5 research outputs found

    Teaching experience in university students using social networks

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    Social networks, specifically Facebook and Twitter, are currently one of the most mainstream forms of media in the world. Yet, its educational use for the dissemination of knowledge is not significantly evident. Under this premise, this report is presented, considering an experience in which teachers and university-level students used these networks as mediators of educational practices; such mediation was implemented in order to promote mobile learning as an option to facilitate the process of construction and socialization of knowledge. In this sense, the research presented aims to identify the experience and opinion of students regarding the influence of this strategy in achieving their learning. The quantitative methodology was applied through the application of a survey of students who participated and realized the importance of socialization of knowledge. The results showed favourable opinions regarding the use of these networks, highlighting the benefits of mobile learning as a way to streamline the training process. This proposal is to continue this type of strategy to promote flexible teaching-learning optionsPostprint (published version

    Proceso de formación de docentes y estudiantes en el uso de las TIC con fines pedagógicos y de autoaprendizaje

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    Los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje han sido transformados por el uso de las tecnologías, por lo que resulta inminente la implementación de programas de formación en los que se promueva el desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas relacionadas al buen uso de las TIC en un sentido didáctico y de autoaprendizaje; es por eso, que el presente documento describe el proceso de formación llevado a cabo en el Centro Universitario de los Altos (CUAltos), mismo que fue financiado a través de fondos otorgados por el SINED destinados al logro de los objetivos de un programa de formación centrado en el uso pedagógico y didáctico de las tecnologías. Como una de las estrategias del proyecto se dio capacitación a un grupo piloto de 29 docentes y 32 estudiantes, quienes a su vez servirían como replicadores de la experiencia de formación entre sus pares, logrando así capacitar a 93 docentes y 167 estudiantes

    Training in the use of the technologies and self-learning educational purposes

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    The fast progress of Technologies of information and communication (ICT’s) will keep on changing the elaboration, acquisition and transmission of knowledge; thus the implementing and promotion of training programs to develop skills and abilities related to the proper use of ICT’s focused on didactic and self learning results imminent. Hence this paper describes the teacher education process that took place in Centro Universitario de Los Altos, de la Universidad de Guadalajara which was implemented after a diagnosis to detect deficiencies resulting in the need to provide teachers and students with solid and pertinent knowledge that reinforce their skills and abilities in the use of pedagogy and self management as well as adjusting teaching techniques to the new virtualization process realities and the importance of educating learners on the proper use of information presented through ICT’s. Therefore a strategy was designed to train a pilot group of 29 teachers and 32 students whom in turn became `duplicators of this education experience to their peers thus ensuring to train 93 teachers and 167 students. Afterwards a new measuring instrument was applied to evaluate the impact of this project which measured if in educational daily practice technologies were applied with pedagogic and learning purposes; such instrument was composed of 12 items that took into account categories of common use of technologies, social nets, moodle platform for teachers; concerning students a revision of what technologies were used, their perception toward technologies used by teachers and the importance they give to ICT’s in their learning process was made, at the end the initial diagnosis and the results from the measuring instrument previously designed were compared highlighting the benefits that this type of training renders on the teaching learning process

    Teaching experience in university students using social networks

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    Social networks, specifically Facebook and Twitter, are currently one of the most mainstream forms of media in the world. Yet, its educational use for the dissemination of knowledge is not significantly evident. Under this premise, this report is presented, considering an experience in which teachers and university-level students used these networks as mediators of educational practices; such mediation was implemented in order to promote mobile learning as an option to facilitate the process of construction and socialization of knowledge. In this sense, the research presented aims to identify the experience and opinion of students regarding the influence of this strategy in achieving their learning. The quantitative methodology was applied through the application of a survey of students who participated and realized the importance of socialization of knowledge. The results showed favourable opinions regarding the use of these networks, highlighting the benefits of mobile learning as a way to streamline the training process. This proposal is to continue this type of strategy to promote flexible teaching-learning option

    Aportes a la Investigación Educativa en la Región Altos de Jalisco

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    Hoy, más que nunca, la generación y aplicación del conocimiento requiere de la participación de toda la comunidad académica, ya que ésta propicia el incremento en la producción y calidad de la investigación de cualquier disciplina científica, especialmente en el campo de las ciencias de la educación. Tal afirmación se desprende del hecho de que la educación, como mecanismo social que ha permitido transmitir de generación en generación conocimientos, valores, costumbres y formas de actuar, requiere siempre de la participación activa de diversas personas, grupos o comunidades para el logro de sus objetivos. En tal sentido, resulta evidente que para la elaboración del presente texto, el trabajo en grupo ha sido fundamental, como se observará en sus capítulos. Para quien nos lee, resulta interesante saber que los tópicos que se abordan en la presente obra giran fundamentalmente alrededor de la instrucción que se imparte de manera formal en los diversos niveles educativos de la región Altos Sur de Jalisco, y que además, aparecen capítulos que tratan tópicos de interés actual, como son los procesos lecto-escriturales y los relacionados con la calidad de la educación superior. De forma específica, las temáticas que se tocan en las diversas secciones son las siguientes: en primer orden se presenta el panorama actual y el futuro de la educación básica en la región de los Altos del Estado de Jalisco; posteriormente, se aborda un tema de interés general, a saber, la lectura y redacción como competencias para la transformación personal y social; enseguida, se muestra el estado que guarda en materia de educación superior la región geográfica antes señalada. Se reflexiona en torno a la identidad docente que ante los procesos de evaluación y acreditación ha asumido un sector importante de los profesores del nivel superior universitario