42 research outputs found

    Phytochrome-mediated light signaling in plants: emerging trends

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    Phytochromes maximally absorb in the red and far-red region of the solar spectrum and play a key role in regulating plant growth and development. Our understanding of the phytochrome-mediated light perception and signal transduction has improved dramatically during the past decade. However, some recent findings challenge a few of the well-accepted earlier models regarding phytochrome structure and function. Identification of a serine/threonine specific protein phosphatase 2A (FyPP) and a type 5 protein phosphatases (PAPP5), and the phytochrome-mediated phosphorylation of phytochrome interacting factor 3 (PIF3), auxin inducible genes (Aux/IAA) and cryptochromes have opened new vistas in phytochrome biology. Importantly, the significance of proteolysis and chromatin-remodeling pathways in phytochrome signaling is becoming more apparent. The emerging concept of phytochrome as a master regulator in orchestrating downstream signaling components has become more convincing with the advent of global expression profiling of genes. Upcoming data also provide fresh insights into the nuclear localization, speckle formation, nucleo-cytoplasmic partitioning and organ-specificity aspects of phytochromes. This article highlights recent advances in phytochrome biology with emphasis on the elucidation of novel components of light signal transduction

    A pathogenesis related-10 protein CaARP functions as aldo/keto reductase to scavenge cytotoxic aldehydes

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    Pathogenesis related-10 (PR-10) proteins are present as multigene family in most of the higher plants. The role of PR-10 proteins in plant is poorly understood. A sequence analysis revealed that a large number of PR-10 proteins possess conserved motifs found in aldo/keto reductases (AKRs) of yeast and fungi. We took three PR-10 proteins, CaARP from chickpea, ABR17 from pea and the major pollen allergen Bet v1 from silver birch as examples and showed that these purified recombinant proteins possessed AKR activity using various cytotoxic aldehydes including methylglyoxal and malondialdehyde as substrates and the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) as co-factor. Essential amino acids for this catalytic activity were identified by substitution with other amino acids. CaARP was able to discriminate between the reduced and oxidized forms of NADP independently of its catalytic activity and underwent structural change upon binding with NADPH. CaARP protein was preferentially localized in cytosol. When expressed in bacteria, yeast or plant, catalytically active variants of CaARP conferred tolerance to salinity, oxidative stress or cytotoxic aldehydes. CaARP-expressing plants showed lower lipid peroxidation product content in presence or absence of stress suggesting that the protein functions as a scavenger of cytotoxic aldehydes produced by metabolism and lipid peroxidation. Our result proposes a new biochemical property of a PR-10 protein

    Characterization of Rice Homeobox Genes, OsHOX22 and OsHOX24, and Over-expression of OsHOX24 in Transgenic Arabidopsis Suggest their Role in Abiotic Stress Response

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    Homeobox transcription factors are well known regulators of plant growth and development. In this study, we carried out functional analysis of two candidate stress-responsive HD-ZIP I class homeobox genes from rice, OsHOX22 and OsHOX24. These genes were highly upregulated under various abiotic stress conditions at different stages of rice development, including seedling, mature and reproductive stages. The transcript levels of these genes were enhanced significantly in the presence of plant hormones, including abscisic acid (ABA), auxin, salicylic acid and gibberellic acid. The recombinant full-length and truncated homeobox proteins were found to be localized in the nucleus. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay established the binding of these homeobox proteins with specific DNA sequences, AH1 (CAAT(A/T)ATTG) and AH2 (CAAT(C/G)ATTG). Transactivation assays in yeast revealed the transcriptional activation potential of full-length OsHOX22 and OsHOX24 proteins. Homo- and hetero-dimerization capabilities of these proteins have also been demonstrated. Further, we identified putative novel interacting proteins of OsHOX22 and OsHOX24 via yeast-two hybrid analysis. Over-expression of OsHOX24 imparted higher sensitivity to stress hormone, ABA, and abiotic stresses in the transgenic Arabidopsis plants as revealed by various physiological and phenotypic assays. Microarray analysis revealed differential expression of several stress-responsive genes in transgenic lines as compared to wild-type. Many of these genes were found to be involved in transcriptional regulation and various metabolic pathways. Altogether, our results suggest the possible role of OsHOX22/OsHOX24 homeobox proteins as negative regulators in abiotic stress responses

    Arabidopsis cytokinin-resistant mutant, cnr1, displays altered auxin responses and sugar sensitivity

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    Based upon the phenotype of young, dark-grown seedlings, a cytokinin-resistant mutant, cnr1, has been isolated, which displays altered cytokinin- and auxin-induced responses. The mutant seedlings possess short hypocotyls and open apical hooks (in dark), and display agravitropism, hyponastic cotyledons, reduced shoot growth, compact rosettes and short roots with increased adventitious branching and reduced number of root hairs. A number of these features invariably depend upon auxin/cytokinin ratio but the cnr1 mutant retains normal sensitivity towards auxin as well as auxin polar transport inhibitor, TIBA, although upregulation of primary auxin-responsive Aux/IAA genes is reduced. The mutant shows resistance towards cytokinin in hypocotyl/root growth inhibition assays, displays reduced regeneration in tissue cultures (cytokinin response) and decreased sensitivity to cytokinin for anthocyanin accumulation. It is thus conceivable that due to reduced sensitivity to cytokinin, the cnr1 mutant also shows altered auxin response. Surprisingly, the mutant retains normal sensitivity to cytokinin for induction of primary response genes, the type-A Arabidopsis response regulators, although the basal level of their expression was considerably reduced as compared to the wild-type. The zeatin and zeatin riboside levels, as estimated by HPLC, and the cytokinin oxidase activity were comparable in the cnr1 mutant and the wild-type. The hypersensitivity to red light (in hypocotyl growth inhibition assay), partial photomorphogenesis in dark, and hypersensitivity to sugars, are some other features displayed by the cnr1 mutant. The lesion in the cnr1 mutant has been mapped to the top of chromosome 1 where no other previously known cytokinin-resistant mutant has been mapped, indicating that the cnr1 mutant defines a novel locus involved in hormone, light and sugar signalling

    Data from: Pan-genome dynamics of Pseudomonas gene complements enriched across hexachlorocyclohexane dumpsite

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    Background: Phylogenetic heterogeneity across Pseudomonas genus is complemented by its diverse genome architecture enriched by accessory genetic elements (plasmids, transposons, and integrons) conferring resistance across this genus. Here, we sequenced a stress tolerant genotype i.e. Pseudomonas sp. strain RL isolated from a hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) contaminated pond (45 mg of total HCH g−1 sediment) and further compared its gene repertoire with 17 reference ecotypes belonging to P. stutzeri, P. mendocina, P. aeruginosa, P. psychrotolerans and P. denitrificans, representing metabolically diverse ecosystems (i.e. marine, clinical, and soil/sludge). Metagenomic data from HCH contaminated pond sediment and similar HCH contaminated sites were further used to analyze the pan-genome dynamics of Pseudomonas genotypes enriched across increasing HCH gradient. Results: Although strain RL demonstrated clear species demarcation (ANI ≀ 80.03%) from the rest of its phylogenetic relatives, it was found to be closest to P. stutzeri clade which was further complemented functionally. Comparative functional analysis elucidated strain specific enrichment of metabolic pathways like α-linoleic acid degradation and carbazole degradation in Pseudomonas sp. strain RL and P. stutzeri XLDN-R, respectively. Composition based methods (%codon bias and %G + C difference) further highlighted the significance of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in evolution of nitrogen metabolism, two-component system (TCS) and methionine metabolism across the Pseudomonas genomes used in this study. An intact mobile class-I integron (3,552 bp) with a captured gene cassette encoding for dihydrofolate reductase (dhfra1) was detected in strain RL, distinctly demarcated from other integron harboring species (i.e. P. aeruginosa, P. stutzeri, and P. putida). Mobility of this integron was confirmed by its association with Tnp21-like transposon (95% identity) suggesting stress specific mobilization across HCH contaminated sites. Metagenomics data from pond sediment and recently surveyed HCH adulterated soils revealed the in situ enrichment of integron associated transposase gene (TnpA6100) across increasing HCH contamination (0.7 to 450 mg HCH g−1 of soil). Conclusions: Unlocking the potential of comparative genomics supplemented with metagenomics, we have attempted to resolve the environment and strain specific demarcations across 18 Pseudomonas gene complements. Pan-genome analyses of these strains indicate at astoundingly diverse metabolic strategies and provide genetic basis for the cosmopolitan existence of this taxon

    Data from: Pan-genome dynamics of Pseudomonas gene complements enriched across hexachlorocyclohexane dumpsite

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    Background: Phylogenetic heterogeneity across Pseudomonas genus is complemented by its diverse genome architecture enriched by accessory genetic elements (plasmids, transposons, and integrons) conferring resistance across this genus. Here, we sequenced a stress tolerant genotype i.e. Pseudomonas sp. strain RL isolated from a hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) contaminated pond (45 mg of total HCH g−1 sediment) and further compared its gene repertoire with 17 reference ecotypes belonging to P. stutzeri, P. mendocina, P. aeruginosa, P. psychrotolerans and P. denitrificans, representing metabolically diverse ecosystems (i.e. marine, clinical, and soil/sludge). Metagenomic data from HCH contaminated pond sediment and similar HCH contaminated sites were further used to analyze the pan-genome dynamics of Pseudomonas genotypes enriched across increasing HCH gradient. Results: Although strain RL demonstrated clear species demarcation (ANI ≀ 80.03%) from the rest of its phylogenetic relatives, it was found to be closest to P. stutzeri clade which was further complemented functionally. Comparative functional analysis elucidated strain specific enrichment of metabolic pathways like α-linoleic acid degradation and carbazole degradation in Pseudomonas sp. strain RL and P. stutzeri XLDN-R, respectively. Composition based methods (%codon bias and %G + C difference) further highlighted the significance of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in evolution of nitrogen metabolism, two-component system (TCS) and methionine metabolism across the Pseudomonas genomes used in this study. An intact mobile class-I integron (3,552 bp) with a captured gene cassette encoding for dihydrofolate reductase (dhfra1) was detected in strain RL, distinctly demarcated from other integron harboring species (i.e. P. aeruginosa, P. stutzeri, and P. putida). Mobility of this integron was confirmed by its association with Tnp21-like transposon (95% identity) suggesting stress specific mobilization across HCH contaminated sites. Metagenomics data from pond sediment and recently surveyed HCH adulterated soils revealed the in situ enrichment of integron associated transposase gene (TnpA6100) across increasing HCH contamination (0.7 to 450 mg HCH g−1 of soil). Conclusions: Unlocking the potential of comparative genomics supplemented with metagenomics, we have attempted to resolve the environment and strain specific demarcations across 18 Pseudomonas gene complements. Pan-genome analyses of these strains indicate at astoundingly diverse metabolic strategies and provide genetic basis for the cosmopolitan existence of this taxon

    Use of methylation filtration and C<SUB>0</SUB>t fractionation for analysis of genome composition and comparative genomics in bread wheat

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    We investigated the compositional and structural differences in sequences derived from different fractions of wheat genomic DNA obtained using methylation filtration and C<SUB>0</SUB>t fractionation. Comparative analysis of these sequences revealed large compositional and structural variations in terms of GC content, different structural elements including repeat sequences (e.g., transposable elements and simple sequence repeats), protein coding genes, and non-coding RNA genes. A correlation between methylation status [determined on the basis of selective inclusion/exclusion in methylation-filtered (MF) library] of different repeat elements and expression level was observed. The expression levels were determined by comparing MF sequences with expressed sequence tags (ESTs) available in the public domain. Only a limited overlap among MF, high C<SUB>0</SUB>t (HC), and ESTs was observed, suggesting that these sequences may largely either represent the low-copy non-transcribed sequences or include genes with low expression levels. Thus, these results indicated a need to study MF and HC sequences along with ESTs to fully appreciate complexity of wheat gene space

    Characterisation of a spontaneous mutant of Lemna gibba G3 (Lemnaceae)

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    A spontaneous mutant of the duckweed Lemna gibba clone no. 7796 (known as strain G3, WT) was discovered. In this mutant clone, L. gibba clone no. 9602 (mt), the morphological parameters (frond length, frond width, root length, root diameter) indicated an enlarged size. A change in the frond shape was indicated by the decreased frond length/width ratio, which could have taxonomic consequences. Several different cell types in both the frond and the root were also enlarged. Flow cytometric measurements disclosed the genome size of the WT as 557 Mbp/1C and that of the mt strain as 1153 Mbp/1C. This represents the results of polyploidisation of a diploid clone to a tetraploid one. The mutant clone flowered under the influence of long day-treatment in half-strength Hutner's medium in striking contrast to the diploid WT. Low concentration of salicylic acid (&lt;1 microM) induced flowering in the tetraploid mutant but not in the diploid plants. The transcript levels of nuclear-encoded genes of the photosynthetic apparatus (CAB, RBCS) showed higher abundance in light and less dramatic decline in darkness in the mt than in WT, while this was not the case with plastid-encoded genes (RBCL, PSAA, PSBA, PSBC)

    Identification of Novel SNP in Promoter Sequence of TaGW2-6A Associated with Grain Weight and Other Agronomic Traits in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).

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    TaGW2 is an orthologue of rice gene OsGW2, which encodes E3 RING ubiquitin ligase and controls the grain size in rice. In wheat, three copies of TaGW2 have been identified and mapped on wheat homoeologous group 6 viz. TaGW2-6A, TaGW2-6B and TaGW2-6D. In the present study, using as many as 207 Indian wheat genotypes, we identified four SNPs including two novel SNPs (SNP-988 and SNP-494) in the promoter sequence of TaGW2-6A. All the four SNPs were G/A or A/G substitutions (transitions). Out of the four SNPs, SNP-494 was causal, since it was found associated with grain weight. The mean TGW (41.1 g) of genotypes with the allele SNP-494_A was significantly higher than mean TGW (38.6 g) of genotypes with the allele SNP-494_G. SNP-494 also regulates the expression of TaGW2-6A so that the wheat genotypes with SNP-494_G have higher expression and lower TGW and the genotypes with SNP-494_A have lower expression but higher TGW. Besides, SNP-494 was also found associated with grain length-width ratio, awn length, spike length, grain protein content, peduncle length and plant height. This suggested that gene TaGW2-6A not only controls grain size, but also controls other agronomic traits. In the promoter region, SNP-494 was present in 'CGCG' motif that plays an important role in Ca2+/calmodulin mediated regulation of genes. A user-friendly CAPS marker was also developed to identify the desirable allele of causal SNP (SNP-494) for use in marker-assisted selection for improvement of grain weight in wheat. Using four SNPs, five haplotypes were identified; of these, Hap_5 (G_A_G_A) was found to be a desirable haplotype having significantly higher grain weight (41.13g) relative to other four haplotypes (36.33-39.16 g)