4 research outputs found

    Spiral arteries in second trimester of pregnancy : when is it possible to define expected physiological remodeling as abnormal?

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    Q2Q2After undergoing remodeling, uterine spiral arteries turn into wide, flexible tubes, with low resistance. If remodeling does not occur, spontaneous abortions, intrauterine growth restriction, and pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders can ensue. Arterial transformation begins at a very early gestational stage; however, second quarter pregnancy histopathological samples have yet to pinpoint the exact moment when abnormal remodeling transpires. We examined 100 samples, taken from consecutive abortions at 12–23 gestational weeks. Following Pijnenborg and Smith guidelines, blinded pathologists analyzed clinical data on remod eling stages. Lab results showed that arterial remodeling is not synchronic in all vessels; a single sample can include various remodeling stages; neither is remodeling homogenous in a single vessel: change may be occurring in one part of the vessel, but not in another. To our knowledge, no one has published this finding. In the examined age group, Smith stage IV predominates; around week 14, substantial muscle and endothelium loss takes place. After week 17, endovascular or fibrin trophoblast does not usually occur. Although scant consensus exists on what defines preeclampsia etiology, it is clear that it involves abnormal remodeling in decidua vessels. Improved understanding requires further knowledge on both the physiological and pathological aspects of the remodeling process. We observed that muscle and endothelial tissues disappear from weeks 14–17, after which time reendothelization predominates. We list the expected proportion of spiral artery changes for each gestational age which, to date, has not been available.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7147-425XN/

    The umbilical cord, preeclampsia and the VEGF family

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    Q1Artículo original783-795Introduction The VEGF family has been identified as abnormal in preeclampsia (PE). Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are major contributors to maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide; likewise, umbilical cord anatomical abnormalities (UCAA) are linked to poor neonatal outcomes. Based on the relationship described between PE and UCAA and the role of the VEGF family in PE, this study explored VEGF expression in placental and UC tissued from patients with PE and with UCAA. Methods We performed an observational, analytical study on placentas, comparing protein and mRNA expression in four groups: patients with PE, patients with UC abnormalities, patients with both, and patients with none of them. Using immunohistochemistry, we studied VEGF A, VEGF R1 (FLT1), MMP1, and PLGF. With quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction we described mRNA expression of PLGF, VEGF and sFLT1, and sFLT1/PLGF ratio. Results Forty newborns were included. Sixty-seven percent of mothers and 45% of newborns developed no complications. Immunohistochemistry was performed on UC and placental disc paraffin-embedded tissue; in the latter, the mRNA of the VEGF family was also measured. Statistically significant differences were observed among different expressions in both HDP and UCAA groups. Interestingly, the UCAA group exhibited lower levels of sFLT1 and VEGF-A in comparison with other groups, with significant P-value for sFLT1 (P=0000.1). Conclusion The origin of UCAA abnormalities and their relation with HDP are still unknown. VEGF family alterations could be involved in both. This study provides the first approach related to molecules linked to UCAA

    Diplomado de profundización en fundamentos de salud publica - Unidad 4 - Tarea 6 - Socialización

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    Conceptos sobre: Evolución histórica de salud pública. Contexto normativo en Colombia. Componentes de la salud pública del Ministerio de salud y Protección Social.Concepts about: Historical evolution of public health. Regulatory context in Colombia. Public health components of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection

    Carta de Psicología No. 54

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    El capital psicológico y el engagement en el trabajo: revisión teórica / Angie Lorena Escobar Giraldo, Carol Valentina Londoño Pantoja y Laura Valentina Rojas Montealegre. Relación entre clima organizacional y engagement desde una mirada del modelo de Avalores en competencia / Karol Sunev Encinales y Angie Julieth Riaño. Relación de los estilos de liderazgo transformacional y transaccional en el clima organizacional: una revisión de la literatura / Leidy Tatiana Javela Avila y Angie Johana Maldonado Bejarano. El bienestar organizacional: una revisión teórica desde lo hedónico y lo eudaimónico / Astrid Carolina Rodríguez Prieto, Daniela Sthefania Pérez Arango y Laura Jimena Mondragón. Estudio comparativo de la normatividad en torno al acoso laboral / Magda Cardozo y Paola Andrea Rubiano. Análisis del estilo lingüístico prosocial y altruista / Luis Fernando Benedetti, Luisa Fernanda Martínez y Juan Camilo Carvajal-Builes. Violencia intrafamiliar como una problemática juvenil en Colombia / María José Saavedra Vargas y Daniela Barbosa Ardila. Análisis psicológico de la trata de personas con fines / María José Saavedra Vargas y Daniela Barbosa Ardila. Sobre el reciclaje: su debida ejecución y su importancia para el medio ambiente / María Camila Londoño Fernández y Camilo Jesús Alejandro Vivas Becerra. Estrategias de aprendizaje espacial con apoyo virtual en hombres y mujeres desde una visión evolutiva / Natalia Pareja Henao, J. Jacobo Pinto Galindo, Esteban Ayala Vargas, Ivonne Edith Alejo Castañeda y Tatiana Manrique Zuluaga. La música favorece la atención en niños / Manuela María del Rocío Pinzón, Laura Geraldine Cortés, Tatiana Manrique Zuluaga e Ivonne Edith Alejo Castañeda. La autorregulación y la autonomía, un abordaje desde la psicología del desarrollo infantil / Diana Paola Pardo Galvis, Lizeth Tatiana Herrera Toro y Julieth María Ospina Osorio. Importancia e incidencia de la vocación y la profesión en el sector social LGBTIQ / Lieen D. Guevara G. Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para Niños o Adolescentes (SRPA) en Colombia / Diana Paola Pardo Galvis, Lizeth Tatiana Herrera Toro y Erika Natalia Algarra Martínez. Breve revisión de la importancia del desarrollo de los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) y sus derechos de participación dentro del contexto sociopolítico / Daniela Barbosa Ardila y María José Saavedra Vargas. “Verdad y mentira”: conceptos relacionados con el ejercicio de la psicología del testimonio / María Paula Castro y Juan Camilo Carvajal-Builes. Comportamientos de violencia conyugal naturalizados por jóvenes universitarios de Bogotá / Daniela Alejandra Martínez Sarmiento, María Fernanda Nieto Ramírez, Laura Andrea Torres Pulido, María Emily Triana Jiménez y Darío León Rincó