95 research outputs found

    Contributions of Anthropometric and Strength Determinants to Estimate 2000 m Ergometer Performance in Traditional Rowing

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the contribution of anthropometric and strength determinants of 2000 m ergometer performance in traditional rowing. Nineteen rowers competing at national level participated in this study. Anthropometric characteristics, vertical jumps and bench pull tests were assessed to determine conditional factors, whereas the 2000 m test was used to set rowing performance. Pearson correlation coefficient, linear stepwise and allometric regression analyses were used to predict rowing performance (R2 > 50%). Height, body mass and body muscle correlated with rowing performance in male and female rowers. Similarly, power output for squat jump and countermovement jump power correlated with performance. Finally, mean propulsive velocity, mean power and maximum power in bench pull also correlated with the test. Stepwise multiple regression analysis identified body mass (R2 = 0.69, p < 0.001) and mean propulsive velocity in bench pull (R2 = 0.76, p < 0.001) for male rowers and body muscle (R2 = 0.89, p = 0.002) and maximum power in bench pull (R2 = 0.62, p = 0.036) for female rowers as the best predictors of rowing performance. These results determine the relevance of anthropometric characteristics and, in contrast to Olympic rowing, support the greatest importance of upper body power in traditional rowing training.This study was supported by a pre-doctoral grant (ACIF/2018/209) from the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain, and vice-rectorate program of research and knowledge transfer for the promotion of R+D+I at the University of Alicante (Ref. GRE18-19)

    Squat-based post-activation potentiation improves the vertical jump of elite female volleyball players

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    The purpose of this study was to confirm if a squat-based conditioning activity was effective in generating post-activation potentiation (PAP), and, as a consequence of this activation, improve the vertical jump (VJ) performance of national female volleyball players. Eleven trained volleyball players (22.6 ± 3.5 years) were randomly divided into two groups: an experimental group (N=6) and a control group (N=5). They completed 2 sessions. In the first session, a back squat one-repetition maximum (1RM) was determined for the experimental group by using an optoelectronic encoder and an incremental protocol until reaching the maximum load lifted for each subject. On the second day, the experimental group performed a PAP procedure consisting of three repetitions of 90% of 1RM. Before and after performing the activation protocol, both groups completed a countermovement jump (CMJ) to verify whether any improvements were accomplished in the VJ. The height of the vertical jump was estimated by using a jump mat. The data obtained were analysed using an ANOVA test to determine the significant differences intra-group and between groups. The pre-PAP test did not establish any differences between the results of the control group (31.35±4.28 cm) and that of the experimental group (34.08±3.98cm), Therefore, the groups were, at first, homogeneous. On the other hand, there were significant differences in the CMJ percentage of improvement between the experimental and control groups in the post-PAP test F(1,9)=6.074; p=0.036; ▢2=0.40. The control group presented a loss in jump height in the CMJ, thus obtaining negative values in the improvement percentage (-5.36%). The experimental group improved its jump height (4.11%). These differences between groups were statistically significant F(1,9)=6.673; p=0.030; ▢2=0.43. Finally, no significant differences were found intragroup between the pre and post-PAP test in both groups. To conclude, squat-based PAP protocols can generate positive effects on the vertical jump performance of elite female volleyball players. It may therefore be relevant to introduce these activation methods in the warm-up protocols of volleyball players.This study was supported by a pre-doctoral grant (ACIF/2018/209) from the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain, and vice-rectorate program of research and knowledge transfer for the promotion of R+D+I at the University of Alicante (Ref. GRE18-19)

    The past distribution of pinus nigra arnold in northern iberia. Contribution from its macroremains.

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    The presence of Pinus nigra in central Spain, where its natural populations are very rare, has led to different interpretations of the current vegetation dynamics. Complementary to the available palynological evidence, macroremains provide local information of high taxonomic resolution that helps to reconstruct the palaeobiogeography of a given species. Here we present new macrofossil data from Tubilla del Lago, a small palaeolake located at the eastern part of the northern Iberian Meseta. We identified 17 wood samples and 71 cones on the basis of their wood anatomy and morphology, respectively. S ome of the fossil samples were radiocarbon dated (~4.230-3210 years cal BP). The results demonstrate the Holocene presence of P. nigra in the study area, where it is currently extinct. This evidence, together with other published palaeobotanical studies, indicates that the forests dominated by P. nigra must have had a larger importance on the landscape prior to the anthropogenic influence on the northern Iberian Meseta

    The Effect of Balance and Sand Training on Postural Control in Elite Beach Volleyball Players

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of a 12-week-long balance training program on the postural control of elite male beach volleyball players and the effect on balance when swapping to specific sports training in the sand in the following 12 weeks. Six elite players were tested before and after the balance training program and also 12 weeks after the balance training had finished. To this aim, a pressure platform was used to collect the following center of pressure parameters: path length, speed, mean position, and root-mean-square amplitude in the medial-lateral and anteroposterior planes. Romberg quotients for the center of pressure parameters were also calculated. The results of the present study showed better static postural control after specific balance training: smaller path length and speed under open eyes condition in dominant (p = 0.015; p = 0.009, respectively) and non-dominant monopedal stances (p = 0.005; p = 0.004, respectively). Contrastingly, 12 weeks after the balance training program, the path length and speed values under open eyes condition in bipedal stance increased significantly (p = 0.045; p = 0.004, respectively) for sand training. According to our results, balance training is effective to achieve positive balance test scores. It is speculated, and yet to be proven, that sand training could be effective to improve dynamic and open eyes postural control during beach volleyball practice. In beach volleyball players, a balance training program is effective to develop static balance but the effect of ecological sand training on dynamic performance deserves specific investigation.This study was supported by a pre-doctoral grant (ACIF/2018/209) from the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain

    Lesson from the habitat suitability models to evaluate the environmental of Pinus nigra Arnold and Pinus sylvesris L. in the Iberian Peninsula

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    PREDICT POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION. Spatial and temporal evolution of the species under different climate scenarios. Generation of habitat suitability models (HSM) high degree of uncertainty and limitations. The importance of their validation has been stressed. In this work we discuss the present potential distribution of P. sylvestris and P. nigra in the Iberian Peninsula by using MaxEnt, and evaluate the influence of the different environmental variables. Our intention is to select a set of environmental variables that explains better their current distribution, to achieve the most accurate and reliable models. Then we project them to the past climatic conditions (21 to 0 kyrs BP), to evaluate the outputs with existing palaeo-ecological data

    Macrorremains evidence of anthropogenic recession of Pinus nigra Aiton in Northern Spain

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    The natural forest landscape of the Duero Basin in Spain¿s Northern Meseta is now reduced to small masses, its demise largely owed to the intense agricultural and stock-raising use made of its lands. The composition of the scant natural masses suggests that formations dominated by broadleaved species once occupied a much greater area. This idea has led to the believe that pine trees have few place within the natural dynamics of this area (Carrión and Fernández, 2009). However, P. pinaster Aiton and P.pinea L. on low-land sandy areas, P. sylvestris L. and P.uncinata Ramond ex DC on mountain high areas have been demonstrated to have played an important role during the Holocene (Franco et al., 2005; Rubiales et al., 2010). The abundant plant remains and moulds of pine wood and cones found on Northern Meseta peat bogs and travertines, now demonstrate its presence on mid-lands during the Quaternary until the last millenni

    More macrofossils are needed to successfully model late-quaternary vegetation

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    The need of more macrofossils to model late-quaternary vegetation is emphasized in the light of Iberian palaeobotanical dat

    Relação entre atividade física, educação física e desempenho acadêmico em estudantes do bacharelado

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    El objetivo del presente estudio se centró en valorar la relación entre el nivel de actividad física (AF), la puntuación obtenida en la asignatura de Educación Física (EF) y la nota media global del resto de asignaturas (NMG). Participaron 117 alumnos de bachillerato pertenecientes a distintos centros de la provincia de Alicante. Los resultados mostraron que la EF obtuvo mejores puntuaciones respecto a la NMG, independientemente del tipo de bachillerato o sexo del alumnado. El bachillerato científico mostró los niveles más altos de AF y las mejores puntuaciones tanto en EF como en la NMG. No existieron diferencias significativas en la correlación entre la asignatura de EF y la NMG del alumnado según la modalidad de bachillerato. Los alumnos que practicaban AF extraescolar mostraron mejores notas con independencia del sexo, aunque las mujeres parecen beneficiarse en mayor medida de los efectos positivos de la AF sobre el rendimiento académico.The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between the hours of physical activity (PF), the score obtained Physical Education (PE) and the average score of the rest of the subjects (NMG). The sample consisted of 117 bachelor students belonging to different high schools of Alicante. The results showed that PF obtained better scores against NMG, regardless of the type of bachelor or student’s sex. The scientific bachelor showed the highest levels of AF and the best scores in both PF and NMG. There were no significant differences in the correlation between the PF subject and the NMG of the students according to the bachelor modality. Students who practiced PF outside the workday at school showed better NMG regardless of gender although women seem to benefit to a greater extent from the positive effects of AF on academic performance.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a relação entre o nível de atividade física (AF), a pontuação obtida na disciplina de Educação física (EF) e a pontuação média geral do restante das disciplinas (NMG). A amostra foi composta por 117 estudantes do secondaria pertencentes a diferentes centros da província de Alicante. Os resultados mostraram que a EF obteve melhor pontuação em relação ao NMG, independentemente do tipo de secondaria ou sexo dos alunos. O secondaria científico apresentou os maiores níveis de AF e a melhor pontuação em EF e NMG. Não houve diferenças significativas na correlação entre o PE e o NMG dos estudantes de acordo com a modalidade de secondaria. Os estudantes que praticavam AF após as aulas apresentaram melhor desempenho acadêmico independentemente do sexo, embora as mulheres pareçam beneficiar mais dos efeitos positivos da AF no desempenho acadêmico.Miguel García-Jaén participó en este estudio subvencionado por un contrato predoctoral de la Generalitat Valenciana (ACIF/2016/048). Asimismo, Sergio Sebastiá-Amat participó en este estudio subvencionado por un contrato predoctoral de la Generalitat Valenciana (ACIF /2018/209)

    Palaeobiogeographical perspectives on pinus pinea, a controversial and enigmatic mediterranean pine

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    The origins of some species of economic importance occurring over the Mediterranean Basin have been a traditional matter of debate that has important implications for land management. The case of Pinus pinea L. (Stone pine) is probably one of the most controversial, due to its documented long-term interaction with humans and its presence as a symbolic tree in certain areas of the Mediterranean (e.g., southwestern Iberia and Tuscany). Among the rest of the Mediterranean pines, several features make this pine unique (it has a characteristic crown shape, an edible kernel, cones that require three years to mature, and a very depauperate genetic diversity across its range). In addition, its palaeoecological information is rather limited, as the taxonomic precision attained by pollen analysts is insufficient for this tree and macroremains (such as kernels or anatomically well preserved wood) are needed to unequivocally detect the species in the fossil record. Recent findings of macrofossils of Pinus pinea in inland Iberia (Duero Basin) extend the late- Holocene range of the species, but the palaeobiogeographical information and the exhaustive genetic data available still suggest a very limited natural area (but still not sufficiently well defined) and a long and intense history of linkage to humans

    Huellas de la presencia pasada de pinares montanos en la submeseta norte de la Península Ibérica: Tubilla del Lago y Tubilla del Agua

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    Se presentan los resultados de los estudios de macrorrestos e impresiones vegetales hallados en dos localidades de la submeseta norte de la Península Ibérica. Los troncos y piñas subfósiles extraídos en las obras de la turbera de Tubilla del Lago (Burgos), así como el molde de piña encontrado en los travertinos de Tubilla del Agua (Burgos), han sido identificados mediante morfología comparada con apoyo de la microtomía en el caso de las maderas. Los restos subfósiles han sido datados mediante 14 C mientras que la antigüedad del molde ha sido deducida por su posición en el edificio travertínico y la edad del mismo, en base al conocimiento de la cronología de la génesis de este tipo de estructuras. Los resultados indican la presencia holocena de Pinus nigra Arnold en ambas localidades. Estas evidencias se suman a otras paleobotánicas, históricas y toponímicas ya existentes, que reflejan una mayor extensión de esta especie en la submeseta norte anterior a la generalización de la alteración antrópica del paisaj