821 research outputs found

    Hiv Governance Through Law: Achievements And Challenges Of China's Legal Environment

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    Over the last two decades, the law relating to HIV in the People's Republic of China (PRC) has transitioned from denial towards positive responses to HIV. In the 1980ā€“90s, the law provided for mandatory HIV testing and quarantine of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). It also banned HIV positive foreigners from entering or living in China. However, these defensive laws were ineffective in keeping HIV out of China and containing domestic HIV spread. In the mid- 1990s, the number of HIV infections sharply increased with more and more commercial blood donors being found to be infected with HIV. In the late 1990s, the government began to learn how to develop and implement effective HIV strategies and initiated pilot behavioural intervention programs such as condom promotion for sex workers and clean needle exchange for injecting drug users (IDUs). In 2004, China abandoned mandatory HIV testing and HIV quarantine. In 2006, the country legalised behavoural interventions. The ban on the immigration of HIV positive foreigners into China was lifted in 2010. However, China still has a long way to go before achieving good HIV governance by law. The anti-prostitution and anti-drug laws impede behavioural interventions. The laws against sex work and drug use and parts of HIV policy do not conform to international human rights standards. The weak anti-discrimination legal mechanism fails to prohibit HIV-based discrimination. There is a lack of an enabling legal environment for full community participation in all phases of HIV responses. In addition, the state secrets law creates barriers to promoting government transparency and accountability in the area of HIV

    Impact of Family and School Capital on the Academic Development of African American and Hispanic Students

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    This study investigated the impact of family/school capital on the academic development of African American and Hispanic students by examining four educational outcomes (math/reading achievement at the tenth grade, high school graduation, post-secondary enrollment and post-secondary degree attainment) from the tenth grade through their post-secondary education. The Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 conducted by the National Center for Educational Statistics provided the data source. Hierarchical linear regression, multilevel binary logistic regression, and logistic regression were utilized to quantify the impact of family/school capital on the educational outcomes of African American and Hispanic students. Family and school capital variables significantly impact African American and Hispanic studentsā€™ educational outcomes. For African American students, parentsā€™ educational expectations, family total income, teachersā€™ professional qualifications, and schoolā€™s socio-economic status significantly affected their math/reading achievement at the tenth grade. For Hispanic students, parentsā€™ educational expectations, family total income, family composition, student-parent interaction, studentā€™s socio-economic status, school control, and school socio-economic composition affected their math/reading achievement at the tenth grade. For African American students, gender, family total income, student-parent interaction, parent-school interaction, teachersā€™ educational attainment, and school percentage of students who receive free lunch significantly affected their high school graduation. For Hispanic students, gender, parentsā€™ educational attainment, family composition, parent-student interaction affected High school graduation. For African American students, gender, parentsā€™ educational attainment, family composition, parentsā€™ participation in cultural activities with their children, school socio-economic composition, and school percentage of minority students significantly affected their post-secondary enrollment. For Hispanic students, gender, parentsā€™ educational expectations, parentsā€™ educational attainment, family composition, parent-student interaction, parent-school interaction, school control, and schoolā€™s socio-economic status affected post-secondary enrollment. For African American students, parentsā€™ educational attainment, parent-school interaction, and school control significantly affected post-secondary degree attainment. For Hispanic students, parentsā€™ educational expectations, family total income, parent-student interaction, school-parent interaction, school percentage of students who receive free lunch, and school percentage of minority students affected post-secondary degree attainment

    Against the Trend-An tentative Data Analysis Method using Classical Regression against Machine Learning Approach

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    The machine learning approach is a new hot topic in recent years that are widely used in different sections, including industries, economy, disaster prediction and politics. After decadesā€™ of development, the available machine learning algorithms are numerous and diverse. Traditional methods such as regression, classical statistical methods, are unfortunately laid aside as non-mainstream. This paper tries to compare the classical regression with machine learning algorithm as classifier. Typical machine learning algorithm support vector machine (SVM) is compared with the classical regression. The classical regression is modified to tailor as classifier. Confidence interval and credibility of prediction from regression is developed to evaluate the prediction uncertainty. Benchmark data from public database is used to demonstrate the performance. The results showed that regression exhibits an efficient computational cost with comparative accuracy

    Analysis of Enrollment Scale of Chinese Specialty Education

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    With the adjustment of industrial structure of China in recent years, the market urgently needs different levels of professionals. Specialty education is an important part of higher education in China, has its unique advantages. Through the analysis of the history data of specialty education in our country, the result shows that the specialty education scale has been increasing steadily. However, there are many variables and parameters influencing the enrollment scale. Based on the econometric method, four linear trend prediction models are given and compared. The results show that the accuracy of the simple linear model with lagged data is higher than that of the normal undergraduate enrollment linear model and the model with GDP variable. Keywords: specialty education, enrollment scale, linear mode

    A Consumer Behavior Analysis Of Tae-brand In Chinese Market

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    Yunanā€™s Puā€™er tea has a very long history in China, partly due to the unique geographical climate, unique big leaf species tea and the world-famous ā€œtea ma gu daoā€ which makes the contemporary puā€™er tea. This study explores how customers of Tae brand perceive and react to their products and services, and thus can use the finding to suggest a structured consumer-oriented strategy for the tea markets in China. Tae brand is widely recognized in China for the supply of quality puā€™er tea which is the focus of this research. The present study develops a conceptual framework which adapts the ā€œgeneralā€ and ā€œspecificā€ domains of stimuli in the study of consumer behavior and brand perceptions, being motivated towards a more holistic view. The ā€œgeneralā€ domain studies the roles played by tea-consumption benefits and consumer decision-making styles. By ā€œspecificā€, this research focuses on both marketing and brand stimulus factors. Samples were drawn conveniently from customers who have had purchased Tae brand. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used for the multivariate statistical analysis
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