397 research outputs found

    Final height of Korean patients with early treated congenital hypothyroidism

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    Purpose Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is the most common endocrine disorder in children. Thyroid hormone deprivation results not only in mental retardation but also growth retardation. This study investigates the final height (FH) in Korean patients with CH detected by newborn screening and examines factors that may affect the FH. Methods The medical records of Korean CH patients (n=45) were reviewed. The FH was examined and target height (TH) was calculated based on mid-parental height. The FH z score (FHZ) and TH z score (THZ) were computed using the 2007 Korean National Growth Chart. The FHZ and THZ were compared with a Student t test. The impact of the etiology of CH (athyreosis, dyshormonogenesis, ectopic thyoid, hypoplastic thyroid), initial serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level, initial free thyroxine (T4) level, and time of therapy initiation based on FH was assessed. Results The mean FHZ was 0.10±1.01 for male patients and -0.11±1.09 for female patients. There were no significant differences between FHZ and THZ for both female (P=0.356) and male patients (P=0.237). No significant relationship was found between FH and the etiology of CH, initial TSH level, initial free T4 level, and the time of therapy initiation. Conclusion Early intervention and satisfactory management do not appear to impede growth in Korean patients with CH. Thus, early detection and proper management of patients with CH detected by newborn screening program are necessary

    Microspinning: Local Surface Mixing via Rotation of Magnetic Microparticles for Efficient Small-Volume Bioassays

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    The need for high-throughput screening has led to the miniaturization of the reaction volume of the chamber in bioassays. As the reactor gets smaller, surface tension dominates the gravitational or inertial force, and mixing efficiency decreases in small-scale reactions. Because passive mixing by simple diffusion in tens of microliter-scale volumes takes a long time, active mixing is needed. Here, we report an efficient micromixing method using magnetically rotating microparticles with patterned magnetization induced by magnetic nanoparticle chains. Because the microparticles have magnetization patterning due to fabrication with magnetic nanoparticle chains, the microparticles can rotate along the external rotating magnetic field, causing micromixing. We validated the reaction efficiency by comparing this micromixing method with other mixing methods such as simple diffusion and the use of a rocking shaker at various working volumes. This method has the potential to be widely utilized in suspension assay technology as an efficient mixing strategy

    A Novel Multifunctional Nanowire Platform for Highly Efficient Isolation and Analysis of Circulating Tumor-Specific Markers

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    Circulating tumor-specific markers are crucial to understand the molecular and cellular processes underlying cancer, and to develop therapeutic strategies for the treatment of the disease in clinical applications. Many approaches to isolate and analyze these markers have been reported. Here, we propose a straightforward method for highly efficient capture and release of exosomes and circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in a single platform with well-ordered three-dimensional (3D) architecture that is constructed using a simple electrochemical method. Conductive polypyrrole nanowires (Ppy NWs) are conjugated with monoclonal antibodies that specifically recognize marker proteins on the surface of exosomes or CTCs. In response to electrical- or glutathione (GSH)-mediated stimulation, the captured exosomes or cells can be finely controlled for retrieval from the NW platform. A surface having nano-topographic structures allows the specific recognition and capture of small-sized exosome-like vesicles (30–100 nm) by promoting topographical interactions, while physically blocking larger vesicles (i.e., microvesicles, 100–1,000 nm). In addition, vertically aligned features greatly improve cell capture efficiency after modification with desired high-binding affinity biomolecules. Notably, exosomes and CTCs can be sequentially isolated from cancer patients' blood samples using a single NW platform via modulating electrochemical and chemical cues, which clearly exhibits great potential for the diagnosis of various cancer types and for downstream analysis due to its facile, effective, and low-cost performance

    : A novel gene fusion in malignant melanoma

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    Oncogenic gene fusions have been identified in many cancers, and many serve as druggable targets for therapy. Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) gene aberration is known to be associated with tumor progression and resistance to anticancer therapy. Here we report the first case of malignant melanoma harboring a FGFR3-TACC3 (transforming acidic coiled-coil containing protein 3) fusion, which appears to be a promising potential therapeutic target

    One-Step Generation of a Drug-Releasing Hydrogel Microarray-On-A-Chip for Large-Scale Sequential Drug Combination Screening

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    Large-scale screening of sequential drug combinations, wherein the dynamic rewiring of intracellular pathways leads to promising therapeutic effects and improvements in quality of life, is essential for personalized medicine to ensure realistic cost and time requirements and less sample consumption. However, the large-scale screening requires expensive and complicated liquid handling systems for automation and therefore lowers the accessibility to clinicians or biologists, limiting the full potential of sequential drug combinations in clinical applications and academic investigations. Here, a miniaturized platform for high-throughput combinatorial drug screening that is "pipetting-free" and scalable for the screening of sequential drug combinations is presented. The platform uses parallel and bottom-up formation of a heterogeneous drug-releasing hydrogel microarray by self-assembly of drug-laden hydrogel microparticles. This approach eliminates the need for liquid handling systems and time-consuming operation in high-throughput large-scale screening. In addition, the serial replacement of the drug-releasing microarray-on-a-chip facilitates different drug exchange in each and every microwell in a simple and highly parallel manner, supporting scalable implementation of multistep combinatorial screening. The proposed strategy can be applied to various forms of combinatorial drug screening with limited amounts of samples and resources, which will broaden the use of the large-scale screening for precision medicine

    Enantioselective Alkynylation of Trifluoromethyl Ketones Catalyzed by Cation-Binding Salen Nickel Complexes

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    Cation‐binding salen nickel catalysts were developed for the enantioselective alkynylation of trifluoromethyl ketones in high yield (up to 99 %) and high enantioselectivity (up to 97 % ee). The reaction proceeds with substoichiometric quantities of base (10–20 mol % KOt‐Bu) and open to air. In the case of trifluoromethyl vinyl ketones, excellent chemo‐selectivity was observed, generating 1,2‐addition products exclusively over 1,4‐addition products. UV‐vis analysis revealed the pendant oligo‐ether group of the catalyst strongly binds to the potassium cation (K⁺) with 1:1 binding stoichiometry (K_a=6.6×10⁵ M⁻¹)

    Les déterminants des performances scolaires des élèves marocains

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    Le Maroc fait partie des pays en développement dont le niveau des acquis des élèves reste relativement faible. En dépit des efforts engagés en vue d’améliorer en partie la qualité des apprentissages, les résultats des enquêtes internationales et nationales révèlent de faibles niveaux des acquis. Dès lors, l’objectif de cet article est de revenir sur les facteurs qui influencent les performances scolaires des élèves. Nous nous intéressons plus spécifiquement aux déterminants microéconomiques de la qualité de l’éducation à travers les performances des élèves. Les études sur les déterminants des performances scolaires sont riches d’enseignement. Les premières contributions se sont focalisées sur le rôle de l’environnement familial dans l’explication de la réussite des élèves (Coleman, 1966, par exemple). D’autres, plus récemment, ont abordé les facteurs liés à l’établissement scolaire. Pour autant, les contributions récentes mettent en avant l’importance à la fois de l’environnement familial et de l’école (Hanushek, 2003). Des travaux plus récents oulignent également l’influence des pairs sur les performances scolaires. Le présent travail s’inscrit dans cette logique. Son originalité se situe à un double niveau. La première réside dans la mise en évidence de l’ensemble des facteurs explicatifs des performances des élèves et des inégalités scolaires. Malgré l’existence d’une littérature abondante sur le sujet, cette question n’a pas été abordée, à notre connaissance, dans le cas marocain. La seconde cherche à corriger les problèmes d’endogénéité dans les modèles multiniveaux. Enfin, La technique d’imputation adoptée permet de traiter de façon pertinente les valeurs manquantes dans les bases de données. Cet article est structuré en trois parties. La première aborde la littérature empirique sur les déterminants de la réussite scolaire des élèves. La deuxième partie examine le modèle utilisé et décrit la base de données du Programme national d’évaluation des acquis (PNEA). Elle examine l’approche et la méthodologie utilisée. Enfin, la troisième partie traite des résultats obtenus et nous permet de formuler les principaux enseignements pouvant être tirés de nos résultats en matière de politiques publiques