220 research outputs found

    Travel and Online Review Behavior

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    Understanding the generation of online reviews is a fundamental issue for firms to gain benefits from online reviews. Our study tries to investigate the antecedents of online review characteristics by figuring out the following two research questions: (1) Will travel influence consumers’ post-consumption behavior (i.e., consumers’ review behavior)? And if so, (2) will consumers’ social capital moderate the influence of travel on consumers’ review behavior? The results show that consumers on travel tend to give higher review ratings and are more possible to post pictures while writing online reviews; consumers’ social capital level exacerbates the positive influence of travel on review ratings and mitigates the positive impact of travel on review richness

    Farmers’ Adoption and Perceived Benefits of Diversified Crop Rotations in the Margins of U.S. Corn Belt

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    Monoculture and simplified two-crop rotation systems compromise the ecosystem services essential to crop production, diminish agricultural productivity, and cause detrimental effects on the environment. In contrast to the simplified two-crop rotation, diversified crop rotation (DCR) refers to rotation systems that contain three or more crops. Despite multiple benefits generated by DCR, its usage has dwindled over the past several decades. This paper examined determinants of farmers\u27 adoption decisions and perceived benefits of DCR in the west margins of the U.S. Corn Belt where crop diversity has declined. We analyzed 708 farmer responses from a farmer survey conducted in the eastern South Dakota in 2018, accounting for county-level climate variables, as well as cropland data, soil and topographic variables in close proximity of the farm. Our findings indicated that farmers were more likely to utilize DCR as an adaptive strategy to cope with water deficit and reduce soil erosion on marginal land. Additionally, livestock integration and organic farming helped necessitate DCR adoption and magnify its benefits. Producer concerns towards lack of equipment and new crop profitability diluted producers’ interests in DCR practice and compromised its benefits. Enhanced technical and policy support, along with infrastructure and market development, could help producers fully utilize DCR benefits and expand DCR usage to more regions

    Review of wave power system development and research on triboelectric nano power systems

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    With its huge energy storage and high energy density, ocean wave energy is one of the most promising marine renewable resources. Traditional wave energy generation technology, on the other hand, has a high maintenance cost, a bulky construction, and a low conversion efficiency, which limits its application. Due to its low cost, simple construction, and ease of fabrication, wave energy generating technology based on triboelectric nanogenerators has emerged as a potential new power generation technology in recent years. This paper elaborates on the power generation principle, working mode, and the latest research status of wave energy harvesting using different types of triboelectric nanogenerator structures, and finally summarises the current problems and challenges of this technology, and innovatively combines some current examples to propose future research trends, which can help relevant reseach. This will assist researchers in swiftly grasping the present state of wave energy harvesting research and promoting the field’s progress

    CoLRIO: LiDAR-Ranging-Inertial Centralized State Estimation for Robotic Swarms

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    Collaborative state estimation using different heterogeneous sensors is a fundamental prerequisite for robotic swarms operating in GPS-denied environments, posing a significant research challenge. In this paper, we introduce a centralized system to facilitate collaborative LiDAR-ranging-inertial state estimation, enabling robotic swarms to operate without the need for anchor deployment. The system efficiently distributes computationally intensive tasks to a central server, thereby reducing the computational burden on individual robots for local odometry calculations. The server back-end establishes a global reference by leveraging shared data and refining joint pose graph optimization through place recognition, global optimization techniques, and removal of outlier data to ensure precise and robust collaborative state estimation. Extensive evaluations of our system, utilizing both publicly available datasets and our custom datasets, demonstrate significant enhancements in the accuracy of collaborative SLAM estimates. Moreover, our system exhibits remarkable proficiency in large-scale missions, seamlessly enabling ten robots to collaborate effectively in performing SLAM tasks. In order to contribute to the research community, we will make our code open-source and accessible at \url{https://github.com/PengYu-team/Co-LRIO}

    Structure basis for the unique specificity of medaka enteropeptidase light chain

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    Thermal stresses concern not renewed type of stresses, that is once having liberated, they cannot accumulate more. The estimation of purely thermoelastic contribution to a lithosphere stress state gives the additional information, allowing to predict the danger connected with such natural factors, as seismic and volcanic activity. Some theoretical thermoelastic problems for the geological environment of a difficult outline with non-uniform thermophysical characteristics are considered. The decision is received on the basis of a numerical finite elements method. Influence of the model fixation, the geometrical factor and boundary conditions on distribution of thermal stresses and dislocation is investigated. Computing experiments have shown, that the size of the maximum thermal stresses reaches 500 bar. The maximum values of vertical dislocation are reached by 90 m, and horizontal — 50 m. Neutral plane position are precisely defined. Термоупругие напряжения относятся к невозобновляемому типу напряжений, то есть, однажды высвободившись, напряжения не могут накапливаться вновь. Расчет термоупругого вклада в напряженное состояние литосферы дает дополнительную информацию, позволяющую оценить опасность, связанную с такими природными явлениями, как сейсмичность и вулканическая активность. Рассмотрено несколько теоретических моделей для геологической среды сложного очертания с неоднородными теплофизическими характеристиками. Решение получено на основе численного метода конечных элементов. Исследовано влияние «закрепления» модели, геометрического фактора, неоднородных граничных условий на распределение термоупругих напряжений и перемещений. Вычислительные эксперименты показали, что величина максимальных термоупругих напряжений достигает 500 б. Максимальные величины вертикальных перемещений не превышают 90 м, горизонтальных — 50 м. Положение нейтральной плоскости определяется точно. На основі методу скінченних елементів отримано детальний розподіл термопружних напружень і переміщень для неоднорідного геологічного середовища. Досліджено взаємний вплив геометрії середовища й неоднорідних граничних умов на розподіл термопружних напружень та переміщень

    Determination of beam incidence conditions based on the analysis of laser interference patterns

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    Beam incidence conditions in the formation of two-, three- and four-beam laser interference patterns are presented and studied in this paper. In a laser interference lithography (LIL) process, it is of importance to determine and control beam incidence conditions based on the analysis of laser interference patterns for system calibration as any slight change of incident angles or intensities of beams will introduce significant variations of periods and contrasts of interference patterns. In this work, interference patterns were captured by a He-Ne laser interference system under different incidence conditions, the pattern period measurement was achieved by cross-correlation with, and the pattern contrast was calculated by image processing. Subsequently, the incident angles and intensities of beams were determined based on the analysis of spatial distributions of interfering beams. As a consequence, the relationship between the beam incidence conditions and interference patterns is revealed. The proposed method is useful for the calibration of LIL processes and for reverse engineering applications