746 research outputs found
Anonymizing cybersecurity data in critical infrastructures: the CIPSEC approach
Cybersecurity logs are permanently generated by network devices to describe security incidents. With modern computing technology, such logs can be exploited to counter threats in real time or before they gain a foothold. To improve these capabilities, logs are usually shared with external entities. However, since cybersecurity logs might contain sensitive data, serious privacy concerns arise, even more when critical infrastructures (CI), handling strategic data, are involved.
We propose a tool to protect privacy by anonymizing sensitive data included in cybersecurity logs. We implement anonymization mechanisms grouped through the definition of a privacy policy. We adapt said approach to the context of the EU project CIPSEC that builds a unified security framework to orchestrate security products, thus offering better protection to a group of CIs. Since this framework collects and processes security-related data from multiple devices of CIs, our work is devoted to protecting privacy by integrating our anonymization approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
SituaciĂłn del estudiantado en relaciĂłn con el conocimiento de los Derechos y Deberes, los conflictos, la participaciĂłn y la DefensorĂa Universitaria-2016 (Parte I): Informe
HĂĄbitat de puesta y crĂa larvaria de la acedĂa Dicologlossa cuneata (Moreau, 1881) en el Golfo de CĂĄdiz (SO España)
Ichthyoplankton samples and hydrological data were obtained in an inshore area, between the mouths of the Rivers Guadalquivir and Guadiana (Gulf of Cádiz, SW Spain) during monthly surveys carried out from March 2002 to March 2003. Horizontal and temporal distributions of wedge sole (Dicologlossa cuneata) egg and larval abundances were analysed during this annual cycle in relation to environmental parameters. This area proved to be an important spawning and nursery ground for the species, which showed a winter-spring reproductive strategy with a long reproductive period lasting from autumn until early summer. Spawning areas were located in the shallowest waters (above 30 m depth) between the mouths of the Rives Guadiana and Tinto-Odiel, and to a lesser extent in the coastal zone between the mouths of the Rivers Tinto-Odiel and Guadalquivir. The spawning habitat was mainly determined by the distribution of the adults, the bathymetry and the temperature, and a preference for shallow and colder waters was observed. The inshore zone between the mouths of the Rivers Tinto-Odiel and Guadalquivir is the main nursery ground, with the greatest larval concentration and productivity in the area, due to the influence of the River Guadalquivir. The presence of recruits in this area may be linked to these favourable conditions for larval growth and survival.Se tomaron muestras de ictioplancton y datos hidrográficos en una zona costera limitada por las desembocaduras de los ríos Guadalquivir y Guadiana (Golfo de Cádiz, SO de España) durante muestreos mensuales llevados a cabo desde marzo de 2002 hasta marzo de 2003. Se analizaron las distribuciones horizontal y temporal de las abundancias de huevos y larvas de acedía (Dicologlossa cuneata) durante este ciclo anual en función de parámetros ambientales. El área de estudio resultó ser una zona muy importante para la puesta y cría larvaria de la acedía. La especie mostró una estrategia reproductiva de carácter invierno-primaveral, con un largo periodo reproductivo que dura desde el otoño hasta el comienzo del verano. Las áreas de puesta se localizaron en las aguas más someras (por debajo de 30 m), entre las desembocaduras del Guadiana y del Tinto-Odiel y en menor medida en la zona costera entre las desembocaduras del Tinto-Odiel y del Guadalquivir. El hábitat de puesta estuvo determinado por la distribución de los adultos, la batimetría y la temperatura del agua, con preferencia por aguas someras y más frías. La principal zona de cría larvaria se localizó en el sector costero entre las desembocaduras del Tinto-Odiel y del Guadalquivir, con las mayores concentraciones larvarias y la mayor productividad del área, debido a la influencia del Guadalquivir. La presencia de reclutas en esta zona debe estar relacionada con las condiciones favorables para el crecimiento y supervivencia larvaria que se dan en la misma
Clinical management and acute exacerbations in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Spain: results from the OASIS study
Clinical management; Acute exacerbations; Early treatmentGestiĂłn clĂnica; Exacerbaciones agudas; Tratamiento precozGestiĂł clĂnica; Exacerbacions agudes; Tractament precoçBackground
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive disease associated with decline in lung function and poor prognosis entailing significant impairment in quality of life and high socioeconomic burden. The aim of this study was to characterize clinical management and resources utilization of patients with IPF in Spain, according to predicted forced vital capacity (FVC) % at baseline.
Prospective, non-interventional, multicentric real-world data study in patients with IPF in Spain with 12-months follow-up. Clinical management and resources utilization during study period were recorded and compared between groups. FVC decline and acute exacerbations occurrence and associated healthcare resource use were also analysed. FVC decline after 12 months was estimated as relative change.
204 consecutive patients with IPF were included and divided according to baseline FVC % predicted value. At baseline, patients with FVCââ10% in the more preserved lung function groups than in the FVCâ<â50% group, because of their already deteriorated condition.
We observed a significantly higher annual IPF-related resource use in patients with more impaired lung function at baseline. Since FVC decreases irrespective of FVC% predicted at baseline, slowing IPF progression to maintain patients at early disease stages is relevant to improve IPF management and to optimize resource use.The study was supported and funded by Boehringer Ingelheim España
Economic Burden of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Spain: A Prospective Real-World Data Study (OASIS Study)
Carga econĂłmica; Fibrosis pulmonar idiopĂĄtica; EspañaCĂ rrega econĂČmica; Fibrosi pulmonar idiopĂ tica; EspanyaEconomic burden; Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; SpainBackground
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive and fatal lung disease associated with dyspnoea, cough and impaired quality of life affecting around 7500 patients in Spain.
Our aim was to estimate the economic impact of IPF according to forced vital capacity (FVC) % predicted level in adult patients.
We conducted a prospective, observational, multicentric study of patients with confirmed IPF in Spain. Total annual IPF-related costs were estimated per patient, and categorised according to the FVC% predicted value (FVC 80%) and total sample. Incurred direct health- and non-health-related costs and indirect costs were calculated considering the IPF-related healthcare resource use and the corresponding unitarian costs. Results were updated to 2023 euros.
Two hundred and four consecutive patients with IPF were included: 77% male, average age (standard deviation) 70.8 (7.6) years. At baseline, FVC% was 80% of predicted value in 10.8%, 74.5% and 14.7% of patients, respectively. The final cost-evaluable population included 180 subjects. The mean (standard deviation) total annual IPF-related cost was âŹ26,997 (17,555), with statistically significant differences (p = 0.0002) between groups: âŹ44,412 (33,389) for the FVC 80%. Annual direct health costs had the greatest weight and included pharmacological treatments [âŹ22,324 (13,773)] and hospitalisation days [âŹ1659 (7362)]. 14 patients had â„ 1 acute exacerbation of IPF during the study; mean total cost of an acute exacerbation of IPF was âŹ10,372. According to the multivariate analysis, an impaired lung function (FVC < 50%) and use of antifibrotic treatment were determinants of cost (p < 0.0001 both).
We observed a significantly higher annual IPF-related cost at a lower level of predicted FVC%, the direct cost having the greatest weight to the total costs. Maintaining patients at early disease stages by slowing IPF progression is relevant to reduce the economic impact of IPF
Plan estratĂ©gico exportador empresa: ElĂas Peñaloza, bolsos y accesorios
EspecializaciĂłn en Gerencia de MercadeoFor a company, there are different ways to get into foreign markets in order to
become internationalized, and finally globalized. This is a hard process which takes
long, since reaching international trade involves several arduous steps to follow;
however, It offers great advantages to all those enterprises that make the decision
of going further capturing market share.
The project: âPlan EstratĂ©gico Exportador de la empresa Elias Peñaloza Bolsos y
Accesoriosâ allows us to establish the strategies, benefits, logistics, costs and the
whole process required to access to an interesting market as Panama is,
successfully.Hay diversas formas de ir a los mercados externos para internacionalizarse y
luego globalizarse. Esto es un proceso que no se logra de la noche a la mañana,
pues el ingreso al comercio internacional tiene sus etapas; sin embargo, ofrece
grandes ventajas a las empresas que decidan ir en busca de nuevos
consumidores potenciales para convertirlos en reales. Existen una serie de
motivos y obstĂĄculos al ingresar a los mercados internacionales
El proyecto titulado: âPlan EstratĂ©gico Exportador de la empresa ElĂas Peñaloza
Bolsos y Accesoriosâ nos permite establecer las estrategias, los beneficios, la
logĂstica, los costos y la tramitologĂa que se requiere para incursionar con Ă©xito en
el mercado internacional como el de PanamĂĄ
Worldwide prevalence of inadequate work ability among hospital nursing personnel: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Purpose: To estimate the worldwide pooled prevalence of inadequate work ability
among hospital nursing personnel using the Work Ability Index (WAI).
Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
Methods: A systematic search was conducted on Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Web of
Science, Scielo, PsychInfo, CINAHL, Nursing and Allied Health, LILACS, and Google
Scholar from inception to July 2021 to identify observational studies on work abil ity among hospital nursing personnel using the WAI. Two researchers independently
completed the study selection, quality assessments, and data extraction on the preva lence of inadequate work ability that was pooled using the random effects model.
Finally, subgroup analyses were performed to explore sources of heterogeneity.
Findings: A total of 42 studies were included, consisting of 24,728 subjects worldwide from
14 countries. Of these, 35 studies were included in the meta-analytical analyses. The world wide pooled prevalence of inadequate work ability among hospital nursing personnel was
24.7% (95% CI = 20.2%â29.4%). High levels of heterogeneity were detected in all studies.
Prevalence was higher in studies where samples were composed of nurses and nursing as sistive personnel (26.8%; 95% CI=22.4%â31.5%) than in those of nurses alone (22.2%; 95%
CI = 13.1%â32.9%) and in studies where the sample was over 40 (28.1%; 95% CI = 19.5%â
37.5%) than in those with a sample under that age (22.4%; 95% CI = 15.8%â29.7%).
Conclusions: Almost one in four members of hospital nursing staff in the world has
inadequate work ability and therefore are at risk of several negative outcomes dur ing their working life. These prevalence data correspond to the pre-pandemic pe riod, so new studies should also be especially useful in quantifying the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic on work ability in the hospital nursing workforce.
Clinical relevance: The above findings justify the launch of initiatives that include an nual assessment for the early identification of inadequate work ability, offering the possibility of anticipated corrective measures. Nursing workforce older than 40 years
and those belonging to the professional category of nursing assistive personnel should
be priority target groups for screening and intervention to improve work ability
West Nile Virus Replication Requires Fatty Acid Synthesis but Is Independent on Phosphatidylinositol-4-Phosphate Lipids
West Nile virus (WNV) is a neurovirulent mosquito-borne flavivirus, which main natural hosts are birds but it also infects equines and humans, among other mammals. As in the case of other plus-stranded RNA viruses, WNV replication is associated to intracellular membrane rearrangements. Based on results obtained with a variety of viruses, different cellular processes have been shown to play important roles on these membrane rearrangements for efficient viral replication. As these processes are related to lipid metabolism, fatty acid synthesis, as well as generation of a specific lipid microenvironment enriched in phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI4P), has been associated to it in other viral models. In this study, intracellular membrane rearrangements following infection with a highly neurovirulent strain of WNV were addressed by means of electron and confocal microscopy. Infection of WNV, and specifically viral RNA replication, were dependent on fatty acid synthesis, as revealed by the inhibitory effect of cerulenin and C75, two pharmacological inhibitors of fatty acid synthase, a key enzyme of this process. However, WNV infection did not induce redistribution of PI4P lipids, and PI4P did not localize at viral replication complex. Even more, WNV multiplication was not inhibited by the use of the phosphatidylinositol-4-kinase inhibitor PIK93, while infection by the enterovirus Coxsackievirus B5 was reduced. Similar features were found when infection by other flavivirus, the Usutu virus (USUV), was analyzed. These features of WNV replication could help to design specific antiviral approaches against WNV and other related flaviviruses
Diseño de servicio para mejorar la imagen y la afluencia de pĂșblico al IAACC Pablo Serrano
El proyecto que tratamos, es un trabajo real, encargado por el Instituto AragonĂ©s de Arte y Cultura ContemporĂĄnea (IAACC) Pablo Serrano. Tras el planteamiento de la problemĂĄtica expuesta por la direcciĂłn del mismo se ha realizado un proyecto de diseño de servicios. La necesidad principal que el Museo planteaba era mejorar la imagen transmitida al conjunto de la sociedad, con el problema añadido del escaso presupuesto que tienen para desarrollar campañas, anuncios en prensa escrita o contratar a nuevo personal cualificado. Paralelamente a esto aparece un fuerte hermetismo por parte del ĂĄrea de patrimonio, que desde el Gobierno de AragĂłn (DGA) someten a cualquier exposiciĂłn o muestra que recoja el Museo. Se comprende desde el inicio que el objetivo del proyecto va a ser el desarrollo de un servicio y que lo prioritario en Ă©l van a ser las personas que lo usen. Porque la buena prensa del Museo obedece en buena medida a la afluencia que tenga, y por consiguiente, que las personas lo usen va a depender de la adecuaciĂłn de la oferta a sus necesidades. Por esta razĂłn se recurre a complementar la metodologĂa de Diseño de Producto (DP) con diferentes tĂ©cnicas de la metodologĂa de Design Thinking (DT) basado a su vez en la corriente de Diseño Centrado en las Personas (DCP) y se puede alternar perfectamente segĂșn las transformaciones del proceso proyectual
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