199 research outputs found

    Interactions between aerosol organic components and liquid water content during haze episodes in Beijing

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    Aerosol liquid water (ALW) is ubiquitous in ambient aerosol and plays an important role in the formation of both aerosol organics and inorganics. To investigate the interactions between ALW and aerosol organics during haze formation and evolution, ALW was modelled based on long-term measurement of submicron aerosol composition in different seasons in Beijing. ALW contributed by aerosol inorganics (ALW(inorg)) was modelled by ISORROPIA II, and ALW contributed by organics (ALW(org)) was estimated with kappa-Kohler theory, where the real-time hygroscopicity parameter of the organics (kappa(org)) was calculated from the real-time organic oxygen-to-carbon ratio (O/C). Overall particle hygroscopicity (kappa(total)) was computed by weighting component hygroscopicity parameters based on their volume fractions in the mixture. We found that ALW(org), which is often neglected in traditional ALW modelling, contributes a significant fraction (18 %-32 %) to the total ALW in Beijing. The ALW(org) fraction is largest on the cleanest days when both the organic fraction and kappa(org) are relatively high. The large variation in O/C, from 0.2 to 1.3, indicates the wide variety of organic components. This emphasizes the necessity of using real-time kappa(org), instead of fixed kappa(org), to calculate ALW(org) in Beijing. The significant variation in K org (calculated from O/C), together with highly variable organic or inorganic volume fractions, leads to a wide range of kappa(total) (between 0.20 and 0.45), which has a great impact on water uptake. The variation in organic O/C, or derived K org , was found to be influenced by temperature (T), ALW, and aerosol mass concentrations, among which T and ALW both have promoting effects on O/C. During high-ALW haze episodes, although the organic fraction decreases rapidly, O/C and derived K org increase with the increase in ALW, suggesting the formation of more soluble organics via heterogeneous uptake or aqueous processes. A positive feedback loop is thus formed: during high-ALW episodes, increasing kappa(org), together with decreasing particle organic fraction (or increasing particle inorganic fraction), increases kappa(total), and thus further promotes the ability of particles to uptake water.Peer reviewe

    Characterization of a high-resolution supercritical differential mobility analyzer at reduced flow rates

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    Classifying sub-3 nm particles effectively with relatively high penetration efficiencies and sizing resolutions is important for atmospheric new particle formation studies. A high-resolution supercritical differential mobility analyzer (half-mini DMA) was recently improved to classify aerosols at a sheath flow rate less than 100 L/min. In this study, we characterized the transfer functions, the penetration efficiencies, and the sizing resolution of the new half-mini DMA at the aerosol flow rate of 2.5-10 L/min and the sheath flow rate of 25-250 L/min using tetra-alkyl ammonium ions and tungsten oxide particles. The transfer functions of the new half-mini DMA at an aerosol flow rate lower than 5 L/min and a sheath flow rate lower than 150 L/min agree well with predictions using a theoretical diffusing transfer function. The penetration efficiencies can be approximated using an empirical formula. When classifying 1.48 nm molecular ions at an aerosol-to-sheath flow ratio of 5/50 L/min, the penetration efficiency, the sizing resolution, and the multiplicative broadening factor of the new half-mini DMA are 0.18, 6.8, and 1.11, respectively. Compared to other sub-3 nm DMAs applied in atmospheric measurements (e.g. the mini-cyDMA, the TSI DMA 3086, the TSI nanoDMA 3085, and the Grimm S-DMA), the new half-mini DMA characterized in this study is able to classify particles at higher aerosol and sheath flow rates, leading to a higher sizing resolution at the same aerosol-to-sheath flow ratio. Accordingly, the new half-mini DMA can reduce the uncertainties in atmospheric new particle formation measurement if coupled with an aerosol detector that could work at the corresponding high aerosol flow rate. (c) 2018 American Association for Aerosol ResearchPeer reviewe
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