157 research outputs found

    Utilization, retention and bio-efficacy studies of PermaNet® in selected villages in Buie and Fentalie districts of Ethiopia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malaria remains a major public health problem in Ethiopia. Pyrethroid-treated mosquito nets are one of the major tools available for the prevention and control of malaria transmission. PermaNet<sup>® </sup>is a long-lasting insecticide-treated net (LLIN) recommended by WHO for malaria control.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The objective of the study was to assess utilization and retention of PermaNet<sup>® </sup>nets distributed for malaria control in Buie and Fentalie districts and monitor the bio-efficacy of the nets using the WHO cone bioassay test procedures.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross sectional study was carried out by interviewing household heads or their representative in Buie and Fentalie districts. The two districts were selected based on a priori knowledge of variations on ethnic background and housing construction. Clusters of houses were chosen within each of the study villages for selection of households. 20 households that had received one or more PermaNet<sup>® </sup>nets were chosen randomly from the clusters in each village. A total of eight used PermaNet<sup>® </sup>nets were collected for the bio-efficacy test. The bio-efficacy of PermaNet<sup>® </sup>nets was monitored according to the standard WHO procedures using a susceptible colony of <it>Anopheles arabiensis </it>to deltamethrin.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 119 household heads were interviewed during the study. The retention rate of nets that were distributed in 2005 and 2006 season was 72%. A total of 62.2% of the interviewees claimed children under five years of age slept under LLIN, while only 50.7% of the nets were observed to be hanged inside houses when used as a proxy indicator of usage of LLIN. For the bio-efficacy test the mean knock-down was 94% and 100%, while the mean mortality rate observed after 24 hr holding period was 72.2% and 67% for Buie and Fentalie districts respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The study revealed a moderately high retention of PermaNet<sup>® </sup>in the study villages and effectiveness of the nets when tested according to the standard WHO procedure.</p

    A qualitative analysis of factors influencing antiretroviral adherence among persons living with <scp>HIV</scp> in Ghana

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    Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) remains an important factor in HIV prevention and treatment efforts. We explored the individual and environmental factors influencing antiretroviral adherence among PLWH in Ghana. This study used 20 semi-structured in-depth interviews and three focus group discussions (FGD) involving 29 PLWH attending one of three antiretroviral clinics. Thematic analysis covered experiences of PLWH clinic visits, knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy related to ART adherence, psychological wellbeing and stigma. The findings suggest that both individual and environmental factors including treatment outcome, coping skills, disclosure, self-regulation, healthcare-provider interaction, family and partner support, organization of ART clinics, stigma, and transportation cost influenced treatment adherence. Interventions that empower PLWH and reduce HIV-related stigma in the community will most likely support antiretroviral adherence. Please refer to the Supplementary Material section to find this article's Community and Social Impact Statement

    Treatment-seeking behaviour for febrile illness in an area of seasonal malaria transmission in rural Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Very little is known about the management of malaria and treatment-seeking patterns among children and adults in areas of seasonal malaria transmission particularly in east Africa. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess treatment-seeking behaviour for reported malaria among all age groups in an area of seasonal transmission. METHODS: A community-based cross-sectional study was carried out among 2,253 households in 12 randomly selected rural kebeles in Adami Tulu district in south-central Ethiopia, during October-November 2003, using a pre-tested interviewer-administered structured questionnaire. RESULTS: Reported malaria was 14% among 12,225 people assessed during the last 14 days. Family/self-diagnosis was most common and the main first responses included visiting village-based community health workers (CHWs) (33%), public health facility (23%) and private clinic (17%). Home treatment was the least reported first response (3%). Only 13% had sought treatment within the first 24 hours of symptom onset. Early treatment-seeking pattern was reported among those who visited CHWs and practiced home treatment, with more delays among public facility users. Treatment-seeking behaviour was similar in all age groups. CONCLUSION: A considerable proportion of visits were made to CHWs and private providers, necessitating the importance of strengthening both community-based interventions and peripheral public and private facilities. Finally, the community should be informed and educated about the importance of early diagnosis and prompt treatment with effective antimalarials

    Climatic variables and malaria transmission dynamics in Jimma town, South West Ethiopia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background:-</p> <p>In Ethiopia, malaria is seasonal and unstable, causing frequent epidemics. It usually occurs at altitudes < 2,000 m above sea level. Occasionally, transmission of malaria occurs in areas previously free of malaria, including areas > 2,000 m above sea level. For transmission of malaria parasite, climatic factors are important determinants as well as non-climatic factors that can negate climatic influences. Indeed, there is a scarcity of information on the correlation between climatic variability and malaria transmission risk in Ethiopia in general and in the study area in particular. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the level of correlation between meteorological variables and malaria cases.</p> <p>Methods: -</p> <p>Time-series analysis was conducted using data on monthly meteorological variables and monthly total malaria in Jimma town, south west Ethiopia, for the period 2000-2009. All the data were entered and analyzed using SPSS-15 database program. Spearman correlation and linear regression analysis were used to asses association between the variables.</p> <p>Results: -</p> <p>During last ten years (2000-2009), a fluctuating trend of malaria transmission was observed with <it>P.vivax </it>becoming predominant species. Spearman correlation analysis showed that monthly minimum temperature, total rainfall and two measures of relative humidity were positively related with malaria but monthly maximum temperature negatively related. Also regression analysis suggested that monthly minimum (p = 0.008), monthly maximum temperature (p = 0.013) and monthly total rainfall (p = 0.040), at one month lagged effect, were significant meteorological factors for transmission of malaria in the study area.</p> <p>Conclusion: -</p> <p>Malaria incidences in the last decade seem to have a significant association with meteorological variables. In future, prospective and multidisciplinary cooperative research involving researchers from the fields of parasitology, epidemiology, botany, agriculture and climatology is necessary to identify the real effect of meteorological factors on vector- borne diseases like malaria.</p

    Pathosphere.org: pathogen detection and characterization through a web-based, open source informatics platform

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    Background The detection of pathogens in complex sample backgrounds has been revolutionized by wide access to next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms. However, analytical methods to support NGS platforms are not as uniformly available. Pathosphere (found at Pathosphere.org) is a cloud - based open - sourced community tool that allows for communication, collaboration and sharing of NGS analytical tools and data amongst scientists working in academia, industry and government. The architecture allows for users to upload data and run available bioinformatics pipelines without the need for onsite processing hardware or technical support. Results The pathogen detection capabilities hosted on Pathosphere were tested by analyzing pathogen-containing samples sequenced by NGS with both spiked human samples as well as human and zoonotic host backgrounds. Pathosphere analytical pipelines developed by Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) identified spiked pathogens within a common sample analyzed by 454, Ion Torrent, and Illumina sequencing platforms. ECBC pipelines also correctly identified pathogens in human samples containing arenavirus in addition to animal samples containing flavivirus and coronavirus. These analytical methods were limited in the detection of sequences with limited homology to previous annotations within NCBI databases, such as parvovirus. Utilizing the pipeline-hosting adaptability of Pathosphere, the analytical suite was supplemented by analytical pipelines designed by the United States Army Medical Research Insititute of Infectious Diseases and Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (USAMRIID-WRAIR). These pipelines were implemented and detected parvovirus sequence in the sample that the ECBC iterative analysis previously failed to identify. Conclusions By accurately detecting pathogens in a variety of samples, this work demonstrates the utility of Pathosphere and provides a platform for utilizing, modifying and creating pipelines for a variety of NGS technologies developed to detect pathogens in complex sample backgrounds. These results serve as an exhibition for the existing pipelines and web-based interface of Pathosphere as well as the plug-in adaptability that allows for integration of newer NGS analytical software as it becomes available

    Detection of high levels of mutations involved in anti-malarial drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax at a rural hospital in southern Ethiopia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Ethiopia, malaria is caused by <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>and <it>Plasmodium vivax</it>, and anti-malarial drug resistance is the most pressing problem confronting control of the disease. Since co-infection by both species of parasite is common and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) has been intensively used, resistance to these drugs has appeared in both <it>P. falciparum </it>and <it>P. vivax </it>populations. This study was conducted to assess the prevalence of anti-malarial drug resistance in <it>P. falciparum </it>and <it>P. vivax </it>isolates collected at a rural hospital in southern Ethiopia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 1,147 patients with suspected malaria were studied in different months across the period 2007-2009. <it>Plasmodium falciparum dhfr </it>and <it>dhps </it>mutations and <it>P. vivax dhfr </it>polymorphisms associated with resistance to SP, as well as <it>P. falciparum pfcrt </it>and <it>pfmdr1 </it>mutations conferring chloroquine resistance, were assessed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PCR-based diagnosis showed that 125 of the 1147 patients had malaria. Of these, 52.8% and 37.6% of cases were due to <it>P. falciparum </it>and <it>P. vivax </it>respectively. A total of 10 cases (8%) showed co-infection by both species and two cases (1.6%) were infected by <it>Plasmodium ovale</it>. <it>Pfdhfr </it>triple mutation and <it>pfdhfr/pfdhps </it>quintuple mutation occurred in 90.8% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 82.2%-95.5%) and 82.9% (95% CI: 72.9%-89.7%) of <it>P. falciparum </it>isolates, respectively. <it>Pfcrt </it>T76 was observed in all cases and <it>pfmdr1 </it>Y86 and <it>pfmdr1 </it>Y1246 in 32.9% (95% CI: 23.4%-44.15%) and 17.1% (95% CI: 10.3-27.1%), respectively. The <it>P. vivax dhfr </it>core mutations, N117 and R58, were present in 98.2% (95% CI: 89.4-99.9%) and 91.2% (95% CI: 80.0-96.7%), respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Current molecular data show an extraordinarily high frequency of drug-resistance mutations in both <it>P. falciparum </it>and <it>P. vivax </it>in southern Ethiopia. Urgent surveillance of the emergence and spread of resistance is thus called for. The level of resistance indicates the need for implementation of entire population access to the new first-line treatment with artemether-lumefantrine, accompanied by government monitoring to prevent the emergence of resistance to this treatment.</p