696 research outputs found

    AccoMontage-3: Full-Band Accompaniment Arrangement via Sequential Style Transfer and Multi-Track Function Prior

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    We propose AccoMontage-3, a symbolic music automation system capable of generating multi-track, full-band accompaniment based on the input of a lead melody with chords (i.e., a lead sheet). The system contains three modular components, each modelling a vital aspect of full-band composition. The first component is a piano arranger that generates piano accompaniment for the lead sheet by transferring texture styles to the chords using latent chord-texture disentanglement and heuristic retrieval of texture donors. The second component orchestrates the piano accompaniment score into full-band arrangement according to the orchestration style encoded by individual track functions. The third component, which connects the previous two, is a prior model characterizing the global structure of orchestration style over the whole piece of music. From end to end, the system learns to generate full-band accompaniment in a self-supervised fashion, applying style transfer at two levels of polyphonic composition: texture and orchestration. Experiments show that our system outperforms the baselines significantly, and the modular design offers effective controls in a musically meaningful way

    Ăśber die kritischen Werte der Rankin-Selberg-Faltungen zu nicht-cuspidalen Gelbart-Jacquet-Lifts

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    Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Rankin-Selberg-L-Funktion zu einer elliptischen Kurve mit komplexer Multiplikation und deren symmetrischem Quadrat. Wir stellen sie dar als Produkt der Hecke-L-Funktionen zu Größencharakteren, bestimmen die Funktionalgleichung und untersuchen den Funktionswert an der kritischen Stelle auf Algebraizität. Im Anschluss befassen wir uns mit der p-adischen Interpolation der kritischen Werte und vergleichen zwei verschiedene Interpolationsmethoden

    Correlations between aesthetic preferences of river and landscape characters

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    Some landscape characters put great influences on the aesthetic preferences of a river. Finding out these characters will provide for river landscape design and management with explicit keystones. In this paper, 23 sample areas of rivers were selected in Xuzhou, China, and 15 landscape characters of rivers were identified. The photos taken at the sample areas were as stimuli, and undergraduate students were respondents. The results demonstrate that the aesthetic preferences of photos judged one-by-one and judged together receive similar results; the preference scores of deflective views are significantly higher than the ones of opposite views; for urban rivers, “river accessibility” and “number of colours” are reliably positive predictors to aesthetic preferences, “wood diversity index” and “plants on water” are negative ones; for rural rivers, “coverage of riparian vegetation”, “perspective” and “wood diversity index” are reliably positive predictors to aesthetic preferences. First published online: 14 Dec 201

    Analysis of contact mechanics in micro flexible rolling

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    Micro flexible rolling is a new microforming method by online controlling and adjusting the roll gap to make various strip thickness in the submillimeter range. The micro flexibly rolled strips can be divided into three zones of the thicker zone, the thinner zone and the transition zone after experiencing the upward and downward rolling processes. However, it is tough to achieve the final target thickness especially in the transition zone due to a number of issues relating to the contact mechanics such as the change in the central neutral point/zone, the touch at the edges of the work rolls, the elastic deformation of the work rolls, the roll bite arc modifications in real time and the tribological conditions. All of these factors have significant influences on flatness, profile and surface finish of the rolled products, as well as the rolling forces. In the current work, a new model has been developed in order to clarify the micro flexible rolling process. This model considers a non-circular contact arc which includes an elastic loading region at the start of the roll gap, a plastic reduction region with backward slip, a central flattened region without slip, the plastic reduction region with forward slip, and an elastic unloading region at the end of the roll gap. In this study, the effect of speed ratio (the ratio of the lifting speed and the rolling speed) on the dimensions and the rolling forces along the transition zones is investigated. The contact mechanics in the micro flexible rolling are systematically analysed. The simulation results are found to be in line with the experimental ones, which means that the developed model with high precision is suitable for the analysis of the micro flexible rolling process

    Polyffusion: A Diffusion Model for Polyphonic Score Generation with Internal and External Controls

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    We propose Polyffusion, a diffusion model that generates polyphonic music scores by regarding music as image-like piano roll representations. The model is capable of controllable music generation with two paradigms: internal control and external control. Internal control refers to the process in which users pre-define a part of the music and then let the model infill the rest, similar to the task of masked music generation (or music inpainting). External control conditions the model with external yet related information, such as chord, texture, or other features, via the cross-attention mechanism. We show that by using internal and external controls, Polyffusion unifies a wide range of music creation tasks, including melody generation given accompaniment, accompaniment generation given melody, arbitrary music segment inpainting, and music arrangement given chords or textures. Experimental results show that our model significantly outperforms existing Transformer and sampling-based baselines, and using pre-trained disentangled representations as external conditions yields more effective controls.Comment: In Proceedings of the 24th Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2023), Milan, Ital

    Analysis of surface roughness evolution of ferritic stainless steel using crystal plasticity finite element method

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    In order to evaluate the surface quality of ferritic stainless steel (FSS) sheets tensile deformation, a crystal plasticity (CP) model, in which the constitutive laws were incorporated with the consideration of the heterogeneous distribution of the properties of grains, was established to analyse the effect of texture, grain sizes and initial surface roughness on the surface roughness evolution of FSS sheets. The electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) tests were performed to characterise the texture and the grains. A tensile test of the represent volume was simulated and further verified by experimental results. The numerical simulation results indicate that the surface roughness is dependent almost linearly on the average grain size. The {001}(110) and the {112}(110) components induce remarkable undulation on the surface of FSS sheets during uniaxial tension. The surface topology of FSS sheets after tensile deformation are obtained using 3D laser scanning microscope, which shows an agreement with the simulated results

    Work hardening behaviors of a low carbon Nb-microalloyed Si-Mn quenching-partitioning steel with different cooling styles after partitioning

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    In this paper, the strain hardening behaviors of a low carbon Nb-microalloyed Si–Mn quenching–partitioning (Q–P) steel were investigated. The microstructures were analyzed by the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). Mechanical tests were used to evaluate the room temperature tensile properties of the steel. The work hardening behaviors of the tested specimens were analyzed using the Hollomon approach. The results showed that a two-stage work hardening behavior was observed during deformation processes. In the first stage, for the quenched samples, martensite deforms plastically and the hardening exponent decreased. For the air-cooled samples, however, the carbide-free ferrite deforms preferentially, and then, the carbide-free ferrite and martensite co-deform. In the second stage, due to the effect of transformation induced plasticity of retained austenite, the hardening exponent decreased slowly and plateaus were observed in the plots of ni–εt until fracture. Variations of the work hardening behaviors were related to the martensite and the volume fraction of retained austenite in Q–P steels and the microstructural evolution during partitioning and following cooling process

    Cerebral Falx Mature Teratoma with Rare Imaging in an Adult

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    Intracranial mature teratoma is a rare lesion in adults. Despite several intracranial mature teratomas had been reported not to be located at the midline region, no one was found to be within cerebral falx. Herein, we reported a 37-year-old female patient with an intracranial mature teratoma confined within frontal cerebral falx. Her main complaint was intermitted headache, which could not be relieved recently by taking painkiller. Excepting for mild papilledema, we did not find positive neurological signs on physical examination. CT scanning showed it was a round homogenously hypodense lesion with hyperdense signal at its rim. MRI revealed the lesion was 3.5cmĂ—3.6cmĂ—4.5cm in volume, with uniformed hypointensity on T1WI, hyperintensity on T2WI and enhancement in the capsule. It was totally removed via inter-hemispheric approach, and we found the lesion was confined within the frontal cerebral falx. Postoperatively, it was proved histologically to be a mature teratoma. At three years of fellow up, neither neurological deficits nor recurrent sings on MRI was found. To our best knowledge, this is the first case of intracranial mature teratoma within cerebral falx
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