes and butterflyfishes) were more economically significant. To earn revenue for Eritrea, a 20% export tax was imposed, although this was calculated from declarations by the operators. The emerging nature of the trade allowed detailed monitoring by the Ministry of Fisheries. However, management efforts were constrained by a lack of capacity for enforcement and baseline research. Several potential effects of the trade exist but other, land-based impacts may be more pressing concerns for Eritrea’s reefs. Research priorities for management are discussed as well as the implications of mariculture of Eritrean species by other nations
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