382 research outputs found

    Band-Gap Engineering of NaNbO 3

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    A new visible light response photocatalyst has been developed for H2 evolution from methanol solution by elemental doping. With lanthanum and cobalt dopants, the photoabsorption edge of NaNbO3 was effectively shifted to the visible light region. It is also found that the photoabsorption edge is effectively controlled by the dopant concentration. Under visible light irradiation, H2 was successfully generated over the doped NaNbO3 samples and a rate of 12 μmol·h−1 was achieved over (LaCo)0.03(NaNb)0.97O3. Densityfunctional theory calculations show that Co-induced impurity states are formed in the band gap of NaNbO3 and this is considered to be the origin of visible-light absorption upon doping with La and Co

    A dynamic multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on a dynamic evolutionary environment model

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Traditional dynamic multiobjective evolutionary algorithms usually imitate the evolution of nature, maintaining diversity of population through different strategies and making the population track the Pareto optimal solution set efficiently after the environmental change. However, these algorithms neglect the role of the dynamic environment in evolution, leading to the lacking of active guieded search. In this paper, a dynamic multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on a dynamic evolutionary environment model is proposed (DEE-DMOEA). When the environment has not changed, this algorithm makes use of the evolutionary environment to record the knowledge and information generated in evolution, and in turn, the knowledge and information guide the search. When a change is detected, the algorithm helps the population adapt to the new environment through building a dynamic evolutionary environment model, which enhances the diversity of the population by the guided method, and makes the environment and population evolve simultaneously. In addition, an implementation of the algorithm about the dynamic evolutionary environment model is introduced in this paper. The environment area and the unit area are employed to express the evolutionary environment. Furthermore, the strategies of constraint, facilitation and guidance for the evolution are proposed. Compared with three other state-of-the-art strategies on a series of test problems with linear or nonlinear correlation between design variables, the algorithm has shown its effectiveness for dealing with the dynamic multiobjective problems

    Thermal Cycling Life Prediction of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu Solder Joint Using Type-I Censored Data

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    Because solder joint interconnections are the weaknesses of microelectronic packaging, their reliability has great influence on the reliability of the entire packaging structure. Based on an accelerated life test the reliability assessment and life prediction of lead-free solder joints using Weibull distribution are investigated. The type-I interval censored lifetime data were collected from a thermal cycling test, which was implemented on microelectronic packaging with lead-free ball grid array (BGA) and fine-pitch ball grid array (FBGA) interconnection structures. The number of cycles to failure of lead-free solder joints is predicted by using a modified Engelmaier fatigue life model and a type-I censored data processing method. Then, the Pan model is employed to calculate the acceleration factor of this test. A comparison of life predictions between the proposed method and the ones calculated directly by Matlab and Minitab is conducted to demonstrate the practicability and effectiveness of the proposed method. At last, failure analysis and microstructure evolution of lead-free solders are carried out to provide useful guidance for the regular maintenance, replacement of substructure, and subsequent processing of electronic products

    High-fidelity quantitative differential phase contrast deconvolution using dark-field sparse prior

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    Differential phase contrast (DPC) imaging plays an important role in the family of quantitative phase measurement. However, the reconstruction algorithm for quantitative DPC (qDPC) imaging is not yet optimized, as it does not incorporate the inborn properties of qDPC imaging. In this research, we propose a simple but effective image prior, the dark-field sparse prior (DSP), to facilitate the phase reconstruction quality for all DPC-based phase reconstruction algorithms. The DSP is based on the key observation that most pixel values for an idea differential phase contrast image are zeros since the subtraction of two images under anti-symmetric illumination cancels all background components. With this DSP prior, we formed a new cost function in which L0-norm was used to represent the DSP. Further, we developed the algorithm based on the Half Quadratic Splitting to solve this NP-hard L0-norm problem. We tested our new model on both simulated and experimental data and compare it against state-of-The-Art (SOTA) methods including L2-norm and total variation regularizations. Results show that our proposed model is superior in terms of phase reconstruction quality and implementation efficiency, which significantly increases the experimental robustness, while maintaining the data fidelity. In general, the DSP supports high-fidelity qDPC reconstruction without any modification of the optical system, which simplifies the system complexity and benefit all qDPC applications

    Radiometric dating of late Quaternary loess in the northern piedmont of South Tianshan Mountains: Implications for reliable dating

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    Reliable chronologies are prerequisites when interpreting proxy records in terrestrial archives of Quaternary climate and environmental change. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating (AMS C-14) are commonly used to date late Quaternary loess deposits in the Chinese Loess Plateau, but the range and reliability of the two methods in Central Asia are still debated. In this study, we investigate both fine-grained quartz OSL and AMS C-14 dating of a late Quaternary loess section located at the northern piedmont of the South Tianshan Mountains in Central Asia and discuss the reliability of the two radiometric dating methods. The results show that the OSL and AMS C-14 ages are generally consistent with the stratigraphic sequence when the ages are younger than 25cal ka BP, which means that both can be used to establish a reliable chronology in the Ili Basin. But beyond this age, the OSL dating method seems to be a more reliable approach. The results also supported previous dates based on medium-grained quartz OSL dating of the Ili loess in the southern piedmont of the North Tianshan Mountains. Radiocarbon ages older than 25cal ka BP should be treated with caution, and attention must be paid to the influence of pedoturbation on OSL signals in the Central Asian loess. Multiple dating approaches for mutual authentication and exploring new dating materials are suggested in further loess chronological research. These findings will be helpful in establishing a reliable timescale and in reconstructing high-resolution environmental change in Central Asia

    A novel fusion framework embedded with zero-shot super-resolution and multivariate autoregression for precipitable water vapor across the continental Europe

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    Precipitable water vapor (PWV), as the most abundant greenhouse gas, significantly impacts the evapotranspiration process and thus the global climate. However, the applicability of mainstream satellite PWV products is limited by the tradeoff between spatial and temporal resolutions, as well as some external factors such as cloud contamination. In this study, we proposed a novel PWV spatio-temporal fusion framework based on the zero-shot super-resolution and the multivariate autoregression models (ZSSR-ARF) to improve the accuracy and continuity of PWV. The framework is implemented in a way that the satellite-derived observations (MOD05) are fused with the reanalysis data (ERA5) to generate accurate and seamless PWV of high spatio-temporal resolution (0.01°, daily) across the European continent from 2001 to 2021. Firstly, the ZSSR approach is used to enhance the spatial resolution of ERA5 PWV based on the internal recurrence of image information. Secondly, the optimal ERA5-MOD05 image pairs are selected based on the image similarity as inputs to improve the fusion accuracy. Thirdly, the framework develops a multivariate autoregressive fusion approach to allocate weights adaptively for the high-resolution image prediction, which primely addresses the non-stationarity and autocorrelation of PWV. The results reveal that the accuracies of fused PWV are consistent with those of the GPS retrievals (r = 0.82–0.95 and RMSE = 2.21–4.01 mm), showing an enhancement in the accuracy and continuity compared to the original MODIS PWV. The ZSSR-ARF fusion framework outperforms the other methods with R2^2 improved by over 24% and RMSE reduced by over 0.61 mm. Furthermore, the fused PWV exhibits similar temporal consistency (mean difference of 0.40 mm and DSTD of 3.22 mm) to the reliable ERA5 products, and substantial increasing trends (mean of 0.057 mm/year and over 0.1 mm/year near the southern and western coasts) are observed over the European continent. As the accuracy and continuity of PWV are improved, the outcome of this paper has potential for climatic analyses during the land-atmosphere cycle process

    Retinex-qDPC: automatic background rectified quantitative differential phase contrast imaging

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    The quality of quantitative differential phase contrast reconstruction (qDPC) can be severely degenerated by the mismatch of the background of two oblique illuminated images, yielding problematic phase recovery results. These background mismatches may result from illumination patterns, inhomogeneous media distribution, or other defocusing layers. In previous reports, the background is manually calibrated which is time-consuming, and unstable, since new calibrations are needed if any modification to the optical system was made. It is also impossible to calibrate the background from the defocusing layers, or for high dynamic observation as the background changes over time. To tackle the mismatch of background and increases the experimental robustness, we propose the Retinex-qDPC in which we use the images edge features as data fidelity term yielding L2-Retinex-qDPC and L1-Retinex-qDPC for high background-robustness qDPC reconstruction. The split Bregman method is used to solve the L1-Retinex DPC. We compare both Retinex-qDPC models against state-of-the-art DPC reconstruction algorithms including total-variation regularized qDPC, and isotropic-qDPC using both simulated and experimental data. Results show that the Retinex qDPC can significantly improve the phase recovery quality by suppressing the impact of mismatch background. Within, the L1-Retinex-qDPC is better than L2-Retinex and other state-of-the-art DPC algorithms. In general, the Retinex-qDPC increases the experimental robustness against background illumination without any modification of the optical system, which will benefit all qDPC applications