75 research outputs found

    SDDNet: Style-guided Dual-layer Disentanglement Network for Shadow Detection

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    Despite significant progress in shadow detection, current methods still struggle with the adverse impact of background color, which may lead to errors when shadows are present on complex backgrounds. Drawing inspiration from the human visual system, we treat the input shadow image as a composition of a background layer and a shadow layer, and design a Style-guided Dual-layer Disentanglement Network (SDDNet) to model these layers independently. To achieve this, we devise a Feature Separation and Recombination (FSR) module that decomposes multi-level features into shadow-related and background-related components by offering specialized supervision for each component, while preserving information integrity and avoiding redundancy through the reconstruction constraint. Moreover, we propose a Shadow Style Filter (SSF) module to guide the feature disentanglement by focusing on style differentiation and uniformization. With these two modules and our overall pipeline, our model effectively minimizes the detrimental effects of background color, yielding superior performance on three public datasets with a real-time inference speed of 32 FPS.Comment: Accepted by ACM MM 202

    Query-guided Prototype Evolution Network for Few-Shot Segmentation

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    Previous Few-Shot Segmentation (FSS) approaches exclusively utilize support features for prototype generation, neglecting the specific requirements of the query. To address this, we present the Query-guided Prototype Evolution Network (QPENet), a new method that integrates query features into the generation process of foreground and background prototypes, thereby yielding customized prototypes attuned to specific queries. The evolution of the foreground prototype is accomplished through a \textit{support-query-support} iterative process involving two new modules: Pseudo-prototype Generation (PPG) and Dual Prototype Evolution (DPE). The PPG module employs support features to create an initial prototype for the preliminary segmentation of the query image, resulting in a pseudo-prototype reflecting the unique needs of the current query. Subsequently, the DPE module performs reverse segmentation on support images using this pseudo-prototype, leading to the generation of evolved prototypes, which can be considered as custom solutions. As for the background prototype, the evolution begins with a global background prototype that represents the generalized features of all training images. We also design a Global Background Cleansing (GBC) module to eliminate potential adverse components mirroring the characteristics of the current foreground class. Experimental results on the PASCAL-5i5^i and COCO-20i20^i datasets attest to the substantial enhancements achieved by QPENet over prevailing state-of-the-art techniques, underscoring the validity of our ideas.Comment: Accepted by IEEE TMM 202

    Duplication and Remolding of tRNA Genes in the Mitochondrial Genome of \u3cem\u3eReduvius tenebrosus\u3c/em\u3e (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)

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    Most assassin bugs are predators that act as important natural enemies of insect pests. Mitochondrial (mt) genomes of these insects are double-strand circular DNAs that encode 37 genes. In the present study, we explore the duplication and rearrangement of tRNA genes in the mt genome of Reduvius tenebrosus, the first mt genome from the subfamily Reduviinae. The gene order rearranges from CR (control region)-trnI-trnQ-trnM-ND2 to CR-trnQ-trnI2-trnI1-trnM-ND2. We identified 23 tRNA genes, including 22 tRNAs commonly found in insects and an additional trnI (trnI2), which has high sequence similarity to trnM. We found several pseudo genes, such as pseudo-trnI, pseudo-CR, and pseudo-ND2, in the hotspot region of gene rearrangement (between the control region and ND2). These features provided evidence that this novel gene order could be explained by the tandem duplication/random loss (TDRL) model. The tRNA duplication/anticodon mutation mechanism further explains the presence of trnI2, which is remolded from a duplicated trnM in the TDRL process (through an anticodon mutation of CAT to GAT). Our study also raises new questions as to whether the two events proceed simultaneously and if the remolded tRNA gene is fully functional. Significantly, the duplicated tRNA gene in the mitochondrial genome has evolved independently at least two times within assassin bugs

    DuBox: No-Prior Box Objection Detection via Residual Dual Scale Detectors

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    Traditional neural objection detection methods use multi-scale features that allow multiple detectors to perform detecting tasks independently and in parallel. At the same time, with the handling of the prior box, the algorithm's ability to deal with scale invariance is enhanced. However, too many prior boxes and independent detectors will increase the computational redundancy of the detection algorithm. In this study, we introduce Dubox, a new one-stage approach that detects the objects without prior box. Working with multi-scale features, the designed dual scale residual unit makes dual scale detectors no longer run independently. The second scale detector learns the residual of the first. Dubox has enhanced the capacity of heuristic-guided that can further enable the first scale detector to maximize the detection of small targets and the second to detect objects that cannot be identified by the first one. Besides, for each scale detector, with the new classification-regression progressive strapped loss makes our process not based on prior boxes. Integrating these strategies, our detection algorithm has achieved excellent performance in terms of speed and accuracy. Extensive experiments on the VOC, COCO object detection benchmark have confirmed the effectiveness of this algorithm

    SSR-Encoder: Encoding Selective Subject Representation for Subject-Driven Generation

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    Recent advancements in subject-driven image generation have led to zero-shot generation, yet precise selection and focus on crucial subject representations remain challenging. Addressing this, we introduce the SSR-Encoder, a novel architecture designed for selectively capturing any subject from single or multiple reference images. It responds to various query modalities including text and masks, without necessitating test-time fine-tuning. The SSR-Encoder combines a Token-to-Patch Aligner that aligns query inputs with image patches and a Detail-Preserving Subject Encoder for extracting and preserving fine features of the subjects, thereby generating subject embeddings. These embeddings, used in conjunction with original text embeddings, condition the generation process. Characterized by its model generalizability and efficiency, the SSR-Encoder adapts to a range of custom models and control modules. Enhanced by the Embedding Consistency Regularization Loss for improved training, our extensive experiments demonstrate its effectiveness in versatile and high-quality image generation, indicating its broad applicability. Project page: https://ssr-encoder.github.i