4 research outputs found

    Natural language description of images using hybrid recurrent neural network

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    We presented a learning model that generated natural language description of images. The model utilized the connections between natural language and visual data by produced text line based contents from a given image. Our Hybrid Recurrent Neural Network model is based on the intricacies of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Bi-directional Recurrent Neural Network (BRNN) models. We conducted experiments on three benchmark datasets, e.g., Flickr8K, Flickr30K, and MS COCO. Our hybrid model utilized LSTM model to encode text line or sentences independent of the object location and BRNN for word representation, this reduced the computational complexities without compromising the accuracy of the descriptor. The model produced better accuracy in retrieving natural language based description on the dataset

    Hybrid deep neural network for Bangla automated image descriptor

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    Automated image to text generation is a computationally challenging computer vision task which requires sufficient comprehension of both syntactic and semantic meaning of an image to generate a meaningful description. Until recent times, it has been studied to a limited scope due to the lack of visual-descriptor dataset and functional models to capture intrinsic complexities involving features of an image. In this study, a novel dataset was constructed by generating Bangla textual descriptor from visual input, called Bangla Natural Language Image to Text (BNLIT), incorporating 100 classes with annotation. A deep neural network-based image captioning model was proposed to generate image description. The model employs Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify the whole dataset, while Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) capture the sequential semantic representation of text-based sentences and generate pertinent description based on the modular complexities of an image. When tested on the new dataset, the model accomplishes significant enhancement of centrality execution for image semantic recovery assignment. For the experiment of that task, we implemented a hybrid image captioning model, which achieved a remarkable result for a new self-made dataset, and that task was new for the Bangladesh perspective. In brief, the model provided benchmark precision in the characteristic Bangla syntax reconstruction and comprehensive numerical analysis of the model execution results on the dataset

    Bangla Natural Language Image to Text (BNLIT)

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    We represented a new Bangla dataset with a Hybrid Recurrent Neural Network model which generated Bangla natural language description of images. This dataset achieved by a large number of images with classification and containing natural language process of images. We conducted experiments on our self-made Bangla Natural Language Image to Text (BNLIT) dataset. Our dataset contained 8,743 images. We made this dataset using Bangladesh perspective images. We used one annotation for each image. In our repository, we added two types of pre-processed data which is 224 × 224 and 500 × 375 respectively alongside annotations of full dataset. We also added CNN features file of whole dataset in our repository which is features.pkl

    YOLOv3 and YOLOv5-based automated facial mask detection and recognition systems to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks

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    Object detection system in light of deep learning have been monstrously effective in complex item identification task images and have shown likely in an extensive variety of genuine applications counting the Coronavirus pandemic. Ensuring and enforcing the proper use of face masks is one of the main obstacles in containing and reducing the spread of the infection among the population. This paper aims to find out how the urban population of a megacity uses facial masks correctly. Using YOLOv3 and YOLOv5, we trained and validated a brand-new dataset to identify images as "with mask", "without mask", and "mask not in position". In the YOLOv3 we carried out three pre-trained models which are: YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny, and SPP-YOLOv3. In addition, we utilized five pre-trained models in the YOLOv5: YOLOv5n, YOLOv5s, YOLOv5m, YOLOv5l, and YOLOv5x. The dataset is included 6550 pictures with three classes. On mAP, the dataset achieved a commendable 95% performance accuracy. This research can be used to monitor the proper use of face masks in various public spaces through automated scanning