9,534 research outputs found

    Quasi-Normal Modes of a Natural AdS Wormhole in Einstein-Born-Infeld Gravity

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    We study the matter perturbations of a new AdS wormhole in (3+1)-dimensional Einstein-Born-Infeld gravity, called "natural wormhole", which does not require exotic matters. We discuss the stability of the perturbations by numerically computing the quasi-normal modes (QNMs) of a massive scalar field in the wormhole background. We investigate the dependence of quasi-normal frequencies on the mass of scalar field as well as other parameters of the wormhole. It is found that the perturbations are always stable for the wormhole geometry which has the general relativity (GR) limit when the scalar field mass m satisfies a certain, tachyonic mass bound m^2 > m^2_* with m^2_* < 0, analogous to the Breitenlohner-Freedman (BF) bound in the global-AdS space, m^2_BF = 3 Lambda/4. It is also found that the BF-like bound m^2_* shifts by the changes of the cosmological constant Lambda or angular-momentum number l, with a level crossing between the lowest complex and pure-imaginary modes for zero angular momentum l = 0. Furthermore, it is found that the unstable modes can also have oscillatory parts as well as non-oscillatory parts depending on whether the real and imaginary parts of frequencies are dependent on each other or not, contrary to arguments in the literature. For wormhole geometries which do not have the GR limit, the BF-like bound does not occur and the perturbations are stable for arbitrary tachyonic and non-tachyonic masses, up to a critical mass m^2_c > 0 where the perturbations are completely frozen.Comment: Added comments and references, Accepted in EPJ

    On the effect of the East/Japan Sea SST variability on the North Pacific atmospheric circulation in a regional climate model

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Geophysical Union, 2014. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (2014): 418ā€“444, doi:10.1002/2013JD020523.The East/Japan Sea (EJS) is a semi-enclosed marginal sea located in the upstream of the North Pacific storm track, where the leading modes of wintertime interannual variability in sea surface temperature (SST) are characterized by the basin-wide warming-cooling and the northeast-southwest dipole. Processes leading to local and remote atmospheric responses to these SST anomalies are investigated using the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model. The atmosphere in direct contact with anomalous diabatic forcing exhibits a linear and symmetric response with respect to the sign, pattern, and magnitude of SST anomalies, producing increased (decreased) wind speed and precipitation response over warm (cold) SSTs. This local response is due to modulation of both the vertical stability of the marine atmospheric boundary layer and the adjustment of sea level pressure, although the latter provides a better explanation of the quadrature relationship between SST and wind speed. The linearity in the local response suggests the importance of fine-scale EJS SSTs to predictability of the regional weather and climate variability. The remote circulation response, in contrast, is strongly nonlinear. An intraseasonal equivalent barotropic ridge emerges in the Gulf of Alaska as a common remote response independent of EJS SST anomalies. This downstream blocking response is reinforced by the enhanced storm track variability east of Japan via transient eddy vorticity flux convergence. Strong nonlinearity in remote response implies that detailed EJS SST patterns may not be critical to this downstream ridge response. Overall, results demonstrate a remarkably far-reaching impact of the EJS SSTs on the atmospheric circulation.H.S. gratefully acknowledges the support from the Penzance Endowed Fund in support of Assistant Scientists at WHOI. Y.-O.K. acknowledges NSF Climate and Large-Scale Dynamics program (AGS-1035423). H.S. and Y.-O.K. also thank NASA grant (NNX13AM59G)

    Temperature dependence of Mott transition in VO_2 and programmable critical temperature sensor

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    The temperature dependence of the Mott metal-insulator transition (MIT) is studied with a VO_2-based two-terminal device. When a constant voltage is applied to the device, an abrupt current jump is observed with temperature. With increasing applied voltages, the transition temperature of the MIT current jump decreases. We find a monoclinic and electronically correlated metal (MCM) phase between the abrupt current jump and the structural phase transition (SPT). After the transition from insulator to metal, a linear increase in current (or conductivity) is shown with temperature until the current becomes a constant maximum value above T_{SPT}=68^oC. The SPT is confirmed by micro-Raman spectroscopy measurements. Optical microscopy analysis reveals the absence of the local current path in micro scale in the VO_2 device. The current uniformly flows throughout the surface of the VO_2 film when the MIT occurs. This device can be used as a programmable critical temperature sensor.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Ultrafast Electron Microscopy Integrated with a Direct Electron Detection Camera

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    In the past decade, we have witnessed the rapid growth of the field of ultrafast electron microscopy (UEM), which provides intuitive means to watch atomic and molecular motions of matter. Yet, because of the limited current of the pulsed electron beam resulting from space-charge effects, observations have been mainly made to periodic motions of the crystalline structure of hundreds of nanometers or higher by stroboscopic imaging at high repetition rates. Here, we develop an advanced UEM with robust capabilities for circumventing the present limitations by integrating a direct electron detection camera for the first time which allows for imaging at low repetition rates. This approach is expected to promote UEM to a more powerful platform to visualize molecular and collective motions and dissect fundamental physical, chemical, and materials phenomena in space and time.ope

    Plant Location Selection for Food Production by Considering the Regional and Seasonal Supply Vulnerability of Raw Materials

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    A production capacity analysis considering market demand and raw materials is very important to design a new plant. However, in the food processing industry, the supply uncertainty of raw materials is very high, depending on the production site and the harvest season, and further, it is not straightforward to analyze too complex food production systems by using an analytical optimization model. For these reasons, this study presents a simulation-based decision support model to select the right location for a new food processing plant. We first define three supply vulnerability factors from the standpoint of regional as well as seasonal instability and present an assessment method for supply vulnerability based on fuzzy quantification. The evaluated vulnerability scores are then converted into raw material supply variations for food production simulation to predict the quarterly production volume of a new food processing plant. The proposed selection procedure is illustrated using a case study of semiprocessed kimchi production. The best plant location is proposed where we can reduce and mitigate risks when supplying raw material, thereby producing a target production volume steadily

    Quasi-Normal Modes and Stability of Einstein-Born-Infeld Black Holes in de Sitter Space

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    We study gravitational perturbations of electrically charged black holes in (3+1)-dimensional Einstein-Born-Infeld gravity with a positive cosmological constant. For the axial perturbations, we obtain a set of decoupled Schrodinger-type equations, whose formal expressions, in terms of metric functions, are the same as those without cosmological constant, corresponding to the Regge-Wheeler equation in the proper limit. We compute the quasi-normal modes (QNMs) of the decoupled perturbations using the Schutz-Iyer-Will's WKB method. We discuss the stability of the charged black holes by investigating the dependence of quasi-normal frequencies on the parameters of the theory, correcting some errors in the literature. It is found that all the axial perturbations are stable for the cases where the WKB method applies. There are cases where the conventional WKB method does not apply, like the three-turning-points problem, so that a more generalized formalism is necessary for studying their QNMs and stabilities. We find that, for the degenerate horizons with the "point-like" horizons at the origin, the QNMs are quite long-lived, close to the quasi-resonance modes, in addition to the "frozen" QNMs for the Nariai-type horizons and the usual (short-lived) QNMs for the extremal black hole horizons. This is a genuine effect of the branch which does not have the general relativity limit. We also study the exact solution near the (charged) Nariai limit and find good agreements even far beyond the limit for the imaginary frequency parts.Comment: Matches published versio

    Logistics Decision Model for Environmental Aspect using the Analytic Network Process

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    Green supply chain management has appeared as an essential strategy for enhancing environmental performance ofprocesses, structures, and products accordingly to address regulatory and competitive forces. Korean firms lag in greenlogistics activities relative to ā€˜greenā€™ leading companies in advanced countries. Thus, few papers have identified andinvestigated green supply chain systems within South Korea. To further understand how some Korean firms may wish tofurther develop green logistics and supply chain practices, this paper explores a decision making framework of GreenLogistics by using ANP (analytic network process). We derived 5 clusters and 21 components forming the strategic greenlogistics, and then conducted surveys for pairwise comparison of experts on Green Logistics in Korean firms, and computedrelative weights of the clusters. Our findings indicate that Green Logistics would be very helpful for managers to adjust theirstrategic decisions for green supply chain management. The technique proposed in this paper may be generalized to othercountries with the framework developed not unique to just Korean industry

    Late-1980s regime shift in the formation of the North Pacific subtropical mode water

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Geophysical Union, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 125(2), (2020): e2019JC015700, doi:10.1029/2019JC015700.The formation mechanism as well as its temporal change of the North Pacific subtropical mode water (NPSTMW) is investigated using a 50ā€year (1960ā€“2009) ocean general circulation model hindcast. The volume budget analysis suggests that the formation of the NPSTMW is mainly controlled by the airā€sea interaction and ocean dynamics, but there is a regime shift of the relative importance between the two around lateā€1980s. While the local airā€sea interaction process is a main driver of the NPSTMW formation prior to lateā€1980s, ocean dynamics including the vertical entrainment become dominant since then. The NPSTMW formation is affected by the North Pacific Oscillation simultaneously in the early period, but with a few years lag in the later period. The interdecadal change of the driving mechanism of the interannual variability of the NPSTMW is probably due to the stronger (weaker) influence of local atmospheric forcing in the western North Pacific and unfavorable (favorable) wind stress curl condition for the remote oceanic forcing from the central North Pacific during the former (later) period. This regime shift may be related to the change of centers of the actions of the wind stress curl since the lateā€1980s.The CORE2 data set was obtained from https://data1.gfdl.noaa.gov/nomads/forms/core/COREv2.html. The World Ocean Atlas 2009 and the Polar Hydrographic Climatology data set were obtained from https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/OC5/WOA09/pr_woa09.html and http://psc.apl.washington.edu/nonwp_projects/PHC/Climatology.html, respectively. The OSCAR data were taken from https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/dataset/OSCAR_L4_OC_thirdā€deg. The database of mixed layer depth is downloaded from http://mixedlayer.ucsd.edu. The data set of the Argo floats was taken from http://uskess.whoi.edu/. The sea surface height data observed by the satellite are available from AVISO (http://www.aviso.altimetry.fr/duacs/). The EN4 data set was downloaded from https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/en4/. This study was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant NRFā€2009ā€C1AAA001ā€0093, funded by the Korea government (MEST). The numerical simulation in this paper was supported by the Supercomputing Center of Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), with its supercomputing resources and technical support (KSCā€2018ā€CREā€0117). Y.ā€O. Kwon was funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) EaSM2 OCEā€1242989. Y. H. Kim was partly supported by research projects entitled ā€œInvestigation and prediction system development of marine heatwave around the Korean Peninsula originated from the subarctic and western Pacificā€ (20190344) funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF). G. Pak was supported by inā€house projects of the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (PE99711, PE99811).2020-09-0
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