25 research outputs found

    Job satisfaction: Analysis of predictor variables in a sample of healthcare proffessionals, in Specialty Care, of a sanitary area of the Comunidad de Madrid

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    Artículos originales[ES] Este trabajo presenta los resultados del estudio de satisfacción laboral realizado a una muestra de 873 trabajadores de la sanidad pública, mediante aplicación de un cuestionario ad hoc, cuya estructura se presenta. A partir de estos resultados, se analizan las variables con capacidad predictiva sobre la satisfacción laboral general en la muestra. El objetivo es la búsqueda de un modelo válido que permita el planteamiento de estrategias preventivas y de intervención en el contexto laboral analizado, como vía para aumentar los niveles de satisfacción y salud laboral. [EN] This work presents the result of a study in job satisfaction performed to a sample of 873 workers of public healthcare by applying an ad hoc questionnaire whose structure will be presented here too. With the support of these results, the variables with predictor potential over the general sample job satisfaction will be analyzed. The main aim of this work is the finding of a valid model that allows the development of prevention and intervention strategies in the job context analyzed, as a way to increase job satisfaction and public health.N

    Infant Formula Supplemented With Milk Fat Globule Membrane, Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, and Synbiotics Is Associated With Neurocognitive Function and Brain Structure of Healthy Children Aged 6 Years: The COGNIS Study

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    Background: Adequate nutrient intake during the first few months of life plays a critical role on brain structure and function development. Objectives: To analyze the long-term effects of an experimental infant formula (EF) on neurocognitive function and brain structure in healthy children aged 6 years compared to those fed with a standard infant formula or breastfed. Methods: The current study involved 108 healthy children aged 6 years and participating in the COGNIS Study. At 0-2 months, infants were randomized to receive up to 18 months of life a standard infant formula (SF) or EF enriched with milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) and synbiotics. Furthermore, a reference group of breastfed (BF) infants were also recruited. Children were assessed using neurocognitive tests and structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) at 6 years old. Results: Experimental infant formula (EF) children showed greater volumes in the left orbital cortex, higher vocabulary scores and IQ, and better performance in an attention task than BF children. EF children also presented greater volumes in parietal regions than SF kids. Additionally, greater cortical thickness in the insular, parietal, and temporal areas were found in children from the EF group than those fed with SF or BF groups. Further correlation analyses suggest that higher volumes and cortical thickness of different parietal and frontal regions are associated with better cognitive development in terms of language (verbal comprehension) and executive function (working memory). Finally, arachidonic acid (ARA), adrenic acid (AdA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) levels in cheek cell glycerophospholipids, ARA/DHA ratio, and protein, fatty acid, and mineral intake during the first 18 months of life seem to be associated with changes in the brain structures at 6 years old. Conclusions: Supplemented infant formula with MFGM components, LC-PUFAs, and synbiotics seems to be associated to long-term effects on neurocognitive development and brain structure in children at 6 years old.This project has been funded by Laboratorios Ordesa, S.L. Contract University of Granada General Foundation, No. 3349 and SMARTFOODS (CIEN) Contract University of Granada General Foundation, No. 4003, Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. Furthermore, the project has been partially funded by HORIZON 2020 EU DynaHEALTH Project (GA No. 633595).S

    Thoracic limb salvage by fibular free flap

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    The treatment of most fractures of the ulna and radius is usually performed by anatomical reduction and internal fixation, when damage is extensive and local soft tissue cannot provide a complete wound coverage, locoregional flaps present a suitable reconstructive benefit. A 35-year-old male patient suffered an exposed diaphysio-metaphyseal fracture with multi-fragmented distal radius. The patient was evaluated during a 10-day period at the National Institute of Rehabilitation, where the osteosynthesis material and a severe infectious process with necrosis were identified. Necrosectomy of the posterior compartment and removal of the osteosynthesis material was performed, a skin defect of approximately 22x16 cm was observed with a bone gap of 6 cm of radius and ulna. a fibula-free flap is placed to correct the skin defect and an external fixative used for bone alignment. The fibular free flap presents an excellent therapeutic alternative in the resolution of bone gaps with extensive skin defect. Whenever a trained microsurgery team is available, current scales of limb injury should be considered but not utilized for therapeutic approach, always trying to shift amputation as the first option, to the very last one of them

    Epoxy resin curing reaction studied by proton multiple-quantum NMR

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    This study demonstrates that the curing reaction of thermosetting polymers, in particular, epoxy resins cured with aliphatic amines, can be characterized by different multiple-quantum (MQ) NMR experiments performed in low-field spectrometers. Measurements of the curing reaction at 40 C, 70 C, and 100 C are carried out to obtain the kinetic parameters like induction time, vitrification time, polymerization rate, and activation energy being consistent with data obtained by other traditional and complementary techniques. Besides, it is demonstrated that 1H MQ-NMR spectroscopy is a successful approach to overcome the experimental challenge arising from the characterization of high dipolar-coupled polymers to study the network structure and segmental dynamics of thermosetting polymer networks.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) under project MAT2011/23455 and MAT2013/48107-C3. M.M.G. and A.G.J. thank the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifıcas (CSIC) for their fellowships JAE-Pre and Jae-Pre-CP, respectively. J.L.V. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) for his Ramon y Cajal contractPeer Reviewe

    Psychological and Behavioral Factors Involved in Temporomandibular Myalgia and Migraine: Common but Differentiated Profiles

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    Background: Many studies have revealed high comorbidity and a clear association between temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and migraine. Furthermore, evidence points out that common psychological and behavioral factors might be related to the observed TMD and migraine association. However, this association and the underlying psychological factors are poorly understood. Objective: The main goal of this study was to describe the psychological and behavioral factors involved in TMD myalgia and migraine. Methods: A sample of 142 participants were recruited to form 4 groups: migraine patients (ICHD-III criteria), painful-TMD patients (Myalgia DC/TMD criteria), patients suffering from both pathologies according to the same criteria, and control patients. After a dental and neurological examination, the patients filled several psychological questionnaires validated for the Spanish population to assess anxiety (STAI), depression (DEP), stress coping (CRI), and somatic, anxiety, and depression symptoms (BSI-18). Results: The TMD myalgia patients, in general, showed a state of elevated anxiety, somatization, and reduced coping strategies, while the patients with migraine presented greater anxiety symptoms, depression (dysthymia trait and state), and somatization. Conclusions: According to the data of the present study, situational anxiety (transient emotional state), together with the lack of coping strategies, could be more associated with TMD myalgia, while anxiety, as a more stable and long-lasting emotional state, together with depression, might be more related to migraine. Further longitudinal studies are needed to unravel whether these differentiated profiles are a consequence or possible risk factors for migraine and TMD

    Paciente de 60 años con diabetes, obesidad y psoriasis

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    IX Reunión de Diabetes y Obesidad (30-31 de enero de 2015, Sevilla). Grupo de Diabetes y Obesidad de la Fundación Española de Medicina Interna.Mujer de 60 años con antecedentes personales de diabetes, obesidad y psoriasis que fue derivada desde Atención Primaria por mal control glucémico (Hb glicada: 7,3%). Se inició tratamiento con metformina 850 mg/12h y liraglutide 1,2 mg/sc/d, manteniéndose el mismo tratamiento que venía realizando para la psoriasis con corticoides tópicos y metrotexate. Tres meses tras el cambio de tratamiento se revisó en consultas objetivándose un óptimo control glucémico (Hb glicada 6,1%), reducción de 8,5 Kg de peso y mejoría de las lesiones cutáneas.N

    Psychological and Behavioral Factors Involved in Temporomandibular Myalgia and Migraine: Common but Differentiated Profiles

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    Background: Many studies have revealed high comorbidity and a clear association between temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and migraine. Furthermore, evidence points out that common psychological and behavioral factors might be related to the observed TMD and migraine association. However, this association and the underlying psychological factors are poorly understood. Objective: The main goal of this study was to describe the psychological and behavioral factors involved in TMD myalgia and migraine. Methods: A sample of 142 participants were recruited to form 4 groups: migraine patients (ICHD-III criteria), painful-TMD patients (Myalgia DC/TMD criteria), patients suffering from both pathologies according to the same criteria, and control patients. After a dental and neurological examination, the patients filled several psychological questionnaires validated for the Spanish population to assess anxiety (STAI), depression (DEP), stress coping (CRI), and somatic, anxiety, and depression symptoms (BSI-18). Results: The TMD myalgia patients, in general, showed a state of elevated anxiety, somatization, and reduced coping strategies, while the patients with migraine presented greater anxiety symptoms, depression (dysthymia trait and state), and somatization. Conclusions: According to the data of the present study, situational anxiety (transient emotional state), together with the lack of coping strategies, could be more associated with TMD myalgia, while anxiety, as a more stable and long-lasting emotional state, together with depression, might be more related to migraine. Further longitudinal studies are needed to unravel whether these differentiated profiles are a consequence or possible risk factors for migraine and TMD.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España)Depto. de Psicobiología y Metodología en Ciencias del ComportamientoDepto. de Odontología Conservadora y PrótesisFac. de PsicologíaTRUEpubDescuento UC