70 research outputs found

    Re-channelization of turbidity currents in South China Sea abyssal plain due to seamounts and ridges

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    Turbidity currents can be characterized as net-erosive, net-depositional or net-bypassing. Whether a flow is erosive, depositional or bypasses depends on the flow velocity, concentration and size but these can also be impacted by external controls such as the degree of confinement, slope gradient and substrate type and erodibility. Our understanding of the relative importance of these controls comes from laboratory experiments and numerical modelling, as well as from field data due to the proliferation of high-resolution 3D seismic and bathymetric data, as well as the outcrop and rock record. In this study, based on extensive multibeam and seismic reflection surveys in combination with International Ocean Discovery Program cores from the South China Sea, we document a new mechanism of turbidity current transformation from depositional to erosive resulting in channel incision. We show how confinement by seamounts and bedrock highs of previously unconfined turbidity currents has resulted in the development of seafloor channels. These channels are inferred to be the result of confinement of flows, which have traversed the abyssal plain, leading to flow acceleration allowing them to erode the seafloor substrate. This interpretation is further supported by the coarsening of flow deposits within the area of the seamounts, indicating that confinement has increased flow competency, allowing turbidity currents to carry larger volumes of coarse sediment which has been deposited in this region. This basin-scale depositional pattern suggests that pre-established basin topography can have an important control on sedimentation which can impact characteristics such as potential hydrocarbon storage

    Antibody-based cancer immunotherapy by targeting regulatory T cells

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    Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are among the most abundant suppressive cells, which infiltrate and accumulate in the tumor microenvironment, leading to tumor escape by inducing anergy and immunosuppression. Their presence has been correlated with tumor progression, invasiveness and metastasis. Targeting tumor-associated Tregs is an effective addition to current immunotherapy approaches, but it may also trigger autoimmune diseases. The major limitation of current therapies targeting Tregs in the tumor microenvironment is the lack of selective targets. Tumor-infiltrating Tregs express high levels of cell surface molecules associated with T-cell activation, such as CTLA4, PD-1, LAG3, TIGIT, ICOS, and TNF receptor superfamily members including 4-1BB, OX40, and GITR. Targeting these molecules often attribute to concurrent depletion of antitumor effector T-cell populations. Therefore, novel approaches need to improve the specificity of targeting Tregs in the tumor microenvironment without affecting peripheral Tregs and effector T cells. In this review, we discuss the immunosuppressive mechanisms of tumor-infiltrating Tregs and the status of antibody-based immunotherapies targeting Tregs

    Contourite processes associated with the overflow of Pacific Deep Water within the Luzon Trough: Conceptual and regional implications

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    Overflows through oceanic gateways govern the exchange of water masses in the world's ocean basins. These exchanges also involve energy, salinity, nutrients, and carbon. As such, the physical features that control overflow can exert a strong influence on regional and global climate. Here, we present the first description of sedimentary processes generated by the overflow of Pacific Deep Water (OPDW). This mass flows southward at approximately 2000–3450 m water depth within the Luzon Trough (gateway) from the Pacific Ocean into the South China Sea. OPDW can be divided into: a) a lower, denser layer (including an associated weak counter-current), which has generated a large contourite depositional system (CDS-1) that includes large erosional (channel and moat), depositional (mounded and plastered drift), and mixed (terrace) contourite features along the trough bottom and walls, and b) an upper mixing layer, which has not generated any significant depositional or erosional contourite features. Where OPDW does not reach the seafloor, it is underlain by bottom water that circulates more sluggishly but has generated a second contourite depositional system (CDS-2) made of a large sheet-like drift. The OPDW flow has generally enhanced since the middle to late Miocene, except in the shallower northernmost corridor. In the deeper main trough, reductions in width and depth of the gateway by Taiwan orogenic events have likely accelerated the overflow. The latest significant enhancening may promote widespread development of contourite depositional systems along the South China Sea's lower continental slope and adjacent deeper areas. This work highlights the importance of gateway-confined overflows in controlling the morphology and sedimentary evolution of adjacent deep marine sedimentary systems. A clear understanding of overflow processes and their products is essential for decoding tectonic control in oceanographic or paleoceanographic processes

    A bibliometric and visualization analysis on the association between chronic exposure to fine particulate matter and cancer risk

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    Introduction:As one of the major pollutants in ambient air pollution, fine particulate matter (PM2.5) has attracted public attention. A large body of laboratory and epidemiological research has shown that PM2.5 exposure is harmful to human health.MethodsTo investigate its association with the commonly observed PM-related cancer, a bibliometric study was performed on related publications from 2012 to 2021 from a macroscopic perspective with the help of the Web of Science database and scientometric software VOSviewer, CiteSpace V, HistCite, and Biblioshiny.ResultsThe results indicated that of the 1,948 enrolled documents, scientific productions increased steadily and peaked in 2020 with 348 publications. The most prolific authors, journals, organizations, and countries were Raaschou-Nielsen O, Science of the Total Environment, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and China, respectively. The top five keywords in frequency order were “air pollution,” “particulate matter,” “lung cancer,” “exposure,” and “mortality.”DiscussionThe toxic mechanism of carcinogenicity was explained and is worthy of further investigation. China and the US collaborated most closely, and it is hoped the two countries can strengthen their collaboration to combat air pollution. There is also a need to identify the components of PM2.5 and refine the models to assess the global burden of disease attributed to PM2.5 exposure

    A scientometric analysis of research trends on targeting mTOR in breast cancer from 2012 to 2022

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    Over the past decade, thousands of articles have been published on the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) and its role in breast cancer. However, the variability and heterogeneity of academic data may impact the acquisition of published research information. Due to the large number, heterogeneity, and varying quality of publications related to mTOR and breast cancer, sorting out the present state of the research in this area is critical for both researchers and clinicians. Therefore, scientometric techniques and visualization tools were employed to analyze the large number of bibliographic metadata related to the research area of mTOR and breast cancer. The features of relevant publications were searched from 2012 to 2022 to evaluate the present status of research and the evolution of research hotspots in this particular field. Web of Science was utilized to extract all relevant publications from 2012 to 2022. Subsequently, Biblioshiny and VOSviewer were utilized to obtain data on the most productive countries, authors, and institutions, annual publications and citations, the most influential journals and articles, and the most frequently occurring keywords. In total, 1,471 publications were retrieved, comprising 1,167 original articles and 304 reviews. There was a significant rise in publications between 2015 and 2018, followed by a sharp decline in 2019 and a rebound since then. The publication with the highest number of citations was a 2012 review authored by Baselga et al. The United States had the highest number of publications, citations and connections among all countries. Oncotarget had the highest number of published articles among all the journals, and José Baselga had the strongest links with other authors. Excluding the search topics, the most frequently used words were “expression” (n = 297), “growth” (n = 228), “activation” (n = 223), “pathway” (n = 205), and “apoptosis” (n = 195). mTOR is crucially involved in breast cancer pathogenesis, but its exact mechanism of action remains controversial and warrants further investigation. The scientometric analysis provides a distinct overview of the existing state of research and highlights the topical issues that deserve further exploration

    Progress in Antarctic marine geophysical research by the Chinese Polar Program

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    Marine geophysical survey by the Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE) began with the first science expedition in 1984/1985, although only four cruises were performed in the vicinity of the Antarctic Peninsula between then and 1991/1992. After a 20 year hiatus, Antarctic marine geophysical research was relaunched by the Chinese Polar Environmental Comprehensive Investigation and Assessment Programs (known simply as the Chinese Polar Program) in 2011/2012. Integrated geophysical surveys have been carried out annually since, in Prydz Bay and the Ross Sea. During the last 5 years, we have acquired about 5500 km of bathymetric, gravimetric, and magnetic lines; more than 1800 km of seismic reflection lines; and data from several heat flow and Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) stations. This work has deepened understandings of geophysical features and their implications for geological tectonics and glacial history in Antarctica and its surrounding seas. Compiled Antarctic Bouguer and Airy isostatic gravity anomalies show different features of tectonics between the East Antarctic stability and West Antarctic activity. Calculated magnetic anomalies, heat flow anomalies and lithospheric anisotropy offshore of Prydz Bay may imply high heat capacity of mantle shielded by the continental shelf lithosphere, but high heat dissipation of mantle due to the Cretaceous breakup of Gondwana along the continent and ocean transition (COT), where large sediment ridges would be brought about by the Oligocene ice sheet retreat and would enlarge free-air gravity anomalies. In the western Ross Sea, CHINARE seismic profiles indicate northern termination of the Terror Rift and deposition time of the grounding zone wedge in the northern JOIDES Basin

    MiR-770-5p inhibits cisplatin chemoresistance in human ovarian cancer by targeting ERCC2

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    In this study, we examined the role of the miRNA miR-770-5p in cisplatin chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer (OVC) patients. miR-770-5p expression was reduced in platinum-resistant patients. Using a 6.128-fold in expression as the cutoff value, miR-770-5p expression served as a prognostic biomarker and predicted the response to cisplatin treatment and survival among OVC patients. Overexpression of miR-770-5p in vitro reduced survival in chemoresistant cell lines after cisplatin treatment. ERCC2, a target gene of miR-770-5p that participates in the NER system, was negatively regulated by miR-770-5p. siRNA-mediated silencing of ERCC2 reversed the inhibition of apoptosis resulting from miR-770-5p downreglation in A2780S cells. A comet assay confirmed that this restoration of cisplatin chemosensitivity was due to the inhibition of DNA repair. These findings suggest that endogenous miR-770-5p may function as an anti-oncogene and promote chemosensitivity in OVC, at least in part by downregulating ERCC2. miR-770-5p may therefore be a useful biomarker for predicting chemosensitivity to cisplatin in OVC patients and improve the selection of effective, more personalized, treatment strategies

    Engineering a Novel Antibody-Peptide Bispecific Fusion Protein Against MERS-CoV

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    In recent years, tremendous efforts have been made in the engineering of bispecific or multi-specific antibody-based therapeutics by combining two or more functional antigen-recognizing elements into a single construct. However, to the best of our knowledge there has been no reported cases of effective antiviral antibody-peptide bispecific fusion proteins. We previously developed potent fully human monoclonal antibodies and inhibitory peptides against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), a novel coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory illness with high mortality. Here, we describe the generation of antibody-peptide bispecific fusion proteins, each of which contains an anti-MERS-CoV single-chain antibody m336 (or normal human IgG1 CH3 domain as a control) linked with, or without, a MERS-CoV fusion inhibitory peptide HR2P. We found that one of these fusion proteins, designated as m336 diabody-pep, exhibited more potent inhibitory activity than the antibody or the peptide alone against pseudotyped MERS-CoV infection and MERS-CoV S protein-mediated cell-cell fusion, suggesting its potential to be developed as an effective bispecific immunotherapeutic for clinical use

    Investigating the land use characteristics of urban integration based on remote sensing data: experience from Guangzhou and Foshan

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    Urban integration is an increasingly popular phenomenon. It is important to characterize the dynamic processes of urban integration from the perspective of geography. However, previous studies mainly focussed on the overall characteristics of a single entity and failed to consider inter-city influences. Therefore, this study aims to systematically investigate this phenomenon. Firstly, spatial clustering technique and landscape metric were used to analyze the temporal change of spatial layout. Secondly, we built multiple ring buffers of city boundary to reveal the directional differences in urban expansion. Lastly, we compared the observed land use data with the results simulated by cellular automata model. These experiments have shown that the urban expansion characteristics during the urban integration process are rather different from those of a single city, and the above methodology can effectively characterize the urban integration phenomenon. The successful example of Guangzhou–Foshan integration could also provide practical experience for other similar attempts

    Roles of Macrophage Subtypes in Bowel Anastomotic Healing and Anastomotic Leakage

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    Macrophages play an important role in host defense, in addition to the powerful ability to phagocytose pathogens or foreign matters. They fulfill a variety of roles in immune regulation, wound healing, and tissue homeostasis preservation. Macrophages are characterized by high heterogeneity, which can polarize into at least two major extremes, M1-type macrophages (classical activation) which are normally derived from monocytes and M2-type macrophages (alternative activation) which are mostly those tissue-resident macrophages. Based on the wound healing process in skin, the previous studies have documented how these different subtypes of macrophages participate in tissue repair and remodeling, while the mechanism of macrophages in bowel anastomotic healing has not yet been established. This review summarizes the currently available evidence regarding the different roles of polarized macrophages in the physiological course of anastomotic healing and their pathological roles in anastomotic leakage, the most dangerous complication after gastrointestinal surgery
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