18 research outputs found

    Study of the hot forging of weld cladded work pieces using upsetting tests

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    This paper focuses on the hot forging of multi-material cladded work pieces using upsetting tests. Thecase study corresponds to gas metal arc welding cladding of a SS316L on a mild steel (C15). Experimentaltests and simulations using a slab model and the finite element method were performed using differenttemperatures and die/billet tribological conditions. As a result, a crack mode, specific to clad billets, wasobserved experimentally and can be predicted by the FE method using a Latham and Cockcroft criterion.The material distribution was well simulated by the FE method; in particular, the effects of the frictionat die/work piece interface on the crack occurrence, the material distribution and, to a lesser extent,the forging load are well predicted. However, the latter was underestimated, highlighting the fact thatthe effect of the dilution associated with the cladding process on the material behavior of the clad layercannot be neglected.Région Lorraine HEC of Pakista

    Decomposed Soft Prompt Guided Fusion Enhancing for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning

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    Compositional Zero-Shot Learning (CZSL) aims to recognize novel concepts formed by known states and objects during training. Existing methods either learn the combined state-object representation, challenging the generalization of unseen compositions, or design two classifiers to identify state and object separately from image features, ignoring the intrinsic relationship between them. To jointly eliminate the above issues and construct a more robust CZSL system, we propose a novel framework termed Decomposed Fusion with Soft Prompt (DFSP)1, by involving vision-language models (VLMs) for unseen composition recognition. Specifically, DFSP constructs a vector combination of learnable soft prompts with state and object to establish the joint representation of them. In addition, a cross-modal decomposed fusion module is designed between the language and image branches, which decomposes state and object among language features instead of image features. Notably, being fused with the decomposed features, the image features can be more expressive for learning the relationship with states and objects, respectively, to improve the response of unseen compositions in the pair space, hence narrowing the domain gap between seen and unseen sets. Experimental results on three challenging benchmarks demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art methods by large margins.Comment: 10 pages included reference, conferenc

    GBE-MLZSL: A Group Bi-Enhancement Framework for Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning

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    This paper investigates a challenging problem of zero-shot learning in the multi-label scenario (MLZSL), wherein, the model is trained to recognize multiple unseen classes within a sample (e.g., an image) based on seen classes and auxiliary knowledge, e.g., semantic information. Existing methods usually resort to analyzing the relationship of various seen classes residing in a sample from the dimension of spatial or semantic characteristics, and transfer the learned model to unseen ones. But they ignore the effective integration of local and global features. That is, in the process of inferring unseen classes, global features represent the principal direction of the image in the feature space, while local features should maintain uniqueness within a certain range. This integrated neglect will make the model lose its grasp of the main components of the image. Relying only on the local existence of seen classes during the inference stage introduces unavoidable bias. In this paper, we propose a novel and effective group bi-enhancement framework for MLZSL, dubbed GBE-MLZSL, to fully make use of such properties and enable a more accurate and robust visual-semantic projection. Specifically, we split the feature maps into several feature groups, of which each feature group can be trained independently with the Local Information Distinguishing Module (LID) to ensure uniqueness. Meanwhile, a Global Enhancement Module (GEM) is designed to preserve the principal direction. Besides, a static graph structure is designed to construct the correlation of local features. Experiments on large-scale MLZSL benchmark datasets NUS-WIDE and Open-Images-v4 demonstrate that the proposed GBE-MLZSL outperforms other state-of-the-art methods with large margins.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    DRPT: Disentangled and Recurrent Prompt Tuning for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning

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    Compositional Zero-shot Learning (CZSL) aims to recognize novel concepts composed of known knowledge without training samples. Standard CZSL either identifies visual primitives or enhances unseen composed entities, and as a result, entanglement between state and object primitives cannot be fully utilized. Admittedly, vision-language models (VLMs) could naturally cope with CZSL through tuning prompts, while uneven entanglement leads prompts to be dragged into local optimum. In this paper, we take a further step to introduce a novel Disentangled and Recurrent Prompt Tuning framework termed DRPT to better tap the potential of VLMs in CZSL. Specifically, the state and object primitives are deemed as learnable tokens of vocabulary embedded in prompts and tuned on seen compositions. Instead of jointly tuning state and object, we devise a disentangled and recurrent tuning strategy to suppress the traction force caused by entanglement and gradually optimize the token parameters, leading to a better prompt space. Notably, we develop a progressive fine-tuning procedure that allows for incremental updates to the prompts, optimizing the object first, then the state, and vice versa. Meanwhile, the optimization of state and object is independent, thus clearer features can be learned to further alleviate the issue of entangling misleading optimization. Moreover, we quantify and analyze the entanglement in CZSL and supplement entanglement rebalancing optimization schemes. DRPT surpasses representative state-of-the-art methods on extensive benchmark datasets, demonstrating superiority in both accuracy and efficiency

    DiPrompT: Disentangled Prompt Tuning for Multiple Latent Domain Generalization in Federated Learning

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    Federated learning (FL) has emerged as a powerful paradigm for learning from decentralized data, and federated domain generalization further considers the test dataset (target domain) is absent from the decentralized training data (source domains). However, most existing FL methods assume that domain labels are provided during training, and their evaluation imposes explicit constraints on the number of domains, which must strictly match the number of clients. Because of the underutilization of numerous edge devices and additional cross-client domain annotations in the real world, such restrictions may be impractical and involve potential privacy leaks. In this paper, we propose an efficient and novel approach, called Disentangled Prompt Tuning (DiPrompT), a method that tackles the above restrictions by learning adaptive prompts for domain generalization in a distributed manner. Specifically, we first design two types of prompts, i.e., global prompt to capture general knowledge across all clients and domain prompts to capture domain-specific knowledge. They eliminate the restriction on the one-to-one mapping between source domains and local clients. Furthermore, a dynamic query metric is introduced to automatically search the suitable domain label for each sample, which includes two-substep text-image alignments based on prompt tuning without labor-intensive annotation. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate that our DiPrompT achieves superior domain generalization performance over state-of-the-art FL methods when domain labels are not provided, and even outperforms many centralized learning methods using domain labels

    Attribute-Aware Representation Rectification for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning

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    Generalized Zero-shot Learning (GZSL) has yielded remarkable performance by designing a series of unbiased visual-semantics mappings, wherein, the precision relies heavily on the completeness of extracted visual features from both seen and unseen classes. However, as a common practice in GZSL, the pre-trained feature extractor may easily exhibit difficulty in capturing domain-specific traits of the downstream tasks/datasets to provide fine-grained discriminative features, i.e., domain bias, which hinders the overall recognition performance, especially for unseen classes. Recent studies partially address this issue by fine-tuning feature extractors, while may inevitably incur catastrophic forgetting and overfitting issues. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective Attribute-Aware Representation Rectification framework for GZSL, dubbed (AR)2\mathbf{(AR)^{2}}, to adaptively rectify the feature extractor to learn novel features while keeping original valuable features. Specifically, our method consists of two key components, i.e., Unseen-Aware Distillation (UAD) and Attribute-Guided Learning (AGL). During training, UAD exploits the prior knowledge of attribute texts that are shared by both seen/unseen classes with attention mechanisms to detect and maintain unseen class-sensitive visual features in a targeted manner, and meanwhile, AGL aims to steer the model to focus on valuable features and suppress them to fit noisy elements in the seen classes by attribute-guided representation learning. Extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Experimental & Numerical Study of the Hot Upsetting of Weld Cladded Billets

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    The presented work is dedicated to studying the forgeability of bimaterial cladded billet. Hot upsetting tests of cylindrical low carbon steel (C15) billets weld cladded (MIG) by stainless steel (SS316L) are experimentally and numerically studied. Upsetting tests with different upsetting ratios are performed in different tribology conditions at 1050°C which is within the better forgeability temperature range of both substrate and cladding materials[ 1 ]. Slab model and finite-element simulation are conducted to parametrically study the potential forgeability of the bimaterial cladded billet. The viscoplastic law is adopted to model the friction at the die/billet interface. The friction condition at the die/billet interface has a great impact on the final material distribution, forging effort and cracking occurrence. With Latham and Cockcroft Criterion, the possibility and potential position of cracks could be predicted

    Imminent extinction in the wild of the world's largest amphibian

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    Species with large geographic ranges are considered resilient to global decline. However, human pressures on biodiversity affect increasingly large areas, in particular across Asia, where market forces drive overexploitation of species. Range-wide threat assessments are often costly and thus extrapolated from non-representative local studies. The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus), the world’s largest amphibian, is thought to occur across much of China, but populations are harvested for farming as luxury food. Between 2013 and 2016, we conducted field surveys and 2,872 interviews in possibly the largest wildlife survey conducted in China. This extensive effort revealed that populations of this once-widespread species are now critically depleted or extirpated across all surveyed areas of their range, and illegal poaching is widespread

    Experimental & Numerical Study of the Hot Upsetting of Weld Cladded Billets

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    International audienceThe presented work is dedicated to studying the forgeability of bimaterial cladded billet. Hot upsetting tests of cylindrical low carbon steel (C15) billets weld cladded (MIG) by stainless steel (SS316L) are experimentally and numerically studied. Upsetting tests with different upsetting ratios are performed in different tribology conditions at 1050°C which is within the better forgeability temperature range of both substrate and cladding materials[ 1 ]. Slab model and finite-element simulation are conducted to parametrically study the potential forgeability of the bimaterial cladded billet. The viscoplastic law is adopted to model the friction at the die/billet interface. The friction condition at the die/billet interface has a great impact on the final material distribution, forging effort and cracking occurrence. With Latham and Cockcroft Criterion, the possibility and potential position of cracks could be predicted

    Graph Knows Unknowns: Reformulate Zero-Shot Learning as Sample-Level Graph Recognition

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    Zero-shot learning (ZSL) is an extreme case of transfer learning that aims to recognize samples (e.g., images) of unseen classes relying on a train-set covering only seen classes and a set of auxiliary knowledge (e.g., semantic descriptors). Existing methods usually resort to constructing a visual-to-semantics mapping based on features extracted from each whole sample. However, since the visual and semantic spaces are inherently independent and may exist in different manifolds, these methods may easily suffer from the domain bias problem due to the knowledge transfer from seen to unseen classes. Unlike existing works, this paper investigates the fine-grained ZSL from a novel perspective of sample-level graph. Specifically, we decompose an input into several fine-grained elements and construct a graph structure per sample to measure and utilize element-granularity relations within each sample. Taking advantage of recently developed graph neural networks (GNNs), we formulate the ZSL problem to a graph-to-semantics mapping task, which can better exploit element-semantics correlation and local sub-structural information in samples. Experimental results on the widely used benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed method can mitigate the domain bias problem and achieve competitive performance against other representative methods