904 research outputs found

    Advanced Care planning: a bibliographic review from the perspective of Social Work in Health Care

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    This study aims at identifying the role that Social Work in Health Care in the process of Advanced Care Planning (hereinafter ACP). For this purpose, a bibliographic review has been carried out whose population study was composed of scientific articles related to ACP, published between 1 Jan. 2009 and 1 Jan. 2019, related to the Social Work aria Health Care discipline. For the selection of articles, descriptors from Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) have been used. The search terms “Social Work” and “Advanced Care Planning” have been used in natural and controlled language. Boolean operators (“y” “and”, in Spanish and English) have also been used. Regarding search platforms and databases, the following have been used: PubMed, Cochrane Library Plus, IME, CSIC, SCOPUS, OvidSPMEDLINE and Google Scholar. As to the results, 14,248 articles were located, from which 1,295 entered the review process of these, only 20 were selected as the rest did not adapt to the selection criteria. Looking at the year of publication, the scientific production for 2016 represented 27.2% of the total. Regarding the type of research, 45.4% were quantitative studies and 90.9% focused their attention on the attitude of Social Work professionals regarding the ACP. With regard to the categories of the reviewed articles, 45.4% referred to training in Social Work in Health Care on Advanced Care Planning ACP. That same percentage referred to the commitment of these professionals with ACP. The current study shows that Social Workers in Health Care have the aptitude and commitment necessary for Advanced Care Planning ACP. However, these professionals require more training. The paper also raises the issue that the topic of a dignified ‘end of life’ process needs to be present in syllabuses for grade and postgraduate education within the Social Work in Health Care discipline

    La influencia de las webs oficiales de turismo en la imagen de las provincias andaluzas

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    La imagen del destino turístico se configura como una herramienta indispensable para poder competir en un mercado cada vez más internacional y sofisticado. Es por ello por lo que una de las funciones principales de la promoción turística es la de proyectar una imagen del destino que sea deseable para conocerlo. Las administraciones públicas y concretamente los Patronatos Provinciales de Turismo (PPT) u organismos provinciales con funciones similares utilizan portales turísticos oficiales de los destinos como principal herramienta para estimular el deseo de visitar el destino promocionado. El éxito en el cumplimiento de su función de promoción y de configuración de la imagen de destino turístico de las provincias andaluzas dependerá en gran medida de la forma en que la información es transmitida a través de Internet. En este trabajo se pretende conocer las características y la influencia que los sitios web turísticos oficiales ejercen sobre la percepción de la imagen de los destinos turísticos provinciales andaluces. El objetivo central del presente estudio es comprobar la manera en que el acceso al portal turístico de un destino puede influir en la configuración de su imagen y en qué aspectos la web tiene más éxito en modificar la imagen hacia una percepción más favorable. Mediante el análisis de las diferencias entre la imagen original y la imagen inducida de cada una de las provincias andaluzas como destino turístico después de visitar la web turística es posible inferir la existencia de una influencia de la información turística suministrada por las webs en la imagen.La influencia de las webs oficiales de turismo en la imagen de las provincias andaluzas One of the main functions of touristic promotion is projecting a desirable image of the destination. This is why an image of the touristic destination is an indispensable tool to compete in an increasingly international and sophisticated market. Recently, one of the most popular tools that offers information to tourists is the Internet, which according to recent studies is ranked as the first among the means used by travelers to decide on a destination. The government and particularly tourist boards or provincial agencies with similar functions, use official touristic destination websites as the main tool to stimulate the desire to visit the sponsored destination. The success in fulfilling its role in promoting and shaping the image of the touristic destination of Andalusia’s provinces mainly depends on the way the information is transmitted over the Internet. This study aims to understand the characteristics and the influence that official tourist websites have on the perception of the image of Andalusia’s provincial destinations. The main objective of this study is to test how the access to these websites can influence the evaluation of the destination. Analyzing the differences between the original image and the induced image of the destination, it is possible to infer an influence from the touristic information provided by the websites

    Análisis de las webs turísticas provinciales

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    Uno de los medios más utilizados en los últimos tiempos para ofrecer informaciones a los turistas es Internet, situándose según los últimos estudios en el primer lugar entre los medios utilizados por los viajeros para decidir la visita a un destino turístico. Las administraciones públicas y concretamente los Patronatos Provinciales de Turismo (PPT) u organismos provinciales con funciones similares, utilizan portales turísticos oficiales de los destinos como principal herramienta para estimular el deseo de visitar el destino promocionado. El éxito en el cumplimiento de su función de promoción de las provincias andaluzas dependerá en gran medida de la forma en que la información es transmitida a través de Internet. El objetivo central de este trabajo es llevar a cabo un estudio descriptivo de las webs turísticas oficiales de las ocho provincias andaluzas en cuanto a su funcionalidad y contenido de información turística, comercialización, idiomas, características de comunicación interactiva y otros aspectos relacionados con las funciones y los servicios ofrecidos por las webs. Se pretende así evaluar la calidad del sitio web turístico de las ocho provincias de Andalucía para medir, de forma objetiva, la bondad de la promoción online realizada en estos destinos.One of the main functions of touristic promotion is projecting a desirable image of the destination. This is why a picture of the touristic destination is an indispensable tool to compete in an increasingly international and sophisticated market. Recently, one of the most popular tools that offers information to tourists is the Internet, which according to recent studies is ranked as the first among the means used by travelers to decide on a destination. The government and particularly tourist boards or provincial agencies with similar functions, use official touristic destination websites as the main tool to stimulate the desire to visit the sponsored destination. The success in fulfilling its role in promoting the touristic destination of Andalusia’s provinces mainly depends on the way the information is transmitted over the Internet. The main objective of this paper is to carry out a descriptive study of the official touristic websites of Andalusia’s eight provinces in terms of its usefulness and contents of touristic information, marketing, languages, interactive communication features and other aspects related to the functions and services offered by these websites. The aim is to assess the quality of the websites of the eight provinces to measure, objectively, the goodness of the online promotion conducted in these destinations

    Cavitation during creep of Si3N4 polycrystals

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    Este trabajo está orientado a determinar las condiciones de tensión y temperatura para las cuales ocurre la nucleación y coalescencia de cavidades en dos materiales cerámicos a base de nitruro de silicio sinterizados bajo presión de gas. En particular, se indica que, aunque ambos materiales muestran significativos niveles de deformación estacionaria a tensiones menores que 90 MPa, a tensiones mayores las cavidades nuclean y coalescen, dando lugar a fluencia terciaria. Las observaciones microestructurales por microscopia electrónica de barrido sugieren que la cavitación está asociada al movimiento viscoso de la fase secundaria.This work is oriented to put forth the stress and temperature conditions for the nucleation and coalescence of cavities in two gas pressure-sintered silicon nitride-based ceramic materials. Particularly, it is indicated that, even though both materials show significant steady-state strain levels at stresses lower than 90 MPa, cavities nucleate and coalesce at higher stresses, thus giving rise to tertiary creep. The microstructural observations by SEM suggest that cavitation is associated to the viscous movement of the secondary phase

    Adsorption and interfacial phenomena of a Lennard-Jones fluid adsorbed in slit pores: DFT and GCMC simulations

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    Confinement of fluids in porous media leads to the presence of solid–fluid (SF) interfaces that play a key role in many different fields. The experimental characterisation of SF interfacial properties, in par- ticular the surface tension, is challenging or not accessible. In this work, we apply mean-field density functional theory (DFT) to determine the surface tension and also density profile of a Lennard-Jones fluid in slit-shaped pores for realistic amounts of adsorbed molecules. We consider the pore walls to interact with fluid molecules through the well-known 10-4-3 Steele potential. The results are com- pared with those obtained from Monte Carlo simulations in the Grand Canonical Ensemble (GCMC) using the test-area method. We analyse the effect on the adsorption and interfacial phenomena of volume and energy factors, in particular, the pore diameter and the ratio between SF and fluid–fluid dispersive energy parameters, respectively. Results from DFT and GCMC simulations were found to be comparable, which points to their reliability.The authors would like to acknowledge helpful discussions with A. I. Moreno-Ventas Bravo. We also acknowledge Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA, Santiago de Compostela, Spain) and MCIA (Mésocentre de Calcul Intensif Aquitain) of the Universités de Bordeaux and Pau et Pays de l’Adour (France), for providing access to computing facilities

    Perspectives and evaluation of teaching by university lecturers as a model of high quality

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    La universitat actual ha de qüestionar el seu objecte i sentit per adequar-se als nous reptes que la societat global li exigeix. Aquest debat afecta el què, el com i el per a què han de produir-se modificacions del que hi era una tradició, i com afecten aquests canvis als docents investigadors i alumnes, sobretot pel que fa a què han d'aprendre -sentit del coneixement-, en què i com han de modificar la seva pràctica i, consegüentment, quina formació és necessària per a adquirir o millorar les seves competències professionals i les seves qualitats personals. Les directrius emeses per l'European Association of Quality Assurance in Higher Education -ENQA- (2005) són un punt de partida, però insuficients quan en la universitat espanyola falta una carrera professional dels docents investigadors.La Universidad actual tiene que cuestionar su objeto y sentido para adecuarse a los nuevos retos que la sociedad global le exige. Este debate afecta al qué, cómo y para qué deben producirse modificaciones de lo que en ella era una tradición, y cómo afectan estos cambios a los docentes investigadores y alumnos, sobre todo en cuanto a qué deben aprender -sentido del conocimiento-, en qué y cómo han de modificar su práctica y, consecuentemente, qué formación es necesaria para adquirir o mejorar sus competencias profesionales y sus cualidades personales. Las directrices emitidas por la European Association of Quality Assurance in Higher Education -ENQA- (2005) son un punto de partida, pero insuficientes cuando en la universidad española falta una carrera profesional de los docentes investigadores.Universities today must question their objectives and ability to adapt to the new challenges of the global society. Debate centres on how and why universities must be modified, and how changes will affect researchers and students, particularly insofar as learning is concerned, in what areas and in which ways teaching practices should be modified. This leads to the question on what training is necessary to acquire or improve professional competitiveness, as well as the individual's qualities, procedures and resources. The directives issued in 2005 by the European Association of Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) are a beginning, but they are insufficient in the Spanish university system, which lacks a professional career for education researchers

    Analysis of uncertainty in a middle-cost device for 3D measurements in BIM perspective

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    Medium-cost devices equipped with sensors are being developed to get 3D measurements. Some allow for generating geometric models and point clouds. Nevertheless, the accuracy of these measurements should be evaluated, taking into account the requirements of the Building Information Model (BIM). This paper analyzes the uncertainty in outdoor/indoor three-dimensional coordinate measures and point clouds (using Spherical Accuracy Standard (SAS) methods) for Eyes Map, a medium-cost tablet manufactured by e-Capture Research & Development Company, Mérida, Spain. To achieve it, in outdoor tests, by means of this device, the coordinates of targets were measured from 1 to 6 m and cloud points were obtained. Subsequently, these were compared to the coordinates of the same targets measured by a Total Station. The Euclidean average distance error was 0.005–0.027 m for measurements by Photogrammetry and 0.013–0.021 m for the point clouds. All of them satisfy the tolerance for point cloud acquisition (0.051 m) according to the BIM Guide for 3D Imaging (General Services Administration); similar results are obtained in the indoor tests, with values of 0.022 m. In this paper, we establish the optimal distances for the observations in both, Photogrammetry and 3D Photomodeling modes (outdoor) and point out some working conditions to avoid in indoor environments. Finally, the authors discuss some recommendations for improving the performance and working methods of the device.peerReviewe

    Case Report: Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure: Making the Diagnosis between Infection and Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis

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    Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) represents a reversible syndrome associated with high short-term mortality, characterized by acute decompensation in patients with chronic liver disease and extrahepatic organ failure. Diagnosis and prognosis assessment is based on a newly developed diagnostic score, the Chronic Liver Failure Consortium Organ Failure score. Susceptibility to infections and systemic inflammation are typical triggers. The authors report a case in which a patient with alcohol-related cirrhosis was admitted to the hospital with acute decompensation and developed ACLF during hospitalization. This case led to an evaluation of the underlying process causing ACLF: infection versus acute alcoholic hepatitis