905 research outputs found

    La logística inversa : el talón de Aquiles del comercio electrónico en el sector de la moda rápida

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    En esta investigación se analiza el concepto de logística inversa, su aplicación al comercio electrónico del sector de moda rápida y los problemas y soluciones que se generan. Como consecuencia de ello, el estudio consta de dos partes diferenciadas. En primer lugar, se analiza y contextualiza la situación del comercio electrónico en dicho sector y cómo funciona su logística inversa. Seguidamente se estudian las causas que conducen a las devoluciones de los clientes y en qué condiciones se producen estas con el fin de comprender su origen. Es importante la investigación de las causas debido a que es el conocimiento de éstas lo que nos permite aportar respuestas. Por último, en función de dicho origen, se estudian las medidas que pueden ser aplicadas con la finalidad de facilitar la gestión de la logística inversa y hacerla factible en el campo de la moda rápida.Máster Universitario en Management y Gestión del Cambio (M145

    IEEE 1588 High Accuracy Default Profile: Applications and Challenges

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    Highly accurate synchronization has become a major requirement because of the rise of distributed applications, regulatory requests and position, navigation and timing backup needs. This fact has led to the development of new technologies which fulfill the new requirements in terms of accuracy and dependability. Nevertheless, some of these novel proposals have lacked determinism, robustness, interoperability, deployability, scalability or management tools preventing them to be extensively used in real industrial scenarios. Different segments require accurate timing information over a large number of nodes. Due to the high availability and low price of global satellite-based time references, many critical distributed facilities depend on them. However, the vulnerability to jamming or spoofing represents a well-known threat and back-up systems need to be deployed to mitigate it. The recently approved draft standard IEEE 1588-2019 includes the High Accuracy Default Precision Time Protocol Profile which is intensively based on the White Rabbit protocol. White Rabbit is an extension of current IEEE 1588-2008 network synchronization protocol for sub-nanosecond synchronization. This approach has been validated and intensively used during the last years. This paper revises the pre-standard protocol to expose the challenges that the High Accuracy profile will find after its release and covers existing applications, promising deployments and the technological roadmap, providing hints and an overview of features to be studied. The authors review different issues that have prevented the industrial adoption of White Rabbit in the past and introduce the latest developments that will facilitate the next IEEE 1588 High Accuracy extensive adoption.This work was supported in part by the AMIGA6 under Grant AYA2015-65973-C3-2-R, in part by the AMIGA7 under Grant RTI2018-096228-B-C32, and in part by the Torres Quevedo under Grant PTQ2018-010198

    Análisis del rendimiento académico con una perspectiva de justicia espacial, Ocoyoacac-Estado de México

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    Este trabajo analiza a la influencia de la distribución de los servicios públicos (i.e. educativos, de acceso a la información y recreativos) en los centros educa-tivos medidos a través del rendimiento académico de los alumnos de educación pública básica del municipio de Ocoyoacac (2012-2013). Se propone un modelo de evaluación geográfica de los centros educativos. Se busca describir la distri-bución espacial de los centros educativos desde una perspectiva de justicia espacial, cuestionando si el espacio es creador o sustento de desigualdad justa-injusta del acceso a la educación y el impacto en la calidad con la que se distribuye

    Evaluación de cuatro sustratos en la propagación sexual de Pinus radiata D. Don y Pinus patula Schiede & Deppe en condiciones de vivero.

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    Esta investigación consistió en la evaluación de cuatro sustratos en la propagación sexual de Pinus radiata y Pinus patula en condiciones de vivero. El ensayo se estableció al aplicar un DBCA con estructura bifactorial de 8 tratamientos y 4 bloques. Para ello se utilizaron 4 sustratos S1) tierra negra 50% cascarilla 25% arena 25%, S2) Tierra negra 75% Turba 25%, S3) Tierra negra 50% Cascarilla 25% Suelo de bosque 25% S4) tierra negra 50% Humus 25% suelo de bosque 25%. Mediante las fases de recolección de semilla, adquisición y preparación de sustratos, diseño del umbráculo, llenado de bolsas, desinfección de sustratos, distribución de las unidades experimentales, siembra de las semillas, deshierba, riego, conteo de plántulas geminadas, medición de altura y DAC. Con el propósito de determinar el mejor sustrato se evaluaron las variables: Porcentaje de emergencia, altura y el diámetro a la altura del cuello (DAC). El análisis de varianza y la comparación de medias con la prueba de Tukey a un nivel de significancia de 5%, se determinó diferencias significativas entre los sustratos utilizados. De acuerdo con los resultados para el porcentaje de emergencia el mejor sustrato fue el S2, con el valor más alto a los 60 días posteriores a la siembra, con el 81,5%, en P. patula, seguido de P, radiata con el 80%, No así el S4, en el cual se obtuvo una baja tasa de germinación a los 60 días con un 30% de emergencia en P. radiata, y 33% de P. patula, debido a la compactación que experimento el sustrato en mención. Para aumentar el porcentaje de emergencia se recomienda realizar nuevos estudios utilizando el S2, semilla certificada y condiciones técnicas óptimas para la propagación de las dos especies en estudio.This research consisted on the evaluation of four substrates in the sexual propagation of Pinus radiata and Pinus patula under nursery conditions. The trial was established by applying a DBCA with a bifactorial structure of 8 treatments and 4 blocks. Four substrates were used S1) black soil 50% husk 25% sand 25%, S2) black soil 75% peat 25%, S3) black soil 50% husk 25% forest soil 25% S4) black soil 50% humus 25% forest soil 25%. Through the phases of seed collection, acquisition and preparation of substrates, design of the shade house, filling of bags, disinfection of substrates, distribution of experimental units, sowing of seeds, weeding, irrigation, counting of twinned seedlings, measurement of height and DAC. In order to determine the best substrate, the following variables were evaluated: Percentage of emergence, height and diameter at collar height (DAC). The analysis of variance and the comparison of means with Tukey's test at a significance level of 5% determined significant differences between the substrates used. According to the results for the percentage of emergence, the best substrate was S2, with the highest value at 60 days after planting, with 81.5%, in P. patula, followed by P. radiata with 80%, but not S4, in which a low germination rate was obtained at 60 days with 30% of emergence in P. radiata and 33% in P. patula, due to the compaction experienced by the substrate in question. In order to increase the percentage of emergence, it is recommended to carry out new studies using S2, certified seed and optimal technical conditions for the propagation of the two species under study

    Development of biomechatronic devices for measurement of wrenches occuring in animal and human prehension

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    Biomechatronics and in its context biosensors dedicate their ability to support new applications inspired from nature on automotive, exoskeleton systems, and intelligent robotics, with a combination of technical knowledge, biology, bionics and mechatronics. There is a market trend towards the use of intelligent sensors. The main reasons for this development are increased measurement accuracy, programmability, decreased inventory cost from the larger turndown available, and decreased maintenance costs by self­diagnostics. On the other hand, for climbing machines biomechatronics discovered important descriptive models of animal locomotion, in which each gross aspect of the animal’s movement is biologically clearly defined except grasping (cf. No. 10 of this book series). Adaptable and ergonomic grips used in cars need a deep and vast supportive knowledge about human grasping. This knowledge only can be won by experimentation in natural prehension. Hands and fingers have to be mapped through sensors to discover and understand the principles of manipulation. We propose a special design of sensor nodes to measure forces and torques in manipulation. Self-evidently, sensor technology should as well be oriented to the fulfillment of the requirements of new applications in industry. It is our deep desire that the sensor proposed finds a place in industrial and automotive applications.Biomechatronik und speziell Biosensoren unterstützen auf der Grundlage biologischer Inspiration das Entstehen neuer Anwendungen in der ganzen Spanne vom Fahrzeugbau bis zur Bio­Robotik. Dabei werden Mechatronik, technologisches Wissen, Bionik und Biologie miteinander kombiniert. “There is a market trend towards the use of intelligent sensors. In the past the main reasons for this have been increased measurement accuracy, programmability, decreased inventory cost from the larger turndown available, and a decreased maintenance cost for self­ diagnostics.” (Expertise,1997). Im speziellen Anwendungsfall der Kletterrobotik erlaubt der Einsatz von biokompatiblen Kraftgrößen­Sensoren die Etablierung dynamischer Modelle der Fortbewegung von Tieren als bionische Basis biologischer Inspiration. Ergonomische Gestaltung von Griffen bedarf fundierter Kenntnisse über die vektoriellen Greifkräfte. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden daher miniaturisierte 6 DOF­Kraftgrößensensoren entwickelt, die als aktive Knoten eines Sensor­Netzwerks firmieren können. Multisensorenanwendungen können die räumliche und zeitliche Auflösung eines Messaufbaus deutlich steigern. “Durch die Verknüpfung der Signale mehrerer Sensoren lassen sich die Zuverlässigkeit und der Anwendungsbereich vergrößern und die Signalqualität deutlich steigern. Neben einer Verbesserung der Signalqualität ergeben sich durch die Nutzung der in der Steuerung vorhanden Positions­ und Richtungsinformation neue Anwendungen“ (Adam, 2000). Dabei wird in der vorgelegten Arbeit Wert auf eine Detaillierung der Darstellung des Entwurfsprozesses gelegt, um in Zeiten fragmentierten Publizierens durch Dokumentation an einem Orte verallgemeinerbares Erfahrungswissen für die Entwicklung biokompatibler Kraftgrößensensoren zu sichern.Biomechatronics and biosensors dedicate their ability to support new applications inspired from nature on automotive, exoskeleton systems (Hwang & Moo, 2009), intelligent humanoid robots (Wu & Wu, 2010) and robotics (Qiakang Liang, 2010), with a combination of technical knowledge, biology, bionics and mechatronics. “There is a market trend towards the use of intelligent sensors. In the past the main reasons for this have been increased measurement accuracy, programmability, decreased inventory cost from the larger turndown available, and a decreased maintenance cost for self­ diagnostics.” (Expertise,1997). On the other hand, for climbing machines (Mämpel, Koch & Köhring, 2009) biomechatronics discovers important descriptive models of locomotion of monkeys, rats or chameleons in which each aspect of the animal’s movement is clearly defined (Witte, Lutherdt & Schilling, 2004). Adaptable and ergonomic grips used in cars, motorcycles and trains need a deep and vast supportive knowledge from human grasping. This knowledge cannot be won without the help of experimentation in animal and human prehension to produce enough evidence and valid data about the biological structures (Jeffrey, 2008). Hands and fingers will be mapped through sensors to discover and understand the principles of animal manipulation. This work explains a methodology for designing and construction of sensor nodes to measure forces and torques from animal or human manipulation in order to increase the spatial resolution and the precision of the measurement (Multisensorenanwendung). “Durch die Verknüpfung der Signale mehrerer Sensoren lassen sich die Zuverlässigkeit und der Anwendungsbereich vergrößern und die Signalqualität deutlich steigern. Neben einer Verbesserung der Signalqualität ergeben sich durch die Nutzung der in der Steuerung vorhanden Positions­ und Richtungsinformation neue Anwendungen“ (Adam, 2000). Sensor technology should be oriented to the fulfillment of the requirements of new applications in industry (Singh, 2004), and probably be based on a science oriented to market. It is our deep desire that this sensor finds a place in industrial and automotive applications (D'Ascoli, Tonarelli, & Melani, 2005)

    Decolonising Literacy Practices for an Inclusive and Sustainable Model of Literacy Education

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    Despite efforts on the part of institutions, professionals and social agents, the Roma population in Europe still lacks equal access to education. Difficulties in literacy development are at the root of this: Roma learners present lower literacy rates than non-Roma learners and learners in non-segregated schools, preventing them from transitioning to secondary education. This article presents the results of ethnographic research with a group of Roma primary learners in Southern Spain. The aim was to analyse the contexts, interactional spaces, contents and practices of learners’ engagement with literacy in and outside the classroom. Data analysis was carried out using an adaptation of the continua model of biliteracy, useful for analysing literacy practices in contexts with different literacy cultures. Results show that communicative practices that challenged skills-based literacy models helped activate learners’ literacy reservoirs, enhancing their literacy engagement and allowing them to renegotiate their position as Roma learners in a non-Roma institution and as text creators in the classroom. Conclusions point to the need to decolonise classroom practice by identifying learners’ literacy reservoirs and ways to activate these, contributing to a more inclusive and sustainable model of literacy education consistent with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal for quality education

    Spatial Markov Chains Implemented in GIS

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