49 research outputs found

    APEINTA: A Spanish Educational Project Aiming for Inclusive Education In and Out of the Classroom

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    [Poster] ITiCSE'09, 14th annual ACM SIGCSE conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, Paris, France, 6-9 July, 2009APEINTA is a Spanish educational project founded by the Spanish Minister of Education and Sciences that aims for inclusive education for every student of all abilities in and out of the classroom. In this work, the APEINTA project is presentedPublicad

    APEINTA: a spanish educational project aiming for inclusive education in and out of the classroom

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    [Poster] 14th Annual ACM SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE'09), July 06-09, 2009, Paris (France)APEINTA is a Spanish educational project founded by the Spanish Minister of Education and Sciences that aims for inclusive education for every student of all abilities in and out of the classroom. In this work, the APEINTA project is presentedPublicad

    Evaluating the use of speech technologies in the classroom: The APEINTA Project

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    Proceeding of: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, ED-MEDIA 2010APEINTA (Spanish acronym for Proposal Aiming for an Inclusive Education based on Assistive Technology) is a Spanish educational project that aims for inclusive education for every student of all abilities in and outside the classroom. The APEINTA project is focused in two main inclusive proposals: One In the classroom and the other one Outside the classroom. This paper is focused on a subjective evaluation of the In the classroom proposal, where Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text to Speech (TTS) technologies have been used in order to avoid communication barriers among teacher and students. The project has been evaluated during different classes in 3rd course of Computer Science degree at the Carlos III University of Madrid, and during a talk in the ACAPPS (Federation of Families and Deaf People of Catalonia) Congress

    Evaluating the users' satisfaction using inclusive initiatives in two different environments: the university and a research conference

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    This paper presents evaluation results of the user’s satisfaction using the APEINTA project which main aim is to provide accessibility in education, in and out of the classroom. APEINTA is the Spanish acronym for “Aiming for an Inclusive Education based on Assistive Technology”. The APEINTA project is focused in two main inclusive proposals: first, it deals with eliminating hard of hearing students’ communication barriers in the classroom, providing them automatic real-time captioning and other mechanisms for making easy the communication with the teacher and others students; and second, it deals also in providing an accessible Web learning platform with accessible digital resources, so every student can access them in and out of the classroom

    Neoformaciones y reemplazamientos en depósitos palustres de la Unidad Intermedia (NE de la Cuenca de Madrid)

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    The NE zone of the Madrid Basin contains palustrine deposits of the Miocene Intermediate Unit which have undergone silicification processes. These processes are conditioned by the type of palustrine deposit within they developed and occur at specific stratigraphic positions in the basin. In this paper we analyze three different sectors. In the Yesares section silicification produced quartz and took place in gypsum deposits which contain bioturbation channels that favoured silica fixation. In the Brihuega area silicification on bioturbated palustrine micrites also produced quartz. Both silicifications appear at the top of unit or sequence of the Intermediate Unit. In the Jadraque section the silicification of the micrites and dolomicrites was controlled by the presence of biosiliceous marls and sepiolite. This silicification was consequence of early diagenesis

    Sedimentología y diagénesis de las secuencias lacustres someras en el área del yacimiento neolítico de Casa Montero (Vicálvaro, Madrid)

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    The sedimentary succession at Casa Montero flint archaeological site belongs to the green-clays unit of the Intermediate Unit of the Madrid Basin. A succession of silt-clay (mainly Mg-smectites), dolomite and silica rocks has been studied to know the sedimentary environment and diagene- tic processes around the site. The succession consists of silt-clay and carbonate sequences that represent a lacustrine environment with subaerial exposure events. The exposition events led to the development of a enlarged pseudomicrokarst in the topmost carbonate level. Vertisols were reworked at the top of the sequence. The diagenetic processes include early dolomitization of palustrine carbonates, partial transformation of the Mg-smectites and silicification of carbonates and clays in a groundwater environment. The presence of the archaeological site is due to the presence of opaline cherts with "aging" to quartz, that are uncommon in the silt-clay sequences of the Madrid Basin. The "aging" give these flints optimum properties for the Neolithic industry

    Consolidación Gabinete de Fotografía de la Facultad de Bellas Artes

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    La creación de un Gabinete de Fotografía surgió de la necesidad de contar con una colección de imágenes fotográficas que reflejase la calidad de los trabajos realizados por los estudiantes durante su formación, así como de docentes vinculados a esta disciplina en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de nuestra Universidad. La voluntad de este proyecto es continuar y consolidar la labor iniciada en el año 2017 y plasmada en el Proyecto de Innovación “Creación de Gabinete de Fotografía de la Facultad de Bellas Artes", produciendo fotografías de alta calidad que enriquezcan los fondos del Gabinete de Fotografía, redefiniendo y consolidando los protocolos pertinentes para que cada año se nutra de los trabajos más representativos por su calidad artística o su finalidad educativa

    Web Educational Services for All: The APEINTA Project

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    Proceedings of: 8th International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4A'11), Hyderabad, India, March 28-29, 2011This paper presents the web-based educational services included in the APEINTA project. The main aim of APEINTA is to avoid barriers among the students and the education. Taking into account the advantage of cloud computing paradigm, the next web-based services are proposed: First, a captioning service, so students with hearing disabilities, for instance, could access to the verbatim speech of the teachers, even in a remote location; Second, a text-to-speech service, so students with speaking problems could participate in the class or in oral discussions or meetings, for instance, just writing in their personal devices; Third, a web-based educational system, so every student can access the pedagogical resources with time and location independenc

    Avoiding communication barriers in the classroom: the APEINTA project

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    Education is a fundamental human right, however unfortunately not everybody has the same learning opportunities. For instance, if a student has hearing impairments, s/he could face communications barriers in the classroom, which could affect his/her learning process. APEINTA is a Spanish educational project that aims for inclusive education for all. This project proposes two main accessible initiatives: (1) real-time captioning and text-to-speech (TTS) services in the classroom and (2) accessible Web-learning platform out of the classroom with accessible digital resources. This paper presents the inclusive initiatives of APEINTA. Also an evaluation of the into-the-classroom initiative (real-time captioning and TTS services) is presented. This evaluation has been conducted during a regular undergraduate course at a university and during a seminar at an integration school for deaf children. Forty-five hearing students, 1 foreign student, 3 experts in captioning, usability and accessibility, and 20 students with hearing impairments evaluated these services in the classroom. Evaluation results show that these initiatives are adequate to be used in the classroom and that students are satisfied with them.Publicad

    Creación Gabinete de Fotografía de la Facultad de Bellas Artes

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    La creación de un Gabinete de Fotografía surge de la necesidad de contar con una colección de imágenes fotográficas que refleje la calidad de los trabajos realizados por los estudiantes durante su formación, así como de docentes vinculados a esta disciplina en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. La voluntad de este proyecto es establecer un fondo para que cada año se nutra de los trabajos más representativos por su calidad artística o su finalidad educativa. La existencia de este gabinete permitirá disponer de un valioso documento de creación artística, compuesto por los trabajos desarrollados durante los estudios de grado y postgrado, a disposición de docentes e investigadores de muy diversas áreas, así como el estudio de un medio de expresión que se encuentra en constante evolución y está presente en todos los ámbitos de conocimiento