125 research outputs found

    Structure, examples and classification for generalized near-group fusion categories

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    We describe the structure of a generalized near-group fusion category and present an example of this class of fusion categories which arises from the extension of a Fibonacci category. We then classify slightly degenerate generalized near-group fusion categories. We also prove a structure result for braided generalized Tambara-Yamagami fusion categories.Comment: 21 pages. This paper is a refinement of arxiv:1808.04100 and arxiv:1903.0879

    A class of prime fusion categories of dimension 2^N

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    We study a class of strictly weakly integral fusion categories I_{N,ζ}, where N≥1 is a natural number and ζ is a 2^Nth root of unity, that we call N-Ising fusion categories. An N-Ising fusion category has Frobenius-Perron dimension 2^{N+1} and is a graded extension of a pointed fusion category of rank 2 by the cyclic group of order Z_{2^N}. We show that every braided N-Ising fusion category is prime and also that there exists a slightly degenerate N-Ising braided fusion category for all N>2. We also prove a structure result for braided extensions of a rank 2 pointed fusion category in terms of braided N-Ising fusion categories.Fil: Jingcheng, Dong. Nanjing University Of Information Science & Technology; ChinaFil: Natale, Sonia Lujan. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigación y Estudios de Matemática. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigación y Estudios de Matemática; ArgentinaFil: Hua, Sun. Yangzhou University; Chin


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    ABSTRAKRIA MANDA SARI: SUATU KAJIAN TENTANG PENGGUNAAN2014PUTUSAN KASASI SEBAGAI ALAT BUKTI DALAM PENINJAUAN KEMBALIFakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(vii, 55) pp., bibL.NURSITI, S.H., M.Hum.Pasal 263 ayat (2) huruf a KUHAP menyebutkan salah satu alasan diajukan peninjauan kembali adalah apabila terdapat keadaan baru yang menimbulkan dugaan kuat bahwa jika keadaan itu sudah diketahui pada sidang masih berlangsung, maka hasilnya akan menjadi putusan yang berbeda. Di dalam praktek timbul suatu masalah dimana terdakwa melakukan Peninjauan Kembali karena adanya kekeliruan yang nyata dalam hal kesalahan penerapan hukum oleh majelis hakim kasasi dalam hal menjatuhkan pemidanaan terhadap terdakwa dan alasan terdakwa melakukan peninjauan kembali yaitu karena adanya bukti baru (novum).Tujuan skripsi ini untuk mendapatkan kejelasan tentang penggunaan Putusan Kasasi sebagai alat bukti untuk Peninjauan Kembali dan untuk menjelaskan upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan jika terdapat kekeliruan dalam Putusan Peninjauan Kembali.Data dalam skripsi ini diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan untuk memperoleh data sekunder dengan cara mempelajari buku-buku mengenai Peninjauan Kembali, peraturan perundang-undangan yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan guna memperoleh data primer melalui wawancara dengan responden dan informan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Putusan Kasasi dapat dijadikan alat bukti, jika pada putusan tersebut dapat dinilai adanya pertentangan, kekeliruan, atau kekhilafan dari hakim, sehingga alat bukti baru berupa putusan pengadilan atau putusan Mahkamah Agung tersebut bisa dipertimbangkan sebagai alat bukti, asal relevan dan saling berhubungan.Jika Peninjauan Kembali terdapat kekeliruan maka tidak ada upaya hukum lain. Didasarkan pada KUHAP maka Peninjauan Kembali hanya dapat diajukan satu kali saja, namun dengan adanya Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No 34/PUU-XI/2013 maka Peninjauan Kembali dapat diajukan lebih dari satu kali.Hakim harus benar-benar cermat dalam memutuskan suatu perkara jangan hanya melihat kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang bersifat formal pada persidangan, namun hakim juga harus menggunakan putusan-putusan sebelumnya sebagai yurisprudensi. Disarankan kepada DPRRI agar dapat segera menyusun kebijakan untuk mengatur tatacara Peninjauan Kembali yang dapat diajukan lebih dari satu kali agar keadilan dapat tercapai tanpa mengenyampingkan kepastian hukum sesuai dengan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No 34/PUU-XI/2013Banda Ace

    Harmonic Analysis on Torque Ripple of Brushless DC Motor Based on Advanced Commutation Control

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    This paper investigates the relationship between current, back electromotive force (back-EMF), and torque for permanent-magnet brushless DC (PM BLDC) motors under advanced commutation control from the perspective of harmonics. Considering that the phase current is the influencing factor of both torque and torque ripple, this paper firstly analyzes the effects of advanced commutation on phase current and current harmonics. And then, based on the harmonics of the phase current and back-EMF, the torque harmonic expressions are deduced. The expressions reveal the relationship of harmonic order between the torque, phase current, and back-EMF and highlight the different contribution of individual torque harmonic to the total torque ripple. Finally, the proposed harmonic analysis method is verified by the experiments with different speed and load conditions

    Mesenchymal stem cells improve mouse non-heart-beating liver graft survival by inhibiting Kupffer cell apoptosis via TLR4-ERK1/2-Fas/FasL-caspase3 pathway regulation

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    Abstract Background Liver transplantation is the optimal treatment option for end-stage liver disease, but organ shortages dramatically restrict its application. Donation after cardiac death (DCD) is an alternative approach that may expand the donor pool, but it faces challenges such as graft dysfunction, early graft loss, and cholangiopathy. Moreover, DCD liver grafts are no longer eligible for transplantation after their warm ischaemic time exceeds 30 min. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been proposed as a promising therapy for treatment of certain liver diseases, but the role of MSCs in DCD liver graft function remains elusive. Methods In this study, we established an arterialized mouse non-heart-beating (NHB) liver transplantation model, and compared survival rates, cytokine and chemokine expression, histology, and the results of in vitro co-culture experiments in animals with or without MSC infusion. Results MSCs markedly ameliorated NHB liver graft injury and improved survival post-transplantation. Additionally, MSCs suppressed Kupffer cell apoptosis, Th1/Th17 immune responses, chemokine expression, and inflammatory cell infiltration. In vitro, PGE2 secreted by MSCs inhibited Kupffer cell apoptosis via TLR4-ERK1/2-caspase3 pathway regulation. Conclusion Our study uncovers a protective role for MSCs and elucidates the underlying immunomodulatory mechanism in an NHB liver transplantation model. Our results suggest that MSCs are uniquely positioned for use in future clinical studies owing to their ability to protect DCD liver grafts, particularly in patients for whom DCD organs are not an option according to current criteria

    Human and Murine Very Small Embryonic-Like Cells Represent Multipotent Tissue Progenitors, In Vitro and In Vivo

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the lineage progression of human and murine very small embryonic-like (HuVSEL or MuVSEL) cells in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, HuVSEL and MuVSEL cells differentiated into cells of all three embryonic germ layers. HuVSEL cells produced robust mineralized tissue of human origin compared with controls in calvarial defects. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that the HuVSEL cells gave rise to neurons, adipocytes, chondrocytes, and osteoblasts within the calvarial defects. MuVSEL cells were also able to differentiate into similar lineages. First round serial transplants of MuVSEL cells into irradiated osseous sites demonstrated that ?60% of the cells maintained their VSEL cell phenotype while other cells differentiated into multiple tissues at 3 months. Secondary transplants did not identify donor VSEL cells, suggesting limited self renewal but did demonstrate VSEL cell derivatives in situ for up to 1 year. At no point were teratomas identified. These studies show that VSEL cells produce multiple cellular structures in vivo and in vitro and lay the foundation for future cell-based regenerative therapies for osseous, neural, and connective tissue disorders. Key Points HuVSEL and MuVSEL cells are capable of differentiating into multiple germline derivatives in vitro and in vivo. MuVSEL cells have limited capacity for self-renewal and neither HuVSEL nor MuVSEL cells formed tumors in immunodeficient animals.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140202/1/scd.2013.0362.pd